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Have you ever offered discount sessions in exchange for reviews?

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I was talking to a female escort friend of mine who said it is very common for new girls to offer discounted rates in exchange for reviews. Have any of you offered this before? I've been working since August of last year and I do pretty well appointments wise and I do have a few online reviews. However, I would like a lot more of both. Any suggestions? I have about twenty regulars who I've reached out to but not all of them are the write-a-review type. Either that or because of their relationship status they're very nervous providing a phone number for the verification process.


Any suggestions would be appreciated. I was thinking about $50 off until the end of July, but I would only offer it to established reviewers who I know are going to follow through.


Thanks for the help guys!!!!





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Just my 2 cents...


A client should write a review about you because he enjoyed (or didn't enjoy) his time with you and wants to help and/or inform others about you and his experience, not because he is financially induced to do so. I think offering a discount would encourage the client to...how you say..."butter up" the review?


You said you have regulars who obviously enjoy your company...why don't you just mention daddys to them casually at the end of your appointment and say you'd really appreciate a review and that it would help your business?

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Thanks Jason for the reply, but I did address the issues I'm having in my original post.


I really am not looking to butter up the clients as I feel I am very good at what I do and I work really hard to give great service and keep things interesting for regular clients. I'm ok with reviews good or bad as long as they're honest and constructive.


I think I might go the route of trying to give incentives to my established clients. If they submit a review and it's published then I'll give them more time or a discount. Obviously if they continue to hire me back they like the goods. It's just the challenge to get them to wiggle their fingers on the keyboard to let others know.


I'm still open to more suggestions by my fellow escorts.


Thanks guys!





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Discount - Bad Idea


I've written more reviews over the years than I can count. The critisism amost often discussed about reviews on this board relates to the legitimacy of the review or string of reviews. Sometimes escorts are suspected of writing their own reviews. Sometimes writing styles are discussed to see if multiple reviews have been written by the same person.

I think anything that brings your reviews under suspicion ultimately hurts your reputation and will negatively impact you business..

The fear that the reviewer will be contacted by phone for verification is unfounded. It has never happened to me. Besides, phone numers are not a required field in most review forms - just a return email address and who doesn't have a private secret email address?

If you want to encourage a regular to write a review, at the end of a session or in a follow-up thank you email, offer to extend their time on their next visit. That would be considered a reward rather than an enticement. If they truly enjoy your company, you should have several reviews in short order and your rate remains in tact for the future.

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frequent reviewer


I've been submitting reviews since the Hooboy days. (I used a different screen name for my reviews from what I use on this message board.) I almost always submit a review, although in recent years I've cut back to submitting reviews only if I thought the escort was terrific or terrible. In between usually doesn't get a review anymore... these are the guys who are just "OK" but since I wouldn't give them a strong recommendation I'd rather not damn somebody with faint praise, since it could well just be we didn't click but he would be great with others.


That said, you look fabulous and if you did a NY visit and I had a good time with you, I would submit a review.... :)) Any chance you'll give NYC a try?

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Welcome to the message board Miguel.


I don't think this is advisable for the purposes of this site or for your business. If you deliver a great time, and I'm sure you do, then let the client determine if he's going to submit a review. You don't need to offer any discount because sooner or later such is going to become public knowledge. Some reviewer will make mention of such in a review and then all hell will break loose.


Further, you don't want to set up a situation where clients start negotiating with you for a deal to give you a good review. And if you don't give them a deal will they write a lousy one? See how quick this can turn?


It's better to mention to one or two of your regulars if they'd consider submitting a review. Let them determine if they are comfortable with such and don't get involved in the drafting. As noted there are issues from time to time with allegedly fabricated reviews. Experienced clients, and the posters on this board, can make a very determination of a fabricated review and don't hesitate to share suspicions.


If you'd like to show appreciation for a review there's nothing wrong with a thank you note after it's posted. Several guys have sent me notes in the past. It's a nice acknowledgement and builds loyalty from a marketing stand point to be honest.


For your female friend in the business it's a much different set of rules when dealing with straight men than gay men. What may work for a female review site is likely not going to transfer over as well to this site.


The high quality guys get good reviews because they please their clients. Not because they cut deals on getting reviews IMO.

