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My First Rio Trip

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I'm currently experiencing Rio for the first time and finally put aside my nerves and made it to a sauna for the first time.


I went to Point 202 tonight and can somewhat see why people complain. The front desk clerk was somewhat nice and the locker room attendant and bartender were fairly nice.


However, I think the guys there did have a bit of an attitude. They didn't seem interested in working AT ALL. From all the reviews I read, I expected to be approached by several guys, but they seemed much more interested in hanging and talking with each other. There were plenty of guys in which I was interested. I guess I have to make more of an effort next time to get their attention.


I sat by myself for about 20 - 25 minutes before anybody came and talked to me. One guy finally did come and sit with me. He was an attractive guy. I wasn't crazy about him, but being my first time, I just sorta went with the flow. We talked for a bit. Started making out. Then eventually went to the cabin. He was very passionate, but he had a ton of trouble staying up. He barely performed. Overall, a bit of a dud. I was a little upset that I had to pay him the full price, but I learned my first lesson.


If the guy can't get it up while you're making out in the open, he most likely will have the same problem in the room.


However, he was a nice guy, and afterwards, he wanted to know if I was going back and when. He really seemed to want to meet up again. I just assume this is typical, but I was too nice to kinda tell him that I wasn't interested, so I just played along and told me I'd be back another day that week.


Overall, I would say that my first sauna experience was kinda shitty, but it was definitely good to get the first experience out of the way (pretty much got rid of the nerves of going).


I'm going to hit up 117 tomorrow and hope for a better experience. I guess I'll go in with a more aggressive attitude. I'll be sure to post about my experience.


I will probably also visit Point 202 once again before I leave Rio. There were some hot guys that I was definitely interested in. I just wish they were more aggressive and/or welcoming. Also, a little worried about the same guy harassing me. I just can't be mean enough to get rid of him. We'll see.

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I'm currently experiencing Rio for the first time and finally put aside my nerves and made it to a sauna for the first time.


I went to Point 202 tonight and can somewhat see why people complain. The front desk clerk was somewhat nice and the locker room attendant and bartender were fairly nice.


However, I think the guys there did have a bit of an attitude. They didn't seem interested in working AT ALL. From all the reviews I read, I expected to be approached by several guys, but they seemed much more interested in hanging and talking with each other. There were plenty of guys in which I was interested. I guess I have to make more of an effort next time to get their attention.


I sat by myself for about 20 - 25 minutes before anybody came and talked to me. One guy finally did come and sit with me. He was an attractive guy. I wasn't crazy about him, but being my first time, I just sorta went with the flow. We talked for a bit. Started making out. Then eventually went to the cabin. He was very passionate, but he had a ton of trouble staying up. He barely performed. Overall, a bit of a dud. I was a little upset that I had to pay him the full price, but I learned my first lesson.


If the guy can't get it up while you're making out in the open, he most likely will have the same problem in the room.


However, he was a nice guy, and afterwards, he wanted to know if I was going back and when. He really seemed to want to meet up again. I just assume this is typical, but I was too nice to kinda tell him that I wasn't interested, so I just played along and told me I'd be back another day that week.


Overall, I would say that my first sauna experience was kinda shitty, but it was definitely good to get the first experience out of the way (pretty much got rid of the nerves of going).


I'm going to hit up 117 tomorrow and hope for a better experience. I guess I'll go in with a more aggressive attitude. I'll be sure to post about my experience.


I will probably also visit Point 202 once again before I leave Rio. There were some hot guys that I was definitely interested in. I just wish they were more aggressive and/or welcoming. Also, a little worried about the same guy harassing me. I just can't be mean enough to get rid of him. We'll see.



As Strafe13 wrote, you will have a good time at Clube 117 (and Meio Mundo).


Pointe 202 (where you visited) compared to Clube 117 is almost like comparing saunas Lagoa in Sao Paulo with Fragata. Both are fun places. But, they are quite different.


At Clube 117 you will find a large variety of guys where you are almost guaranteed to find what you want. On the other hand, at Pointe 202, you find mostly muscle types which may or may not be what you seek or like.


Another thing about Pointe 202 is that they tend to pad your bill. This has happened to me on a number of occasions and has happened to some friends. If you complain about a charge for a room you did not rent or food and drinks you did not buy, you can generally have the bogus charges removed.


When you are ready for it, a visit to sauna Meio Mundo will be in order to round out your experiences in the Rio saunas.



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I haven't made it to Club 117 or Meio Mundo yet. Because of proximity, I went to 202 again. Another mediocre experience. I dealt with a clinger for most of the night. Finally broke free to talk to the guy I was into. Conversation wasn't long because he spoke no English and my Potuguese is limited. He wasn't as passionate as the previous guy and again had trouble staying erect. You would think these guys would be better at their jobs! If this guy were, he would have received tons of repeat business from me because I was really into him. Not meant to be.


Point 202 is officially off the list. Let's hope for better times at 117 or Meio Mundo.

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its tea time in rio


well i am also here in rio.


yes those dreaded clingers, just can't shake them off, go for a piss, stand up, and say, i have to piss, and go pretend to piss, then walk around.


i love 117, and mm


more later



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I finally made it to 117. All I can say is WOW! It was like night and day. The guys were much more attractive IMO. I'm attracted to quite the range and 117 had something for everybody. I didnt have time to explore all the options at 117 whereas there were maybe only one or two guys at Point 202 that I was interested in.


In addition, the guys at 117 were much more friendly, and I was surprised that there was more English spoken here than 202.


My advice to anyone is to skip 202 and hop on the Metro to 117. It's definitely worth the trip!


Meio Mundo today for final comparison.

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Guest dr jj



I went to Pointe 202 about a year ago and kinda loved it. There were some crazy annoying escorts who never left my side -- but that was a small annoyance for the hot times I had upstairs. True, the showers and steam room are pretty gross but Rico more than made up for the downsides. I didn't experience any bill padding.


If 117 is that much better, I can't wait to get back to Rio for more fun!

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I've experienced the cultural and the sauna attributes of some parts of BRAZIL since 2002, and during that time, the saunas in Rio de janeiro have undergone changes from quality as well as from existence.


Two saunas that I visited during my first trip and subsequent ones: Rogers and Estacao, are now defunct. Point 202 was "hot" from its beginning until 2007 when I returned and abhorred it. There were guys there, hot ones, but the general ambiance and tenor had changed tremendously.


In 2007-- my 7th visit in a matter of six years, Club 117 and Meio Mundo became my favorites ones in Rio for the pointers which have been alluded to in the preceding posts.


But, again, men-- you must remember that all of the saunas have their days. They could be jumping on one night and bland on another. There is so much flexibility and quirkiness that I'd advise that you just take it all in stride and make the better of the experience in any way that you can!


Don't stress or despair at all if your sauna experience is NOT what you had expected or anticipated. Do your research before going and "go with the flow!" If one night is horrible-- go back again or select another sauna!

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Last time I was at 202 I noticed changes, like the expanded seating area and the fact that the guys are asking for considerably more than they used to. I did manage to enjoy myself when I was there, but I really wish Junior would fix the dry sauna. I actually like using the saunas when I'm at the baths but the dry sauna is now only tepid and you can't work up a good sweat. It used to be a good place to get away for a while from the constant attention by the sauna guys, but now it's no fun. The steam room still works OK, but I prefer the dry sauna to the wet one. Still, for those who like muscle guys, 202 is probably the best bet. The guys at 117 and Meio Mundo tend to be less muscular, although there are exceptions to all rules and you'll find a pretty wide variety of types at both places.

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