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"A client's first time..."

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Hey Bill,


Don't worry about a subject having been previously talked about. We have pretty much covered everything in this site, so it is fun to revisit old favourites.


I would recommend you to keep in mind only a few things:


IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU, about your pleasure, your fun, your fantasies, your comfort zone.

Even if escorts are also people who their own set of dreams, fantasies, needs, likes, if you are hiring a professional, you are expected and encouraged to focus on what you want, how you want it. Don't be shy to ask directly, even if you force yourself to do it as practice. It is up to your escort to let you know if what you are asking is not within the things he feels comfortable doing, but don't ask him what he wants to do. Don't be shy, this is ALL ABOUT YOU.


COMMUNICATE. Communicate with yourself before the appointment trying to figure out what things you are curious about, what you dream about, what you need. Communicate with him before the session in terms as clear as you can find. Directness pays off. Communicate with yourself and with him during the session, making sure that you are en joying, making sure that if you are not, you make all necessary modifications till you find things that feel better. Communicate with yourself after the session and learn. You will most likely find out a lot about yourself and what you like. While a lot of people go through sex with their eyes (and senses) closed, it is possible to study your session and learn from it so that next time you now a lot more about yourself.


SET YOUR LIMITS beforehand. There are boundaries that you may not want to cross at all, like anal sex without a condom, and during the session no matter how hot you feel, you can remind yourself that that is a non negotiable boundary. There are some others, (getting fucked, for example) that at first may seem a no go area but that you may discover that in the right situation you may be open for it. Learn the difference between these two and always keep these boundaries in mind.


RESPECT yourself and the other. You have no obligation to go ahead with anything. This is not a duty, this is about you finding ways to bring more pleasure to yourself. Be kind and gentle and remember this is al about fun. Respect your body and respect your escort, be extra careful of your hygiene and the way you interact with him. Sometimes when we are nervous we forget our manners entirely and while an escort with experience will be okay with it, perhaps a less experienced one may take it personally turning your first experience into a little trip to hell and back.


And last, but not least...


DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Research about the best escorts with the characteristics you like, read their reviews, take time to choose the best one. Do some research about the activities you are wanting to try, sexually and otherwise, and research and practice beforehand (and many times as you need) the necessary steps to be ready for such activities. Own your body, practice with it, make sure that when you arrive to your session you are in charge of your body, instead of bringing a foreign body to be "fixed" for you by your escort. You are in control, and if you are mindful in your research you can make sure to create a fulfilling experience.


I wish you the best journey into taking full ownership of that amazing machine that is your body.


Dirty thoughts, hugs and kisses!

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Great advice Juan, as usual. Don't you ever tire of answering these questions with maturity and insight. Just once I want to see you make a complete buffoon of yourself on these posts.

Mr. Cohen, to paraphrase myself, since I do not recall the original quote: Remember, it is only sex. If you screw it up you get to do it again.

Don't be nervous.

Don't be scared.

Hire a great man's service.

And be prepared.

To enjoy his body.

And his mind.

Then start saving your pennies

For next time.

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Hey Bill,


Don't worry about a subject having been previously talked about. We have pretty much covered everything in this site, so it is fun to revisit old favourites.


I would recommend you to keep in mind only a few things:








RESPECT yourself and the other.


And last, but not least...




I wish you the best journey into taking full ownership of that amazing machine that is your body.


Dirty thoughts, hugs and kisses!


Juan -- I've read many of your answers to other topics and have always been exceptionally impressed with the thoughts and experience you bring to each and every answer you give. This is but another shining example of that. Would that we were not separated by 3000 miles, a really big river and a really big hill (those Rocky things). Well, maybe someday. However, I'd like to expand on your brfilliant insights and hopefully provide a few more thoughts for Bill to consider, but this time from a client's perspective.


First of all convey your nerves to the escort. Unless you are his very first client ever, they have doubtless run into this hundreds of times before and should be expert at calming you down (well to a degree) and putting you at ease. If they aren't, either you are not ready for the experience, or they are not the escort for you.


