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Economic situation

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It's my impression that it's all over the board. Over the years, there have been folks here who clearly came close to ruining themselves financially. Others have enough resources to do whatever they want without much worry about the cost. Many, if not most, are somewhere in between.



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I don't know that I would say I sacrificed. I would hire occassionally (9-12 months). Usually if I was traveling just to treat myself... and I was making about $75K. But I also limited my hiring to guys who charged $200 or less. More than that is just out of bounds imho.


I haven't hired now in well over a year due to losing my job. Unemployment doesn't bring in quite enough to include hiring. LOL


Happy 4th!


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As an additional thought, I think it's often difficult to tell who has money and who doesn't. I've spent some time with some truly -- truly -- wealthy people who were tighter with a buck than almost anyone. One distinguished gentleman was notorious for wanting a $70 hotel in downtown Boston -- and he could easily have bought any one of the hotels that he stayed in. Another guy who was worth in the hundreds of millions at least always tried to get out of paying the check in a restaurant. :rolleyes:


Throwing around money is good way to lose a fortune, unless of course it's someone else's money that you are throwing around. On the other frugality is as wise today as it was in Benjamin Franklin's day. The trick, I suppose, is knowing when to be frugal and when not to be.


It's kind of like the airline business. Do you know how to make a small fortune in the airline business? It's very easy: just start with a large fortune. :)



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Oh my god!


As an additional thought, I think it's often difficult to tell who has money and who doesn't. I've spent some time with some truly -- truly -- wealthy people who were tighter with a buck than almost anyone. One distinguished gentleman was notorious for wanting a $70 hotel in downtown Boston -- and he could easily have bought any one of the hotels that he stayed in. Another guy who was worth in the hundreds of millions at least always tried to get out of paying the check in a restaurant. :rolleyes:


Throwing around money is good way to lose a fortune, unless of course it's someone else's money that you are throwing around. On the other frugality is as wise today as it was in Benjamin Franklin's day. The trick, I suppose, is knowing when to be frugal and when not to be.


It's kind of like the airline business. Do you know how to make a small fortune in the airline business? It's very easy: just start with a large fortune. :)




I could not agree more with Boston Guy... If you ask me about this topic I would have typed exactly the same things that BG did! TOTALLY TRUE... I have had exactly the same experience here in Vegas as well.

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Do you think most clients have a lot of money or do they sacrifice to hire? I feel like I make a good salary but can't hire too often. Do most clients make $250K or more?


Truth is that I don't know, and that isn't really something that concerns me at all.


All that matters to me is that this specific client has chosen me for a length of time and has accepted to pay my rate. My only focus, whether he is a multibillionaire or a guy struggling to get by on unemployment insurance is that I am expected to provide a fulfilling, fun, entertaining and hot session.


Whether he is planning to never see me again or write the most detailed review, whether he can't afford another hour or is thinking of purchasing me for the rest of my adult life, whether it would be "wise" to endear myself to him because he is loaded or it would be ok to not invest too much in the session because he may never hire me again... I try do give my best in every session.


As far as I am concerned, I don't care about how much money my client has, as long as he has enough to pay for this specific session. All that matters to me is that he has entrusted me with the mission of taking this session to fulfillment.


My goal is to treat all clients with exactly the same consideration and respect, regardless.


I am not sure this is what you were wanting to hear, but that is my personal point of view.

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I would say it's more a matter of budgeting and priorities than income. Everyone no matter how much or little they make does allow for some play money. Although my friends with higher incomes do seem "tight". Some years I say why spend $200 on an escort in the US when I can have 4 or 5 garatos in Rio for the same price and off I go. Other years, gems like Mike in Phoenix (retired) come by and I spend money like a drunken sailor. This year my income has been reduced by steady unemployment so I have obviously cut back. Still I am planning on a treat in a couple months for my birthday.

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It's not just the salary...


It's how much discretionary income somebody has after taking care of their obligations. If you live in Manhattan and haven't been here for a long time, you're probably paying quite a bit for rent or co-op/condo loans, as well as maintenance charges if you are an owner. And a big bite comes from taxes. And, depending on occupation, there can be big costs for clothing and overhead, etc. So don't assume that somebody who makes six figures necessarily has lots of discretionary money lying around to hire escorts.


For my part, I may hire 5 or 6 times a year, in a really flush year if I become a little obsessed about it, maybe a few times more. And my annual income is probably in the top 5-10% of all salaried employees... The other expenses of life limit the money available for this. If I had an unlimited supply of cash, I would probably hire once a week or even more often if I could squeeze it into my schedule! That's one reason why, when I hire, I do research ahead of time and screen out the guys who are asking too much per hour in my opinion.

