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Escort Telephone Etiquette

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I had an unintended discussion with an escort today. I was out shopping and my phone rang. I just could not get to the phone fast enough and in the process I inadvertently pushed the wrong button and disconnected the call. Of course my caller ID said who was calling. Instead of automatically returning the call I scrolled through my contacts. Well, by mistake I called an individual with a similar name who happens to be an escort (a guy that I have never seen) who’s number I had programmed into my phone as a back up… Yes, like a good Boy Scout I am always prepared!


Well, I thought that I had called the correct number and since I was in a public place and there was music playing in the background I could not hear the person's voice clearly… and mind you the names were similar. Now granted I was a bit confused, but it should have been obvious that I had simply mis-dialed… but the guy got quite nasty and belligerent… Totally bewildered, I really tried to apologize… and for the life of me at that point still had no clue to whom I was speaking. Well, he nastily hung up on me. It was only later that I realized who he was.


Ironically, this guy was involved in a small controversy on this site a number of months ago… actually last year… and I defended him… But now I am not so sure.


In any event, his behavior exhibited how not to win friends, influence people, or stay in business.


Lesson learned… he just lost a potential client. One never knows to whom they are speaking… even when it is a wrong number… so behave accordingly. A little kindness, understanding, and good manners can go a long way in any situation.

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Guest ChgoBoy



He had to know who you were or at least enough to know not to answer the call IF he was otherwise engaged or not willing to "talk".


Why would he have had to have known who he was? That's simply unrealistic.


If somebody whom you had never met called you up out of the blue would YOU expect yourself to know who they were?


I don't think that's very likely.


And depending upon what the conversation was (maybe it wasn't even the escort who answered. Maybe it was his boyfriend or another friend) maybe he had reason to be upset.


Hard to say.

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He had to know who you were...
He had no clue because I never had any previous contact with him... actually I had no clue who he was until after I hung up and checked the number I had inadvertently dialed.

...maybe it wasn't even the escort who answered.
It was indeed the escort because as I implied the first names were identical (and that was the main reason for the confusion)... and he responded to the name… but when he said he had not called me previously, that's when I realized I had the wrong party... but he didn't have to get nasty about it… and especially since I had been very apologetic.


Perhaps he was having a bad day… but if that’s how he a reacts on a business phone then he doesn’t deserve to be in business… any business. Granted he might get strange calls... but even one of those "strange calls" might generate business if handled properly. At any rate, he totally turned me off. Furthermore, the mistake won't happen again as he was deleted form my phone's contact list.

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Guest ChgoBoy

It was indeed the escort because as I implied the first names were identical (and that was the main reason for the confusion)... and he responded to the name…


Well ok, but you actually first said the name was "similar" not identical. So it was easy to interpret your post in a manner differently from what you experienced - add all the background noise and such going on.


So much for back up plans...:)

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Well ok, but you actually first said the name was "similar" not identical.
I realized that I was not specific in my initial posting and that is why I made the clarification. The first names were the same... the escort only goes under one name (and by the way he is still escorting)... and the other person obviously has a first and last name... and I scrolled down to the wrong name.


So much for back up plans...:)
Now onto backup plan B... or am I at C... I can't remember:confused:!!
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I probably deal with one or two wrong numbers a day. I return lots of phone calls and the handwriting of my staff is not always clear and occasionally they get a number wrong. When it is clear that I have a wrong number, I apologize and then ask if this is indeed the number, giving them the number I dialed so that i can determine whether I misdialed or just that the number I was given was incorrect. More than half the time the people just hang up and dont answer the question, leaving me to redial and more often than not, getting them back on the phone. A moment of patience would have saved them and me the second call. Simple courtesy is nearly dead.

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Guest Merlin

Without hearing all the details ourselves, it is difficult for us to judge, but remember that escorts get some calls from guys who just want to talk without every hiring. He probably felt that he was being jerked around again.

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