Juan, I guess for me as a client, your first suggestion is the conundrum (my baggage, thank you Jerry Springer). Part of my biggest pleasure, that which makes me the happiest, besides the physical pleasure I get for myself, is that my partner at the time is also having a good time. Regardless of how sexually excited I am, if he isn't into it at all, my dink-o-meter goes boink. If I wanted to engage with a dishrag, I could stay home and play with my best friend, Lefty. If I as the client am not careful, it can be a viscious death spiral where he's trying to please me, which means I must please him, which means he must please me yada, yada, yada. At some point the reality and intensity of the mutual sharing and pleasuring can become more playacting than real at put the whole experience at risk. So from my perspective, if you are in that category (as I am), you do need to be aware of that pitfall. It certainly falls beautifully in line with your second recommendation: communicate. For me, constant communication during the encounter is crticial, both internally within yourself, as you wisely suggested (how else would you learn) but also between the partners. Again, to me, both parties must be enjoying themselves. I realize that I am not Brad Pitt (more like Brad's pits, which I realize some may find appealing). I realize that I'm not now, nor have ever been, nor ever will be, any of these gorgious guy's idea of a "dream" date. But as so many of the best escorts (including yourself, I believe) have said, you can get something out of every encounter regardless of looks. And that's what I try to remember. The client must communicate up front what their absolute minimum expectations are, those without which the entire encounter will immediately be a failure. Is it topping? Bottoming? BDSM? For me, it's physical contact -- kissing (deeply, passionately), touching, carressing. Others have far different needs. If the escort is not able to do this, you need to find another escort. And the really good escort will tell you that they are not a good fit for you.


Lastly for me, one thing I would also recommend would be to use your encounters to expand yourself, even if only a little bit at a time. Your encounters with escorts should be a safe place to explore your sexuality. This does fall nicely in line with your recommendations to set your limits. Discuss these limits up front and discuss your escort's limits as well. For me, the biggest, as you mentioned, is barebacking. I will not under any circumstances, now or ever, do it. Should the escort try it (and one did), I will stop and tell them to tent up. If they say no, I'm out of there. Likewise there are some things that you may be attracted to but have never tried. B&D, S&M, water sports, fisting, whatever. A few years ago, BDSM seemed completely unappealing to me. I'm still not interested in the S&M -- yet. I've never really explored B&D but it now seems appealing to me to try so it would be safe place to explore if it is something that you would enjoy. Talk to your escort beforehand and raise the possibility. You may not get there in that session, but if see the same escort more than once, you could begin something that will lead that way. The reviews on Daddy's are replete with stories like this. A great example of this (which is brilliantly written) is review #19 for Sean Knight (now there's a body I want to explore for a few forevers if and when he comes to DC). And many cases where both the client and the escort are experimenting with different parts of themselves at the same time, to both of their mutual pleasure I bet it can be unequalled. The client most certainly sets the direction, but I believe an experienced an attuned escort (hence my preference for more mature, seasoned escorts) can lead a client to places that they want to go, even if they are a bit apprehensive about going there, or even if they don’t know they want to go there at all. But it will only happen if the client has even hinted at their interest in certain areas. These sessions should be completely safe and judgment free places to explore your sexuality and expand your horizons. And an experienced and empathetic escort can make the journey there a lot easier and a whole lot more fun, if you are willing to let go and let Juan (as it were)


As I've told others, that for me, the most important sexual organ is between your ears. Let your fantasies run wild, expand your horizons, and who knows where it will lead you. Maybe you'll like it, maybe not. But you'll never know unless you try.


And Juan, even though we are 3000 miles apart, someday I would lilke to take full ownership of that amazing machine that is your body :) I just read your response to my question about tipping on the other thread and again I'm just amazed at the beauty that is your thoughts and words (and body). Hugs and kisses coming your way -- by the boatload.



