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I guess this goes down under the self promotion side of things

but I am going to try to do something different with my website

instead of a bunch of galleries I am thinking about creating these collages and only having a few to look at

(less is more I guess)

I will keep the old pics for lurkers etc in a separate area

but as I update my pics I kind of want the current ones on the site 1st

OK here goes taken in February 2011 by Barry Muniz

he is a great friend of mine and we really hit it off.

being that we are close friends I did not get naked in front of him for the most part













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oh yes, that will do quite nicely david.


Always wondered about the self promotion tag though. Who in the hell are you supposed to promote besides yourself? Is it like secret santa where all the escorts draw names to see who they are suppoed to promote? just wondering.


But trust me, those pics work.

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Congratulations, David... great photos, by the way, and Hooray for "self promotion"... some of us don't always go to web sites all the time, so this is a great way for an introduction to your wonderful world! Thanks for sharing, and congratulations on the great pictures. He did a good job of capturing you.


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Opinions by RH


The bike shots are fine. The natural daylight images are nicely soft and flattering, for the most part. Here are my criticisms:



Image 01: Looking at oneself in the mirror reminds me of another narcissistic escort who will remain unnamed. IMO, there is nothing sexy about narcissism. If I were an escort, I would never publish an image of me gazing at myself in a mirror. The dour expression on your face doesn't help make the image any more interesting, sexy, or alluring.



Image 02: Speaking of expressions — in some photos, the corners of your mouth turn down which suggests old age, weariness, and/or being mad. I turned up the corner of your mouth in Image 02a (below) and filled in some hair around your mouth but the improvement is minor because the facial expression seems really empty to me. Your eyes look vacant. I don't blame you as much as I blame the director (photographer).






Image 03: My least favorite images are the leather/t-shirt group. I don't like the ruddy skin tone. I don't like the light source. I don't like the shadow around your body, which plays tricks with the white shirt against the white wall (by your right arm). Your haircut is not a flattering shape in these photos. The hair silhouette makes your cheek bones look oddly wide and chubby. Your hair looks much better in the daylight images. The shadows on your face in the shirtless leather image are not flattering. Your eyes look tired and your gaze looks withdrawn. Again, the hair isn't working. If you ever come to NYC, I can hook you up with a fabulous haircutter who buzzes many actors and top male models in his private studio. Problem is, once you go to him, it's very difficult to settle for anyone else. Your legs on the left look bowed. Not a great pose.


All in all, many of these images are far better than the over-Photoshopped set we saw last year. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks Rockhard !!!!!


I agree I am certainly not supermodel material. I am 42 I make no bones about that.

When I hire a photographer I am pretty insistent on the whole photoshop thing being minimal.

I try to stay strict on just lighting, color correction etc. Retouching is very much about temporary blemishes and stuff like that.

I actually sent them back because he removed the scar on my belly in a few photos.


I really attempt to go for "what you see is what you get" with a little magic.

I just dont want to look different when I show up at the door.

Fantasy or not I would like to present better in person.

The things you picked out make a huge difference in image good eye dear sir!


The mirror Idea was very uncomfortable for me my least favorites of them all.

and the hair I could not agree more !!! Bad cut PERIOD!

I have since had it cut again 5 weeks out only slightly better so I will take you up on that offer.

I am in NYC a lot this summer.


Believe it or not I am very conservative in my appearance on the street and in public.

I like a regular easy groomed hair cut no fuss no muss.

I sincerely appreciate your candid feed back for what is worth I think we are all a work in progress.

I do not expect perfection, just good shots.


Coming from your overview being from "The ROCKHARD" my expectations were exceeded I am thrilled.

Your bar is high!


I also agree that this set is far better than years past.


I have copied it to share with Barry Muniz He will love to have that input for the next time.





PS I attempted to fix myself a little washed out but could be a better pose (i think) let me know if its better and I am on the right track if you dont mind






Thanks again RH

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Eye of the beholder...


For sure.


Have to agree that the pics that you picked out for your expert criticism were not the best of the bunch and would certainly not have been the ones that David would have ever picked out to really promote the brand. He shared them as a group and for opinions....


