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Should clients be rude based on someones role preference?

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Scorpio. Hey. yes, as I said about Greg Maddux (and the guys you are referring to, I'm sure) there are exceptions to every rule. Of course. Absolutely! However, the general rule and principle is there. Both Joey and Decatur Guy gave Zach the same advice as I did. Showing the dick makes things easier when you are starting out. If you don't show it then there is doubt and the potential new client asks himself, "why?" If the escort plans to run for congress it is his face he should not show. Your exceptions are duly noted and congratulated. There are clients who want and hire class for whom a nude pic with a hard dick would not inspire them at all. There are clients who want something left to the imagination, yes. But if you add up all the exceptions and all the clients like that it is still a small sample and does not change the general basic rule that if you got a big dick: show it! If you got an average dick: show it and be proud of what you got and use it like a champ! Again: as we say down here in Nawlins: "SHOW YOUR DICK!"

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Mikey, again, I have to disagree. Just showing your dick gives me the client no info as to whether you know how to use it. That's what reviews and research are for. As a bottom, I have a good idea in general what an 8" dick looks like and I don't necessarily need to see a picture. But I sure as hell have been very satisifed wtih guys who are 6 or 7 inches because they know what to do with it where ther are guys with 9+ inches who have no idea -- you might as well be using a dildo on yourself. For a lot of guys here, the face pic is more important than a cock pic. Now body and torso shots -- mandatory. But as one guy who thinks he knows his way around dicks (hell I just had two in my ass not 6 hours ago), I don't need to see it. Maybe that makes me the odd duck, I don't know. But I just know I don't need to see it.

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Guys, I think you're losing sight of the OP's question. It's not an issue of whether every escort (or every escort who's a top) must always show his dick, it's how the OP can signal to potential clients that he is a top. Looking at his m4rn ad, as some have noted, potential clients see a young, slim guy and jump to the conclusion that he's a bottom. Not fair, maybe, but not surprising. Furthermore, since m4rn won't let him be explicit (on rentboy or rentmen, he could just list "top" and be done with it), he needs to find a way to signal that he's a top. Without many other options, I think showing his dick is a good idea.


Zach, I have some other ideas, too, that I'll send you by private message.

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Guys, I think you're losing sight of the OP's question. It's not an issue of whether every escort (or every escort who's a top) must always show his dick, it's how the OP can signal to potential clients that he is a top. Looking at his m4rn ad, as some have noted, potential clients see a young, slim guy and jump to the conclusion that he's a bottom. Not fair, maybe, but not surprising. Furthermore, since m4rn won't let him be explicit (on rentboy or rentmen, he could just list "top" and be done with it), he needs to find a way to signal that he's a top. Without many other options, I think showing his dick is a good idea.


Zach, I have some other ideas, too, that I'll send you by private message.


I agree that showing a cock will suggest to some, at least, that Zach is not a bottom. But I suspect Zach is not comfortable with that.


I find the ad very non-sexual - it appears that Zach is presenting himself as more of a 'companion'. (Nothing worng with that, of course - as long as that's the messsage he INTENDS to send. And his OP concerning why people should really care if he's top or bottom seems to imply that he doesn't regard sex as very important.)


I'm unclear as to why there are 7 head-shots, with little to disitnguish them from each other. Many of the photos have more a fashion-shoot or model portfolio feel to them and seem passive. My favorite is the one of him (pool-side?) reclining - it's the only one that makes him look active. (But of course I'm influenced by my own preferences.)


Just my own thoughts.

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Leigh. I did not advise to just show his dick. Re-read the posts. That was one of my suggestions and there is well thought out reasoning and alot of years of experience in my advice. Especially the part about showing confidence. You know I love you anyway brother. Great to disagree without being disagreeable!

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I may have been a little unclear as to what i meant on wether or not one should hire based off the fact of them wanting a top or bottom. I meant to say that they had every interest in hiring and then when sexual preferences came up they hung up or stopped emailing ext, when finally getting in touch with them it was said "well i thought your a bottom". My main question was should one automatically assume that. And then be rude because what their assumption was a was false?

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mikey and joey,


As lee and a few others here have pointed out, Dick pictures don't necessarily say that one is ether top or bottom is just may mean thats their better asset of the two. When I first started escorting I did have nudes up with my dick in them, However I found id get emails asking of my dick with my face in the picture and would send, then i wouldn't get a response back, Indicating to me that there was no actual intension of hiring just wanted to jack to the picture. Then the question pops up of how to prevent that from happening?