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It's how much discretionary income somebody has after taking care of their obligations. If you live in Manhattan and haven't been here for a long time, you're probably paying quite a bit for rent or co-op/condo loans, as well as maintenance charges if you are an owner. And a big bite comes from taxes. And, depending on occupation, there can be big costs for clothing and overhead, etc. So don't assume that somebody who makes six figures necessarily has lots of discretionary money lying around to hire escorts.


For my part, I may hire 5 or 6 times a year, in a really flush year if I become a little obsessed about it, maybe a few times more. And my annual income is probably in the top 5-10% of all salaried employees... The other expenses of life limit the money available for this. If I had an unlimited supply of cash, I would probably hire once a week or even more often if I could squeeze it into my schedule! That's one reason why, when I hire, I do research ahead of time and screen out the guys who are asking too much per hour in my opinion.


Uws could not be More correct. While I Make a good living in comparison to national averages. My cost of living in NY is obscene. Thus I Dont have the excess cash I would otherwise have. That said. ...I'd I didn't live here I would not be making anywhere near what I do. So its a trade off. If you can learn to control your Otherwise extreme costs. NY gives go salary/income which can be retained for better discretionary spending.


Worse since im not the slam bam hirer but rather the bfe experience turns me on. My hires are almost always for longer times say 3 hours plus dinner or ovnt/weekends. Thus its important to me to pick wisely. I can't afford to waste a hire on someone incompatible. Thus I stick to my known and adored entity for my bfe. With only the occasional foray out to someone new. For diversity. Then again I was lucky enough to meet a local semi- pro with whom I have a working social and professional arrangement for those spur of the moment couple of hours here Or there scenarios

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Guest Spanky
As an additional thought, I think it's often difficult to tell who has money and who doesn't. I've spent some time with some truly -- truly -- wealthy people who were tighter with a buck than almost anyone.


I'm sure that many of my friends think that I am a cheap bastard. (And surely those that don't think I am cheap bastard think that I am just a regular old bastard :D). I earn a pretty good living but drive a beater, don't get off on wearing expensive clothes, and prefer to spend down time at home or camping rather than taking lavish vacations. Seems like the more money I make the less inclined I am to spend it. Think a lot of it comes from growing up with parents who had been poor as children so they taught me the value of saving. That coupled with being an serious introvert just has the net effect of not spending a lot of money on "stuff." But I think generally that when folks grow up poor and then acquire wealth through a lot of hard work, they are far more reluctant to be extravagant.


But for me the income isn't the real question in hiring. It's my personality traits. I am fortunate in that I have enough money to be able to hire when I please. Or at least within reason - and therein lies the rub. I have a somewhat obsessive (addictive?) personality, and I fear that if I started hiring more then it would quickly become my "thing" and I'd end up addicted to the act of hiring. I'd be taking guys on week long vacations, buying them presents, having them come stay with me, etc. While I'm sure that an escort would like that (or maybe not because I'm such a little troll) then the income question would eventually come into play. But by that time I'd be hooked, in the poor house, and selling $5 blow jobs on the corner to get by. And that would be shame, because I really like giving away blow jobs for free.

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But by that time I'd be hooked, in the poor house, and selling $5 blow jobs on the corner to get by. And that would be shame, because I really like giving away blow jobs for free.


Roflmao. Oh my God spanky. You caught me by surprise as iced tea flew out my nose. Thank you. Lol

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Guest greatness



Spanky... You are so funny.. Next time I'm in DC, we have to meet for coffee or tea... You are a bit like me.. Although I love shoes.. I usually get them for free or I use my bi-annual bonus to buy them... Other than that.. I don't own a piece of jewelry.. Not that I can't afford it, I don't like to spend on things like that.. I have an eleven year old car and free cell phone and everything I own is completely paid for. No debt what so ever.

Although I would like to get a diamond engagement ring with "love you forever" on it and want to celebrate my wedding anniversary at a nice restaurant with my future husband, I don't live an extravagant life. If my future fiance is poor then I will satisfy with dozen roses. :) As for hiring escorts, I budget it well, although when I first started hiring I did spent a lot and wasted my money on escorts who didn't bother to provide a good service.. So I started to do research and became very selective.. That's how I found this site.. So as far as getting my money's worth, I'm an expert. I occasionally help escorts in college by giving them extra money for tuition.

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Just hijacking this thread. Similar to Spanky's comment, I had someone in my office today who had been out of work for about a year with an illness. She is a woman in her 70s with whom I have a good professional relationship and that does extend to the occasional sly, off color statement. I asked her if they held her job for her and she said: "Good thing they did otherwise I would be out trying to make a living walking the street." Before I could check myself, I said "It better be a dark street."

Now all the people surrounding us laughed, as did she. I think now I should have apologized, which I didnt. Once it was said, what would have been the appropriate thing to do next. Just to note, we bantered back and forth for a few more minutes and she went on her way.

