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a questions for a newbie...

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hey everyone!


so... I have a question about appointment scheduling -- when you are going to book a few appointments, how much time do you give yourself between - it is probably different for different people, but is there a general consensus??


I ask out of a situation I encountered tonight. I had an appt scheduled - it fell through and so I had to find a replacement -- I was able to secure a 6 p.m. appointment with another escort. I arrived exactly on time and things started off fine - but ultimately there was a lot of clock watching - ultimately I found out that he has also scheduled appts. for 7 and 8 -- that limited some of his participation - which was important to me - but MY fault for not being clear about my expectations -- a first time learning experience...


What we did was fine -- but really it wasn't an hour more like 45 minutes - 5 minutes to clean up and move on --


Clearly from many of you who post and who have been reviewed - "non-clock watchers" and "generous with their time" -- those are traits that we all appreciate and seem to set apart a number of very well reviewed escorts. Just wondering about it all -- would love to get your first hand thoughts -- please know in advance that I am merely trying to understand a business that I am brand new too...




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WOW. Ok I'm new but I can confirm 6,7,8 is way to fucking close. seriously way too close and this guy is not the kind of escort I would consider at all. Please review him. Be honest about the good things but that timing should be a major major killer for alot of clients

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Super Escort!!??


Shoot! This guy is a real piece of work... and beyond hungry for business. Not even Clark Kent... I feel sorry for the third guy in line... I would submit a review and spill the beans... Quality escorts don't pull such stunts... but actually some of the big name guys actually do... so name recognition does not equal quality. I hesitate to name names because I have only received this information second hand.


As for my preferences, I have never scheduled a mere one hour session... at least two hours... it is worth saving up for a good quality experience... and if the guy is a clock watcher at least you have had an hour plus 45 to do your thing... but the good ones don't watch the clock and appreciate the repeat business and referrals it ultimately generates.

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re quality time


The best escorts I have been with were guys who limited themselves to one client a day or at least scheduled substantial time between clients. Not only is it respectful to the client and less physically wearing on the escort, but it also leaves room for the possibility that a client will want to spontaneously extend the session beyond the hour.

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Guest greatness

oh my


I had an escort lie about his schedule. He didn't have an appointment after me but just made an excuse to make our meeting short. There are numerous tactics some not good escorts use to maximize their profit and cheat. I've never seen those kinds of escorts last long and usually not hot either so they have to rely on other things to maximize their profit.

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The best guys that I have hired schedule no more than two clients a day one in the afternoon and another in the evening... and even when they are traveling and have to maximize profits. That way you are assured of his undivided attention for either the entire afternoon or evening. Plus, as I noted above I have never scheduled a mere hour... as that has to much of the word "rush" written all over it from the get go. I like to take things painfully slow...


Personally I prefer sessions later in the evening as there is just something about doing S&M in the darkness of the night that adds to the appeal. Plus, I will have digested supper and can prepare for the session…I like to get pumped up in the gym just prior to a hookup as that gets my adrenalin going. Furthermore, I am more that likely to be “it’ for the day and that often allows for some interesting post session conversation.


Under such conditions I rarely have been rushed, but then again I try to choose wisely by doing my homework regarding studying not only reviews, but also comments in this forum.

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Had a recent experience (actually this weekend) where I was looking to make an appointment with a visiting escort to my city. In trying to set something up he mentioned in a reply that he had "some open slots that day but they were filling up quickly". I realize that he has to have certain numbers to make his visit worthwhile but it was a real turn off to me when he wrote that. Not sure if it was just the sound of me filling in a slot or not knowing what number in a line of people getting his service I would be and worried about the quality. Probably a combination of both so I have decided to pass, which is unfortunate because my city has a dearth of decent escorts.


Anyway, I am pretty experienced with hiring and this is the first time this has really come up and it came up rather by chance based on the passing comment by the escort. It seems to me that this situation might mostly happen with visiting escorts and situations where only single hour appointments are schedule, both of which I hardly ever do. So I will in the future be more inquisitive as to how busy they may be that day and what their policy is relative to multiple clients per day/evening.

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While I've never had a truly BAD experience, all my mediocre sessions have been with traveling escorts. I understand the need to pay for the trip, but several sessions have felt similarly rushed - in the door, do the deed, next! Once, literally - in the room, clothes off, OK let's start to fuck, hurry up and come, the guy is back on the laptop while I'm getting dressed. I don't think this has ever happened while visiting with someone in his home base.

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NYTomcat makes a really excellent point here regarding traveling escorts. What with the cost of airfare and hotels particularly in places like New York City and So. Ca. many traveling escorts feel they MUST make multiple day appointments.


I NEVER hire for one hour but rather for lunch or dinner and a couple of hours of play time. With this in mind I am very hesitant to hire traveling escorts. However, the fact that I am hesitant to do so does NOT mean that I don’t make an exception occasionally. If I do hire a traveling escort I ask multiple questions including how many clients he sees in a day. I also explain very clearly what I expect from him during our time together. If I like his answers I arrange a meeting if not I thank him for his time and move on.