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Thanks for the feedback. I think I will just keep asking my clients nicely :-)


I will post if coming to NYC. Maybe before school starts in the fall or during the holidays. Never been.








I've been submitting reviews since the Hooboy days. (I used a different screen name for my reviews from what I use on this message board.) I almost always submit a review, although in recent years I've cut back to submitting reviews only if I thought the escort was terrific or terrible. In between usually doesn't get a review anymore... these are the guys who are just "OK" but since I wouldn't give them a strong recommendation I'd rather not damn somebody with faint praise, since it could well just be we didn't click but he would be great with others.


That said, you look fabulous and if you did a NY visit and I had a good time with you, I would submit a review.... :)) Any chance you'll give NYC a try?

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If you want the best incentive. Hang out here on the forum awhile. You dont need to discount. We who post are often reviewers. So get to know the hooville community. When you come to our town we will be interested to meet you and we will hire. If what you say about your service is true and from the tone of your posts it sounds promising That it is... someone here will gladly write the review. Just get known positively by the reviewing crowd. I think thats the best advice I have.


And yes by all means.... come see us in the big apple. We love our forum faves visiting.

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I will post if coming to NYC. Maybe before school starts in the fall or during the holidays. Never been.


Welcome to the MC, Miguel. I would highly recommend that you plan a trip to the Big Apple and spend some time there on a professional basis but also on a personal level as well. The city really is amazing in many respects.

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I like Anton's response. It's true that past reviews help future clients and I like the "tip" idea. I did have one escort offer to discount a future encounter for a review. I wrote the review not so much with that in mind but because he provided a good BFE. Ultimately though I never hired him again, not because of any awkwardness about mentioning a discount but because I moved on to another escort.

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Hey Miguel.


Welcome to the forum.


I would agree with NYTomcat. You seem to be focused in providing a great service and understand how good reviews would change your clientelle, so all you can do is hang in there, give the best service that you can every time, and post frecuently here. If you like what you do and post in here people will immediately notice that and will want to meet you. You will be going all over the place to visit really great clients who like to review.


A word or caution, though; if you don't like what you do and there is the smallest bit of contempt or disregard for the profession itself or for any aspect of it, this will also show here and chances are that you will noticeably decrease your ability of being positively reviewed here. Many escorts have come to this forum only to destroy their careers.


Now that you are posting here, remember that the least you make clients work, the easier they are going to come to you. In your profile settings create a signature with your name, location, phone number and a link to your profile. That way you are only one click away. (Sometimes three clicks is too many clicks for a horny man.)


What can you do to get great reviews? Post here, love what you do, do it as best as you can, do your best every single time, and hang in there. Sooner than you can say "I am booked till December" you will be... well, booked till December.


The last thing that I want to say is not to get too hang up on the reviews. The only thing that will get you fulfilled and busy in this profession is your passion. You have to find something about it that you simply adore, something that makes you wake up every day excited and curious.


I hope this helps a little, and I wish you the best career ever.


A tight hug!


Always hard and warm,




+30 694 268 9904



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I was talking to a female escort friend of mine who said it is very common for new girls to offer discounted rates in exchange for reviews.


Hell & damnation! No working girl has ever made me that offer. :( And I hire enough of 'em that it ought to have come up, if it is truly common practice.


That said, it clearly threatens to bastardize the review process. After being granted a discount, only a fairly hard-hearted client, I think, would not feel some suasion to make the review at least reasonably positive, no matter the quality of the session, or lack thereof.

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Hi Miguel,


In rough lines I agree with most things that have been said here and there are a few things I thought I’d add.


I realize that most of my clients have a busy job and not all of them have the time to write a review. From that perspective I sometimes considered to return something for a review, i.e. more time or a reduction. Nevertheless something inside me said that that approach could easily lead to unwanted situations, so I never went there.


When the subject of reviews rises between a client and me, I sometimes say that reviews from others in the past were probably useful for the client. In such a case I suggest the client to return the favor, but then to future clients who still consider to hire me. ;)


But there's also another perspective. In my case, most of my reviews were written because the subject popped up when with a client and I suggested to the client that if they thought the session was worth a review, then I'd appreciate if they wrote one. If a review is written, then I also consider it "a special kind of tip".


Sincerely, Anton/Amsterdam.


Thanks Anton. I'm going to go with your approach.

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