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Review Notice

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I've met my fair share of escorts and try to do reviews as often as I can. I usually decide after the meeting if I will do a review and usually then let the escort know about it. I have been thinking that perhaps I should let escorts know in advance that I will be reviewing them. Not sure how that would be received by the escort. Would it put too much pressure on them? Would it change the actual meeting so that the review itself would not be as useful to future clients? Would it be perceived as a bit self serving on my part?


In a perfect world, the escort should go about any meeting as if they were going to be reviewed so it should not really matter. In the real world, I am not sure if it is a good or bad idea.


I'd be interested in views from both escorts and clients on this.

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So, you think it is possible that escorts act and re-act solely because of what a review might say? Does that mean you obey the law because you might be caught rather than it is the right thing to do? Sorry, I don't really mean to preach, but the tone of your question leaves something to be desired, at least according to me.


Both you and your escort contacts should do what comes naturally, don't you think?


Best regards,


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More subtle than a 2x4 - please


I think it is great that you often do reviews. I also think its right to make that decision after the session and to let the escort know beforehand. I think that telling the escort that you intend to review is just a bit too blatant a threat which could just as easily backfire as succeed. You may put the escort in a bad mood feeling he is taking an exam of some kind. he might resent it enough to certainly ruin the mood. An escort session is such a delicate combination of "like" and trust and chemistry. It very seldom proceeds from pressure or stress.


I am sure many times in your life as in mine, you have been made to perform a certain way to succeed in business or other pursuits. even in school, the pressure of exams etc. does not make for a pleasant interaction with your partner.


A more subtle approach would be to discuss Daddy's site and mention that you are a regular poster and occasional reviewer on the site. If done causally enough, you will avoid the overt threatening nature of saying that the guy is on trial and had better perform.


Just my thoughts.

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Kiss and tell...


Hey Jgoo,


I couldn't agree more with dotib4ugo. Telling an escort that you will write a review of the time you spend together may make some escorts nervous. I personally don't care whether you tell me before, after or never. I have become quite relaxed and confident that the session always carries itself in a smooth, beautiful way, but know a few friends with whom I have discussed this that would much rather you said nothing at all, at least until the session is finished.


If you think that not knowing that you posts reviews may put them in disadvantage not alerting them into performing at their best, then I would say that if your escort needs such an alert to perform "well" then he may not be well suited to this profession. If you still think you would like him to know, then tell him you found him through this site. That should let him know that there are chances you may review him.


Some say that escorts should always behave as if they knew they were going to have every session reviewed... Personally, I never think about it, I just relax, focus on my partner and try to find a way to make it a fulfilling, exciting and fun session for us together. It's not about the review, the reputation or the money, it is about making my profession meaningful and fulfilling.


hope this helps.



Always hard and warm,



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Not a 1x4 either


So, casual, low level pressure will MAKE them perform? Pressure is pressure.


Best regards,



Not at all what I was suggesting. I only wanted to suggest that by telling the guy that you frequest this site will make the eventual discussion about writing a review (as he is wont to do after the session) not so much of a surprise to the guy. I was trying to make the escort more comfortable with the eventual disclosure that a review was imminent.


I generally mention that I say them on Daddys review site as part of my introduction, if they have been reviewed here (of course).


My wording was perhaps a bit clumsy.

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Perhaps we both are not saying exactly what we mean. Do you view reviews as advertisements for the escort or information for the client? Of course, a good review will be both but a bad review will be mostly for the benefit of the client, don't you think?


Personally I don't think a possible review is part of any negotiataion or agreement ahead of time like the fee is. Any escort that is reviewed on this site will know there is a possibility of another. The rules allow him to respond and, if necessary, have the last word.


Therefore, what happens during your "visit" happens and what happens later in the aspect of a review also happens, or not.


Best regards,


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Some say that escorts should always behave as if they knew they were going to have every session reviewed... Personally, I never think about it, I just relax, focus on my partner and try to find a way to make it a fulfilling, exciting and fun session for us together. It's not about the review, the reputation or the money, it is about making my profession meaningful and fulfilling.


I don't know if this was intentional, Juan, but you just clearly articulated exactly what Hooboy thought on the subject. You can see this best in the review FAQ for escorts, under the question "How can I get reviewed?".


His answer was "Be the best escort you can be and the rest will take care of itself", or words to that effect. Reviews are not something you should campaign for. (And the flip-side of that, by extension, is that clients shouldn't hold them out as a goad.)

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Perhaps we both are not saying exactly what we mean. Do you view reviews as advertisements for the escort or information for the client? Of course, a good review will be both but a bad review will be mostly for the benefit of the client, don't you think?


Personally I don't think a possible review is part of any negotiataion or agreement ahead of time like the fee is. Any escort that is reviewed on this site will know there is a possibility of another. The rules allow him to respond and, if necessary, have the last word.


Therefore, what happens during your "visit" happens and what happens later in the aspect of a review also happens, or not.





