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How do you define, "doing well in the escorting business?"

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I would like to have an idea of what some of you consider "doing well in the business" means. How many clients per day/week is considered doing good? Or is it how much you make per month that really determines that?


I ask because Im on the fence as to whether Im doing good or not. I haven't really been able to get any firm answers from male escorts that would determine whats good or whats not good. In my case, I feel that I do well in some aspects...with occasional multi-hours and overnights..but Im not sure if I want to continue doing this fulltime. The part I deal with is having spectacular weeks, then having some very quiet weeks.


Which brings me to another question, how many are doing this fulltime? Would you recommend doing this fulltime, or not?

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I would like to have an idea of what some of you consider "doing well in the business" means. How many clients per day/week is considered doing good? Or is it how much you make per month that really determines that?


I ask because Im on the fence as to whether Im doing good or not. I haven't really been able to get any firm answers from male escorts that would determine whats good or whats not good. In my case, I feel that I do well in some aspects...with occasional multi-hours and overnights..but Im not sure if I want to continue doing this fulltime. The part I deal with is having spectacular weeks, then having some very quiet weeks.


Which brings me to another question, how many are doing this fulltime? Would you recommend doing this fulltime, or not?


Interesting question and it is a very complex topic!

I do not think that it is a matter of a specific amount of dollars. Unfortunately, if you have to ask this question from yourself while you hesitate whether to do this as a full time job or not, then probably the answer is: you are not doing that well. Meaning, if you could make more by having a regular job and do escort on the "side" would pay better then that is what you should go with but only if you feel that way. I do this full time and I consider this as my career. I take my job very seriously and I am very honored that I have a clientele that provides me close to a 5-figure income every month. But besides the money, there are all kinds of things that others might not but I DO consider as "benefits". You get to meet a lot of different people from diverse backgrounds. Many of my bookings are multiple hour or night or day or even multiple days or sometimes multiple weeks arrangements. At those times I get to talk to them more and that enables me to conduct deeper conversations. I have always thought that you can always learn from somebody, because there will be something that the other person will know better than you and that is totally normal as you can't be the best in everything. I enjoy those conversations with my clients and I feel that I always gain something out of a conversation whether that is a tip of how to open a can or tips for stocks... It really does not matter how important or unimportant the information is... You can always learn from the other person and that is true regardless of their financial situation or their position. Last but not least, you never know who you end up being a friend with. My clientele is very professional and they clearly know the line in between friendship and what I do for a living but as long as you both set your rules and follow them I strongly believe that your client can be your friend as well. Although nowadays I mainly do travels with different clients which requires me(or you) to do it as a full-time job because you can't have a regular daytime job where a client calls you that he would like to take you on a vacation 2 days later and you just announce that at work. BUT! By doing this line of job part-time does NOT mean that you are not a quality escort at all. I personally know Paul Pratt or Ace-Rockstar fantasy (just to stick with one of the best escorts in Vegas) who are one of the sweetest and most professional escorts I have met and they do this on the side as they have other jobs which they consider as a career. We all have our own preferences and you should know how far you are willing to go to in each field to succeed.


Hope this helps and I wish you lots of clients!

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Measuring personal success.


Good morning!


If I had to gage "doing well" in the escorting business, I would start with are you able to pay your creditors each month. If that is the case and you're able to pay your expenses then you're off to a good start. Being in this business takes time by establishing a clientele, fostering those relationships and building the foundation at which you'll stand on for years to come assuming you want to be in the business that long. I think at this point in time, especially considering the economy being able to pay your bills is an achievement. But, the better question is how are you going to sustain that in the future? Do you have so much in reserves (at least 6 months is my rule of thumb) in the event something should happen to you and you're unable to work? Are you saving for retirement because escorting, like any job will not last forever and the proper steps need to be taken to ensure your financial security after this chapter in your life concludes.


Go through all your expenses for one month, total them up and compare that figure to what your average monthly income is. Are you paying out more than putting into the bank? It's about baby steps and each month one should strive to do better than the last month BUT also accept that there will be single months or periods of months throughout the year when business slows and that's okay. We're in an industry that is directly affected by spending power and when things are going good, generally speaking there is more income to spend but when things are hard, that income flow can and in most cases will be tightened. That's where saving comes in and if you're paying your bills and still able to put money away into savings and retirement then I would say you're doing well.


