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Tipping & Payment

Guest Magnus
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This is really 2 questions:

The first is about tipping: I have no problem doing it, I just don't want to be insulting. I generally hire for multiple hours and since I don't like to carry that much cash around with me, I pretty much bring enough cash to pay my guy and leave me with cab money to get home, $20 - $40. I've thought about tipping but feel that I'm being insulting just leaving $20.

On the other hand, for overnights I generally like to meet early in the evening, and then end around 12-2 a.m. because I prefer to sleep alone. So my overnights generally last 6-7 hours, even though I pay for the entire night. Is that considered "tipping"?


Second question is about payment: I assume most guy like to get paid in large bills, so I generally pay with $100s if I have time to get to an open bank. However, I was wondering if some guys don't prefer $20 because they are easier to use or deposit than always depositing or having to break $100s.

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These questions come up over and over. If you will do a search I sure you will find something.


However, since you asked, there are some clients who tip and their a some clients who do not tip. I fit into the latter category. I do not tip my doctor, my dentist, or my attorney they are independent businessmen and set their own fees. I place escorts in the same group. He sets his fee and that is what I pay. If I hired from an agency, which I don't, I might be tempted to trip because the escort has to divide his fee with the agency.


I like you always pay with $50's and $100's. They are easier for the escort to count quickly. This first time I meet an escort I encourage him to count his fee and am not bothered by him doing so. I also NEVER do single hour appointments so $20's can be a pain for the escort to carry. I find that if I treat the money part of our get together as a normal business transaction it makes things much more pleasant and easy in the long run.


P.S. In this day an age $50's and $100's are not that difficult to break.

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Yes, these days big bills are fairly easy to use/break (every supermarket or big box store takes them). The only problem I can think of with $50s and $100s is the possibility of counterfeit bills. Las Vegas is rife with counterfeit bills, and boy oh boy does it hurt to get passed a bad hundred (yes, that is first-hand experience talking). In fact, someone tried to pass me a bad $50 yesterday. When I determined that it was a fake, the woman exclaimed, "But I got it from the bank!" I told her, "I don't care if it fluttered out of your ass like an origami hummingbird" (ok, kidding about that last part).


As a public service announcement, here's a little how-to guide for spotting counterfeit bills. First, how not to: the three most common techniques are actually useless -- the watermark, the line, and a counterfeit marking pen. If you hold up a bill ($10 to $100, nobody bothers counterfeiting fives or singles) to a light, you will see a watermark (picture of the person on the bill) and a line (a repeating "USA" and the denomination of the bill in all caps, e.g., "TEN"). Counterfeit marking pens will show up yellow if the bill is authentic, black if counterfeit. But don't waste your time with any of the above because counterfeiters have figured all three out.


So how does one spot counterfeit? First, take a quick but careful look at the bill. A lot of fake bills aren't that masterfully produced and end up just looking wrong. What does "wrong" mean? Too faded, a bit fuzzy, or anything else that looks just a bit too different from most bills you see. Then look at the hologram in the bottom right-hand corner. It's the denomination of the bill in a metallic-looking typeface. Look at the hologram straight on with a good light behind you, preferably directed toward the hologram. It will be one color when you look at it straight on, then shift to another color when you tilt the bill away from you. With a $100, the "100" starts out green and then shifts to a bronze when you tilt it, a $50 goes from bronze to green. The color shifts aren't as noticeable with $10s and $20s, but you will notice a slight change. If the color remains completely flat, it's a phony. If you practice a bit, you can spot the color shift in a split-second. If I were an escort taking payment in big bills from a first-time client, I would quickly check every bill. You never know, maybe the client was passed a bad bill and unknowingly passed it on to you. Or he's a total greaseball. I don't know if escorts would feel comfortable checking bills in front of a client, but I bet they'd feel a lot more uncomfortable later when the gas station clerk rejects the bill as counterfeit.

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This is really 2 questions:

The first is about tipping: I have no problem doing it, I just don't want to be insulting. I generally hire for multiple hours and since I don't like to carry that much cash around with me, I pretty much bring enough cash to pay my guy and leave me with cab money to get home, $20 - $40. I've thought about tipping but feel that I'm being insulting just leaving $20.

On the other hand, for overnights I generally like to meet early in the evening, and then end around 12-2 a.m. because I prefer to sleep alone. So my overnights generally last 6-7 hours, even though I pay for the entire night. Is that considered "tipping"?


Second question is about payment: I assume most guy like to get paid in large bills, so I generally pay with $100s if I have time to get to an open bank. However, I was wondering if some guys don't prefer $20 because they are easier to use or deposit than always depositing or having to break $100s.


Hello Magnus,


These are my answers for your question:

1.) Tipping:

I think tipping is never insulting. No matter how much the escort's fee was, to me tipping is always appreciated but never mandatory. I think it is always a sweet gesture regardless of the amount or percentage. Of course if you walk into a restaurant and pay a $1,000 bill and only leave $20 that can be interpreted as insulting as those people usually work for minimum wage and they hugely rely on tips. On the other hand we - escorts - do not.

If your overnights only last until midnight or 2am at the latest I think paying the full amount is considered tipping as when you hire an escort you hire him and pay him for the time you guys spend together therefore the escort's rate should be less if you spend less time with him. In those situations I think it is clear that paying the full overnight fee of the escort is a tip.


2.) Payment:

...I was wondering if some guys don't prefer $20 because they are easier to use or deposit than always depositing or having to break $100s.

