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UA Pilot charged in Rio GIG ; UA intervenes so flight is not canceled

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A UA pilot apparently forgets he must abide by rules just as anyone else... specially when outside his own country.


Just happened in Rio, this evening. Fortunately the flight has not been disrupted as United had not alternative options...



An American pilot of United Airlines was charged for disrespecting an authority after deciding to undress it all but for his briefs, on Friday, at GIG airport in Rio de Janeiro.


According to the officer Rafael Andreatta from the Federal Police, the man refused to remove the belt and shoes to pass through the x-ray machine at the airport. The pilot also yelled at the security officers there.


"He claimed being a pilot and took off his pants in a gesture of mockery," Andreatta said. The North american must now present himself to Court.


Also according to the delegate of the Federal Police, the airline pledged to bring him to Brazil, to Court, on the day of audition. "He was leaving for Washington with 300 passengers and no pilot extra. We had better let him go to not distress passengers, but only after we received a commitment from United Airlines," said the delegate.


Rafael Andreatta said that all employees of the airlines are requested to go through this review, just as other passengers.


from Portuguese news below:



Piloto americano é autuado por desacato após ficar de cueca em aeroporto do Rio







Um piloto norte-americano da companhia aérea United Airlines foi autuado por desacato à autoridade após ficar apenas de cueca, nesta sexta-feira, no Aeroporto Internacional Antônio Carlos Jobim, na Ilha do Governador, zona norte do Rio.


Segundo o delegado Rafael Andreatta, da delegacia da Polícia Federal do terminal, o homem negou-se a retirar o cinto e o sapato para passar pelo aparelho de raio-x do aeroporto. O piloto também gritou com os funcionários do local.


"Ele alegou sua condição de piloto e tirou as calças num gesto de deboche", explicou Andreatta. O americano terá que se apresentar ao Juizado Espacial Federal.


Ainda de acordo com o delegado da PF, a companhia aérea se comprometeu a trazê-lo ao Brasil na data da apresentação. "Ele ia embarcar para Washington com 300 passageiros e não havia piloto extra. Achamos melhor deixá-lo ir para não prejudicar as pessoas, mas só fizemos a liberação após o comprometimento da United Airlines", afirmou o delegado.


Rafael Andreatta explicou que todos os funcionários das companhias aéreas precisam passar por esta fiscalização, da mesma forma que os passageiros.

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"Mockery" might be either a result of translation or of English being a second language. More likely it was a gesture of disgust. It is completely silly and absurd to have pilots go through stringent security. They don't need weapons or any help to destroy an aircraft, just the will to do so.


However, during the process of airport security procedures is NOT the time or place to object to silly, pointless rules.


Not so very long ago, pilots were not even required to have passports for international travel to most places and generally today are sent through customs and immigration in a short line. When you have gone to Brazil or France or where ever for the 4th time this month, pretty soon you run out of places in your passport to accept a stamp.


Jumping time zones and spending many hours in the airplane is just as hard on the pilots as passengers and they just take a few hours off and do it again. No wonder they get a little grumpy from time to time. No excuse, just one of the reasons.


Best regards,


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