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Does it sound like the client ripped me off?

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Guest mvan1


Please accept my comments as nothing more than my thoughts based on your documented question to fellow professionals, one at which I would like to think I am. But then again, what do I know? ;)


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In any case, the client was parading you around and that should count for something don't you think? ;)


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IMHO, you probably made a good choice in not accepting a personal check and this wouldn't be a practice that I would recommend unless it's a client that you truly know, trust and are comfortable with. After all, it does create a paper trail and does link you to not only another account but a person.


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Do I think the client ripped you off? Personally, that's a difficult question to answer.



It is generally accepted that reasonable people may disagree. On that note, I must disagree with the majority of responses to Moca’s initial question.


This, of course, assumes that Moca is “genuine” in what he wrote and is not someone (as was suggested) who posted a bogus post in order to stir up some discussion.


When an escort or a client agrees to “meet” it is generally assumed that there will not be others present during the private meeting, unless agreed on in advance. The fact that the client inserted two additional people without approval or prior knowledge of the escort indicates that the client's intentions were questionable.


It is also assumed that both client and escort maintain good personal hygiene. Regardless of a persons’ looks, if the personal hygiene of either party is not maintained, cancellation is not out of order by either party, in my opinion. By Moca's account, the client lacked good personal hygiene at least with respect to his teeth.


The fact that the client had no money with him to pay the escort was another signal that the client’s intentions were disingenuous. One could argue that the client was willing to furnish a personal check to the escort but that was not agreed to prior to the meeting.


So, to answer Moca's question - (was he cheated by the client?) I would have to vote, yes.





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Still debatable.


So, to answer Moca's question - (was he cheated by the client?) I would have to vote, yes.


While I'm certainly not challenging your thoughts, some things about the situation just don't sit well with me.


Enough time had passed according to time-line of events detailed in the initial post that the escort could have spared everyone a greater headache and canceled the appointment *without* applying a fee for a cancellation that he wanted. 15-20 minutes in the hotel room with the client and the two additional guests, then 10 minutes of the escort sitting in the bathroom and then another 10 minutes of the client attempting to resolve the issue. It sounds like to me the client put in his due-diligence. Conservatively, that's 35 minutes of where the escort could have said that it wasn't working for him.


Before the escort, client and later chosen guests of the client entered the room, the escort was displeased by his physical appearance which is detailed with the choice phrase of "monster" and a handful of other phrases clearly shows the driving force to cancel the appointment from the moment he entered and saw the client in the lobby. As he stated, "Even the thought of getting hard made me want to cringe." which IMHO clearly demonstrates the main problem - looks/physical appearance. From the time escort met the client in the lobby and later accompanied to the hotel room, the client's looks certainly did not change except. Here a client is paying for ones time and even then is he subjected and judged for his appearance because maybe he does not the best upkeep when it comes to straight teeth with an acceptable shade of white and perfect breath but then expected to pay a cancellation fee for an appointment that he isn't canceling on.


Before the client was even given the opportunity to pay for an appointment or rather, a partially completed appointment, the escort already decided to call it quits so anything beyond that moment doesn't apply because the decision was already made. More importantly, the client was never given the opportunity to pay the fee for a fully completed appointment so speculation as to whether he would or would not have paid is mute - the escort already made the decision to self terminate the appointment.


The client's behavior doesn't appear to be favorable either and some of the details in the initial setup of the appointment do sound a bit shady and the statement he said after being asked for a cancellation fee that he doesn't care cash is upsetting. On the flip side, situations such as this (the client claiming they don't have cash) are rare in my experience and from past conversations with other professionals. The only thing I can say to a situation like this is sometimes it's the cost of doing business. Far more appointments will be completed with everyone walking away smiling and thinking about the experience throughout the remainder of their day.

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Guest RyanCade

Mocha Mocha Mocha




First off You intimate you didn't want him cause too ugly and would disgust yourself. Well since a lot of clients feel that way about themselves and hire to get away from that you just shot yourself in the foot.


Then you claim cynical is a retiree. Now showing you dont want clients who are older. OK another huge block here.


