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Ryaan Morgan - Recemt Photoshoot

Guest Ryaan_Morgan
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HTW & ChiTown -- I'll be sure to pass on your comments to Ryaan -- as soon as he wakes up. :) As he is currently asleep with his head on the tray on the plane on the way to PS. :) But let me tell you guys something -- he looks even better in person. And as good and hot as he looks, he is a hell of a lot better person than that. A great young man that I'm very fortunate to be able to have accompany me to PS. Along with Dane Michaels, I hit the jackpot.

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I don't think the intention behind these photos is to compile them for a Robert Mapplethorpe coffee table book

But to share ordinary photos with such fanfare seems cheaply manipulative, an opportunistic way to draw attention. Other escorts get trashed here for the slight appearance of self-promotion. It seems the lesson is: escorts should take lots of cheesy photos of yourselves (cell phone cameras are fine at high noon on very sunny days, and be sure to milk the Picasa), start a new thread to announce your latest "photo shoot," and then watch the customers drool and wag their tongues as if Lukas Ridgeston just announced he's offering a free suck-n-fuck.


Granted they are not Annie Liebovitz/Herb Ritts artistic photos

Herb Ritts is dead and no one can afford Annie's fee, especially with her money woes. There are so many talented photographers out in the marketplace who are affordable and starving for an opportunity to capture "sensual." At least 50% of them would produce fabulous images for free and the other 50% might barter the photos for a free fuck. Is one or two free fucks not worth the $2500 fee that is typical of a pro portrait shoot? Pro photographers need a lot of photo opportunities to keep their portfolios in rotation. A pro photographer's need for new images never ends. Does anyone here realize how expensive it is for a pro photographer to run his business?



if the intention is just to show how handsome the model is, they certainly work for me.

Hence, my claim that on some level, the bar is set very low around here. I agree that Ryan has a pleasing look. I don't think he stands much chance of working in high-end fashion but I see no reason why he and a good cameraman can't produce something magnificent, mysterious, and erection building.


Sometimes if the photos are too expertly taken, they can be overly flattering, and then the result in person is disappointing

The camera rarely captures reality. A camera lens can be far more powerful than the naked eye or it can be cheap piece of glass. I'm not saying that all "candid" photos are bad. But 99.9% of them are not special. The quality of those ubiquitous Facebook photos is awful and they're boring to look at. IMO, no escort worth $150+ an hour should ever look average or ordinary.


Overly flattering means something different to each individual and to me it means over-retouching to the point where a man has turned into an alien or, worse, a woman. Photographers who do bad retouching must be avoided. An escort should not shoot with someone who depends heavily on Photoshop (self-taught) to create a style.


Photographers who have a talent for creating "sensual" are no different than massage therapists who have a touch that guarantees full-scale erections and ejaculations that paint the ceiling. The gift is a talent, usually found in love of craft. "Expert" comes in a wide variety of flavors in the photo industry. But there certainly is no shortage of very talented photographers who know how to capture sexy and keep the visuals exciting and inviting. The right style of expert may not be easy to find but perseverance has its rewards.


In my opinion he is so handsome he could have been shot on a 2 dollar instant Kodak and still look hot

As is often said here, one man's garbage is another man's gold. I'm sure Ryan appreciates the fawning and drool. Escorts love a customer who is easy to please.


My opinion expressed here is simply my opinion, albeit shaded by years of experience and proven success. Had Ryan used the words "candid photos" in his thread title, I would have cut him a ton of slack. The term "photo shoot" implies a professional context and, IMO, there's nothing professional about these images.

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My opinion expressed here is simply my opinion, albeit shaded by years of experience and proven success. Had Ryan used the words "candid photos" in his thread title, I would have cut him a ton of slack. The term "photo shoot" implies a professional context and, IMO, there's nothing professional about these images.

Well, my impression was Ryaan was sharing his most recent photos taken while he was at the beach with a group of his friends..


My impression is also that you might be playing hardball with the term 'photo-shoot'. 'Photo shoot' to professional photographers and professional models has an entirely different value. Times are appointed, fees are discussed, wardrobe is selected, arrangements are made. But the term 'photo-shoot' with amateur photographers and their subjects simply means a friend shot some candid shots of me.


Your first diatribe on this thread classified Ryaan's 'photo-shoot' in the most professional manner possible. You sounded almost 'pissed' that someone would spend that kind of money and get those horrible results!


I believe you're correct, it the former case were true. IF Ryaan spent money for a professional photographer and got those results, he got screwed. But if the later is true, and Ryaan posed for a friend to make some candid shots that he in turn shared with his friends on the board, what the hell?


It will be interesting to see if these photos, in their obviously raw form, show up in his professional advertising.

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Context does matter.


Well, my impression was Ryaan was sharing his most recent photos taken while he was at the beach with a group of his friends..


That may be true. I miss a ton of threads here so it's highly possible I missed some previous context.


