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Chris #3's response

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This is an open letter to my client,



In case you happen to be reading these posts , I would personally like to offer you a free 1 hr session with me. I would like you to see that I offer a very good service. to take me up on this offer , please contact me via email or phone,:D

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Guest novabear22031

All I can say...


I had a sad incident when my Dad passed away many years ago it seems...


That night we had a great "date night" that led to more.... but the next morn I was hit wit my Dad passing away... and my needing to get to the family home....


Sadly we were never able to get past that :(

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I am a bit confused here, or perhaps I just didn't completely get the story.


Chris and Stephen say that all the stress that caused this situation was building up because of a situation previous to the actual appointment, and from what I have understood the client himself had nothing to do with that.


Now, I still admire Chris' decision and his very right and elegant decision of calling off the section and not charging anything to the client. Kudos.


But now I am confused by this 2 weeks old posting of Chris previous to the actual review, where he was expecting this review to happen because of the fact that "there was no chemistry and no attraction".....?



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I am a bit confused here, or perhaps I just didn't completely get the story.


Chris and Stephen say that all the stress that caused this situation was building up because of a situation previous to the actual appointment, and from what I have understood the client himself had nothing to do with that.


Now, I still admire Chris' decision and his very right and elegant decision of calling off the section and not charging anything to the client. Kudos.


But now I am confused by this 2 weeks old posting of Chris previous to the actual review, where he was expecting this review to happen because of the fact that "there was no chemistry and no attraction".....?





OMG...My instincts were correct. Now I think Chris and Stephen owe the board an apology for dissembling. This is really shameful.

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No Charge No Foul


I personally Don't feel a review should be given or posted if their was no charge or if the money was given back


I tend to Agree with Joseph. "No Charge No Foul" except maybe slightly to the Client for his Time and Travel if there was any.


Which I guess by sending in a Review "Lessens The Blow" or lack of in this case! :D

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explanation not apology


Beyond No charge No Foul, Don't we think there is a very good likelihood that Chris's earlier post getting out ahead of the review was just an attempt to handle the negative impact without involving stephen. I don't know what the personal matters were that caused such hardship but we all saw, and felt, the loss of Maximum. The threads on this are too numerous to mention. Given the obvious severity of the situation that would cause the agency's closure I can imagine that Chris and Stephen would not have wanted to have to air there business here on the forum.


Maybe I am being naive, but it is my belief that Chris's post was more to give a plausible explanation that did not require Stephen to take the uncomfortable position of having to come to his defense. If he could have explained the matter away as a simple client/escort misunderstanding it could have saved Stephen the trouble of going through this. While I have no proof this is the case, I would rather assume that this well reviewed escort and highly regarded service were merely trying to avoid this very uncomfortable situation and not hatching some nefarious dissembling plot.


So while I will take this in that vein, I believe no apology is necessary However, perhaps some clarification is in order. Just to put this to bed once and for all.

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No, I guess the facts do speak for themselves. NYTomcat can choose to give you every benefit of the doubt, I can see that there is no doubt. Chris feared a bad review, hoped to get it blocked, and then when he didn't he and Stephen concocted a story to explain it away. That's my opinion.

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Sorry, Tomcat, I don't agree with that interpretation at all. Chris's preemptive post of a couple of weeks ago clearly indicated that chemistry was the reason for what transpired. Perhaps external stuff that had Chris distracted or emotional or both was also a factor, but I cannot believe that it was the only factor, as is now being claimed. I don’t know if the distraction was totally made up afterwards or was just not disclosed until now, but it’s clear from the earlier statements that chemistry was a major if not the only factor.


To me, this all adds up to Chris being caught in a lie about what happened. It's not an awful lie, it's not a blood libel, but he definitely did not tell the whole truth about what happened. That's okay, we all lie from time to time, and sometimes we get caught out. Getting caught in a lie doesn't make Chris a bad person, just a person (like all of us) who sometimes does bad things.


Chris has tried to make up for it by not charging the client and by offering a free session (that I assume will be politely declined). Chris is otherwise contrite, and I get the sense that he’s mortified that he’s been caught in the lie and is now trying to say whatever he can to talk himself out of it. To me, it’s a good thing that he’s mortified because it suggests that he’s not accustomed to lying and to its consequences. He is clearly thought of as a good person on this board, and I see no reason to think that he’s not a good person just because of this one incident.