KMEM, Not all escorts (or clients) are made the same and it is a bit naive to think that someone shouldn't or wouldn't try to get the best position they can in making a meeting happen. Sometimes it is not so unreasonable to use such a tactic to get the best opportunity for a very enjoyable meeting. If it works then great. Your viewpoint is reasonable for you but others who have other ideas about the escort encounter may be totally reasonable to announce a review will be made to maximize the chances of return on their payout. I look at it as a business transaction so I am fine with the second approach.

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Perhaps you don't mean what it sounds like because it sounds like coercion. The next logical step according to your line of reasoning would be to threaten a bad review if the experience does not meet your expectations.


Best regards,


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Ok my experience is limited but I know many escorts that now know me have said the same thing that being with a regular forum poster is nerve wracking. So much so that one unreviewed and undiscussed hire I had was a veritable clustetf***. Nerves took over and with one bad turn he was certain that I was headed for negative review land. I was not but the evening just devolved from their.


Other regular posters have said to me it is often best to meet the first time anonymous of your moniker here on the forum. That nerves often blow the experience. I believe that is not always true but often. That said many escorts deal fine. Others do not. But I firmly believe any escort should put forth his best efforts that he can at that moment for the client not for the review. And a true review is how he treats clients not reviewers. Its why food critics often go to restaurants anonymously to get the regular treatment. Just my humbly opinion

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The best possible Position


I tend to agree with a few others here.


If at all possible please dont tell me you post here or review here.


If you want to best position you can have you certainly wont get it by announcing a possible review may be in the works.


Its been my experience that trying too hard to impress will usually backfire /seem contrived / disable a real connection.


Certainly other occasions its worked fine because there are posters here that post enough and communicate enough about themselves that make it like seeing a well known friend.


Having expectations clearly communicated in advance with some parameters to navigate seem to be the best way to guarantee the best possible position in the encounter.


Gentleman take your positions relax and enjoy yourselves.



If you so choose to do so please report back and let us know how it went.

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If I wanted something to go especially well and make it a special time, say at a restaurant, it would be acceptable (and probably appreciated to know in advance) to say to the waiter that something extra would be given in the tip if things went well. A little extra pressure on the waiter perhaps but I am guessing most good and professional ones can handle it. Risk of them overdoing it and ultimately failing as a result? Sure but I think it is worth the risk.


Take that example to an escort scenario and my speculation is that many or most escorts would appreciate knowing in advance that something extra would be given for an extra special time. Is this coercion or just an incentive in this case? Take you choice.


Now substitute a review instead of a tip and it seems to me to be pretty much the same thing. Yes it does corrupt somewhat what many think the purpose of a review is (or should be) but that's their view of its purpose and not necessarily mine. Some escorts may not value the idea of a review as much as cash (while others may value it more because of its potential for increased business) but that does not negate that it has usefulness in some situations with some escorts. From my viewpoint, I say there should not be double standards between the two approaches.

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A key point


Perhaps we both are not saying exactly what we mean. Do you view reviews as advertisements for the escort or information for the client? Of course, a good review will be both but a bad review will be mostly for the benefit of the client, don't you think?


Personally I don't think a possible review is part of any negotiataion or agreement ahead of time like the fee is. Any escort that is reviewed on this site will know there is a possibility of another. The rules allow him to respond and, if necessary, have the last word.


Therefore, what happens during your "visit" happens and what happens later in the aspect of a review also happens, or not.


Best regards,




I think you have hit on the heart of the matter - is the review intended to help potential clients or the escorts? Ideally, it helps both, but I think the primary purpose of this site is for clients to inform other clients. Good escorts will hopefully benefit from favorable reviews, and unfavoirable reviews provide feedback which escorts can choose to respond to (& act on) or not.


But informing escorts beforehand likely biases the results. Sort of like a restaurant critic announcing himself (& his profession) when he makes a reservation.

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I always tell an escort, when I first approach him for an appt., that I have read his reviews here, if I have (to let him know that I am aware of his reputation), but I never say anything about writing reviews myself. Of course, he may conclude that I will or may do so, and that may influence his performance, but I don't know that. If he asks whether I write reviews, I will reply honestly that I sometimes do. If he asks me at the end of the performance whether I intend to write a review, I will tell him. If the escort has not been reviewed before, I will ask him, after the appt., if he is aware of the site, and tell him that I intend to write a review (because I always review someone who is an unknown quantity to others who use the site). I prefer not to use a review as a threat or a carrot in advance, because I want to know how the escort behaves in normal circumstances--after all, I wouldn't want to write a rave review which influences someone else to hire him, only to discover that, with me, he was only responding to the possibility of a good review.

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Hey Jgoo,


I couldn't agree more with dotib4ugo. Telling an escort that you will write a review of the time you spend together may make some escorts nervous. I personally don't care whether you tell me before, after or never. I have become quite relaxed and confident that the session always carries itself in a smooth, beautiful way, but know a few friends with whom I have discussed this that would much rather you said nothing at all, at least until the session is finished.


