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How do I write a review for a meeting that was just okay?

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Dear gentlemen:

I have a dilema. I have been encouraged by several people to write a review about a gentleman who currently does not have any but my experience was just satisfactory to be low par mainly sexually, out of the bed a really nice guy. He is relatively new about 6 months. Pictures are a bit older than they should have been. The main issue was he was extremely tentative sexually. He is coming from a straight background and says he is Bi. I really enjoyed his company, but that is only 50% for me. The problem is I wanted to find a way to encourage him so I did write him a very detail email about two weeks after we met describing the issues the good and the bad. He has never responded back. He has talked to a very good friend of mine who is a poster here and I have told him everything.


I guess my question is I would label the review as satisfactory, I just dont know that I would recommend him and the answer to the big question is no I would not rehire him plus he was asking for top dollar. This is really a "tweener" I would hate to ruin his business with the review but I am just torn about this because he really is a nice guy.


I would accept any thoughts, I know regular posters your thoughts but I really would like the gentlemen's thoughts. I have only done one negative review and that was very recent.

Thanks for your thoughts guys, I just take what write seriously and an honest statement of what happened.

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This is a question I've been meaning to ask. What to do about the encounter that wasn't bad but wasn't anything to write home about when the escort is unreviewed. The answer I've come up with for myself is not to write the review. My first reason is that the "just okay" review is going to be read as negative even though that wasn't the intent. My second reason is that by not writing the review the escort is still unreviewed, which is as negative as I want to get. I also figure that if a question comes up here, I can give a quick answer (but not a review).


In your particular case, the guy is new. You did write him a detailed email which gives him something to work from. My big question is whether or not you would recommend him. Because you seem to be tentative on that point, I would say don't write a review.

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Well... I think you have already given us an outline of your review... If you really think that the escort is a upright and decent individual you may want to slant your review in a more favorable direction while still being honest and forthright regarding your personal experience. Putting a slant on something is done all the time by the news media ... sometimes purposefully and other times subliminally. In this case you might just want to emphasize his positive features so as to push things a bit in his favor... after all you seem to think he is a nice guy who could use a bit of a boost.


Also, remember there might be an aspect of the encounter that did not appeal to you, but might just be someone else's cup of tea. As for the final recommendation, you can still recommend him and refer to his services as being satisfactory while reiterating the fact that for your personal needs he is not someone that you might consider rehiring.


It is probably a tough call, and will take a bit of a balancing act, but I think it can be done in a way that will be fair to him and to your personal standards as well. I probably would not write a review... but if I understand the situation there is a bit of an expectation that something would be submitted... and if so that puts you in a different and possibly difficult situation.

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This is really a tough call. I do think whippedguy is probably correct.


Everybody who hires escorts, on a regular basis, has encountered situations like the one you describe. Actually it has happened to many of us more than once. Generally I do NOT write a review of encounters such as you describe. My reasoning is simple – for me it is next to impossible to determine if the problem was 1.) the escort simply wasn’t any good in the sack or 2.) the escort and I simply lacked chemistry. I have, unfortunately, had encounters that were, at best, just satisfactory with a number of escorts who have a multitude of OUTSTANDING review on this site. In these cases I have always assumed that there simply wasn’t any chemitry between the two of us and that the problem was possibly as much of my making as his. In these cases I have ALWAYS reframeed from writing a review.


Now if the escort had NO reviews I would definitely be in a quandary. I would probably give the guy the benefit of doubt and NOT write a review. If, however, you chose to do so I would certainly not criticize you.

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Up to you


The best advice is to go with your gut on this.....personally, I don't think a middle of the road review will help anyone and yet you will be somewhat responsible for other readers to not hire the guy. I think it's enough of a struggle for a new guy to get business without doing him in with "faint praise" so to speak. I was disappointed that he did not respond to your e-mail. It leaves you wondering if he accepted your constructive criticism or if he got defensive and angry....just my thought.


The pressure to write a review should not be the deciding factor in your actions. Again, go with your own feelings.


