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Chris #3's response

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No dog in this hunt. I don't know either Stephen or Chris (or the reviewer if that matters). Personally I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt at least on the final iteration of their story & accept it as a reasonable facsimile of the truth, if for no other reason than their prior reputation here.


Which doesn't change the fact that the client had an unpleasant humiliating experience at the hands of Chris or that the whole fiasco has been handled poorly by the two of them from the git go. A little of that honest communication that we are always jawing about here would have worked wonders, IMHO.


What necessitated lying to the client in the first place? Why use "chemistry" as an excuse for breaking off the appointment. He knows Chris just recieved a phone call. Tell him that a personal emergency just came up, apologise profusely while getting dressed, make the offer to redeem his appointment later and leave for Stephen's apt. Might lose the client, might not, but better than leaving him upset and wondering if it was his looks or his race.


Why post a preemptive thread with all that BS about chemistry when the truth would have served better? No need to cite Stephen by name, "a close friend" would have done fine. All the preempt did was to prime suspicion that maybe there was something more waiting to be revealed.


Why all that BS about screening and chemistry in the rebuttal? Again the truth would have served better.


Then when this thread started, why not blurt out the truth and take whatever lumps are due? Then Chris wouldn't have been called out and there would have been no need for Stephen to intervene.


Then there's Stephen's 2nd post. I get it. Stephen's in trouble & calls Chris who not unreasonably terminates a session early to go to his friend. No problem but then: "I believe that Chris was distracted by what was going on with me, hence he did not properly screen his client beforehand." What's the point of echoing Chris's BS after setting out a new version of the incident? It wasn't only Chris that "didn't pick all his words judiciously."


I can't help but believe that the real problem for Chris and Stephen here is not so much what happened in the room as the effort to spin what happened with posts that were less than completely truthful. Each damaged his credibility with his posts. Were it not for the numerous prior testimonials to them I've seen posted on the board I would not be giving them the benefit of the doubt. Just my opinion.


My experience with fuckups of my own is that it's usually best to admit fault, take my cussing with as much grace as I can muster, apologise at length, and stick as close as possible to the unadorned truth. Making excuses, especially bogus excuses, just makes a bad situation worse and undermines the sincerity of the apology.

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Even without taking sides... this thread proves my theory that one dissatisfied customer can do more harm to a business than 100 satisfied customers can do good... no make that 1000 satisfied customers can do good...


Also, remember that when in business... any business it is impossible to satisfy 100 percent of the people 100 percent of the time... even though most do sincerely attempt to do so.


Oh I agree. No business is 100% there's not a single provider out there that hasn't had upset clients. Some might see 50 to 60 positive reviews and feel intimidated to not post a negative experience. Whats upsetting is you could have 1000 positive reviews but will be remembered by some for the few negatives they get

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Joseph, a bad review is certainly not something anyone would want, but I don't think that one bad review is the end of the world for an escort with other positive reviews.


I think all reviews -- positive and negative -- must be taken with a grain of salt. The anonymity of the review forum and the nature of the experience being described encourage exaggeration, again either positive or negative, and in order to make their case in their reviews, reviewers tend to color every element of the review. I was just looking at someone's recent reviews and, out of several, all but one were positive and described the escort's cock size as 7 to 8 inches. The one negative review described it as 5 to 6 inches. Failure to get hard was not a complaint in the negative review, so I assume all the reviewers were looking at pretty much the same erection, yet even the reviewer's perception of physical details gets colored by his reaction to the session.


I've hired escorts with mixed reviews and didn't think as a group they were any less good than escorts whom I've hired with uniformly positive reviews. Short of an escort being a thief or a scam artist, I know that my experience will depend on chemistry with the escort and my expectations, both of which are unique to me and somewhat in my control. I guess the point I'm making is that I don't think an escort should be skipped because of one bad review if it's surrounded by a few (or many) positive reviews. As has been said several times in this thread, everybody has a bad day once in a while.

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My father had majory surgery and afterwards he developed a hernia at the wound site. The same surgeon fixed the hernia which recurred two more times and was repaired by the same surgeon. When the hernia recurred for a third time, my father told me he was going to see the same doctor yet again. His appointment was the first one after lunch. After the appointment, my father called me to find him another surgeon, and when I asked why, he said that the surgeon smelled of alcohol, not badly but just a hint. He realized there could be many reasons for this, especially given the hour of the appointment but, he told me that the illusion of competence was destroyed for him and he could not return. For me, the illusion was shattered after the first repair when awry.

Point is, we all have different levels of expectation and different levels of acceptance of failure to meet standards. We can all have a bad day. For some, all you get is that one chance. Others will forgive you again and again. Eventually though, even ardent supporters need to reevaluate when the negative aspects accumulate.

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My father had majory surgery and afterwards he developed a hernia at the wound site. The same surgeon fixed the hernia which recurred two more times and was repaired by the same surgeon. When the hernia recurred for a third time, my father told me he was going to see the same doctor yet again. His appointment was the first one after lunch. After the appointment, my father called me to find him another surgeon, and when I asked why, he said that the surgeon smelled of alcohol, not badly but just a hint. He realized there could be many reasons for this, especially given the hour of the appointment but, he told me that the illusion of competence was destroyed for him and he could not return. For me, the illusion was shattered after the first repair when awry.

Point is, we all have different levels of expectation and different levels of acceptance of failure to meet standards. We can all have a bad day. For some, all you get is that one chance. Others will forgive you again and again. Eventually though, even ardent supporters need to reevaluate when the negative aspects accumulate.


I would have left after the first one failed also! And even more so after the second time! Your father must be a very patient man.

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