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An epidemic of last-minute cancellations! What to do?

Michael Wayne
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This thread is mostly for other escorts BUT clients imput is highly sought after as well. First of all let me say that my business is better than ever and I am NOT complaining at all. However, in over ten years as a leading pro, I have NEVER seen as many last minute (within 4 hours of the date) cancellations as I have seen in the last 2 months. Just this week I have had 8! Does that strike yall as an astronomically high amount? Is it the economy? I mean I look the same and am in better shape than this time last year. My dick has not shrunk (thank God!). I can think of no reason as to why this is happening. Is anyone else experiencing this? As callboys do yall charge a cancellation fee? As clients, would you pay a cancellation fee if asked? The trouble is when I have a definite advance appointment on the book for say 8pm last night then 2 other clients call for that ime and I say, "Sorry, I am booked," and I lose them then the 8pm cancels with no notice. All imput is appreciated.......also, this does not apply to regulars or guys you know but mostly to new clients and first time repeats (that is common). http://www.rentboy.com/mikey9nola1

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I'll start as a client.


This sort of pattern, especially if the pattern has changed, sort of sounds like it might be the escort equivalent of an internet "denial of service" attack. Any change you've pissed someone off and they're doing this to you on purpose out of spite?


As a suggestion, do you keep the contacts of the people you had to turn town and send a nice "my evening unexpected opened up and I'd love to see you if you're still interested..." sort of message. Maybe the guy is just sitting in his hotel room thinking "damn, mikey9nola" got away, and would be thrilled to run right over, even if the same day.

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I don't think anyone would pay a cancellation fee. legally you can't make them. I use to get massage cancellations didn't bother me much if they canceled within a reasonable time like say 24 hrs, but there's people out there that make a game out of this stuff booking appointments they know they will never keep. They don't realize what you do is a business not a life style. If they cancel at the last minute or just dont show do what i always did. I waited 24 after the no show just in case something bad happened causing them not to call or show. Id call them normally getting the voice mail and let them know that they are not welcome in your business. then put their number in a file on your phone as no shows and dont answer when they call. I

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This thread is mostly for other escorts BUT clients imput is highly sought after as well. First of all let me say that my business is better than ever and I am NOT complaining at all. However, in over ten years as a leading pro, I have NEVER seen as many last minute (within 4 hours of the date) cancellations as I have seen in the last 2 months. Just this week I have had 8! Does that strike yall as an astronomically high amount? Is it the economy? I mean I look the same and am in better shape than this time last year. My dick has not shrunk (thank God!). I can think of no reason as to why this is happening. Is anyone else experiencing this? As callboys do yall charge a cancellation fee? As clients, would you pay a cancellation fee if asked? The trouble is when I have a definite advance appointment on the book for say 8pm last night then 2 other clients call for that ime and I say, "Sorry, I am booked," and I lose them then the 8pm cancels with no notice. All imput is appreciated.......also, this does not apply to regulars or guys you know but mostly to new clients and first time repeats (that is common). http://www.rentboy.com/mikey9nola1


Could be the economy or a combination of the economy and the holiday season. More than other escorts being your competition, I would think that you're competing for the client's time and discretionary income.

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Not saying it's this, and it probably isn't but we've had a really, really nasty URI bug going around that has knocked people out. They may be holding out hope to get better and make it and can't. At least some may be illness, I don't know what the current health status of NOLA is. All I know is what was around here was NASTY.


But no, a cancellation fee would go over like a lead balloon. But a question: do you call or text or email them the day before or the morning of the appointment to reconfirm?

