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From A Clients Perspective

Guest RyanCade
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Guest RyanCade
One thing that is evident to me from years of posting here is that many escorts are masters of marketing. They would seem to have a bright future after their escorting career fades. Ryan is good at it, witness how he has prolonged this bathhouse story for two threads now. (Of course, he has a good website with enticing pix too.)


I mean this as a compliment! The story itself was quite interesting, and drew much favorable response. Just about the time that it was fading, Ryan came up with a new angle to bring attention to him and to his story. We all wonder why a client would cancel on him just because of this story, and, I find myself rooting for him to put the story back up, client be damned. It's a very interesting angle. The whole cop fantasy was a good one.


So kudos to Ryan. Maybe he can join Daddy's team as a marketing manager to fill the coffers again! I find myself looking forward to his next step.



I will admit that my posts do contain elements which are intended to draw attention, such as the title "My early morning encounter with law enforcement" However, It should be made clear that each and every post is an honest and sincere attempt to contribute to the forum for the purpose of helping others as well as myself reach better understanding and therefore develop healthier, more productive, satisfying and long lasting client/escort relationships. I have seen for myself the true value of the information and ideas we share with each other and quite frankly, I cant seem to get enough. Though it was not my intent to make a career of this, I fell in love with this work and have an ever increasing passion for what I do and the members of this forum have become valuable assets in my life, with whom I relate deeply. The client/escort relationship cannot be understood by anyone who has not personally experienced the pains and rewards themselves. When I read the threads written by the sensitive, witty, intellectual, kind, and sometimes stubborn, smart ass men, I know we live in the same world and share a common bond.. So, that's, in a nutshell how I feel and I look forward to your responses. :D

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Guest RyanCade
Ryan the distinction escapes me. Who would be "intruders" to your room at the bath house except for those who you didn't want in? Those are the undesirable ones. I've been to the baths, so I know that many folks attempt to enter the room when you are not interested. They intrude, but the fact that they are not welcome is because they are not desired sexually. Otherwise, why wouldn't you want them to enter?


I think you were best off leaving this one alone.


I do not feel I am best off leaving it alone, as you reintroduced your misinterpretation and the story is not posted for those you shared it with to discern for themselves. I seek clarity

Why would you think it is not appropriate to post here? It's an interesting story, one that sure makes you look good.


My concern was that it could be misinterpreted and possibly found offensive. as noted in your following statement.



Originally Posted by Lucky http://www.companyofmen.org/images/buttons/viewpost.gif

The only drawback for an escort though is when you speak of guarding the door to keep the undesirables away. Clients like to think that the escort does not consider them as such, even if true, so to say it flat out may make clients think twice.


I can see where this could be more often misunderstood than not, and I will edit the blog to reduce the possibilty for misunderstanding. For the purpose of this thread I will explain. I chose the word I felt most appropriate, "intruders" Whether I find someone "desirable" or "undesirable" would not make them an intruder. I found the officer very much desirable and even after I initiated conversation with him, he was a respectable gentlemen and requested to enter my space, as not to be intrusive. Had he crossed the threshold of my door, and took the liberty of closing it behind him and assumed it was ok to engage without consent, things would not have turned out the way they did. I is often assumed that ones presence in a gay mens social club eliminates the need for permission to engage. So guarding the door is necessary and a bi product of my experience. I read some where on the boards "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want" I have preferences that change with my mood from one day to the next. today I might want to be top and tommorrow I may want to bttm. I imagine a client goes through the same type of selection process when scrolling through pages of available escorts. I get a tremendous amount satisfaction and enjoy the time I spend with my clients. I don't ask for pictures and i am not judgmental and every client is special and will receive nothing buit a warm welcome

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Guest PetMyRod

I think that Escorts are human beings with stories and for me the more human a guys seems the more attractive. So share all you like!

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Lots of good responses here, which show you the variety of possibilities and lead to the conclusion that it's nothing to lose sleep over.


An analogous situation: not too long ago, David posted (links to) some very hot videos of his escapades with Romann at the Folsom St fair. Did the sight of two hot guys enjoying each other turn off potential clients who felt they didn't measure up? Or did it them attract new business?

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I read Ryan's story and as I recall he said he did not like intruders, people who came into the room without being asked or who assumed that the room was open to all. The fact that they intruded did make them undesirable to him, but to be fair, he found their actions undesirable while they may well have been desirable otherwise. We all have our own tastes and desirability which allows the full spectrum of escorts on this site to have an active schedule. By using the term "undesirable" Lucky, you would have put Ryan in a negative light with me had I not read the story. So, if that is not your intent, I would suggest this end it. But carry on as you see fit.

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Guest greatness

They were so cute


They were so good in the movie. :) I don't think it will turn people off.


