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hooville flakes?

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I've heard a lot from escorts about loads of cancellations and no shows. Funny given all that I've Never seen a single post here in hooville about one of our regular posters or even a newbie poster not showing Which has lead me to wonder. Is it truly that the people here who post are more serious and just dont cancel and flake at the last minute without reason. Or. Is it just that the escorts here dont feel comfortable pointing out the members flaws in a public forum.


Im not looking for names or to start WWIII. Just wondering if we are such a solid group or if escorts who might want to share with other escorts which of us posters are problems dont feel comfortable doing so. Thanks

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I'd say that the group that posts here is pretty special. :D


Seriously, the posters here are a highly experienced group and willing to share their knowledge with others and have a built a strong community over the years.


I think we need to clarify a flake versus a cancellation. A flake is one who's going to either be playing games or is totally oblivious to the proper protocols in hiring. Someone who cancels for a legitimate reason due to personal matters, family issues, or sudden changes in life, but is not part of a pattern of such behavior is different. Others may have a different definition.

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Guest greatness



If I have to cancel then I let them know in advance as early as possible. If I have to cancel a lot due to a personal reason then I compensate them. :)

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ArVaGuy, I think you've hit the nail on the head here with your definition of 'flakiness'. However, if the escort and client are not familiar with one another, it's easy to see flakiness where it isn't. Especially with an escort he doesn't know, a client is less likely to explain a sudden cancellation and, whatever the explanation, the escort is less likely to believe it or appreciate its seriousness.


Also, while I agree that the group here is probably more attuned to the protocols for hiring escorts and may be more civilized, I have been told by escorts that this board has its fair share of flakes and difficult clients. At least we're not WORSE than clients generally, thank God.

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I always assumed we were generally a better hiring pool but you know about assumptions


What I find funny is I've never seen an escort call a poster of such behavior I wonder if They just couldn't for fear of backlash

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I always assumed we were generally a better hiring pool but you know about assumptions


What I find funny is I've never seen an escort call a poster of such behavior I wonder if They just couldn't for fear of backlash



Some people think a escort should be seen and not heard. I think they normally don't post about this or in some cases stand up for themselves out of fear of some backlash

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Well, I think an escort would be smart to worry about backlash because I think it would be wrong to call out a client on a private dispute here in the forum. First off, there are more clients than escorts on this board, so they may not get a sympathetic hearing. More important, though, is that airing dirty laundry in public says tells you a lot about the escort's discretion. Some readers may not care much about that, but others care about it very much and would make a mental note that the complaining escort can't be trusted to be discreet.


I think this is true even if the escort is completely justified in his complaint. It's just not worth it reputationally for the escort to start that fight.

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I understand your viewpoint, and the possibility that an escort could lose business by calling out a client. But, as a client, I'll offer a different viewpoint.


Mutual respect is important to me in all of my relationships, definitely including those with escorts. If we think it's OK for clients to call out an escort for a pattern of no-shows, then why shouldn't escorts be able to call out a client for a pattern of no-shows? Fair's fair.


I understand the client is the one with the money, but I don't think money should trump respect. (Well, maybe a lot of money, but I'm talking minimum six figures. :rolleyes:) Hopefully, none of my fellow clients would expect an escort to put up with consistent time wasting and rudeness for the promise of a few hundred bucks. If a client gets his nose out of joint because he's been exposed as rude, or a timewaster, all to the good in my opinion.


As far as discretion, I think it applies to sharing personal information, sexual proclivities, thoughts shared in confidence and such. But I don't think discretion should be used as an excuse for covering up bad behavior, whether escorts' or clients'.


I'd never pass up an escort because he stood up for himself and requested the same respect that he gives to others. I find living by the Golden Rule a very attractive quality.


Of course, these are just my personal opinions, and I'd never expect an escort to change his business or posting practices because of them. And an escort who is new to the business may decide to put up with some crap as he's learning the ropes.


I expect an escort with some experience has learned how to weed out these kinds of clients and, if he gets a chance to help out a newcomer, why not? It's what we do here, no?

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I agree that escorts SHOULD be able to call out clients just like clients call out escorts, but I still think that it would be harmful to the escort's reputation. After all, it's a he-said-he-said thing and most of us wouldn't know whom to believe (unless one or the other trips himself up with a lie or a contradiction). If the escort calling the client out was someone the reader knew to be trustworthy, then that reader would probably believe him, but a reader who doesn't know the escort might have some doubt about him afterwards. Where there are lots of escorts to choose from, that might be a factor in choosing his next hire.


Again, I'm not saying that escorts shouldn't be able to call out a bad client. I'm in a service business too -- a VERY different one, lol -- and some clients are downright awful to their providers, so I'm very sympathetic to some of those issues. But there are externalities that the escort (or any service provider) has to consider before calling a client out publicly, and I wanted to point those out.

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Jackcali, I apologize for singling out your post. The issue of what's 'OK' for an escort to post comes up every so often, and maybe this was my time to stick my big bazoo in. And you're absolutely right to point out the possible downside to an escort's speaking out.


I was in a service business too for several years. Starting out, I had to accept nearly every client I could find, rude ones included. As I got good at what I did, I would politely disengage from them and let others know why. Sometimes a warning to my buds might save them some aggravation and, occasionally, an inconsiderate client would get tired of dealing with less professional service providers and would clean up his act.


It's a good thing.



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Lookin & Jack thats been exactly what I thought. While I think most of us client posters would agree that we would applaud that an escort should call a client for time wasting rude behavior, I think your right that most escorts would consider it too much of a risk. Its really a shame they have no ability to warn other escorts (ok privately but that is limited as we know) for the problematic clients.


