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How many of you guys have current female clients? Do you see women?

Michael Wayne
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I am a black male do you have any issues with that? And of course some would become offended but I don't know how to bring it up any other way.


Personally, I don't have any issue. I have many satisfied black clients whom I love seeing again.


I must tell you that MOST other escorts I know do not see them.


That's an interesting statement and I would be curious to hear where do you hold your observations from? Do you mean the escorts in New Orleans or the escorts in Louisiana? In my experience, we're well past that cleavage and the young generations are much more open minded from those of our parents and grand parents.

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1. my anti-discrimination clause is a key to my ads. i have had a dozen or so black guys who said they only called because I said it. 2. My information is not regional at all. It comes from over 10 years of listening to story after story of clients who were rejected and turned away based on race. San Francisco is an exception, yes, thank God! I personally know very well many of America's leading male escorts from working with them or jus t meeting them for a drink when our paths crossed and they tell me that if a client, "sounds black," they will suddenly be booked up for the next week. This is why some unprofessional escorts ask for the clients pics which I NEVER do. I would not post anything on here that was not based on my experiences. I have traveled to 49 of the 50 states in this business. (come on ALASKA, where are you?) so this race problem exists everywhere. A TOP of the market guy told me last week, "I will see a 300 pound, bald, ugly 4 inch dick white guy but would not see Denzel Washington if he paid me 10,000 dollars." That is a direct quote. Lastly, they SAY they are open minded but these type predudices are very deep-seated and sub-conscious. I was a psychology minor.

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Guest FTLdude
A TOP of the market guy told me last week, "I will see a 300 pound, bald, ugly 4 inch dick white guy but would not see Denzel Washington if he paid me 10,000 dollars."



I suppose this "top of the market" guy thinks he's being powerfully selective by making a statement like that, and he's entitled...if it makes him feel superior. But why would he assume that any guy who looks like or has as much money as Denzel would even want to get close enough to touch him, much less offer to pay him anything at all?...much less give him $10,000? Ah, the arrogance of some people! And the contrast he used makes him look even more like an asshole than a racist..."I will see a 300 lb, bald, ugly, 4 inch dick white guy, but..." What a charming guy he is to characterize his clients like that. He obviously doesn't do black clients, but he doesn't seem to think very much of some of the white ones either. Still, he must be doing SOMETHING right (even if only for certain types of people) if he's been reviewed as one of the top escorts in the industry.

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He was not disparaging his clients but just giving an accuracte description of some of them. As clients you guys would be very interested to hear the conversations (private) between escorts. There are things we tell each other that only we can understand kind of like when only another pro athlete can understand another pro athlete. The guy in question here makes over 10,000 a month so he is obviously doing alot of things right.....let me add one thing here to show that discrimination is not only limited to escorts but is also prevalent among clients. A dozen or so time in my life a potentail client over the phone has asked me if I see back clients and I say yes and that skin color is like penis size to me. I see little ones, medium ones, big ones and Monsters. I see blacks, whites, hispaniccs, asians etc. I like people- all people! Well then, 12 times the potential client has then told me, "I will not hire you because you see blacks (or they used the N word)." Tragic! And yet they have the right to spend and hire as they choose. It is a free country after all.

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IMO sexual preference isn't discrimination or Racism. There's people that think its wrong for an escort to refuse service too someone outside their race, but the same people wont hire an escort that takes women. Its sexual preference its not like someones refusing another race a loan or a job or the right to marriage or a dr or dentist refusing service.

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Mikey9nola, i have no idea if i lose clients because i see women. but i have found that some people like reality (getting to know me and my crazy life) and some like fantasy (having a BFE or objectifying me). clearly escorting is not a job for everyone!

as EZEtoGRU says, you can't please everyone all the time.


regarding the Black issue - i agree, there is a lot of preferences at play - both ways - shit, all over the globe. i think if you have a concern about race or whatever, you should just say it up front. "i'm black, is that an issue for you?" or "i'm overweight, is that an issue for you?" or "i'm an older guy, is that an issue for you?"


Countryboywny - you are a non-hottie? hmmph. you told be before we met, "i've a face only a mother could love" - but that's not true! plus, you shared your stories with me, you like to kiss, and you are a Very Nice Guy. please stop discounting yourself, ok? ;)


fyi this is some text i have on my website:

i am very well-educated, have traveled and lived in various parts of the world, and speak several languages. i like to think that i have very few prejudices: i am not racist, sexist, ageist, or misogynist. nor am i xenophobic: i am accepting of people from different cultures and backgrounds and beliefs.


one more thought: i find JosephGA's comment interesting.


ok, i've gotta go back to renovating my house! cheers guys.

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Guest FTLdude

You guys raised some interesting points. All taken. I'm not saying that this #1 rated escort is 'wrong' for liking what he likes, just that he's a jerk for saying what he said the way he said it. Would have been better for him to just say that he's not attracted to black guys. His words are not a simple statement about preferences; they are an expression of contempt and hatred. Its true that we all have our idiosyncrasies, but even though it feels more comfortable to call them 'preferences' that's still a euphemism for prejudice. Whenever I've seen this topic come up it always boils down to a discussion about cultural paradigms of beauty (stereotypes). The images from Madison Avenue, Hollywood, and gay porn certainly have played an influencial role in how we perceive beauty as well as the types of people we consider to be attractive enough to have sex with.