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Guest greatness

oh my


oh my I hope that she is not offended.. I once said a benign joke to one of my colleagues, he got so upset that he attacked me.. I work with too many self-important people who would do anything to get ahead.. Even exploit those who work for them.. After that incident, I don't make jokes at work or become too involved with people at work.

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Guest Spanky
Just hijacking this thread. Similar to Spanky's comment, I had someone in my office today who had been out of work for about a year with an illness. She is a woman in her 70s with whom I have a good professional relationship and that does extend to the occasional sly, off color statement. I asked her if they held her job for her and she said: "Good thing they did otherwise I would be out trying to make a living walking the street." Before I could check myself, I said "It better be a dark street."

Now all the people surrounding us laughed, as did she. I think now I should have apologized, which I didnt. Once it was said, what would have been the appropriate thing to do next. Just to note, we bantered back and forth for a few more minutes and she went on her way.


PK - I am disappointed in what you said. You SHOULD have said that "it better be a dark street that runs by the school for the blind."

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Kind of wondering...


Do you think most clients have a lot of money or do they sacrifice to hire? I feel like I make a good salary but can't hire too often. Do most clients make $250K or more?


I don't think I've ever had a client reveal his salary to me...so therefore its not something I could answer. I think 'some' are willing to share what type of work they do instead.


I realize that not everyone can afford to hire for overnights and weekends, or even a BFE (which is typically $200+) . Thats why I feel its important to tap into different markets, which is exactly what I've done.


Its certainly not easy, but it works for us.


I hope this doesn't come off as superficial...but when I started out (and living in Miami :p I assumed that most of my clients would be driving a Benz, Range, or something similar. True, there are several clients who do live lavishly and hire...but I've also ran into several more who drive beaters or live seemingly average lives, but they've been the very ones to hire for extended periods. Yet the guy with the McLauren could just be out for a 30 minute stand with no substance or desire to re-hire. Same with clothing. I've known people who dress like bums and hide their net worth.


Nothing wrong with that of course, as everyone has their motives to hire...but it just goes to show. Everyone has their hobbies, and whats important is that they get what they want out of their money. Since starting, I've really come to appreciate the value of my rate. I wont let a client rush me into coming over simply because I wouldn't be prepared, thus feeling I didn't earn my rate properly.


Thankfully, since I've moved out of Dallas...I've ran into less and less clients trying to rush me to an appointment within 20 minutes. Therefore making my life less stressful :rolleyes:

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I realize that not everyone can afford to hire for overnights and weekends, or even a BFE (which is typically $200+) . Thats why I feel its important to tap into different markets


Dear God Joey. Ok im feeling kinda lost on this one. $200 for the bfe. I Wish. I guess its just me but I take a whole lot longer and pay a whole lot more for the bfe. Maybe I just dont cum fast enough. LOL

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Dear God Joey. Ok im feeling kinda lost on this one. $200 for the bfe. I Wish. I guess its just me but I take a whole lot longer and pay a whole lot more for the bfe. Maybe I just dont cum fast enough. LOL


LOL...I meant per hour. and thats the MINIMUM. I consider my BFE as being a 2 hour minimum....And I'm happy with that rate.


Besides you're in New York...of course its going to be more there. I probably wouldn't survive long if I charged NYC rates out here. Out here in the middle west, things aren't as expensive, but we just conform to the cost of living.

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LOL...I meant per hour. and thats the MINIMUM. I consider my BFE as being a 2 hour minimum....And I'm happy with that rate.


Besides you're in New York...of course its going to be more there. I probably wouldn't survive long if I charged NYC rates out here. Out here in the middle west, things aren't as expensive, but we just conform to the cost of living.


Thank God. I was about to start screaming. Hey someone's been ripping me off. Lmao.

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This has been interesting. I guess I don't keep tabs on individual clients or anything and how often it seems each hires so sometimes when I read this message board it seems many guys are hiring every week. Even at $200 for one hour each week that's $10,000 which is either a decent part of someone's take home or a very small part of someone who has a great deal of money.


I guess this is more, "ask a client" than "ask an escort." As has been noted, professional escorts will be great with clients who pay their rate and are acceptably clean, not weird, etc.


Keep it coming if you have more to add. Thanks.

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Hell, if I was in NYC...I'd be charging $200 just to see me in my C-IN2's :D


....kidding, calm down


Ok well now I've gotta bargain. Who knew. Lmao


This has been interesting. I guess I don't keep tabs on individual clients or anything and how often it seems each hires so sometimes when I read this message board it seems many guys are hiring every week. Even at $200 for one hour each week that's $10,000 which is either a decent part of someone's take home or a very small part of someone who has a great deal of money.


I guess this is more, "ask a client" than "ask an escort." As has been noted, professional escorts will be great with clients who pay their rate and are acceptably clean, not weird, etc.


Keep it coming if you have more to add. Thanks.


I agree. Great thread. And yes my discretionary spending has quite expanded. Not to boing but certainly too. This is my only pasttime.

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