I have my ad like that as a way to keep my family(who knows what i do) from really seeing the full extent of what i do. If that makes sense, once i get an email from someone i am more than open about sexual things as well. But as I do prefer extended stays, I like to know the persons interest both in and out of the bedroom so that i can be sure we get along on all levels and that both have an enjoyable time.

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whilst one needn't always show dick picks to prove one's top position, one oughtn't show so many similar pics of other body parts.

here's the basic lowdown:

- pick two or three of your headshots and keep 'em up, drop the others. yes your face is cute but you need to show more of your other parts.

- get your dick out. hard or soft, you decide. show it, man. i'm with mikey on this one (Lee - our first disagreement!! gasp. we oughtn't be disagreeing!)

- although i'm telling you to show other parts of yourself, don't include ass pics. it's a simple rule: tops show their junk. bottoms show their asses. like it or not, get used to it. you can share my advice with your family since they already know what you do. it will help them to understand why you are posting your penis all over the internet.

- do not send face-with-dick photos to requesters, ever again. that smells like pic collectors to me, and pic collectors dont have a great history of hiring. tell 'em to cut and paste instead.

- figure out some way to express in your ad copy that you like to top. use euphemisms if necessary.


g'luck, mate!

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THE LEGEND IS RIGHT- as he almost always is. There is a reason he is legend Zach. Listen to our kind advice and don't let a few weird pic collectors dissuade you from showing what you got.


Just as Zach shouldn't let a few pic collectors dissaude him from posting nudes, if he so desires. He also shouldn't be presauded to post them by a few overly insistent people, if he choses not to do so. Zach has explained his reasoning for not posting them and trying to convince him to do otherwise just because you think you're right is doing him a disservice.


The fact is Zach has a perception problem (through no fault of his own) that no amount of cock pictures will solve. A certain subset of clients perceive him to be a bottom (although a bottom doesn't look like one thing or the other); and become rude when they find out he's not a bottom. His ad could flash "I'm a top" in bright neon and it's not going to change the perception that some people have of him. They become rude because they can't have what they want...namely his bottom. Clients should never be rude just because their perceptions are incorrect.


And Mikely, I would be highly surprised if you were to tell us that you don't get the ocassionaly request to be a bottom, despite your advertising as a top.

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The fact is Zach has a perception problem (through no fault of his own) that no amount of cock pictures will solve. A certain subset of clients perceive him to be a bottom (although a bottom doesn't look like one thing or the other); and become rude when they find out he's not a bottom. His ad could flash "I'm a top" in bright neon and it's not going to change the perception that some people have of him.


I agree that stating he is atop won't dissuade EVERYONE - there may be some who will think he SHOULD be a bottom, but SOME will take him at his word (me, for example).


As far as posting pics, I agree 100% he should only do what he's comfortable with, but I see only positive outcomes from indicating textually as best he can that he is a top.

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Just as Zach shouldn't let a few pic collectors dissaude him from posting nudes, if he so desires. He also shouldn't be presauded to post them by a few overly insistent people, if he choses not to do so. Zach has explained his reasoning for not posting them and trying to convince him to do otherwise just because you think you're right is doing him a disservice.


The fact is Zach has a perception problem (through no fault of his own) that no amount of cock pictures will solve. A certain subset of clients perceive him to be a bottom (although a bottom doesn't look like one thing or the other); and become rude when they find out he's not a bottom. His ad could flash "I'm a top" in bright neon and it's not going to change the perception that some people have of him. They become rude because they can't have what they want...namely his bottom. Clients should never be rude just because their perceptions are incorrect.


my comments to him were intended to be helpful, but i was being a little light and jokey - which may have been misinterpreted. when i wrote "you can share my advice with your family since they already know what you do. it will help them to understand why you are posting your penis all over the internet." i wasn't *really* serious, just as when i wrote "oughtn't" and "whilst". anyway, obviously he should only do what he feels comfortable doing - and that extends to ALL aspects of escorting. i hope you, Zach, didnt think i was being too insistent.


i still feel that the perception problem is not "through no fault of his own" - i think what he puts out there is indeed what most people judge him on. its silly to go on about every possible person and the multitude of ways he can be perceived. i am talking about what he stated - a hefty number of potential clients see him as a bottom. so he would have to do some things to change that.


Scorpio, i have to disagree with you about something. i think that if he put "I'm a top" in bright neon, it WOULD change the perception that MOST people reading the ad would have of him.