If you think that not knowing that you posts reviews may put them in disadvantage not alerting them into performing at their best, then I would say that if your escort needs such an alert to perform "well" then he may not be well suited to this profession. If you still think you would like him to know, then tell him you found him through this site. That should let him know that there are chances you may review him.


Some say that escorts should always behave as if they knew they were going to have every session reviewed... Personally, I never think about it, I just relax, focus on my partner and try to find a way to make it a fulfilling, exciting and fun session for us together. It's not about the review, the reputation or the money, it is about making my profession meaningful and fulfilling.


hope this helps.



Always hard and warm,




I can't imagine that Juan was nervous when I saw him, even though he knew who I was on the board. He arrived hard and left hard, but hopefully considerably emptier. If that's nervous, bring it on!

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Nobody likes to feel manipulated.


If I wanted something to go especially well and make it a special time, say at a restaurant, it would be acceptable (and probably appreciated to know in advance) to say to the waiter that something extra would be given in the tip if things went well.


This scenario might be acceptable if you were bringing a large group to the restaurant (for a special event) or speaking to a caterer, and the conversation was part of a negotiation with management or the person in charge of handling parties or large group reservations.


If you were dining with one, two, or three people, no matter how fancy the restaurant, and you said something like this to your waiter, I guarantee your waiter would consider you an asshole, a really tacky asshole. Dangling a fantasy promise of a tip before service work has begun is an attempt to manipulate the service provider. There is NO WAY such behavior will endear you to the service provider, unless the service provider is a complete idiot, starving, with incredible low self-esteem.


Now substitute a review instead of a tip and it seems to me to be pretty much the same thing.

You are kidding, right? I'll take a cash tip any day over a review at this joint. At least the cash tip will feed me and pay a bill or two. The promise of a (good) review here is about as valuable as an ice cream cone dropped on the floor of the backroom at the Gaiety. (Even though some guys around here would still pick the thing up and lick it.)


If I were an escort and a customer mentioned this place during my encounter:

1. the gig would be over

2. the cock forever facing south

3. and any hope of excitement and anticipation would have turned into thoughts of a blowjob from a guy with Gillette razors for teeth.


Good luck enjoying your hour.

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Thank God somebone put this thread to a rest.


For it's intelligence, at least. :eek:


Thank you.


Really, suprise to me, all I hear is people having totally different opinions on the issue. and of course Rockhard expressing his opinion in his normal ..."forthright" manner No end in sight there. Though I agree with his assessment on this one

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Nobody Likes to Be Manipulated...But It Happens All the Time


This scenario might be acceptable if you were bringing a large group to the restaurant (for a special event) or speaking to a caterer, and the conversation was part of a negotiation with management or the person in charge of handling parties or large group reservations.


If you were dining with one, two, or three people, no matter how fancy the restaurant, and you said something like this to your waiter, I guarantee your waiter would consider you an asshole, a really tacky asshole. Dangling a fantasy promise of a tip before service work has begun is an attempt to manipulate the service provider. There is NO WAY such behavior will endear you to the service provider, unless the service provider is a complete idiot, starving, with incredible low self-esteem.



You are kidding, right? I'll take a cash tip any day over a review at this joint. At least the cash tip will feed me and pay a bill or two. The promise of a (good) review here is about as valuable as an ice cream cone dropped on the floor of the backroom at the Gaiety. (Even though some guys around here would still pick the thing up and lick it.)


If I were an escort and a customer mentioned this place during my encounter:

1. the gig would be over

2. the cock forever facing south

3. and any hope of excitement and anticipation would have turned into thoughts of a blowjob from a guy with Gillette razors for teeth.


Good luck enjoying your hour.


I have no problem if the waiter thinks that I am an asshole (because frankly I am one, but I am fine with that). I am not looking for any type of emotional connection with my waiter or really care what he thinks about me. Its a business transaction. I do this all the time and get fantastic service as a result. This is the real world and money is the grease that makes it go round, especially in the service industry. If these waiters had a problem with my approach then I doubt they would specifically ask that I get seated in their section whenever I make a reservation. And these waiters are not starving at all and certainly not idiots (they are working in very upscale restaurants), they simply know how the game is played and they play it well.


I have to imagine that a review on this site does have some cash value that many escorts benefit from because more than one escort has mentioned that they do get a spike in business that they would not otherwise have probably gotten after a review is posted.


I said that different escorts would react differently but in some situations it is a valid and worthwhile approach to raise up the issue of a review upfront. Some escorts want cash, some value a review more. The point is that many escorts are fine with knowing up front their is a potential big tip or review in store if things go well. I've had several tell me this and others express appreciation knowing in advance. For those that don't, seems to me they think of our session as something different than what it really is. And if it effects their performance then they have bigger problems.

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