Lots of good responses here, which show you the variety of possibilities and lead to the conclusion that it's nothing to lose sleep over.


An analogous situation: not too long ago, David posted (links to) some very hot videos of his escapades with Romann at the Folsom St fair. Did the sight of two hot guys enjoying each other turn off potential clients who felt they didn't measure up? Or did it them attract new business?

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I found the story hot and not a turn off at all to being with you, and I am definately a vanilla guy. However you may be asking the wrong crowd. Remember we are the guys who read the reviews and post them, shring the experiences we had for others to decide whether to meet. Even the lurkers here are the ones who look to review what an escort is like and what the experiences wild and otherwise are like to determine which escort to hire. Some guys may not want to know your other experiences. Their fantasy is you are there own private virgin, but thats not reality. I don't think your post was problematic but perhaps next time post it here and leave your blog more hazy. We like a good scintillating review/story and it probably will stir business from us and the guys who read reviews.


But no story is going to get everyone. Like the previous poster mentioned the David - Romann video at Folsom. It confirmed hiring Romann for me but not David, Thats not a judgement on David In fact, that may be my future but it wasn't at that moment. so every story that attracts one may move another away. But Ryan be yourself, if you like sharing the experience then do so. Being you, the real you, will turn you on to more people who like you for who you are and make your escorting experiences hotter and more "productive and enjoyable"

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Guest zipperzone
He did respond stating he probably handled it wrong and apologized for that , but said . "I just don't think we'd click. You'd be miserable - I'm pretty tame and boring."


He's probably right - he probably IS tame and boring and knows it. I think he also suffers from low self-esteem. You can't win them all and I wouldn't waste too much time trying to analyze what went askew here. Life goes on.......

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I think it is obvious that you need not loose any sleep over this… you probably did not did anything really blatantly offensive to the guy… and you’ll eventually find the perfect traits to highlight on your website, in your ads, and in other promotions. It is all about finding that perfect balance and as I mentioned above a bit of underselling usually does not hurt.


Now speaking of balance and underselling… I have been captivated with the photo that you post in the signature portion of your postings here. It also is the main photo on your website. It shows just a hint of riveted and studded leather on your wrist. Just enough leather that says… hmmmm… he might get into a leather scene or possibly some kink… but not too much that it would be a turn-off to someone who was totally vanilla. At least I don’t think it would be a turn off and nothing else suggests that you would be overtly advertising or promoting such a scene. Perhaps it just says I’m a bad boy… perhaps is implies a bit more… I think it creates a bit of speculation… and I am sure that others have hypothesized about it a bit as well. At any rate, conjuring up a bit of inference and conjecture in an ad is usually a good thing as the viewer usually projects what he wants to believe into what he sees. That can lead to quite a few inquiries from all ends of the spectrum. After that it is important to set the record straight with any perspective client as to what you are willing to do, what you feel competent and comfortable doing, and then go on from there… After all, buyer’s remorse is not a good thing…


As I said that picture is at the very least quite intriguing…

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My guess would be that this story tells us more about the client than about the escort. I agree with those who have already stated that they would assume that the client is both inexperienced and insecure.


I also assume that the planned excursion was the first get together for the client and the escort. If that is indeed the case the client ignored a rule that many of us have come to appreciate over the years – NEVER arrange an extended get together with an escort with whom you have NOT previously spent time. There are simply too many unknown factors that can easily cause problems when two people, who don’t know each other, spend an extended period of time together. This is especially true in the client/escort relationship.


I have little understanding of clients seeking the “boyfriend” experience. The problem here is obviously mine – I am simply too realistic to find this type of role playing believable. I have always sought escorts who have multiple interests. I enjoy sharing our various experiences and am not in the least threatened or offended if the escort talks about his private life including his personal sexual experiences. One of my regulars enjoys visiting steam clubs and has recounted many interesting and erotic stories of his encounters in these establishments. I travel twice a year to Mexico with him. One of our destinations is always Acapulco which has a stripper bar (Demas) where the guys dance on the bar wearing only hardons. If one tips the dancer he will squat down and allow the patron to play with his equipment. Not only do I participate but I supply my companion with dollar bills so he can participate as well. We have tons of fun. At the conclusion of the evening we return to our hotel and PLAY.


I have always believed that as a client I MUST know exactly who and what I am. I also MUST know what I am paying for and what I am NOT paying for. I am paying for great sex with an interesting younger guy who has a great body and knows his way around the male body. I am NOT paying for love or a phony appearance of love. With these factors in mind I can truthfully say that I have NEVER had a negative experience with the escorts I have hired. Let me finish this boring diatribe by stating that I admire, respect and enjoy escorts. My world is one hell of a lot more fun and interesting with them as a part of it.