The fact the client had a feminine demeanor I also find... wel a ridiculous requirement for an escort who services the gay community


You also post that while looking for a way to escape you instead ask for what amounts to gas money. Even though you had no intention to perform for looks.


While the clients behavior and the two additional people were odd. And I agree the client hygiene is a valid concern. That does not make up for you coming across as only wanting hot young guys to pay you for your time You hit a hornets nest on this one. I can only say I'm glad ... if you actually are a working guy.... that you didnt post your name. This thread is not making you look very hirable to alot of people... me included I'm afraid. I think you need to learn what escorts truly do for clients and its not run because the are unattractive or old


Now having no money.... thats a different story. But not worth pursuing given your major gaffs in this one.


IF you truly want to be an escort you need to learn something. we clients are there spending our money and time to be with you. Truly great escorts are turned on by the excitement they inspire in others. The truth is this isnt about or shouldnt be about cherry picking your hires. If the fact someone is so into you that they will give up their cash to just share time with you isnt enough to turn you on .... perhaps this is the wrong profession for you. Just a thought. IMHO as a client


I agree with much of whats been said here and I think this is a first for me.... lol Mocha, only 19 posts in and you've got your box just about nailed shut. I always appreciate an honest escort, but you past honest. Self Destructive at best. This is gonna be a long hard lesson for you.


Your job is to make these men smile and enhance their lives as best you can. I can assure you many of them you may have met are not smiling and you won't meet them. I have yet to see an escort willfully do such damage. and really for what??? We have all faced situations that were uncomfortable, and though I do not agree with purplecows "suck it up" but you must come from a place of understanding and compassion in situations like this.


In my experience, those with the lowest self esteem will go to great lengths to avoid rejection or insult. weather you would do that to them intentionally or just out of pure ignorance for "your profession" matters not. They don't know what it would take to "disgust" you. I would guess that you thought for 1 second or less about the meek, and very beautiful people that sit at their computer planning their next get together with their dreamy escort. We all have our issues, but this is not about us. We get the same every time if thats all your after, but our clients want something special, and if you give them something special, you will soon find you are the receiver of gifts that money cant buy. Genuine smiles, twinkling eyes and blushing cheeks, Now that's how you know you've done "YOUR JOB" Sorry to be so hard, but I can feel sad faces out there reading this thread.. How many times do you want to be responsible for that??

you may think it, you may need to talk about it, but you should consider each and every post and how it might affect it's readers. The gentlemen on this site are very good to us and deserve respect. I think you blew this one kiddo, just my opinion..

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I agree with much of whats been said here and I think this is a first for me.... lol Mocha, only 19 posts in and you've got your box just about nailed shut. I always appreciate an honest escort, but you past honest. Self Destructive at best. This is gonna be a long hard lesson for you.


Your job is to make these men smile and enhance their lives as best you can. I can assure you many of them you may have met are not smiling and you won't meet them. I have yet to see an escort willfully do such damage. and really for what??? We have all faced situations that were uncomfortable, and though I do not agree with purplecows "suck it up" but you must come from a place of understanding and compassion in situations like this.


In my experience, those with the lowest self esteem will go to great lengths to avoid rejection or insult. weather you would do that to them intentionally or just out of pure ignorance for "your profession" matters not. They don't know what it would take to "disgust" you. I would guess that you thought for 1 second or less about the meek, and very beautiful people that sit at their computer planning their next get together with their dreamy escort. We all have our issues, but this is not about us. We get the same every time if thats all your after, but our clients want something special, and if you give them something special, you will soon find you are the receiver of gifts that money cant buy. Genuine smiles, twinkling eyes and blushing cheeks, Now that's how you know you've done "YOUR JOB" Sorry to be so hard, but I can feel sad faces out there reading this thread.. How many times do you want to be responsible for that??

you may think it, you may need to talk about it, but you should consider each and every post and how it might affect it's readers. The gentlemen on this site are very good to us and deserve respect. I think you blew this one kiddo, just my opinion..