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Juan/Earl/Leigh: These are wonderful, insightful answers and of great practical help. Leigh hit one nail on the head by noting that he had a tough time enjoying himself unless his bed partner was, also. This is a neurotic concern of my own as well: the constant nagging dread that "Well, the escort won't really be enjoying himself, and I don't want to make him have a bad time." This stops me from calling anyone at all. Is this just me? I'd really appreciate it if a few other readers could describe "A Client's First Time." This could be both from the escort and client perspective. Many, many thanks....! - Bill

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Juan/Earl/Leigh: These are wonderful, insightful answers and of great practical help. Leigh hit one nail on the head by noting that he had a tough time enjoying himself unless his bed partner was, also. This is a neurotic concern of my own as well: the constant nagging dread that "Well, the escort won't really be enjoying himself, and I don't want to make him have a bad time." This stops me from calling anyone at all. Is this just me? I'd really appreciate it if a few other readers could describe "A Client's First Time." This could be both from the escort and client perspective. Many, many thanks....! - Bill


As far as a "Client's First Time" there's a pretty broad range, and unfortunately, as the escort, I can't offer detailed stories for reasons of discretion, so hopefully other clients will want to chime in with their own stories that offer more detail.


I can say I've seen everything from 20 year old virgins to men in their 80s who had long sexual histories but had never hired before. Everyone's story is the same in some ways and is different in others, but one consistent thread with me has been that magic moment when the client communicated somehow (sometimes with words and sometimes more obliquely, through body language etc) what they needed to finally relax. Sometimes it's getting him to really let go and laugh, sometimes it's putting him over my knee to get him to concentrate on his body when he starts to think too much, and sometimes it's that first kiss.


The concern over the escort having a good time too is one that I have heard often, and I certainly understand not being able to enjoy yourself if you think the other guys isn't!


That's one of the beautiful things about hiring a professional however.


As leigh astutely pointed out, a "really good escort will tell you that they are not a good fit for you."

If you are honest about what you are looking for, and the guy you have contacted tells you he offers what you are looking for, implicit in that is that he enjoys doing whatever it is that he is offering. A good escort knows that if he's doing something that doesn't feel good for him, he is not operating in his zone of competence and that is the fastest way to burnout.


Which brings up the second part....

Those of us who love our work tend to have very broad tastes in partners and in activities.

We love our work, and if you have told us what you want and we have said it sounds like a match, then we're having a good time!

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That's one of the beautiful things about hiring a professional however.


As leigh astutely pointed out, a "really good escort will tell you that they are not a good fit for you."

If you are honest about what you are looking for, and the guy you have contacted tells you he offers what you are looking for, implicit in that is that he enjoys doing whatever it is that he is offering. A good escort knows that if he's doing something that doesn't feel good for him, he is not operating in his zone of competence and that is the fastest way to burnout.



Bill -- sorry to go off topic and hijack your board for a second. Steve -- Thanks for the kind words. I must admit though that I'm getting pretty damned pissed at a lot of you escorts. I've only been here a little while (I lurked for quite a while before I took the plunge). We've had a great discussion going in the Lounge about young escorts versus more experienced "mature" escorts. I've made my preferences very clear. And yet more and more guys that I'd love to spend time with that meet all my criteria, push ALL my buttons, keep coming across my radar. More mature (~30+, confident, great body but most important and great brain and a giving nature who really enjoys what they do). And now comes Steve -- fitting the bill to a T as well. Damn it, guys, my computer hard drive isn't big enough to keep all of your names and numbers. A Cray supercomputer would be enough either. At the rate of the highest quality escorts that meet every one of my criteria that I've come across here in just the last few weeks keep coming into my radar, I'm going to have to become Bill Gates to afford to hire all of you. I'm not even sure hitting a 9 digit powerball would do it.


Steve, I love your response. If I ever get to SF, you'll certainly on my to-do list (or more appropriately to be done-by list :) ).

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Excellent advice from all the guys who have written so far. Let me just add a brief sketch of my first experience as a client.


My first time with an escort? I was 65, married for 43 years, with no flesh-to-flesh male contact since some mutual jack-off sessions in high school.


