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Chris #3's response

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I generally lurk here as opposed to posting but I wanted to commend Chris #3's response message today in his review.


He was a man about it, admitted his mistake and apologized to the client. He might have done more of the same at the moment .... but at least he did not try to blame the client.


I am sure their are nutjob clients but a lot of the replies seems to want ot say the client is always at fault and the servce provider was always right.


Hat's off to Chris #3 for his response which seems honest.

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Well, I beg to differ. Chris says:


Its my belief that the customer is always right. Unfortunately in this instance I forgot to enforce my own selection process of making sure that the client and I were compatible and would have good chemistry. I failed to ask the right questions and find out the information about what the client was looking for beforehand.


What does that mean, he forgot to enforce my own selection process? He failed to ask the right questions? What could he have asked beforehand that would have changed the situation? I thought it was the pressing situation that occurred before the session that caused the problem, not his screening process.


The client felt that perhaps his being Asian affected Chris' inability to get hard, and Chris pretty much confirms that when he says he forgot to ask the "right questions."


So let's not be too quick to laud him for his answer. Was his response due to a pressing situation that had just occured, or was it due to his failing to ask the "right" screening questions? Either way he disappointed a client, and, for me, his response is dissembling.

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Well, I beg to differ....What does that mean...? ...his response is dissembling.

I have never met Chris, but from what I have heard he is a good guy and is the sincere type of individual that would be easily shaken up by such an incident. Consequently I am hoping that he was indeed attempting to apologize and say the right thing in the right way... after all he did blame himself and didn't charge the client. However, he did not quite phrase things in exactly the most apt manner with the result that at least a small portion of his mea culpa came across as a bit ambiguous and thus making the apology seemingly contrived.


Perhaps there were other client based issues that the client did not overtly state in his review and Chris did not wish to address in his response. Who knows? At any rate, I sincerely hope that Chris was simply not precise in his words.. we all can't be Shakespeare... as I think he was trying to be frank and genuine.

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I have to agree with Lucky. There seem to be two different stories being told. What jumped out at me was "the information about what the client was looking for." Nothing in the review indicated anything out of the ordinary. Without the first paragraph, the explanation is that life happens and we can't always be in control and is perfectly reasonable. The first paragraph leaves me thinking there's more to it. I will add, though, that not charging was the right thing to do and speaks well of Chris.

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While I understand justaguy and lucky's misgivings I think they place too much emphasis on the first paragraph of Chris response.

Chris clearly admits it was an outside complication that distracted him which is perfectly reasonable and takes full responsibility. I read his screening comment as not as Asian bias but a lack of proper cancelling at the last moment when he knew he was distracted.


It seems to me Chris felt he could perform the services he thought were wanted even with the outside distraction but when he realized that was not the case he cancelled and did not charge. Even the best escorts cannot be expected to perform 24-7. As much as we might want them to. All in all given his record I believethis was an honest mistake. I'm sorry for the clients lost time but would not take this review as a negative to hiring Chris. PS I don't know Chris its just my unsolicited opinion.

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Guest skrubber

I can not agree ore emphatically with Troyster. Chris showed a high degree of professionalism and took all the blame entirely on himself. My hat off to him

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I don't want to play the client blame game, and as I was writing this response , I chose to keep any information about what this clients likes and dislikes are. I never want to give out any information. I am not a racist and this mans ethnicity had nothing to do with my lack of performance. I failed in this instance, and take full responsibility. :(

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I would like to put in my 2 cents worth here, not only because Chris works for me, but also because he is a friend of many years and the "situation" he mentions that occured that day had to do with me.


Chris is, and always has been, one of the nicest guys in this business. He gives 100% to each of his clients, and is very particular about knowing what they want so he can live up to their expectations.


I called Chris that day because I was in the middle of a very bad situation that precipitated my decision to take a break and close the agency for the month of December. Chris was ready to drop everything and come to my aid, but I told him I would be OK, so he proceeded with this appointment. He was extremely concerned for my well being and it was weighing heavily on his mind, but he tried to honor his appointment with that client. It was my phone call that came in half way through his appointment, and Chris did his best to end the session professionally because I needed him immediately. He was at my apartment within minutes of that client leaving his.


Some of you may wish to pick apart the wording of Chris' response to his review, and perhaps because he does care about the way clients view him and was upset about a negative review being posted he wrote hastily and didn't pick all his words judiciously. Chris could have used my name in his response to the review but out of friendship he chose to keep it anonymous. I am writing this today to state that the only reason the review and his subsequent response occured is because of the bad situation I was in and his desire to be there for me. Without his support and presence that day would have turned into a nightmare for me, and it's a measure of his devotion as a friend that he literally dropped everything when I needed him and came to help.

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I definitely feel like we have stepped into a personal conversation and we should have walked away. Given Chris's impecable history of reviews, the fact that he took responsibility of the failure of the appointment upon himself and did not charge the customer, I think we should have accepted the response as is, no interpetation required, but apparantly some of us must feel that a pound of flesh is also required.


I think we try to read between the lines a bit too much and sometimes we have to learn not to push too much.