On the other hand, I think that all this twisting and reworking of the facts to justify Chris’s actions or explain them away is nonsense. Chris admitted that he made a mistake, he wishes he handled it differently, he clearly feels bad about his actions, he apologized and he tried to make amends. That’s enough for me and should be enough for anybody. It’s okay, Chris, we all make mistakes. Try not to do it again. Go in peace.

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I Come Not To Praise Chris But To...


No, I guess the facts do speak for themselves. NYTomcat can choose to give you every benefit of the doubt, I can see that there is no doubt. Chris feared a bad review, hoped to get it blocked, and then when he didn't he and Stephen concocted a story to explain it away. That's my opinion.


Ok, I couldn't resist the title. However I am not trying to bury Chris. I would on the other hand like to lay this thread to rest. I think most people have said pretty much what they want or needed to say on the topic.


I don't really as they say have a "dog in this fight" except of course as a general reader of this site who is interested in fair and accurate reviews of escorts. The reason I don't have an involved dog is because I am a strict top--Chris, at least on a professional level, has always advertised as far as I know as a strict top too. So while I have found Chris very attractive (hmm--maybe that would be my dog), I have no plans to ever meet up with him for a business transaction. So my take on this is that even though Chris has always been one of the more consistently well reviewed escorts for living up to his ads and promises, he had a bad day or even a bad hour or 2 for whatever reason-- probably multifactorial in nature with reasons ranging from no chemistry with the client to possibly as simple having a headache. Believe me I am sympathetic to the client who felt rejected. He was looking forward to a great time--and it didn't turn out that way.


[To interject a personal experience here I have had similar experiences with a few well-known escorts. I even had one recently where I had planned an overnight--when we 1st met the guy said he wasn't feeling great but thought it was transient and would pass. About an hour later I (we were out and hadn't started anything intimate yet) asked him how he was. He said he was in great pain and needed to cancel. I hope he was telling the truth. He didn't ask for payment for time together-although did ask for cab fare which I gave. In this case I have to think he was telling the truth--unless he had something he preferred doing or he decided I was so unattractive that he would rather forgo 90% of his fee--which while I admit to being kind of average to slightly subaverage in looks--most escorts have been able to tolerate me ok ]


But to get back to the subject at hand--I think the important thing is that Chris realized it wasn't working for whatever reason and didn't charge the client. On the other hand, the OP is totally justified in either giving Chris a bad review or posting the experience here on the Forum.


Well that's my take on the situation. In contrast to some of the members of this forum, my sympathies are more aligned with the clients than some who seem to think escorts can do no wrong and are just a "little lower than the angels". However, I hope I have been fair to both Chris and his client. I further hope that I haven't just added more fuel to the fire and that this thread will soon come to it's rightfully deserved end--a consummation devoutly to be wished for.



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"Well that's my take on the situation. In contrast to some of the members of this forum, my sympathies are more aligned with the clients than some who seem to think escorts can do no wrong and are just a "little lower than the angels". However, I hope I have been fair to both Chris and his client. I further hope that I haven't just added more fuel to the fire and that this thread will soon come to it's rightfully deserved end--a consummation devoutly to be wished for.:


I think you have been fair, but why do you so badly want the thread to end? This particular thread may have run its course. There is no rule as to how long a thread can go on, maybe others have yet to say their piece. We thought the thread was ending once and then learned some very relevant information that changed the course of the thread. I think threads find their natural end. The best way to stop a thread is to stop contributing to it.

I've said my piece here, but wouldn't want to preclude others from giving their opinions, even if they disagree with mine.

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"... I further hope that I haven't just added more fuel to the fire and that this thread will soon come to it's rightfully deserved end--a consummation devoutly to be wished for.:


I think you have been fair, but why do you so badly want the thread to end? There is no rule as to how long a thread can go on, maybe others have yet to say their piece. We thought the thread was ending once and then learned some very relevant information that changed the course of the thread. I think threads find their natural end. The best way to stop a thread is to stop contributing to it.


Well I was getting a little bored with the thread. So I was hoping if wrote something reasonable to both sides, it might cap further comments. Obviously I realize that my feelings on the matter are not really relevant if someone else or even many "someones" have more they want to say on the topic. As for the "consummation devoutly to be wished for," that was really just hyperbole on my part. My feelings about this thread are nowhere near that heartfelt--but once I started quoting Shakespeare, I couldn't seem to stop myself ;)



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No, I guess the facts do speak for themselves. NYTomcat can choose to give you every benefit of the doubt, I can see that there is no doubt. Chris feared a bad review, hoped to get it blocked, and then when he didn't he and Stephen concocted a story to explain it away. That's my opinion.