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wish I lived in the DC area so I could see Legendary Dave more than the one time I did see him.....very good guy......


Zach: Dave's advice is excellent!!.....listen to it....your posts seem savvy and smart (for a 19 year old).....take care of yourself....to be honest, you may want to lose the emo haircut, I guess.....

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not being overly insistent. He came to the forum seeking advice and we gave it. This young man can now accept it or reject it. 3 leading and experienced veterans and a frequent poster member here gave the same advice trying to help. Some people here interpret an attempt to help someone as somehow a negative thing. How can that be? Yes, Scorpio, I do get asked to bottom alot but the difference is THEY KNOW I AM NOT A BOTTOM. They are just hoping I will make an exception. It is SO flattering and in my fantasy life I have had hundreds of huge cocks in me. I am always nice and polite about saying no and almost all the clients understand. The ones who insist recieve a, "I am out of here. This is over, You don't owe me anything."

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  • 5 years later...
Latley i have been finding that i am almost getting ridiculed because i look like a bottom, however am a top. Some potential clients say very sorry i was looking for a bottom(nice way), some say well there are always other things(true), and i have had some that are completely rude saying that i am false advertising and that i look like a bottom therefore i should be, its even gotten as bad as being hung up on when i asked there interest in the bedroom and indicated im a top. As an escort when someone says they're a top i simply say that i am as well, however there are other things that can be done. Also should a client not book an escort because he's either top or bottom? hopefully y'all can give me a heads up as to how to react when a situation where the client is rude about it , or pointers as to what to do to prevent the mixup of people thinking im a bottom from happening.


If you top older men -- you could top me any day! I would never argue and never peg your preference on looks!!!

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Zach, since I had not made your acquaintance nor seen an ad from you, I checked out your profile here to see if there may be a clue to this situation. You are young looking and have a boyish appearance that would lead me to thinking that you were a bottom. The haircut, longish and covering the face suggests bottom to me. However neither of those thing would convince me that you were a bottom masquerading as a top, if you ad indicated that you were a top. There was one thing that seemed to scream bottom to me though, and I think most here will agree, anyone who uses the word "whilst" in his profile is definitely a bottom. Come on, as a top I can tell you the word whilst has never been used in conversation prior to this. So, get a haircut, get older and cut the crap with the whilst and no one will think you a bottom again.


Zach doesn't need to change he appearance. His profile should be read carefully by a client who shouldn't disregard the description as bogus based on appearance. And there is no excuse for rudeness. Hang in there Zach.

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I think you look fabulous, Zach, and the fact that you're a top makes it all the better. If you're ever in LA, let us know!





And remember that I'm sure there are clients who have a fantasy of being with a twink who is a great top.

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Guys, I know I'm very naive about this, but just because a guy is thin, young, and has a mop of hair (OK, like Justin Bieber!), does that make him look like a bottom? Please bear with me, but I really don't see how a person can LOOK like a top or bottom any more than he can look like a Democrat or Republican.

Also, if someone is an escort, oughtn't he to provide more than a narrow range of services? Sure, we all have individual preferences, but this sounds like a doctor who can set a broken arm -- only if it's the left arm.

And "whilst" is a word that indicates a bottom? Come on! It's probably a British usage. Like "oughtn't?"

Thanks for being patient with me.


"Whilst " has been removed. Wasn't necessary.

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I may have been a little unclear as to what i meant on wether or not one should hire based off the fact of them wanting a top or bottom. I meant to say that they had every interest in hiring and then when sexual preferences came up they hung up or stopped emailing ext, when finally getting in touch with them it was said "well i thought your a bottom". My main question was should one automatically assume that. And then be rude because what their assumption was a was false?



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Latley i have been finding that i am almost getting ridiculed because i look like a bottom, however am a top. Some potential clients say very sorry i was looking for a bottom(nice way), some say well there are always other things(true), and i have had some that are completely rude saying that i am false advertising and that i look like a bottom therefore i should be, its even gotten as bad as being hung up on when i asked there interest in the bedroom and indicated im a top. As an escort when someone says they're a top i simply say that i am as well, however there are other things that can be done. Also should a client not book an escort because he's either top or bottom? hopefully y'all can give me a heads up as to how to react when a situation where the client is rude about it , or pointers as to what to do to prevent the mixup of people thinking im a bottom from happening.


Should be all through your ad in BIG LETTERS === TOP ONLY ==

Because yes you do look like in your photos the stereotypical TWINK BOTTOM

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