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great answers guys. We do have a bug, yes, but thanks God it has not bitten me! That may explain some. there is no competition in New Orleans, trust me, so it is definitely about the clients' time and discretionary income! It is so bad here in nola that I feel like Luke Skywalker trapped on Tattoine. God I can't wait to travel and am so excited about my trips already scheduled for after the New Year. As far as I know I have made no one mad at me. All these cancellations had confirmed with me and were definite. I try to let guys call or text me and avoid calling them unless I have to for discretion. I have gone by this rule for a long time and it has served me well. I was not speaking legally of a cancellation fee , no no! Several times though when this kind of thing happens a client has offered to pay me for the session, really my time, even though he had to cancel. These are the ones who want to see you again and develop a regular relationship. I have never accepted the money BUT I really appreciated the offer and you can bet the next time they called I set it up. That is what I meant...... Like the few times in my life that I was really lame for a client or had to cancel last minute I always offer a free or reduced price session. Usually they don't accept but sometimes they do. However, just the offer is appreciated. So, from isolated, lonely Tattoine I bid yall a fond good night and may the force be with you all and I hope yall all get to play with my lightsabre next year! Mikey

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there is no competition in New Orleans, trust me, so it is definitely about the clients' time and discretionary income! It is so bad here in nola that I feel like Luke Skywalker trapped on Tattoine. God I can't wait to travel and am so excited about my trips already scheduled for after the New Year.


Having just worked in New Orleans for the 1st time ever last week...let me tell you THERE IS competition there. There are like 50 guys with 12 inch dicks, everyone charges the SAME rates of $200. Mostly White with several Black. If thats not competition, I dont know what is? I was satisfied with the money I did make there (didn't think I'd get anything)...but ordinarily I would never put it on my list as a place to travel, and here's why...


Nawlins is in a re-build stage. The city looks like a slum straight out of Rio De Janeiro. Yeah its better than I witnessed when I 1st passed thru in 2006, but I find it eerie that you have whole city blocks closed down and haven't been re-opened, every other store is abandoned, my hotel view was of a dilapidated apartment complex never re-built ( I had to demand a different room), crime is outrageous (makes clients nervous)..the city is A MESS. I have never seen anything like it in my life except for in Miami after Andrew, and that was only half as bad. I stayed for only 2 nights and got the hell out because I was also getting clients booking and not showing up. When that happens, I immediately make plans to leave.


You need to travel hun. Houston is the closest place 'somewhat' worth going to (take into consideration that +20% of New Orleans is in Houston, which makes for that much more competition), but otherwise its like Denver...HOURS away from anything worthwhile (Baton Rouge in nice though!). No popular escort cities to the north, south east or west. I would not be in Nawlins unless the government was paying me to be there, or if I had a business there to run. Escorting is a business not fit for that city...its too run down and everyone is trying to do it. Maybe it was great pre-Katrina, but they've got another 5-10 years to go...People need to want to go there, and after 1 visit, who wants to?

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Mikey, I remember that in a prior thread you mentioned that you had a lot of married and closeted clients. I think that a lot of those guys don't have as much control of their schedules as you'd like. I would imagine if the wife says "I'm not going out with the girls tonight after all" your married client is going to have to cancel that evening's appointment with you. (I used to have a fb like that, and every time his wife changed her plans at the last minute, she pissed off at least two guys.)


I work at a job that's pretty demanding of my time, and I never know when I'm going to get a call that I have to leave town or attend a meeting later that day, so I sometimes cancel at the last minute. I always try to get another appointment with the escort right away, and I'll give him a bit extra for the trouble. I'd prefer not to cancel, but sometimes I just have to.

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It could just be the law of averages catching up to you




You have had a good run with few or no cancellations. At some point, you were bound to hit a patch of cancellations. This happens to every salesperson. Take a look at your behavior and marketing efforts. If you see something that you believe needs adjustment, make that change. Sometimes you can do everything right and still fail. That doesn't make you a failure.


In the long run, focusing on the needs of your target audience, courtesy, and what you do best will bring overall success. Just keep plugging away. No pun intended. (Okay, maybe a little;) )