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I don't want to play the client blame game, and as I was writing this response , I chose to keep any information about what this clients likes and dislikes are. I never want to give out any information. I am not a racist and this mans ethnicity had nothing to do with my lack of performance. I failed in this instance, and take full responsibility. :(


First of all, I am glad that you are posting on this. I felt that your response had two prongs, neither of which coincided with the other. The problem with the client was either a failure to screen well, or it was due to a pressing situation which occurred right before he appeared.


This could simply be a matter easily explained, but, as is, I am still unsure of which factor caused the unsatisfactory situation. Only because you had the integrity to respond does it come up, so I do credit you for that. I am not trying to make you out a bad guy here, just trying to understand your answer.

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Lucky, I understand what you're saying based on the way Chris wrote his response. In order to help you see how the two issues coincided let me explain further that the bad situation I was dealing with was ongoing for several days. It came to a head right before his client arrived that day, but there were many phone calls between us leading up to that, and I believe that Chris was distracted by what was going on with me, hence he did not properly screen his client beforehand. As he says in his response he was "out of focus". That is an understatement. I cannot give you guys more details about what I was going through, but I urge you to please understand that Chris acted as a true friend to me, and under emergency circumstances called off the appointment half way through in the best way he could (and he NEVER keeps his phone on during an appointment - thankfully he did for me this one time). I know he believed he could see that client and everything would go well, but don't fault him for trying and failing. Under the circumstances he handled himself well in every way. I assure you that this review would not have been submitted if Chris had not been so discreet and had revealed my situation to the client. He's seen so many people that have been extremely happy with him, he doesn't deserve to be viewed harshly for coming through for me in a time of great need, even if it came at the expense of this clients appointment.

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While I would not have been happy to be in the position in which the poster of this review found himself, it is understandable that on certain days, despite our best intentions, we are not at our best. Chris did not charge the client. He might have been a bit more conciliatory toward the client in at least offering to reschedule or offering some explanation. Still Chris' reply here does indeed seem appropriate to me.


I had a cancellation of session with an well reviewed escort with whom I had enjoyed two previous visits. I travelled into NYC, about 4 minutes and paid for parking and tolls only to be told that he had confused his schedule. We attempted to reschedule for that evening, but the escort wound up making dinner plans with friends when he mistakenly assumed I had left when indeed I had just failed to hear my phone ring. We met briefly and he did offer the meet the next day. Still I was put off and felt, as this poster did, that the concilatory tone did not ring true. Despite being tempted to hire him and his luscious lips, thick dick and hard and oh so fuckable ass, I never did. Truth be told, it was probably my loss but things such as this can leave a very sour taste./

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Having read all these posts before commenting, I will only say that Chris has provided a good example of how an escort should behave in trying circumstances, both at the time and after when he reponded to the negative review.


I have been with Chris and found him to be all that he purported to be (this was before his association with Maximum Escorts). In fact I remember very specifically that I had hired him on a weekend when I saw three different escorts (I know, I'm a slut) but my time in NYC was limited and I was trying to make sure my dance card was filled!


Anyway, at the end of our appointment, late one evening, I discovered I was short $20 in cash to pay his fee. He expressed his displeasure but not in an aggressive way, just that he was expecting the full fee. I had confused his fee with the fee of another escort and at this point didn't want to get dressed and go out to try to find a cash machine. He must have read my expression correctly as he didn't push the point and he left on good terms.


BTW, I think his comments about screening may have had to do with just what the client was looking for, because he asked me those questions before our appointment and I gave him a very frank idea of what I liked (as I always do with escorts I have never met before). I don't think it was about quizzing the client about his personal characteristics, as he didn't ask me those types of questions and I don't think it is his style.

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Realism about Service Providers


I have never met Chris; he is a top, and that is not my thing. But I did read his review, the response, and the posts in this thread. Some observations:


1. No one is perfect. Even the best escort will have off days and poor sessions. The circumstances here strike me as exceptional, and our sympathy should extend to both the client (whom Chris candidly says did not get his due) and the escort.


2. In an imperfect world, taking responsibility ought to count for a lot. My applause to Chris on this score. Very credible in my opinion. (And remember I am not reluctant to say that an escort lies or misleads, as I have done on a number of occasions in my reviews and in posts here.)


3. Stephen not only confirms Chris's account but provides some context that puts Chris in an even more favorable light. This speaks well for Maximum, which is the top agency I have ever seen: the guys who run it are professional, candid, and helpful---and the guys who work for it tend to be quality people.

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Hi Lucky,


I have allways payed attention to what you post on the message board and always enjoy your commentaries. thank you for furthering the inquiry as to what happened on that day. It is my belief that the total failure on my behalf occurred because of the pressing situation, It did not exactly set the tone to begin a good " working " relationship with this client. Honestly , everyone has things on their mind or situations that may come up during the day that pull their mind away from the objective at hand. Unfortunately I don't always handle stress that well and chose to end it on this day. I hope this clarify's it some. If you have any further inquires, I will look forward to hearing from you.




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Well, I was glad for Stephen's input.

Well it is good to know "the rest of the story". Well perhaps minus some of the details... but the details are not really important.


Actually if one reads between the lines of my posting above I suspected that there was more to it than was revealed by either the client, Chris, or both... "Stuff happens" and one has to deal with such situations in the best possible manner at the time... and at times there is no easy way to cope easily with extenuating circumstances. One tries to manage things as best they can at the time and contend with the situation as best they know how... That's all one can do. Plus the stress of it all....

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