Ok mocha I mean this wholeheartedly I hope you understand that we say this with understanding but you ostracized yourself with posts like this. I am not claiming to be above pure lustful physical attractions. Hell im a client but lets look at this. Just from reading this thread who would you want to hire? I dont even have to even see a picture of Romann or Ryan to knows that these men are accepting. Nonjudgemental and enjoy thheir time with their clients.


You Could Be the hottest thing on two legs and I would choose the writers of these comments in a heartbeat. Why? Because They Enjoy making their client feel special. That is an escorts a true escorts Real gift. I know from what They say and what the project that they will work to find the bond and connection that will allow us to have a great and very memorable time together. Romann, Ryan thank you. You are truly a credit to our little community. And this thread shows why. Thats not to say there are not others here with your same heartfelt gifts. There are. But thank you for taking the time to confirm why we love to hire. The best.

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We have all faced situations that were uncomfortable, and though I do not agree with purplecows "suck it up" but you must come from a place of understanding and compassion in situations like this.


Ryan, nice to see you back. I am just clarifying that I did not tell him to suck it up in this situation, in fact I agreed that the situation was weird and he probably was set up, rather I stated that there would be times he would need to suck it up if he wanted to succeed.

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Some of the escort responses here were so rehearsed that its not even funny. Its like that girl on True Beauty on ABC who was all fake (pretending like she loved everyone) just to make herself look good, but then talking crap behind the cameras.


Some of the replies I kind of skipped over because honestly I dont care what someone's 'opinion' about how I handled the situation was. Now, had this been worse case scenario: where I did everything right (oops, everything that this chatroom thinks is right)...and the client didnt pay me, and then the 2 people in the room clubbed me to death and dragged me out somewhere....this whole board would have said, "you should have left when there were 2 people there, you awful escort you".


But right, its not JUST about the 2 people. It was his looks. Yes. Im sorry...but I dont think escort means sleeping with ANY and EVERYbody in any un-hygienic condition just because they flash a few bucks in front of me. I am not an assembly line nor assembly belt. If the ones replied think its true...they are lying to themselves. I haven't ever had to turn a client down in the years I've been escorting. Majority of clients I meet do not have hygiene issues. So I dont get why people are being so overly-critical of me. Its the ones who fall short of that who have to be dismissed. I dont care what the definention of escort is. If someone's hygiene is crap, its unacceptable.


Try this experiment folks: Neglect a car so badly...ruin its electrical system, the vital parts. Matter of fact, just fuck it up beyond repair. Come back and let me know if a mechanic is willing to take it in. I'm a mechanic and I've seen so many cars get turned down because the owner either failed to care for it properly or just altered it beyond repair.


Besides, unless you seen the guy/girl for yourself...you cant bark. Unfortunently he was just 'beyond repair for me'. I am not responsible for drag queens who's hormones have gone wrong with bad hygiene. That...was a drag queen (again, altered beyond repair)

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Ok mocha you really dont get it. Or read what we wrote. We are trying without deliberately offending you to give you advice

Hygiene is an issue but not what you raised alone

Your posts talk of ugly. Effeminate. Old. And also hygiene.


Stick with the hygiene and leave out the rest and you find sympathy. Then when escorts and others try to say

1its part of the job

2this post is hurting you not helping

3your ostracizing potential client

4 your offending clients


Instead of backing off or showing humility or even in a natural convversation explaining further so we could understand your point of view. You tell us off. Call the escorts phony and liars. Well Congrats. You have proven your metal. To me I think doitb4ugo has it right. As deej has so instructed its pizza time


I love that margherita pizza with the fresh Basil and mozzarella. Where is the best in NY? Anybody know

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And there you have it...


Its like that girl on True Beauty on ABC who was all fake (pretending like she loved everyone) just to make herself look good, but then talking crap behind the cameras.


I'll give you credit for that one - very creative. ;)


Some of the replies I kind of skipped over because honestly I dont care what someone's 'opinion' about how I handled the situation was.




But right, its not JUST about the 2 people. It was his looks.




Unfortunently he was just 'beyond repair for me'. I am not responsible for drag queens who's hormones have gone wrong with bad hygiene. That...was a drag queen (again, altered beyond repair)




Wow! Sounds like you have it all under control and really didn't need to post your question in the first place. Best of luck to you!