Why at that time? Because of a "now or never" feeling combined with the opportunity of a business trip out of town.


Who? Devon of San Francisco whose blog convinced me that he would treat a first-timer patiently, gently, and sensitively. As it turned out, he was just about the best person I could have chosen.


What happened? All went well in our initial emails, even though I got extremely detailed in my requests. After all, it had to be perfect since it was going to be my one and only time. (Hah!)


Looking back, I think I must have distanced myself from what was going to take place, in the sense that the upcoming scene felt like a story in a book, not involving me at all. That was before he arrived at my hotel room. Then he came in, and I got really nervous. I remember exactly what we said. I said, "OK, NOW I'm nervous." He said, "Don't be," and we sat down to talk. Such was my talent at conversation at that moment. Eventually, as we talked, I thought to myself, if anything's going to happen, it's got to be now. So I reached over and just put my hand on his forearm. How exciting it was to be able to touch another man's skin without being afraid of someone watching.


Things took off from there, and he showed me wonderful things in bed and as a guide to San Francisco. He gave me my first "man kiss." Another memorable moment.


Do I have any suggestions for a newbie?

  • Pick someone who is well-reviewed and is said to be good with first-timers.
  • Don't let your imagination come up with too many details. Your guy will now what to do and how to prepare.
  • I would also recommend an appointment for two hours. This gives you time to get over your initial nervousness and enjoy your choice of escort as the sexy, intelligent, vital man he is.


Just take a deep breath, my friend, and let the pro have his chance to make you a happy man.

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Do I have any suggestions for a newbie?

  • Pick someone who is well-reviewed and is said to be good with first-timers.
  • Don't let your imagination come up with too many details. Your guy will now what to do and how to prepare.
  • I would also recommend an appointment for two hours. This gives you time to get over your initial nervousness and enjoy your choice of escort as the sexy, intelligent, vital man he is.

Just take a deep breath, my friend, and let the pro have his chance to make you a happy man.


Jerry... In a nutshell you said it all! I might add that hopefully the escort will give his first-timer a bit of wiggle room.. and any good well-reviewed professional certainly will know how to handle a first-timer. I recall making some tentative limits... and even though we did more than I would have imagined in my wildest dreams there was one area with which I was not sure if I was really ready to cross the line... This magnificent escort brought me right up to the line... and had me make the decision... and when I declined he made me feel so damn comfortable about the whole situation... actually beyond comfortable... Some guys just have that knack... and it's a gift.


So just take that deep breath and enjoy!

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Jerry... I recall making some tentative limits... and even though we did more than I would have imagined in my wildest dreams there was one area with which I was not sure if I was really ready to cross the line... This magnificent escort brought me right up to the line... and had me make the decision... and when I declined he made me feel so damn comfortable about the whole situation... actually beyond comfortable... Some guys just have that knack... and it's a gift.


Bill -- Whipped Guy gives a beautiful example of what I was talking about. Whipped Guy -- damn that sounded exhilariting -- everything an experience with an escort should be. It all comes down to Juan's recommendation -- COMMUNICATE. And Jerry nailed it too -- for a newbie, you'll definitely want to put your trust in someone who is well-reviewed and experienced. That experience will certainly put you more at ease (but you'll still be nervous) and they will be able to lead you to places you want to go and they will know how to draw out of you maybe those places like what happened to Whipped Guy. And for a newbie that positive, thrilling first experience is everything. I also heartily endorse Jerry's idea of at least a 2 (or 3) hour appointment. You may not want to jump into the water with a weekend, but you will want a bit longer to begin the exploration process.


Happy exploration and let us know how it goes, if you feel comforable with it.

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Thanks leigh! Kind of you to say!


And your signature line is awesome....where does it come from?