And josephga, I disagree. This stuff is not at all different from a dr refusing service to a patient that he or she doesn't like because of the way they look, or where they're from, or because they have no money or insurance. This is my area, and I've seen my colleagues do it.. Of course, they won't purposefully do or say things that make it look obvious (at least not in public), but I've seen and heard the shit that some of them do to certain types of patients and sometimes its scary. Because of the 'selective' and shitty care they give---patients actually get sicker. Not funny at all if YOU are the patient and the doctor is some jerkoff who thinks he has the right to choose how good the quality of the care you receive from him should be based on nothing more than the color of your skin. Not to mention the jokes they make about gay patients behind the patients backs. And the ignorant and disparaging comments some of them make about gay people is kinda embarrassing. There is one consultant in particular that I no longer use specifically for this reason. I used to get complaints from the nurses about him not returning calls when they call him to report changes in the patients' status, or taking unusually long to call back, or giving orders for interventions that were obviously not the best that any doctor would try to do to reverse a bad development in a patient's condition. At first, I didn't believe it because he seemed like such a nice guy. But I began paying closer attention to his progress notes, and I did in fact notice a trend in the quality of his care interventions that seemed (consistently) to vary in tandem with the ethnicity of the patient. I suppose this guy could reason to himself that its ok to do this because he doesn't like non-white people very much. I mean, our oath of practice is to 'do no harm', but that doesn't necessarily mean that we have to 'do' much at all---especially if we really don't want to. And I will tell you right now that many (perhaps even most) doctors care about getting paid far more than they do about any patient. And if you are sick and you happen to get one who doesn't really give a shit about you because of your ethnicity, or because you're gay, or whatever, then watchout... Whether you die or not, he still gets paid. Just something to think about. When it comes to preferences and being selective the implications can go much deeper that most people think.


I guess I'm expressing stronger feelings on this topic than I should be doing on this forum but thats because this stuff resonates with me. It began years ago when I was in college dissecting dead bodies in anatomy lab. It really hit me for the first time how fragile and how very similar people are when you strip away all the superficial bullshit we prize and surround ourselves with in life. That song from the 80s that says 'don't worry, be happy' is very true. Life is way too short to stress over bullshit like skin color. I've seen too many people come to the end of theirs scared and full of regret.


Sorry for the rant, but I had to get that out. I feel better already...LOL.


On a more serious note though, to each his own.

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never said that there were dr's or lawyers or nurses or any other field that dont discriminate. A dr lawyer dentist, massage therapist or any professional that shows preference to one person over another is prejudice regardless if the are open about it or not. A person that refuses a job to you or refuses to let you marry are forms of discriminate. What i'm saying is sexual preferences are not a form of racism. if so then every ones guilty.

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Great discussion guys. 1. Josephga: a clarification here from my point of view. You are correct, of course, in a non-escorting framework. Alot of gay guys have close dear friends who are black and they are not racists at all but just the opposite- they are civil rights crusaders but they choose not to have sex with them cause thet are not attracted to them. They are not their type. That is fine. HOWEVER what you may not be seeing is my point that I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO MOST OF MY CLIENTS-AT ALL (only 10% are my type) BUT, as a pro, I see them. Being a pro and my sexual orientation or attraction or preferences are two TOTALLY different things. I am not attracted to extremely overweight guys (300 pounds, plus) but I have made a real nice living seeing them and I am so nice to them wheen most people are rude to them. i enjoy them as people and value them as human beings plus I believe in the Golden Rule. I may not always be pretty and buff so I better treat the un-hot well cause we all age! 2. Dave. You and I see things exactly alike so all I can say to you is Amen brother. 3. ftldude. - Your comments are so well written and I eat up your every word! Later guys

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Years and years ago I did have sex with women and finally decided it really wasn't for me. Last week I met my first female client who knew I consider myself gay. Other than wanting a massage, she was unclear of what else she expected from me. Since she wanted to hire me for 2 hrs, I took her as a client. It turned out to be a pleasant experience. If you would like to read more about it, please check out my blog .http://gqpro.tumblr.com/


GQ Pro- Secrets Escapades of a Gay Gigolo

About 5% of my business is married couples (male/female) and another 5% is women (most are married, a couple are single). while I am gay and have a boyfriend my dick actually likes pussy. I get really hard for women but I cannot cum which makes my staying power awesome which is why they hire me. Well, I mean, that and the size I bring to the table. The female clients say they are not threatened by me and that they actully like that I am gay and taken. Many of my gay friends and even other escorts think that I am some kind of traitor or sell out for seeing chicks professionally. My best escort friend (who women fucking DROOL over) has tried to book them but he can't keep it up and actually vomited on a lady. I am new to the forum and this may have been adressed previously but I cannot find any info on it. I find that my lady clients are EXTREMELY generous and are very appreciative of my time and talents. http://www.rentboy.com/mikey9nola1
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