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Some of the escort responses here were so rehearsed that its not even funny. Its like that girl on True Beauty on ABC who was all fake (pretending like she loved everyone) just to make herself look good, but then talking crap behind the cameras.


Some of the replies I kind of skipped over because honestly I dont care what someone's 'opinion' about how I handled the situation was. Now, had this been worse case scenario: where I did everything right (oops, everything that this chatroom thinks is right)...and the client didnt pay me, and then the 2 people in the room clubbed me to death and dragged me out somewhere....this whole board would have said, "you should have left when there were 2 people there, you awful escort you".


But right, its not JUST about the 2 people. It was his looks. Yes. Im sorry...but I dont think escort means sleeping with ANY and EVERYbody in any un-hygienic condition just because they flash a few bucks in front of me. I am not an assembly line nor assembly belt. If the ones replied think its true...they are lying to themselves. I haven't ever had to turn a client down in the years I've been escorting. Majority of clients I meet do not have hygiene issues. So I dont get why people are being so overly-critical of me. Its the ones who fall short of that who have to be dismissed. I dont care what the definention of escort is. If someone's hygiene is crap, its unacceptable.


Try this experiment folks: Neglect a car so badly...ruin its electrical system, the vital parts. Matter of fact, just fuck it up beyond repair. Come back and let me know if a mechanic is willing to take it in. I'm a mechanic and I've seen so many cars get turned down because the owner either failed to care for it properly or just altered it beyond repair.


Besides, unless you seen the guy/girl for yourself...you cant bark. Unfortunently he was just 'beyond repair for me'. I am not responsible for drag queens who's hormones have gone wrong with bad hygiene. That...was a drag queen (again, altered beyond repair)


I have to add to this (unfortunately)....


Mocha, you seem pretty hostile about this, and while you may have a point about this client, you seem to not have any tact in handling the situation as I would imagine most professional guys would. Maybe you should stick to fixing cars....

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Guest greatness

oh my


You just made me hungry~~~~ I'm heading to a grocery store to get some frozen pizza~~~ If I gain 2 more pounds tomorrow then it's your fault~~~ :)


As deej has so instructed its pizza time


I love that margherita pizza with the fresh Basil and mozzarella. Where is the best in NY? Anybody know

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I have to add to this (unfortunately)....


Mocha, you seem pretty hostile about this, and while you may have a point about this client, you seem to not have any tact in handling the situation as I would imagine most professional guys would. Maybe you should stick to fixing cars....


Ah shut the fuck up. No one can tell me who the fuck I should fuck. Last time I checked I decide who the fuck I want to fuck?


Honestly, I could give 2 fucks and 5 loaves of bread about what you imagine or feel.

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To this very day, my favorite which I haven't had for 10 years is cream cheese, green olive and pepperoni pizza. TRY IT!


God that Sounds delicious olives and cream cheese a fave. Now there is a place in Brooklyn that Lamb sausage and gorganzola pizza. Ok strong flavors but together wow. Remind me and ill get you the address or bring you a pie when your in town

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God that Sounds delicious olives and cream cheese a fave. Now there is a place in Brooklyn that Lamb sausage and gorganzola pizza. Ok strong flavors but together wow. Remind me and ill get you the address or bring you a pie when your in town



I'm very partial to a beautiful thin crust pizza with caramelized onions, riccotta, and pieces of freid eggplant...Yum.

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There used to be a escort on this board with a similar personality

calling escorts fake and telling posters they are clueless and talking about all the stuff that goes wrong in this work.


Very raw unfiltered posting.

Many folks here came to his defense and encouraged him to continue to post and form relationships.


I have not seen him around in a while but he was a real spitfire. He got the hang of what this place is all about and kind of joined the tribe.


He got off on a rough footing (many of us do) but soon came around and was a frequent contributor to this board.



It sucks sometimes to have a profession where you encounter the public in its not so pleasant demeanor.


What is vastly more important is to look at the really great things that are happening in your work.


you probably make twice as much money as many people that work in an office 9-5


in cash,


take trips,


choose your hours,


maybe you sleep in and get to go to the gym during non peek hours,


get taken to nice places to eat and see shows etc etc etc.. ...