But again, it just depends on what your goals are now, next month, next year and in the next five years.


Yes, this is my full-time career but I also diversify it with erotic massages as well adding additional mix to my income stream. Being an escort full-time can be difficult especially if you're performing regular traveling. Personally, I travel each month (except this month since I've been settling into my new home here in Chicago) but with that comes the loss of one's personal life though there area always trade-offs in any business but well worth the work. A number of escorts also have primary jobs while escorting is there secondary business but for myself personally, that would be difficult and I commend those that are able to do that.

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Romann has given some very good advice. You're doing well if a) you're doing something you enjoy doing and b) you make enough to see you through short term needs as well as long term goals. The hard part is setting those goals and sticking to them. Like any independant contractor in the service industry, the paycheck is going to vary week to week and month to month. Plan for it so that you're never caught short. Do well.

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Hi Mocha,


I would like to offer my somewhat conflicting opinion to the great ones you have already got here.


I know I am doing well in my job because I love doing it, I look forward to it, I go to bed happy, and fulfilled and satisfied and proud, and I wake up looking forward to it the next morning.


Looking for anything outside to evaluate your own progress in anything is not only pointless but it could be dangerous; the only real indicator of how well you are doing is how you feel. Anything else is imaginary, imprecise and potentially harmful.


One escort could try to impress you and tell you that he is making 30,000 every month, which could perhaps make your income pale in comparison, whereas another one may want to be careful and avoid the tax man, telling you that he makes barely 1,000 a month. Neither of these has absolutely any validity in your case, since we all have different needs, goals, priorities, tastes.


You can only gauge your own progress and satisfaction by paying close attention to how you feel.


I would wholeheartedly recommend you to do exactly that which brings you the most joy, fulfillment, pride, excitement and inspiration.


Nothing more, but absolutely nothing less.


(I know, I know, this response is not helpful, but no response will be helpful in this area because the only input that matters is your own.)


Here's to wishing you fulfillment and success!

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From the client side I always like to see the guys I see do well. I advise that if you're able to live a comfortable life plus able to save half your income (which every escort should do - your looks won't last forever) then you're doing well.


BTW - Doing well goes beyond income. Make sure you stay safe, test regularly and no matter what, don't fall into the drug scene. It will destroy both you as well as your career.

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Agree with Roman- If you can pay your bills, that's a good start, especially in this economy for the hourly escort. I know escorts who have made this their full time job, making well into mid-six figures a year, as well as guys who struggle to find the short term time frame in travel cities. The trick to escorting, and being a success at it, is to find your niche, work it well, stay healthy and invest, invest, invest.

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This is my full time employment as well.

How do you or anyone determine if their job is going well? Full time Escorting has it's own considerations... no group insurance, retirement plan so you pay for that yourself.

Travel is not always paid for by Clients and "self initiated and paid for" travel happens... and as Romann brings to light, there are slow periods and cancelation periods, times when you have a cold and are not working and have no sick pay. You have to save differently then with other types of employment.







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I would like to have an idea of what some of you consider "doing well in the business" means. How many clients per day/week is considered doing good? Or is it how much you make per month that really determines that?


I ask because Im on the fence as to whether Im doing good or not. I haven't really been able to get any firm answers from male escorts that would determine whats good or whats not good. In my case, I feel that I do well in some aspects...with occasional multi-hours and overnights..but Im not sure if I want to continue doing this fulltime. The part I deal with is having spectacular weeks, then having some very quiet weeks.


Which brings me to another question, how many are doing this fulltime? Would you recommend doing this fulltime, or not?

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Mocha -- Here's wishing you well. You have gotten a lot of great answers from some of the escorts I admire most. 4 people I would consider all-stars in the profession: Peter, Romann, Tyger and Juan. Take it in and think. I don't want to speak for them, but know them I would not be surprisesd if at least a few would be happen to chat about this off-forum.