Not sure there is anything that can honestly be done about it. just a glitch the system has to put up with. Its just a shame that does seem to be the case. Gotta find it funny that even the escorts who regularly post here have avoided the very topic... I think thats telling.

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Have heard that it existed but not that its been actively used in fact the concern there is in an escort only Environ how does an escort no the bad review is not just to keep a cremepuff client to themselves. We challenge escort bad behavior in an open forum where the escort Can respond. Its a shame but true that a double standard applies


Well lets be honest. Dont you think it also has to run through an escorts mind that everything he does for a client is proper fodder for public scrutiny. Imagine how we as cllients would react if any escort ever posted the nature of an encounter. We would rightfully grill them over hot coals. But we regularly write reviews and discuss our encounters. Now obviously those reviews, when good, can be very helpful to the escort. But just as likely. Whatever that escort did with one client is also fair game for scrutiny by the public. At least the hooville public at large. Raising such questions as. Should the escort ever do That? Or my all time favorite. Well escort x never did that for me?


Again im not saying these are things that have an answer. I just posit that we should consider them. When writing reviews or discuss encounters with other clients or even if God forbid one had the balls to call out a hooville posting flake for rude behavior

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One of the biggest challenges to the way there is a double standard is that the escort is a very public figure while the client is fairly anonymous. Doesn't make the double standard right but just how much more difficult it is to call out a flakey client. It is so easy for them to create different emails, personas, profiles, etc that it seems unlikely to make a difference.


As far as posters here being flakey, I wonder how many tell the escort they post here and their profile name? I wondered about that in another thread related to letting escorts know in advance they would do a review. While not exactly the same thing, it seems that mentioning that they post here would have similar implications. The general consensus of those escorts that responded was they had no interest in knowing in advance and for clients they would not say anything in advance either. So it is possible there are a lot of posters who are flakes but the escort just doesn't know they post here. I personally like to believe that while it is possible, the vast majority are not flakes at all.

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...there is a double standard...
I'm having a lot of trouble with this idea of a "double standard" mentioned by several posters (with the implication, as I read it, that this is a bad thing). There's an inherent asymmetry (double standard, if you will) in the escort-client relationship -- one provides a service which the other pays for. While I don't buy the analogy escort/client = doctor/patient (or lawyer/client or whatever) in all respects, there is an analogy in the payee/payer asymmetry. We expect doctors to maintain confidentiality about their patients. There are web sites which provide reviews of doctors. And doctors have their own, private ways of informing other doctors about difficult patients. No different here.
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Huge double standard at play here-- If an escort messes up, some of you are all over it, naming names and bitching to the high heavens. If a client messes up, you all scream about discretion and to keep it quiet.


Clients here are no less or no more flakey than other places. What I do seem to notice is that most guys here aren't into long term hiring and instead prefer the hour or evening. Not my style. Would love to find a chat board for clients like me who spend extended time (four days to a week) with their escort.

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It's also been stated time and time again that's less than 5% of this sites traffic visits the message center of this site. If a escort stands up for themselves I seriously doubt there's going too be any serious repercussions

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That 5% number is that 5% posts or only 5% lurk. Plus I wonder what the numbers are compared to hirers. I would bet a lot of the 95% are just browsers


I have speculated about this more than once before. It is pretty easy for me to imagine that among the fairly regular posters only a very few (1%?) hire for more than an hour or two. I could be wrong and I would be interested to hear from someone authoritative.


I have no basis for even guessing how many readers of the review site lurk, post or hire for any length of time.


Best regards,


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It's also been stated time and time again that's less than 5% of this sites traffic visits the message center of this site. If a escort stands up for themselves I seriously doubt there's going too be any serious repercussions


That 5% number is that 5% posts or only 5% lurk. Plus I wonder what the numbers are compared to hirers. I would bet a lot of the 95% are just browsers


The accurate number is that fewer than 10% of unique visitors to daddysreviews.com visit the message center.


The percentage that hire short term or long term, prefer blueberry over strawberry with pancakes, or use decaf coffee is not knowable given available statistics.

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... Is it truly that the people here who post are more serious and just dont cancel and flake at the last minute without reason. Or. Is it just that the escorts here dont feel comfortable pointing out the members flaws in a public forum.


First of all I think true flakes are few and far between, and actually I regret my earlier whining post and use of the term flake.


Lots of seemingly flaky behavior is really just miscommunication and sometimes bad luck. Being a poster on this board is likely to improve the odds of good communication. It also reduces fears of entrapment, assault etc on the part of either or both parties. Then also even with the variations in anonymity, there is some investment in ones (client or escort) persona. Meaning that if one of us thinks the other did something wrong we might be more willing to ask for a clarification or look past a minor misunderstanding.


Everybody makes mistakes and it doesn't take much change in angle of perception to see a small mistake as a huge, or intentional. Then things so easily escalate and once one sees something one way it is very easy to observe thing after thing which seems to confirm ones viewpoint.


How could someone say or hear "Lets meet later tonight" when they really meant "Would be nice to meet later tonight (but can't so hopefully next time)" ?

Well my own kind, articulate and intelligent mother has from time to time referred to me by any of my siblings names or even that of the family dog or cat. And my best friend mixes up left and right. So yeah I think one should always consider the possibility that seemingly rude, or clueless behaviour may just be what a friend calls a brain fart.


Considering all the possibilties of misinterpretation and desirability of discretion I think it would be wrong to call out a specific client here publicy.








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There is a website for escorts to post flakey client's phone numbers...


I can't remember the web address, but there is a web site where escorts post the phone numbers of flakey people. The web site advises those whose numbers appear to make peace with the complaining escort to get their number removed.

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