I don't appreciate the insinuation that there is anything other than truth being written here. Chris' appointment with this client occured precisely on the date that Maximum abruptly closed down. That certainly could not be "concocted".

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I've said my piece here....




Well I was getting a little bored with the thread.


me too.


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I don't appreciate the insinuation that there is anything other than truth being written here. Chris' appointment with this client occured precisely on the date that Maximum abruptly closed down. That certainly could not be "concocted".


Insinuation? I am not insinuating. You guys keep changing your story. At first the problem couldn't be discussed, now you are inferring that the closing of Maximum had something to do with it. How could that affect an escort half-way through his appointment? How did that keep him from doing his duty after the client was already naked? Professionals keep personal matters like this OUT of their work. They do their jobs, and then tend to the business matters.


Furthermore, none of this was mentioned when Chris first wrote his thread about stopping a bad review. None of this was mentioned in his response, it was left as an unspecified problem..


None of us here were ever told what happened with Maximum Escorts. It just closed and we were left to wonder. The fact that it caused some Asian client to have a bad experience with a Maximum escort sounds ludicrous to me.

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None of us here were ever told what happened with Maximum Escorts. It just closed and we were left to wonder. The fact that it caused some Asian client to have a bad experience with a Maximum escort sounds ludicrous to me.


I have stayed away until now.


I agree with Lucky on this. The story keeps changing. Now a dire emergency at an escort agency is to blame. If this indeed is the true story, what about the client? He did not really want to write the bad review, but felt he had to.


The money is less important that leaving a client thinking the appointment ended so quickly because he was unattractive, Asian or both. A truly professional escort agency would have given the client as truthful an explanation as possible. And yes that explanation would have been provided even on the day the agency was closing for a while.


Right now I am glad I have never used Maximum Escorts to hire an escort.

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I have stayed away until now.


I agree with Lucky on this. The story keeps changing. Now a dire emergency at an escort agency is to blame. If this indeed is the true story, what about the client? He did not really want to write the bad review, but felt he had to.


The money is less important that leaving a client thinking the appointment ended so quickly because he was unattractive, Asian or both. A truly professional escort agency would have given the client as truthful an explanation as possible. And yes that explanation would have been provided even on the day the agency was closing for a while.


Right now I am glad I have never used Maximum Escorts to hire an escort.


I couldn't agree more! I concur with Lucky & alanm, this just reeks of bad business practices.

After my response in the thread about Maximum's announcement of ANDRE, "why no face or fanny??", glad I've never used them either!

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In contrast to some of the members of this forum, my sympathies are more aligned with the clients than some who seem to think escorts can do no wrong and are just a "little lower than the angels". However, I hope I have been fair to both Chris and his client. I further hope that I haven't just added more fuel to the fire and that this thread will soon come to it's rightfully deserved end--a consummation devoutly to be wished for.




Well. I am far from believing every escort is "little lower than the angels" Gman and I think you were fair to both sides, However, I find it funny that after so many reviews and favorable experiences our members have obviously had with this particular escort. And all the praise heaped at Maximum (neither service Chris or Maximum have I ever used BTW not by choice but by circumstance) that it comes now that so many of the posters here feel the need to turn on them over what at worst seems one bad encounter (probably) caused by outside sources and that no client was charged or harmed over. Instead we have posters calling "off with their heads" like the queen of hearts for the agency and declaring never to use Maximum.


OK I have said my piece, and not to glorify Stephen, Maximum or Chris but just to note how odd that the board should be so bored that they need to find fault and attack their own over what is truly a "tempest in a teapot" LUCKY is correct, all must have there say as I have. I just find it... what was it Zipperzone.. sad

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And all the praise heaped at Maximum... that it comes now that so many of the posters here feel the need to turn on them over what at worst seems one bad encounter...
Even without taking sides... this thread proves my theory that one dissatisfied customer can do more harm to a business than 100 satisfied customers can do good... no make that 1000 satisfied customers can do good...


Also, remember that when in business... any business it is impossible to satisfy 100 percent of the people 100 percent of the time... even though most do sincerely attempt to do so.

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