Not to mention you get to meet some of the most amazing people you will probably ever meet.


make a list or take your pick.


another side is : if it was a huge waste of time and no payment took place its the one time that its happened to you that you will learn from.

That's worth big bucks in this business because it wont happen again.


Publicly speaking about what you dont like can be interpreted in so many different ways because there are so many different folks reading what you write and many many times easily misunderstanding your post.


I will assume thats why you are remaining anonymous so you can vent these things. (your choice)


Its hard to convey what you mean if no one was in the room with you.


Trust me I have placed my foot in my mouth on this MC many times.


I usually find out later that it was a harmful move on my part or grew very frustrated trying to define for every single person the gist of what my post was about.


it's nearly impossible.


This place is suppose to be supportive and helpful and fun dont take it too seriously but at the same time keep an open mind.


I cant imagine anyone here that would want to see you fail or see you feel ripped off.


Keep your foot firmly planted on the high road.


Just a reminder :)

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Keep your foot firmly planted on the high road.


Just a reminder :)


Awwwwwwwwww, thankyou for the words of understanding. :D Makes me feel better to not feel like a freak (well...that I am ;)


I most certainly am on higher ground...a few thousand feet high to be exact LOL.

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Guest mvan1

Boy, was I wrong!


It is generally accepted that reasonable people may disagree. On that note, I must disagree with the majority of responses to Moca’s initial question.


This, of course, assumes that Moca is “genuine” in what he wrote and is not someone (as was suggested) who posted a bogus post in order to stir up some discussion.


When an escort or a client agrees to “meet” it is generally assumed that there will not be others present during the private meeting, unless agreed on in advance. The fact that the client inserted two additional people without approval or prior knowledge of the escort indicates that the client's intentions were questionable.


It is also assumed that both client and escort maintain good personal hygiene. Regardless of a persons’ looks, if the personal hygiene of either party is not maintained, cancellation is not out of order by either party, in my opinion. By Moca's account, the client lacked good personal hygiene at least with respect to his teeth.


The fact that the client had no money with him to pay the escort was another signal that the client’s intentions were disingenuous. One could argue that the client was willing to furnish a personal check to the escort but that was not agreed to prior to the meeting.


So, to answer Moca's question - (was he cheated by the client?) I would have to vote, yes.






I have to change my vote to a definite - NO.


I initially believed Moca's side of the story. As we all know, there are usually two sides to every situation and the truth is generally somewhere in the middle.


Now, having read the hostile and hurtful posts made by Moca after I first believed his side of the story, I must rescind my opinion and agree with the other posters who have made an excellent analysis of the situation.


The one poster who recommended that Moca remain a mechanic is probably a good idea for Mocha to follow.



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I have to change my vote to a definite - NO.


The one poster who recommended that Moca remain a mechanic is probably a good idea for Mocha to follow.




Don't deviate and follow the crowd. The hell is anyone to decide my career path? You don't possess that sense of entitlement.


Anyhow, I think I've gotten some good responses from this. I don't need, nor expect, nor want, nor feel, nor think everyone to agree with me...just 1 or 2. Thats it. Even if that 1 or 2 people is just me.


Don't like it? tough cookie. Its my business and I run it the fuck hell I choose to. Its really not hurting my pockets by turning down a grungy person. I was happier to leave empty handed that night than to do something that would stain my mind forever. Sign off!

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Am I the only one that wonders if this guy is actually an escort? We have had more than a few lately that post some very contentious threads possibly just to get the exact reaction this thread has received. What surprises me is all these "escorts" never post a link to their ads. My guess is they are not even in the business, just up to monkey business.

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Am I the only one that wonders if this guy is actually an escort? We have had more than a few lately that post some very contentious threads possibly just to get the exact reaction this thread has received. What surprises me is all these "escorts" never post a link to their ads. My guess is they are not even in the business, just up to monkey business.


Perhaps someone is home alone and bored on a "Friday night" (refer to lounge posting)....Creative writing mixed with a little bit of chemical help can keep the fantasy going all night...

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