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I must ARISE and defend my city against what Joey said! "50 guys with 12 inch dicks, mostly white" Ok, seriously? I have lived here a while and worked here for 3 years and have never once ever seen a 12 inch dick on a brother or a dude! Posts like this are irresponsible. Take out a ruler and look at what a foot really is. 12 inches? on a white guy! You are obviously kidding Joey. Plus, having a big dick does not make one a good escort. In fact it can make a guy arrogant , mean with an attitude. when I say no competition I mean that the clients want a NICE GUY who isn't a jerk who has muscles and a nice dick who is drug free and healthy and a top. That DOES NOT EXIST IN NEW ORLEANS except for Eddie (lowrise) and myself. As far as you trashing my city is concerned: New Orleans is a great city and you have no right to come on here and trash this great city. I would think that my perspective as a resident would hold more weight than yours as a visitor. Come on man ! And as far as you giving me advice I am not interested. I used to enjoy your posts until I read this one. It is mean and rude and you owe New Orleans an apology. It is not our fault we had Katrina and not our fault we had the oil spill, The MUsic and food and art and culture that this city has contributed to this nation and world is priceless! Think before you post, please!

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Guest FTLdude
a brother or a dude!

LOL. Mikey, you're funny.


You raised some excellent point is this post. Regarding the cancellations, sometimes shit happens and people have to change their plans. It may be nothing more than that.

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Another angle


Mickey - You didn't say if most of the cancelations come from guys passing through N/O or are local or evenly split but my guess they are just there for one or two nights. I travel in my work and I enjoy hiring when I'm alone in a hotel for an evening. The challenge I've encountered is if I contact an escort a few days before my trip, I usually get a reply that says they are available but call them when I arrive to confirm. I can understand that they don't want to reserve the time because experience has taught them that I may never call back. But for me, it is the same thing when I think I have a date lined up and then I can't reach them when I call after I'm in town. If I still want to hire, I'm then looking for a last minute appointment which often cuts out the better and more-in-demand escorts. I hate looking desperate saying 'how soon can you come over".

Maybe your cancelations are guys who have booked more than one escort to hedge their bet and then they take the first guy to call back and confirm and cancel the other guy.

I don't know how clear you make it to your client that you will "definitely" be available but if they know they can count on you, there's no need to hedge their "bets" with a second tentative appointment.

I respect an escort's time enough to never make two appointments and I have never canceled a confirmed appointment at the last minute or not shown up. However, I know of some guys who would and do. You may be suffering because some other escorts don't keep their appointments. Just something to think about.

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Hey Businessguy, how are you? I make DEFINITE in advance appointments. No need to call and confirm. when I make the appointment it is set in stone. all I usually need is the clients room number at the hotel when they check in. all the cancellations are visitors but Fortunately it has stopped. I truly feel as if the flu bug going around was responsible. That was it. By the way my name is Mikey (like the life ceral kid) not Mickey (like Mickey mouse) I get called Mickey so often but to me that is not a sexy name but a God- damned mouse! Just a clarification. Hope everyone is well today!

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As far as you trashing my city is concerned: New Orleans is a great city and you have no right to come on here and trash this great city.!


Calm down...you obviously haven't known me long enough to know that as much as a city can be considered great and wonderful, I have no issue expressing my view of the city and that may involve a bit of critique. It doesn't mean that Im trashing your city, it doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy being there. That comes from having traveled extensively and knowing people who have...once you actually begin to do that, you won't think your city is the greatest on earth...and I'll be the 1st to say it isn't.


Dont take it personal, I don't even care for my own home town...because I know there's better places.


With that said, I might as well post my email to you on WHY I said what I said about New Orleans:


LOL, well I just looked at some ads from New Orleans again...and it does look like there's alot less people working than when I looked earlier this summer. But back then I would not have considered it to be underserved.


I don't think there was anything too wrong with my marketing because I believe I do better in certain places than others. The western cities do me more justice than the south. And being a local, I'm sure you are aware that New Orleans is over 60% Black. As a minority, thats an ENORMOUS number especially taking into consideration that the places I tend to visit and do well in have less than 10%. Not to bad mouth my own race, but generally speaking EVERY city I've gone to with anything 25% or higher Black population...I usually tank, as in...walk away feeling disappointed. The only excpetion being Austin, Texas because that is a college town and there's not much money there even though the population is over 700,000 and 3% Black. I started back in Miami which has 17% Black population and of course...I faired well there.


Its obvious that there aren't any active Black escort posters on here so I can understand that people did not understand the concept of what I said until just now. I am more than happy to explain if necessary. As a Black person; I find I am appreciated and get more business in cities that lack a decent Black population...than in places like Atlanta, Chicago, and Nawlins does. I know its painfully blunt, but thats just how our country is...