More often than not if I see a traveling escort who is visiting my area and I find him interesting I contact him and make arrangements to meet at his home base. Very occasionally I will fly an escort to me but frankly I enjoy traveling so I seldom do this. Yes I know, I am extremely fortunate to be able to afford both the time and the money to operate in this manner.


The only advice I would offer to those who are considering hiring a traveling escorts is: ALWAYS ask multiple question and be very specific regarding your requirements if both time and performance.

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What with the cost of airfare and hotels particularly in places like New York City and So. Ca. many traveling escorts feel they MUST make multiple day appointments..

Yes! They certainly feel that to be the case... but it does not always have to be the case! As an example, one escort who travels quite frequently is definitely not averse to booking multiple hotels during the course of a visit to a particular city to get the best possible rates. That certainly helps keep his costs down and allows him to space out his sessions so as to provide the best possible service to his clients. Likewise, many adjust. their schedule to get the benefit of better airfares... again a smart move as opposed to having something etched in stone.


As in all things, some escorts are better planners and better businessmen than others... and know how to adjust their bottom line to best serve their clients.

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Hey Mr Bear,


I guess the only general consensus is that you are entitled to receive a non-rushed, satisfying, personal and professional service. Considering that he needs time to be with you at least a whole hour, then clean up and travel to his next client, he evidently booked a lot more than he could chew. (Not even with Scotty beaming him up from hotel to hotel.)


Nobody should operate like this, and if you had an unsatisfactory experience for whatever reason, you could perhaps consider about submitting a review.


I agree with people recommending to book longer sessions. Whether the escort is local or a visitor, a longer session will allow you both more time to develop a close connection and will more likely lead to a fulfilling experience.


Now, when we talk about how many clients should an escort book... well, as with everything, it depends. This is an entirely personal issue that only your escort can decide. As long as he leaves time enough for him to be in punctual and stay for the whole duration of the session, time enough for him to be fresh, hard, eager and present, as long as he leaves time enough for the possibility of a session extension, only your escort can asses how many is too many.


I know all types: Kevin, in Vancouver only takes one client a day. For that reason he tends to favor long engagements either locally or when he travels. On the other hand, I worked with a guy in London not long ago, (I prefer not to mention his name, for obvious reasons.), and after having a very intense two hour appointment with the same client we ended up going to eat something afterwards. He then told me how many clients he had done that day, and how many he had still to go... I was gobsmacked. He was visiting London and he was trying to get the most out of it, but to his credit, the performance that I saw during our session together was as professional as they come.


I suggest to let him decide how many people he wants to meet. Your only work is to decide whether the experience you got with him was satisfactory or not and act accordingly.


If an escort was trying to rush through the session with me, I would tell him politely that that I have booked him for a whole hour. You could either confront him and deal with it on the spot, or you can take the safer road of letting him do what he is very likely going to do anyway, and write a detailed review about your experience with him.


I am sorry that you went through this, but I am happy that you are coming to this board. The whole idea behind this board, I think, is to talk about, implement and celebrate the good practice in my profession, only leading to more fulfilling experiences for both clients and escorts.


I hope that you will have the chance to have great experiences with some of the many amazing guys who have been extensively reviewed in this site and all the still unknown jewels eagerly awaiting for their first glowing review.


Always hard and warm,



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Juan very good answer as always. I always think it is presumptuous of clients to know what a gentleman can handle and not handle. Circumstances and experience should generally handle most affairs.


The actions of the gentleman in question is not acceptable. You should never feel rushed. By the same token we do have to remember when our time is up as well. I am shocked he would tell you he had several appts in a row. I too always book longer appts, which 8 out 10 times you do get a much more relaxed and attentive gentleman serving you.


I always remember the time I visited a traveling gentleman in Chicago several years ago, he is a top rated gentleman and well reviewed. I scheduled for one of my normal 3 hour appointments. Everything was excellent and he is a professional, maybe not the warmest person but left me more than satisfied and with some humor too.


During a break while I was in the bathroom he took a call, no issue wrapped as I left the bathroom. I was fairly certain he was making an appt for later. No concern of mine as soon as I returned to the room I was 100% of his attention. About an hour or so later we finished I showered and we had a few short pleasentries and I watch the clock carefully, a sixth sense usually tells me when to wrap up. I kissed and left and just entered the street when I realized I forgot my watch. I dashed back up, knocked on the door and the shock look of the gentleman when he saw me was priceless, I said I forgot my watch I quickly found and he said hurry please, I did and met the next appt on the stairs going down. I chuckled and was not offended. I tend to not let such things bother me as long as I was more than satisfied and smiled driving all the way home.


The gentleman just has to make the time seem special for you, not always easy but then dont be in the business if you cant handle it.

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Juan very good answer as always. I always think it is presumptuous of clients to know what a gentleman can handle and not handle. Circumstances and experience should generally handle most affairs.




Bart and Juan are both right. The question is not a matter of a magic number. The escort himself, the clients needs, the experience those clients and escorts are planning to have all help dictate the timing an escort can handle. Who are we to say? However what is important is that each client feel they had the unrushed and client centered experienced they hired for. And as clients we must remember not to burden the escort beyond what we have agreed to. Ultimately it comes down to what it always does, good communication between escort and client. Before & During and perhaps even after

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