But I have to say that I totally disagree about the use of mirrors..... I have known David a long time, and that one in the mirror... with the sexy smirk, sexy eyes and that oh so sexy ass... well, well... that is one sexy, fucking pic... that's the real David....... to me, anyway.


Will tell you all this... no matter who or how many are in the room.. I always chose David's end in the end.


And I mean that. See above mentioned pics... sexy, sweet ass.


Apparently all about the word "sexy" tonight....



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Guest greatness

I like all the pictures. I don't think David looks old at all. He looks youthful and has an amazing body. Your looking in the mirror shot is very artistic. It's very far away from narcissism. I actually like David's haircut too. You hair looks great to me and you don't have to see a special hair stylist to get your hair cut. A 400 dollar hair cut didn't bring presidency or happiness to John Edwards. Don't worry those expensive stylists get criticize a lot too. Style is a very subjective thing. Most of all, I envy your skin tone. I read in the Bible that king David was handsome and had rudy skin. I understand now what rudy skin handsome means now. I don't think I will be able to take photos like you David. You are so hot. Now David you have to reveal your secrets. How do you stay so young? I won't share it anybody. Your facial expression isn't empty. It seems like you are in deep thought or looking into your soul.

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Guest IndyMedic2006

It looks like the camera really liked you in all those pictures.... you found a great photographer and the photographer found a great model.... Stunning pictures David!

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The mark of a true pro David. To take the criticism as constructive. I like the set as a whole and agree with okie the mirror shot does not seem narcissistic to me but hot. Very hot. But rockhard gave great insight and must be applauded. And your taking it in the positive light .... bravo. I truly believe it came that way

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More from THE RockHard. (LOL)


I am certainly not supermodel material.


I don't know why. Maybe it's human nature. It bothers me when people compare themselves in the extreme.


Out of many millions of people, there are only a handful of "supermodels." Think about that. And these days, one could easily say, with the loss of 40% ad revenue and magazines shutting down left and right, the term supermodel has become antiquated. Very 80's.


A great photo is a great photo. The status of the model is completely irrelevant. The art of photography requires art to exist and, when shooting people; lighting, facial compositions, clothing choices and poses often separate the masters from everyone else who owns a camera. Yes, everyone is a work in progress.


the whole photoshop thing being minimal...Retouching is very much about temporary blemishes and stuff like that.


Photoshop is an artist's tool. There are too many non-artists who abuse this tool or haven't a clue how to harness its genius. Good retouching is always about quality, never quantity. Sometimes lighting mistakes happen and an unattractive shadow falls on the face in an unflattering way, usually near the eyes. A Photoshop master can soften the shadow in a realistic manner without leaving evidence. Suddenly, what looked old and tired (a lighting mistake), now looks young again.


One must always remember that cameras rarely, if ever, capture real life reality. Reality is constantly in motion and a camera, on average, captures 1/125th of a second. If all the components at a shoot are not perfect during that 1/125th of a second, shit happens, and it usually shows up on the model's face, supermodel or not. In the right hands, Photoshop can fix the shit, without altering reality.


I just dont want to look different when I show up at the door.


This concept is mostly a myth, fostered by people who didn't do well in physics. I suspect this tooth-fairy fantasy has more to do with escorts who use old photos, scam artists who use someone else's photos, escorts who gain 50 pounds in a week, or photos where someone used Picasa while tweaked on meth.


There is a reason why the statement, "You look so different in person," is pretty universal. No human being looks exactly like his or her photo image because it's impossible for a human being in real life to appear two dimensional. A flat surface (as in a photo) will never look like a 360º figure that constantly moves.


The mirror idea was very uncomfortable for me


My professional eye sees your discomfort. It is always the photographer's job to see this discomfort, too, and get rid of it as quickly as possible. It's the photographer's job to direct his model. A model has no clue what the photographer is looking at. Trust is a necessary component, a must-have collaboration, when trying to create a great photo.


Bad (hair)cut PERIOD!


Not all genius artists charge ridiculously inflated prices. Yes, NYC commands higher fees because 400 square feet here can easily cost half-a-million dollars. The haircut genius I would recommend (privately) charges less than $100. He is popular with models and actors because he's a mega talent. He knows how to create art on very demanding people, people who earn a lot of money based on their appearance. Furthermore, what's $300 to an actor who earns millions on a single motion picture?