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Calm down...you obviously haven't known me long enough to know that as much as a city can be considered great and wonderful, I have no issue expressing my view of the city and that may involve a bit of critique. It doesn't mean that Im trashing your city, it doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy being there. That comes from having traveled extensively and knowing people who have...once you actually begin to do that, you won't think your city is the greatest on earth...and I'll be the 1st to say it isn't.


Dont take it personal, I don't even care for my own home town...because I know there's better places.


With that said, I might as well post my email to you on WHY I said what I said about New Orleans:


LOL, well I just looked at some ads from New Orleans again...and it does look like there's alot less people working than when I looked earlier this summer. But back then I would not have considered it to be underserved.


I don't think there was anything too wrong with my marketing because I believe I do better in certain places than others. The western cities do me more justice than the south. And being a local, I'm sure you are aware that New Orleans is over 60% Black. As a minority, thats an ENORMOUS number especially taking into consideration that the places I tend to visit and do well in have less than 10%. Not to bad mouth my own race, but generally speaking EVERY city I've gone to with anything 25% or higher Black population...I usually tank, as in...walk away feeling disappointed. The only excpetion being Austin, Texas because that is a college town and there's not much money there even though the population is over 700,000 and 3% Black. I started back in Miami which has 17% Black population and of course...I faired well there.


Its obvious that there aren't any active Black escort posters on here so I can understand that people did not understand the concept of what I said until just now. I am more than happy to explain if necessary. As a Black person; I find I am appreciated and get more business in cities that lack a decent Black population...than in places like Atlanta, Chicago, and Nawlins does. I know its painfully blunt, but thats just how our country is...


I don't have a doubt in my mind you tank it Atlanta. Like you say because the black population is so high there. I bet theirs something like 5 African American escort to 1 white escort in that city. to much competition in that market there.

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all the cancellations are visitors but Fortunately it has stopped. I truly feel as if the flu bug going around was responsible. That was it.


Someone cancelled on me the other day citing having a cold, and "didn't want me to catch it." Couple months ago a guy in Dallas said the same thing and I blacklisted him...c'mon, how many times are we going to buy that excuse? This last guy didn't even call to cancel, I had to call him because I had another client wanting to book around the same time and needed to know who was going show.


This doesn't seem to be bought up often, but sometimes you can't help but wonder if perhaps the competition is the one setting up these shenanigans? Trying to fill up our schedule and prevent us from getting clients by causing us to miss work due to someone booking an appointment and cancelling it.

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I like Joey and think he is cool and so out spoken and refreshing. Yes, I will calm down but as an EX PREACHER i tend to get worked up and emotional so forgive me if I go all Jimmy swaggart sometimes on here. I accept their excuse if they offer one and REALLY HOPE it is NOT a competitor. that would not be good but is possible..... One point for you Joey. You said concerning me that, "When you start to travel....." What you and I guess most of the forum does not know about me is that I have traveled to 49 of the 50 States in this business. I was advertising in, "Unzipped," magazine and sending my, "Inches," magazine spread all over the country by REGULAR MAIL (horrors, so old school!) when most of my fellow escorts now were in grade school or middle school. I have been to every major city in this nation and am not a backwoods Louisiana redneck. I was doing this job when Men4rentnow was only a dream and Rentboy was just a fantasy in someone's mind. I chose to live in New Orleans when I could live anywhere I want to. I escort no longer for the money although it is fun to count it- but for the FUCKING THRILL OF IT BABY! I am an OLD man in this business at 37 but it is so much fun when the client tell me, "Oh, I never hire under 35. I don't waqnt to feel like my son is fucking me. I want a real man!" I love it when I hear that. I have gone from twink to stud to Daddy and Daddy is so much fun! Ok, now I will calm down............one last bit of advice from old Obi Wan Kenobi to all my young Jedi appretinces weilding their big lightsabres: GET to A SMALL MARKET! Before there ever was a B.N. or a Noah in San Antonio, I made two fortunes in that sleepy little village. when all my competitors were living in miami and Ft. Lauderdale in the 90's, I was the ONLY guy in West Palm Beach .......post katrina new orleans? What a no-brainer! Of my adopted new hometown of Nola I shall only echo Kenobi's words , "Mos Eisley spaceport (new orleans seaport) You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany. We must be careful." So what better place for a male escort to be!