Peter Hung -- You are 24 years old. How in the hell at 24 did you get to be so god damned smart and thoughtful. And that is why you are one of the stars of the group.


Romann -- nuff said. You know how I feel.


Tyger -- ditto. As do you, master.


Juan -- You go to bed happy? Your kidding, right? You go to bed lusty. Just like you wake up lusty, you eat breakfast lusty and every thing all day. The biggest problem is that you haven't gone to bed with ME!!!! YET!!!!


As I've said many times -- this place is for me a chance to learn. Mocha -- use it for that purpose. In 4 weeks I've been so impressed with the escorts who are here who are generous with their time, their thoughts and experiences. I'm equally impressed by the clients here who provide the flip side of the coin -- one I think the greats see and must see.


First priority, as as been said repeatedly, do you feel comfortable financially -- are your bills paid, can you handle a financial emergency. Do you have friends, be they other escorts, clients or outside off this world, you can lean on for advice, a hug, a laugh? Are you happy -- truly happy -- doing this full time? If you have a passion for the work -- not the sex but the work -- it will hold you in good stead. To me, the greats are the ones who not only satisfy my sexual needs, they teach, guide, comfort, sometimes heal wounded and hurting people who simply need someone, anyone, to touch them, hug them, hold them and tell them they are appreciated, valued, loved for who they are as the person. If you can see that as your job and your financially, emotionally, psychologically secure in yourself, then you are a success. Not only as an escort, but as a human. How much more can anyone ask of their life?

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First priority, as as been said repeatedly, do you feel comfortable financially -- are your bills paid, can you handle a financial emergency. Do you have friends, be they other escorts, clients or outside off this world, you can lean on for advice, a hug, a laugh? Are you happy -- truly happy -- doing this full time? If you have a passion for the work -- not the sex but the work -- it will hold you in good stead. To me, the greats are the ones who not only satisfy my sexual needs, they teach, guide, comfort, sometimes heal wounded and hurting people who simply need someone, anyone, to touch them, hug them, hold them and tell them they are appreciated, valued, loved for who they are as the person. If you can see that as your job and your financially, emotionally, psychologically secure in yourself, then you are a success. Not only as an escort, but as a human. How much more can anyone ask of their life?


Very well said!


The reference to support reminds me of the questions a family member asked me when I told them I had started escorting.


They said " Are you safe? Do you take care of yourself?' I replied, "Yes, of course."

They asked "Are you happy? Is this what you want to do?" I replied "Absolutely, I love it."

Finally, they asked "Are you good at it?" I replied, "Well, the feedback is consistently good, and most of my clients repeat at least once."

And their reply?

"Good. Then I am proud of you!"


As others have said, and IMO as well, doing well in any business is a dance between making enough money to live comfortably, and to plan for your future, and finding satisfaction in your work. For me, the satisfaction in this work is amazing, and the pay is just icing on the cake.

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Guest mineallmine

In Agreement about Full Time Escort


Everyone has given such great advice...hard to follow up with anything. Though the able to pay your bills and stash some away for the future is very important, I believe Juan has the key. Is this something you love to do and can see yourself doing in 10 years. Do you enjoy being around the people you work with. Do they bring something fulfilling to your life as you bring something to theirs. Can you handle the bad times not only the slow times but the bad clients.


It trully takes a special kind of person to do this full time. On top of it all even some of those people have outside interest and persue them regularly. It keeps life interesting. My mother always said Baby do what you love! I may not make the most money for what I enjoy doing. But I do something that brings me personal fulfilment and I wake up happy to do every day.


Very well said!


The reference to support reminds me of the questions a family member asked me when I told them I had started escorting.


They said " Are you safe? Do you take care of yourself?' I replied, "Yes, of course."

They asked "Are you happy? Is this what you want to do?" I replied "Absolutely, I love it."

Finally, they asked "Are you good at it?" I replied, "Well, the feedback is consistently good, and most of my clients repeat at least once."

And their reply?

"Good. Then I am proud of you!"


As others have said, and IMO as well, doing well in any business is a dance between making enough money to live comfortably, and to plan for your future, and finding satisfaction in your work. For me, the satisfaction in this work is amazing, and the pay is just icing on the cake.

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