Nimm mich in deine starken umarmen. Lassen mich Ihnen Dusche mit Küssen. Lassen mich zu erkunden jeden Zentimeter Ihres Körpers. Lassen mich in Ihre männlichen Duft einatmen. Lassen mich Ihre Männlichkeit Umschlag in meinem warmen und sanft Mund. Und dann kannst du mich ficken, härter und härter. Wieder und wieder und wieder. Lassen mich schreien zum Himmel für Freigabe. Und dann, wann mein Gebet erhört wird, meiner Entlassung gewährt wird, dann kann ich ein glücklicher Mann sterben. ).


My German is VERY bad (okay nonexistant *sigh).....but i figured out enough of that to know to ask in my hackneyed way...


Ist es innen hier heiß??

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Ist es innen hier heiß??


Steve - Noch Nicht!


Where did it come from? From that puny, grain of size sand thing between my ears for that passes as my brain. I was impsired by 2 things: Steven Draker had a post the other day on the European escort board about a sex club in Berlin which certainly sounds like no place we can have in the US anymore - you want hot, try to translate some of that. DAMN! And the other inspiration was Romann's new website. As I posted here, and I told him in an email last night, that greeting he had was one of the most erotic, sensual things I've read or heard in a very long time, if ever.


"Allow my desire for immense passion, burning inner lust, flavor of many experiences and love of what makes YOU burn with desire become the focal point of something to remember. Allow me to not only be part of your fantasy but for both of us to create our own unique experience together. I love what I do and you will certainly experience this with every touch against your body. Enter my world of lust and desire and lets make our time together special and absolutely naughty!"


If you don't find that erotic and sexy, I've got a suggestion: call the morgue because you must be dead. So i was just trying in a fun way to add a take-off riff of the two. There are quite a few free translation sites out on the web. The one I always use is translate.google.com. It's some sort of bizaare pig bottom's prayer. And if that isn't sacriligious enough for you, I don't know what would be. Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed.


Do you ever visit the East Coast because I would love to get together with you too? Anyway, all the best (or worst, depending on your wishes). Hugs and kisses.

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Bill -- Whipped Guy gives a beautiful example of what I was talking about. Whipped Guy -- damn that sounded exhilariting -- everything an experience with an escort should be.
Lee… yes it was beyond exhilarating… and it is what I remember the most about that encounter… well not really… but it was the portion of the encounter that had the greatest emotional impact on me… and I was ashamed to mention this, but I was so overwhelmed that it almost brought a tear to my eye…


they will be able to lead you to places you want to go and they will know how to draw out of you maybe those places like what happened to Whipped Guy. And for a newbie that positive, thrilling first experience is everything. I also heartily endorse Jerry's idea of at least a 2 (or 3) hour appointment.
Yes! The best escorts have a certain sixth sense… and my first guy most certainly did… of knowing what you need and want even before you might seem to know it yourself… In fact a while back I had a signature that stated something to the effect that a great escort was like a great philosopher or wise sage who would be able to lead you down paths and change the course of your existence in a positive manner. Also, my guy suggested a two hour session as well and it was the perfect choice of time-frame.


Now speaking of signatures, and not knowing German, when I noticed your signature I immediately assumed that it was culled form either the last scene from Wagner’s Siegfried or possibly somewhere from his Tristan und Isolde… Either that or it was your personal stage directions for what happens at the end of the first act of Die Walkure… I guess I was wrong.

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Yes! The best escorts have a certain sixth sense… and my first guy most certainly did… of knowing what you need and want even before you might seem to know it yourself… In fact a while back I had a signature that stated something to the effect that a great escort was like a great philosopher or wise sage who would be able to lead you down paths and change the course of your existence in a positive manner. Also, my guy suggested a two hour session as well and it was the perfect choice of time-frame.


Now speaking of signatures, and not knowing German, when I noticed your signature I immediately assumed that it was culled form either the last scene from Wagner’s Siegfried or possibly somewhere from his Tristan und Isolde… Either that or it was your personal stage directions for what happens at the end of the first act of Die Walkure… I guess I was wrong.