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One point for you Joey. You said concerning me that, "When you start to travel....." What you and I guess most of the forum does not know about me is that I have traveled to 49 of the 50 States in this business. one last bit of advice from old Obi Wan Kenobi to all my young Jedi appretinces weilding their big lightsabres: GET to A SMALL MARKET! Before there ever was a B.N. or a Noah in San Antonio, I made two fortunes in that sleepy little village. when all my competitors were living in miami and Ft. Lauderdale in the 90's, I was the ONLY guy in West Palm Beach .......post katrina new orleans? What a no-brainer!!


LOL, I believe you and what you say is correct. I myself have a few secret towns that I retreat to as well...I used to live in San Antonio as well but like you said, it's a sleepy little village and eventually my inner metropolitan cravings caved in and I got bored to death being there. I had to drive to Dallas just to buy sexy underwear....Luckily I met people for dates occasionally so still had fun regardless.


But I laughed when you said redneck from Louisiana LOL. I was thinking maybe you never been outside of Louisiana so thanks for clarifying that.


As a warning though, small markets isn't always the answer. Small markets could mean lower rates, less overnights and less clients. They have to be chosen carefully because in small towns, you may be busy 1 week...and then not have another client for a month.


In addition, many small towns have no growth. And no growth is bad news. Means its stagnant. Once the same clients do you, there's nothing left until they decide to hire you again.


I still prefer big metropolitan cities that are dense and have something like 14,000-17,000 people per square mile (Boston/SF). New Orleans is a measly 2,000 p/m and Dallas is only shy of 4,000. When you have 17,000 people in a 1 mile radius, the potential of them being gay/bi/str8 men with spending ability for this market increases dramatically.


So, there's so many variables and not everyone will benefit from one or the other. Competition may be tough but it may also be an indicator of whether its worth a damn or not to be traveling out to.

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good words Joey and true. Here is what is different about New Orleans though that some people don't know. On any given night 365 days a year we have a minimum of 5,000 and a maximum of 60,000 convention visitors in town on top of roughly 20,000 tourists a day. Add that to a local population in the metro area of 1.5 million with less than a half dozen well-reviewed escorts then you have an underserved small market. San Antonio used to be that way too- loaded with tourists as was West Palm Beach. Those are the small markets of which I speak . I very rarely have a day when I am home without at least one client and usually see 2 or 3 a day. San diego is another city like this. almost ALL the good escorts are in L.a. and they charge a fortune to go down there. Milwaukee is the same. They have to hire out of Chicago. Now, mind you, I am ONLY speaking professionally not quality of life. Some guys would die in New Orleans but if I was broke and needed the money I would rather be the only game in town in a small market than one of a thousand for - pay studs in the Big city. if you are loaded with money then it would not matter. Cost of livin g is also a concern. Most small market cities are cheap to live in. on rates? If you are a monopoly you can charge more because there is not much quality choice. LAter.........

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You can justify a downturn in business any way you want, but trust that there are escorts out there who right now are turning down clients because they already have too much on their plate. It's not about where you live. It's about how you present yourself and if a client is attracted to it enough to want to spend his money on it.

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It is true that a GOOD escort can be successful anywhere- with a little patience to build up the market and to establish a regular client base. Sometimes if it does not happen in a month the escort abandons ship and moves away. Some markets are just easier though. I just heard that Seattle has very few (almost no) quality guys. I mean if an escort moved there and marketed correctly I am sure he could do real good, real fast wheras if he moved to nyc he is competing against the best of the best from all over the world and it may take longer to establish- plus high cost of living too...It is like alot of guys are high school football stars, some are college stars but very few are nfl stars. NYC and LA are the nfl baby and you have to have amazing talent to excell there

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