My impression is also that you might be playing hardball with the term 'photo-shoot'


I live in a world of never ending photo shoots. I would use "daily reality perspective" rather than "hardball" to characterize my rant.


But the term 'photo-shoot' with amateur photographers and their subjects simply means a friend shot some candid shots of me.


I disagree. I travel with friends all the time and every one of us carries a camera. It would be silly (and even pretentious) to call any of those camera action moments a "photo shoot." But, certainly, who am I to criticize any queen for her pretentious moment in the sun. :-)


You sounded almost 'pissed'...


One must always be careful when describing how someone sounds via the written word on the internet. Most of the time, emotion is reader projected.


I have a very high tolerance for mediocrity and incompetence. I don't get pissed easily and nothing here could ever really piss me off. This place is pure fun, no matter how honest (or brutal) the opinion.


But if the lat(t)er is true, and Ryaan posed for a friend to make some candid shots that he in turn shared with his friends on the board, what the hell?


I agree.

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But, certainly, who am I to criticize any queen for her pretentious moment in the sun. :-)


One must always be careful when describing how someone sounds via the written word on the internet. Most of the time, emotion is reader projected.


I have a very high tolerance for mediocrity and incompetence.


RH - I'd say that your written word describes perfectly how you sound and feel.

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My, my, my... such interesting comments from so many folks. I have never met Ryaan, but hope to meet him one of these days soon. I appreciate your comments, Rockhard, even though IMHO they came across as rather bombastic. I too agree that this was probably not a professional "photo shoot", but I guess we need to have him clarify this for us all. I did not see it as shameless self promotion, and frankly, I wish a lot of guys would share photos of themselves that are not part of an add on RB or MRN. A lot of posters on the Forum have had great times with him and his partner, Dane. A lot of posters here will be with them in PS this weekend, so we can hear what they think of how accurate these pictures are to the real person. I can only assume that your comments, Rockhard, come from the perspective of a professional who is in the photography or publishing or fashion house business, and from that perspective they carry a lot of weight IMHO. Frankly, however, I think some of your comments might better have been directed to Ryaan in a PM, and perhaps you can give him some suggestions of a professional photographer that could help him build a portfolio. I think he has potential for a career in fashion modeling, but again that is just IMHO. Anyway, guys, I have enjoyed the postings, we haven't had such a spirited discussion in a long time.


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That may be true. I miss a ton of threads here so it's highly possible I missed some previous context.

I'm not sure we should be held responsible for the tons of threads here and their context.


I live in a world of never ending photo shoots. I would use "daily reality perspective" rather than "hardball" to characterize my rant.
So saying you 'might be playing hardball' makes less sense than "daily reality perspective"? Who the fuck talks like THAT??? But yes, we got that you were ranting. You're the Queen of the Photo Shoot - we got that, too. And who would degrade the high quality of your never-ending photo shoots for Alpo.


to characterize my rant.

You describe your own post as a 'rant'. You should never throw rocks at me for writing "You sound almost 'pissed'. That just makes you sound like AN EVEN BIGGER BITCH! That is the direct opposite of your claim of tolerance for mediocrity and incompetency. Hell, it's a proof of your intolerance!


I disagree. I travel with friends all the time and every one of us carries a camera. It would be silly (and even pretentious) to call any of those camera action moments a "photo shoot." But, certainly, who am I to criticize any queen for her pretentious moment in the sun. :-)
And your group of camera-carrying travelers refers to mere snapshots as Camera Action MOMENTS? Let's pretend...
Oh, Quick! All you Queens, move over here! Now, stand still. I want to take a camera action moment!
Nope, I'm not even able to PRETEND THAT LOAD OF BULLSHIT! But you certainly 'sound' like a self-important Queen! Do you see how ridiculous your whole pretentiously judgmental post really is, yet? Then you wrote:

One must always be careful when describing how someone sounds via the written word on the internet. Most of the time, emotion is reader projected.
Thus One's qualifications using 'sounds' and 'almost' to modify the word 'pissed'. One was being very careful to suggest an emotion One suspected, while not imputing it to you. But now, One knows, without doubt, that you were ranting like a little queen bitch in heat... more Kotex over here, please!


I have a very high tolerance for mediocrity and incompetence. I don't get pissed easily and nothing here could ever really piss me off. This place is pure fun, no matter how honest (or brutal) the opinion.
You must have a high tolerance if you can seriously write,
"I would use "daily reality perspective" rather than "hardball" to characterize my rant."
But you've hidden your tolerance so well! Why your tolerance of competence is quite aptly demonstrated by Your inability to recognize that your bitchy little rant 'sounds almost pissed' to One*. Every mediocre self-important thing you've written here is denigrated by your denial in the midst of your confession...


It's too late for Kotex, get the Elephant Blankets!!!

*One is certain there are more than One who believe your posts on this thread are a bitchy little rant from a very, very pretentious, self-important QUEEN of the Photo Shoot.


Attention Wal-Mart Associates, Clean Up on Aisle 13!!!