If I want to be funny, I would say... I take as much money as you want to give me and I accept any type of bills, I am just that sweet :D

No... When I am in my home base town (Las Vegas) I do not have any preference. When I am "touring" and visiting cities (like NYC or DC) that means that I meet up with many people within a reasonably short amount of time therefore I usually end up having tons of $20 bills in my wallet...


So when I am visiting cities my preference is large bills, in my home town, no preference. But then again... it does not take much time or effort that whenever I have too many $20 bills I just walk into the nearest bank and change it into large bills... ;)


Hope this helps!


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I always pay in big bills as they are easier to count, easier to carry too. Never passed a counterfeit one.


I too usually hire for 2 hours or so; I always add something for transport, even minimal, so have $20's and $10's around just in case. The tip is never more than 10% or so of the already agreed fee. I do undxerstand that we do not tip doctors, lawyers etc... but somehow, I am grateful in many ways for the time together, and if it is exceptionally special, I will add something. In Europe, I often brought gifts (not money) such as designer clothes, if they were staying for an overnight. I found that asking a guy about his size, favorite colors or interests, I could find a decent special gift beyond the cash, and it meant a lot to them too.


That said, I would not recommend this for everyone!!! It is more for one or another special guy. And to be honest, I do it less and less these days.

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I wrote about tipping in my blog a few weeks ago. My feeling is that I never expect to be tipped. However, if a client feels as though I've done something that went beyond his expectations of my services, then he should only tip if he feels it's appropriate. I've seen clients who have tipped me anywhere from $10 - $150. No matter what the tip is, I'm appreciative. The amount doesn't matter all that much. It's the gesture that means so much more. However, if the client doesn't tip, I'm still very appreciative that they contacted me. The tip is just an unexpected added bonus.


"Secret Escapades of a Gay Gigolo" http://gqpro.tumblr.com/

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There is an additional aspect regarding tipping that I'd didn't address in my earlier post. I ALWAYS hire an escort for lunch or dinner (his choice) and then a couple of hours of play time. We always go to a nice restaurant. In one case the escorts comes to my home and I prepare dinner and at the end of the evening send him home with tons of leftovers. Would you guys consider the lunch/dinner or the home cooked meal a tip OR must a trip be money or a purchased gift? As a general rule I hate tipping but definitely do it when the service provider is working for minimum wage.

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I've never felt insulted being tipped a $20 on top of an overnight rate. The client is already paying a large amount. But I am going to remember who tips anything versus who never tips.


The size of the bill is only an issue if the $100 bill is the old ones without the strip inside it. I've dealt with too many cashiers trying to scam me by saying it's fake and they are going to confiscate it. They don't like it when I say give it back or I will call the police to right now to investigate it. LOL Current $100 bills are not a problem.

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GQ Pro - Your blog entry about your 94-year-old client is fabulously interesting and written with great sensitivity. Definitely worth everybody taking the time to read.


Thank you very much for your comment. I enjoyed writing that blog entry very much. In the future I'll probably write a little bit more about my 94-year-old client.

GQ Pro

"Secret Escapades of a Gay Gigolo"


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GQ, I had occasionally seen your remarks here, but only this morning took the time to read a good part of your blog -- what a terrific and sensitive escort you are! You appear to be the total package, and wonder what city you work out of (you can privately answer that one, if you like). Enjoyed the BLOG.

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I usually pay with $100s, left out on a coffee table our side table in clear view when the Escort comes in. With a first-time meeting I usually put the fee in an envelope for discretion purposes, but I leave it in clear view. I sometimes break one of the $100s into $20s, as I've had a few Escorts in the past who needed "change" too. I also almost always "round up" to the nearest hundred if the nominal fee is a something between hundreds. I've tipped some, but not as much as I would like with certain escorts.


I usually hire for 2-4 hours, depending upon if I include dinner. I would like to see a couple of my regular escorts for longer periods of time (i.e., overnight), but they are usually so very busy -- with very tight schedules -- that I can't manage it. Additionally, I'm a little nervous about hiring an escort for overnight because I tend to snore and I'd rather not inflict that upon any of these dear men.

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Guest Spanker01

If the guy is coming from an agency, and does well, I tip. If he is an independent, considering that I have some special interests and he accomodates me well, I will probably tip too.




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For me the tipping is always a bit of a conundrum. Maybe I've been trained too well by my elders here, but I normally have the escort's gift in an envelope already prepared before I go to meet him (them :) ). And I also tend to put the envelope in plain view of the escort upon my arrival because I fear that if I try to remember at the end of the session, I'm more likely to forget because my brain is inhabiting another part of my anatomy (guess where) at the end of the time. So for those of you who tip when the session is special or otherwise "tip-worthy", how do you handle it? Add extra and re-open the envelope? Put it beside it? Or do you do as I tend to do: automatically include a tip in the pre-packaged envelope?

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Guest greatness

You can just slip it in their pocket as you give them a hug or kiss. That's what I usually do if I feel like it.


For me the tipping is always a bit of a conundrum. Maybe I've been trained too well by my elders here, but I normally have the escort's gift in an envelope already prepared before I go to meet him (them :) ). And I also tend to put the envelope in plain view of the escort upon my arrival because I fear that if I try to remember at the end of the session, I'm more likely to forget because my brain is inhabiting another part of my anatomy (guess where) at the end of the time. So for those of you who tip when the session is special or otherwise "tip-worthy", how do you handle it? Add extra and re-open the envelope? Put it beside it? Or do you do as I tend to do: automatically include a tip in the pre-packaged envelope?
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