Hey Whipped Guy -- Your old signture you talked about is right on the money. We've talked about it this week -- what are the qualities of the GREAT escort? Philosopher, wise sage certainly are two. The philosopher part is one reason why I find Conner Habib so damn hot -- he has a degree in philosophy and applies that in his work. That's one reason why I find a brain so absolutely sexy. But not only having it but knowing how to apply it and especially how to apply it in different scenarios with different clients. The geat escort is adaptive. But to me, there are a few other "job titles" that only the great ones have. Teacher, mentor and tour guide. If the client is open to learning and exploring, it can be a mind-altering experience. A client who goes into a session with these great escorts with a fixed mind: "I want to do A, B, C" is only getting about 10-20% out of the session. For me at least, my ideal would be for me to set the broad strokes, set the absolute boundaries I will not cross under any circumstances, talk about what might interest me, to plant the seeds in their mind, and then to let go and have them lead me where I really want to go. And then go a bit further. I am by nature a submissive personality. One talent I seem to have in almost every setting is hiring the best talent (be it lawyer, doctor, CPA, escort). I then lean on their expertise. Would you go to a psychologist and not lean on them for their experience and knowledge? Then why do otherwise with the escort? Let's face reality -- for at least many of us, the escort has much more experience and I'd be an idiot not to learn from them. Another important quality is being almost an artist. Fucking is just a physical act -- if that's all you want, get a Fleshjack or dreamcatcher. However, it can be so much more if you're willing to let go. The last quality of the great escort -- they are students as well. Only an idiot or someone who's young and doesn't know better) think they have all the answers to everything. If you asked any of these greats if they were at the same place sexually at 30, 35 or 40 that they were at 20, they'd probably laugh in your face. Even those of us who are old, bald, out of shape, etc. if we try we can share with our escort so they can learn too. And the greats know that, which is why so many of them this week have said that they don't get hung up on the physical strengths and weaknesses of their clients. We hire these guys, but at it's absolute best (which I'm sure is rarer than it should be) it can be symbiotic relationship where both parties get something emotionally out of the encounter. Idealistic? Probably. But unless we strive for perfection, we'll never get there.


As far as my signature, your comment certainly gave me a new thought of the opening of the 3rd act of T&I. Maybe that's why Tristan is laying down dying. Maybe it wasn't the sword wound he got from Melot at the end of Act 2. Insert my scenario between Acts 2 & 3 between Tristan and Kurwenal and you have an entirely different opera. Whose this Isolde broad anyway???? I wasn't thinking about it at the time, but in a lot of ways, the signature is also an expression of my handle -- a very different Liebestod than Isolde sings, which is quite metaphysical. This is hopefully more erotic (homoerotic to be exact) and sensual. I was just flexing my poetic and sensual wings a bit and having fun (a whole lot of fun). It went through about 8 or 9 revisions throughout the day yesterday until it got to the point where I'm fairly pleased with it. I hope you and others enjoy it a bit. Going forward, I'll probably be changing it every few weeks: sometimes straight quotes from music I feel interesting, other times I might try to express other sides to my journey. Right now I'm stuck in the German wing of the music field. I've got Mahler's 2nd, the Liebestod and Wotan's Farewell all competing nonstop for playing time in my brain and I can't shut them off. So as for now, I'm tending to think Germanic. But at some point that will change. 5 years of high school French, 2 years of German and 1 year of Italian in college and all the literature and musical sources they inspire can and will lead me to unexpected places and different languages to express those thoughts. Thank God for Google translate, because those phrases weren't taught in German 101.


I know this has been off the topic Bill started and I apologize to him for that, but hopefully it will also give him some things to consider as he looks for that first special encounter: what to look for in the escort, what to talk about, what to expect and the need to be open to the whole situation. I hope his experience is as fulfiling to him as yours obviously was to you. Bill -- I am thinking of you and hoping your experience is much more than you ever dreamed.