P.S. It just occurred to me that emphasizing the personality aspects of the escort (i.e., he was a great guy, etc. ) is kind of like the teenage heterosexual commentary on a girl when the response is that she has a "nice personality".....while that is an important aspect of the encounter...we generally do not hire our escorts solely for their "personality". LOL

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I am another one who doesn't write a review of an already reviewed escort if the experience was simply OK, nothing really negative and nothing really great. "Satisfactory" does sound lukewarm, especially if combined with "No" on "Would hire again," (if I say "Recommended," it means I think others would enjoy him, even though I don't intend to hire him again, but that's because I have rarely hired anyone more than once). I once reviewed a fairly new escort, but left out the most negative aspect because I thought it could hurt his career, which I didn't want to do, since I thought he was a nice guy who would improve and whom other clients would enjoy; I was right about the latter, but he interpreted some of my more neutral comments as negatives and gave me so much grief about it, that I wished I hadn't written the review at all. (Another reviewer privately told me that he had a similar experience with the escort.) If you really can't decide what direction to go, the safest thing is not to do a review, because if yours is the only one, it will influence others.

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My take on this is a bit llike whippedguy's:

... I think you have already given us an outline of your review...you may want to slant your review in a more favorable direction while still being honest and forthright regarding your personal experience...Also, remember there might be an aspect of the encounter that did not appeal to you, but might just be someone else's cup of tea.
Moreover, there are parts of what you wrote that point to problems that may not resolve with more experience; readers here would probably like to know about them before hiring him themselves:

I did write him a very detail email about two weeks after we met describing the issues the good and the bad. He has never responded back.
is also troubling.


I agree with Charlie

I am another one who doesn't write a review of an already reviewed escort if the experience was simply OK, nothing really negative and nothing really great.
but that's for someone who already has been reviewed. Not saying anything about this guy is at least as misleading to potential clients as writing an honest review with all the ambiguities you expressed so well in your post.
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OK short and sweet. You liked the Guy but he's new and tentative. I think the answer is simple. Do him a favor and don't write a review. He will hopefully get better and deserve a good review someday. But he doesn't need to b warned away from. So say nothing. Its not earned or needed to warn others. Leave it alone

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I think an average review would be refreshing. Let's face it, not everyone is all good or all bad. If you want to be helpful to this man, because he is a nice guy, put a happy face on the good traits. If he was really below average for you, I would say just that, but that he is a nice guy and others may find his particular charms a delight. Average is average. Right now, today, I wish I was an average 30 year old instead of the magnificent 50 something that I am.

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I appreciate all of your comments very much and have read them all. I am still hopeful that maybe, just maybe a working guy or two might toss in a point or two. By the way the reason I was being asked to give a review was another poster had a very similar outing to mine.

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I am torn between purplekow's advice to write the review (a review of an "average" encounter would be welcome) and the advice to refrain from writing. I had a similar encounter a couple of years ago. The guy and I had am e-mail exchange beforehand and I was specific about what I was looking for. Although his pictures were a little dated, he was physically what I wanted and we engaged in most of what I asked for. Hhe never became hard and did not cum. He jumped out of bed as soon as I climaxed. Mind you, it was one of the top 3 orgasms I have ever had, and I was feeling a little tired that day. After he showered, we talked for a while. He seemed very nice and I gathered from the conversation that he was having a bad day, possibly a bad week.


I thought about the encounter and decided to write a review. I thoroughly enjoyed the session and had a very intense orgasm. In my mind, the fun things that happened outweighed the things that did not happen. In my case, he had been reviewed favorably in the past. I ended up writing a good review of the encounter.


I don't know whether this helps, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

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Post it!


I'm the other poster Bart was referring to. I agree almost completely with Bart. The time with this escort was all "average," nothing to write home about. Why I encouraged Bart to write the review (I waited too late to do it myself) is because this escort shows in his picture to be model built and have model looks. That has to have been 10+ years ago. I am into muscles (thus my moniker). This guy did not really have any more muscles than I do now. But the pictures show 8 pack abs on a brick ***house hottie! I would like to have been warned about that difference. There are too many other good options in this large city. And the escort is now traveling all over one of our larger states using the same 10+ year old pictures. I say you should do it Bart.

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