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instudiocity, I'm sorry you didn't have a date last night. You sound like a bitter and angry man.

I actually did have a date last night - 4 hours sharing two escorts with another client. All had great fun... And I am neither bitter nor angry. I am sarcastic and funny and despise the hurtful comments you have made on this thread. You hurt Ryaan's feelings. Can't you see that? Your words were HURTFUL.


You, ma'am are the bitter, angry queen on this thread. Rather than follow the old dictum, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all," you spewed venom, not once, not twice, but now three times. You just can't stop yourself. You cannot even bring yourself to admit that what you said was hurtful and yet when you're hurt by my reaction, filled with sarcasm and truth, pointing out just how ridiculous your writing was, you personally attack me! You don't respond to the criticism, you accused me of being bitter - I am acerbic!


But what you mistakenly believe are hurtful comments to me, like my having a non-dating evening and being bitter and being angry are meaningless. I know who and what I am. I am kind and gentle, humorous and joyful. And I can become ABSOLUTELY INDIGNANT employing sarcasm, invective and biting criticism against arrogant, condescending, bitchy old queens like you.


All you really had to write was, "Sorry, I was being a bitch in that post. I've been on the rag all week!" And everyone here would have heartily agreed with you. But no, you prefer to put other people down mistakenly believing you make yourself appear superior. You aren't building up other people, encouraging them, providing 'constructive criticism', making them your friends. You're getting your rocks off beating up on people, vainly attempting to make yourself feel better because you can make them feel worse. All you're really doing is soiling your old granny britches. Most readers don't care what you think.


I have a very high tolerance for mediocrity and incompetence. I don't get pissed easily and nothing here could ever really piss me off. This place is pure fun, no matter how honest (or brutal) the opinion.

Hmmm, didn't you really mean to say, "I have a very high opinion of my own mediocrity and incompetence. I really get pissed easily and everything here pisses me off. This place is pure hell, no matter how dishonest and brutal my opinions."


I mean, seriously, just because you have an asshole, doesn't mean you have to be one.


You couldn't really be this arrogant except "via the written word on the internet."

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Oh, poor pussy.


You hurt Ryaan's feelings. Can't you see that? Your words were HURTFUL.

I dislike sissy men almost as much as I dislike bad photography. I have a feeling Ryaan is far more manly than you are, high-drama L.A. queen. Tell me, do you work on daytime soaps? Why on earth should Ryaan feel hurt? Is he the talentless photographer who took those photos?


you spewed venom

Bitch, step away from the chips and salsa and take a look at that nasty mug in the mirror. Your posts have the only venom on this thread. Last I heard, personal attacks are not permitted in this gentleman's club. Seems to me you're begging for a time out. Don't hold your breath waiting for me to tattle-tale on you. I think your foaming-at-the-mouth anger and bitterness is funny. By all means, keep on making me laugh.

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I dislike sissy men almost as much as I dislike bad photography. I have a feeling Ryaan is far more manly than you are, high-drama L.A. queen. Tell me, do you work on daytime soaps? Why on earth should Ryaan feel hurt? Is he the talentless photographer who took those photos?


Bitch, step away from the chips and salsa and take a look at that nasty mug in the mirror. Your posts have the only venom on this thread. Last I heard, personal attacks are not permitted in this gentleman's club. Seems to me you're begging for a time out. Don't hold your breath waiting for me to tattle-tale on you. I think your foaming-at-the-mouth anger and bitterness is funny. By all means, keep on making me laugh.

Which is it? Making you laugh or filled with venom? Either it's poison or humor, can't be both? And let's remember, you first dissected my post - I'm simply returning the favor(s)...


Thanks for laughing! I told you I was humorous!


(By the way, I take note that your last two posts have not dealt substantially with any of my points. You merely have PUT ME DOWN. Great job! LIVING UP TO MY ACCUSATION!)

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They were indeed hurtful if Ryaan took any notice of them. I did not respond to any more of Rockhard's comments because I felt it was a waste of time> Once someone tells you that you are 'easy-pleased" simply because your taste does not correspond to their own I feel there is no point in engaging any further, especially if they are a stranger-life is too short.

If the point was not to be vindictive, then the criticism of the quality of the photos could certainly have been phrased differently. The whole tone of the post came across to me as very condescending and superior-but that is just my interpretation. However, since Rockhard obviously does not care what anyone else thinks, and Ryaan has already made more fans due to his photos, I am not wasting any more time on this negative thread, which is degenerating into something rather unpleasant.

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They were indeed hurtful if Ryaan took any notice of them. The whole tone of the post came across to me as very condescending and superior - but that is just my interpretation. However, since RockHard obviously does not care what anyone else thinks, and Ryaan has already made more fans due to his photos, I am not wasting any more time on this negative thread, which is degenerating into something rather unpleasant.


I'm 100% sure that Ryaan has seen the thread. I agree wholeheartedly, htw!

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