Lastly to many of the other posters but to you and Rich (doitb4ugo) and especially to Daddy (for providing this forum for us) I do want to tell you I owe you all a debt of gratitude I doubt I can repay. I've only been here but a very short time. When I came here, I knew somewhere deep in the dark recesses of what passes for my brain that I may have had an interest in the BDSM scene. However, your postings along with many others, have started to open a new world that I am looking forward to exploring. Finding out how in my little burb ain't gonna be easy, but I now know I need to try. And for that, I say thank you. Does anyone know if there is a Washington DC Bondage Club???? Until next time...

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Some more advice...perhaps unnecessary.


Bill, I have avery different first time experience to relate briefly followed by my lesson learned.


For my very first session I chose a well reviewed, terrific guy who was particularly good with first timers. My reaction to the session was not very positive (not the escorts fault). I had built the session up so large in my mind that nothing could have saved it from my imagination. Also I did not "Know myself" well enough to communicate what I needed....I am a very passive personality. My escort talked with me for some time to try and get me comfortable....He suceeded in doing that and so we started the more intimate activities. I worked my way through them with a fear that I was not doing well at being a lover. As we progressed, it got worse. I was so worried that I was not doing a good job of pleasing HIM that I forgot about pleasing myself....In reality, I was not doing that badly for a first time but needed to realize that in my fantasies I was quite good at everything (of course) and in reality I had never physically performed with another man before...I certainy need more practice in the mechanics and interaction require to have a good session. Again my expectations were too high...It was like I was in a competancy test and was failing it....


Also, I came to discover after a number of different escort experiences that I very much need to be dominated and the escort needs to take a more assertive role to the action....This takes so much pressure off of me that I can and do enjoy the sex so much more....


Finally, My advice,,,,think about what kind of experience you want and how you want that experience to feel to you....What do you want to get out of it....Sex is so much more than the varous activities....you need to think about what the overall feel needs to be (thank you Sean) and....Secondly, communicate this vague expression of what you are looking for to the escort....Had I done so, I'm confident that my first exerience would have been so much better...Often there is no way for the escort to guess what it is that you are looking for...


I wish you good luck and don't let your experience go by without enjoying and learning....

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Steve - Noch Nicht!


Where did it come from? From that puny, grain of size sand thing between my ears for that passes as my brain. I was impsired by 2 things: Steven Draker had a post the other day on the European escort board about a sex club in Berlin which certainly sounds like no place we can have in the US anymore - you want hot, try to translate some of that. DAMN! And the other inspiration was Romann's new website. As I posted here, and I told him in an email last night, that greeting he had was one of the most erotic, sensual things I've read or heard in a very long time, if ever.


"Allow my desire for immense passion, burning inner lust, flavor of many experiences and love of what makes YOU burn with desire become the focal point of something to remember. Allow me to not only be part of your fantasy but for both of us to create our own unique experience together. I love what I do and you will certainly experience this with every touch against your body. Enter my world of lust and desire and lets make our time together special and absolutely naughty!"


If you don't find that erotic and sexy, I've got a suggestion: call the morgue because you must be dead. So i was just trying in a fun way to add a take-off riff of the two. There are quite a few free translation sites out on the web. The one I always use is translate.google.com. It's some sort of bizaare pig bottom's prayer. And if that isn't sacriligious enough for you, I don't know what would be. Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed.


Do you ever visit the East Coast because I would love to get together with you too? Anyway, all the best (or worst, depending on your wishes). Hugs and kisses.



Language can be so sexy....


I do get to the East Coast pretty regularly (DC especially.)

Feel free to drop me an email if you like and I could keep you posted on my travels!

It sounds like we would have fun with each other!

Now back to the regularly scheduled topic. *LOL*

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My grandfather used to tell me: "Even the Pope, Rabbi, President put on their pants one leg at a time... when you are feeling

bit nervous about meeting someone, picture them in their underwear". This I pass on to you~! It's to your advantage too~! Picture him in his underwear~! Then picture him accidentally ripping a big one~ Don't think too much into it. You know... get the planning and details straight but then once you meet... just have fun. That's what your both there for~! Let it become the amazing experience it's meant to be~! :)





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