I do not expect perfection, just good shots.


Great (effective) photography (or as you say "good shots") is all about perfection. Perfecting details. The model doesn't have to be perfect but every photographer must know how to elevate his/her model into a more perfect looking realm.


I attempted to fix (these two images) myself


Yes, you get the idea but you went too far. You can't be expected to know how to finesse the controls. A lot of people think that Photoshop is easy because it's remarkably powerful. They are wrong. The average budget for retouching on a single cosmetic ad is $10,000 and the work can easily take 40 hours. The devil is always in the details. But the lighter skin tones have taken years off your face. You see, there's hope.


Luckily, as evidenced in this thread, your fans will most likely always love you. They will rarely, if ever, see what I see. I make a living being an objective observer. I get paid to see what others can't see.


PS I agree, your ass looks inviting. Maybe the cameraman was a little too focused on that. For me, the face, particularly the eye area, is the most important aspect of hiring a male companion. Not to mention, a haircut, much like a pair of shoes, says a lot about a person's sense of style.

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Guest Merlin

I, and, I am sure, others would be turned off by the facial hair. Prefer the clean cut look. If it works for you, fine, but I suggest you try the clean look for awhile and see how many prefer it.

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The mark of a true pro David. To take the criticism as constructive. I like the set as a whole and agree with okie the mirror shot does not seem narcissistic to me but hot. Very hot. But rockhard gave great insight and must be applauded. And your taking it in the positive light .... bravo. I truly believe it came that way


Well said Tomcat, I couldn't agree more! :cool:

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Well said Tomcat, I couldn't agree more! :cool:

I agree as well.


I did not find the mirror pic to be in any way narcissistic.


In fact I thought that the pics captured the essence of David to perfection... not only in a "what you see is what you get manner", but also somehow the personality came through as well... and it is indeed a challenge to make something flat give not only a 3D perspective, but also to capture that hard to describe quality that makes certain individuals seem to glow when experienced in the flesh. As mentioned above there is something special about David's eyes... and while the pics do capture this aspect... the in person experience is indeed quite another thing all together...


Still, it was enlightening to get a professional perspective from RH... He somehow saw some aspects that might elude the casual viewer... It certainly makes one a better observer to get such an opinion.

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Guest greatness



I don't think no one can be a objective observer. Everybody looks at things differently. The photographer tried to capture images that could bring out the best attributes of David according to his eyes and perspectives. David did his best as a model. They worked together to produced these photos. They are not just photos, however. I can feel interactions between the photographer and David and I can see in David's eyes many things that were happening on the set. They might look tired to some people but I see life and I see he heeding to the photographer's words. He is looking in the mirror. He sees what the photographer sees. I can hear the photographer directing what to do and David sees what he means too. He is trying hard to bring out the best of himself. Every second is important because every face expression David makes is unique. There are magic shots that has to be captured at the right moment. I see liveness in this photo shoot. I see passion. I liked the way David posted his photos and how he arranged them on this thread. It's his way of presentation and I can see his uniqueness and frankness. I like his individuality and I can feel his sense of accomplishment in the post. I also liked the way he handled the criticism and how he responded. That is why people don't hire one just looking at one's pictures. They go through auditions and show how they interact with other people.


I am not sure I delivered my points clearly. Those photos and how David presented himself tell a life story and it shows many aspects of David. To me that's an art. A great art every human being can achieve. It's unique because everybody is different. Yes there are things that could be done on those pictures but how he responded to RH's great comments make them complete in my mind. Those pictures are precious because David you are in them. It really touched my heart and that's why I responded although I left the forum.

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Rockhard, your professional analysis has provided me some valuable insight as to how to view photos and I thank you for that. Up front I must admit that I am not the most objective individual when it comes to David - I think that all of his photos truly capture some aspect of his persona. I do disagree a bit with your calling the mirror shots "narcissistic". My understanding of the definition of narcissism is that it means an inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self love; vanity. I see none of these in that set of pictures. They may not be the best set of the lot, but labeling them narcissistic seems wrong - but then it always comes down to "in the eye of the beholder".

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