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A vote to restore


As a submissive older guy whose fantasy is to treat "deserving" MEN well, I enjoyed the story cause both a hunk and a cop got what they deserved (in a very positive way). We all come to Daddy with differen=t needs - The boi in me sure enjoyed this story! Bill

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I have another viewpoint (of course when did I ever not--don't answer that :p--rhetorical question)


I like to hire for overnights or weekends as many of you know--I am very vanilla in my tastes--kissing, body contact, oral, and of course the "big F' if my lowered testosterone lets me--not into drugs--not even mj and really don't like poppers either--they give me a headache.


Now all that that being said--there have been escorts that I have been attracted to--who from either their ads or pictures seem to be into a lot more kinky or alternative stuff than I am comfortable with. Many times I have called these escorts up to see how they would be with a vanilla encounter--or if the escort just seemed too out there for me--even if I was really attracted to him--I would pass on contacting him. The problem I see occurring, and this may be what troubled Ryan's client, is that if I were to host a guy for an overnight or a weekend who was into more alternative practices than I was comfortable with--I would be afraid that he would be extremely bored while he was with me--and a bored and unhappy escort--does not usually lead to a happy client experience.


Now obviously some escorts can either turn up or down the kinkiness factor to respond to the situation at hand. But maybe Ryan's potential client was afraid that either Ryan wouldn't be able to successfully carry out a vanilla scenario--or possibly the client might have thought that Ryan might try to force him into doing things with which he--the client- would be extremely uncomfortable or fearful of taking part in.



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Guest RyanCade

That is an understandable concern and it does happen. FYI I am about to run on for a minute as your comments compelled me to share two stories that could handle a thread of their own but I feel are relevant here.


I saw a client in LA the night before last who experienced exactly what you describe in the last two lines I quoted. It was obvious he was very reserved and had investigated me thoroughly and had questions about my negative review as well as a request to read the recently removed cop story,"that he was hearing about" I did let him read the story. He was the final silent vote, that would keep the story from being re-posted. Obviously he did not cancel, but he did call twice and with his voice a bit shaky, making sure I was clear I should not get my hopes up he was not anything like my hot cop and I should not expect the same experience and that his concern about my first review and he hoped that didn't happen to him, I wondered why he would still meet me if he had so many reservations. I never got the answer to that question, but I did find out why he was so thorough and so nervous. I asked him how he knew so much about the review process and the message boards. He explained he had been celibate for six months after having a very forceful and degrading experience with an LA escort. He said he has come here to Daddy's several times to write the review, but he is afraid for his safety. I encouraged him to register and seek the advise and support of experienced posters and also explained that by sharing and disclosing the identity of this escort he would be helping those who may hire him in the future otherwise. He said he would think about it. He did exclude two for me, he did not hesitate for one moment to share with me how amazing Rod Hagen and Trevor in LA were to him. He saw them separately and his eyes sparkled when he spoke of them. Fortunate for me I had just become available Saturday evening allowing us to meet. His smile was my indicator our session was a success, I just hope I lived up to Rod Hagen and Trevor, boy he liked those guys.. P.S. Did I miss a lesson on client etiquette? He stood there looking all around the room everywhere but at me, and I asked if he was ok and he said he was so embarrassed that he had not remembered to bring an envelope and apologized for being so tacky. I actually had an envelope and he felt better he did not want to set the money down without it.. Is that an LA thing?



Now obviously some escorts can either turn up or down the kinkiness factor to respond to the situation at hand. But maybe Ryan's potential client was afraid that either Ryan wouldn't be able to successfully carry out a vanilla scenario--or possibly the client might have thought that Ryan might try to force him into doing things with which he--the client- would be extremely uncomfortable or fearful of taking part in.


This is gonna be a bit shorter I promise. Coincidentally, I had a client actually waiting on my plane, which was late, to land in Atlanta, from LA yesterday evening. He was visiting from Houston, TX, this was our first meeting and it was arranged just hours before we were both about to board our planes to Atlanta, he called and set the appointment, there was no discussion of rate, services, experience nothing. we met at my place and this is a perfect example of how I approach a client when I have no information. We discussed first what site he was referred by so I know what information he had access, I then ask if he had the chance to check out my reviews, turns out the onkly site he had ever visited was Rentboy. I informed him of my rate and he was comfortable with that now we have to break the ice a bit my favorite tool is the massage table, once on the table I begin questioning him about his experience and preferences he indicates he just started trying this out, hes been married for a very long time and doesnt really know what his preferences are. My words following my assessment were exactly this, so we will take it easy and I will pay close attention to you comfort level and we'll go from there. I told him to feel free to talk to me about his desires as we went along iof he was comfortable doing so , he shared that he really liked the body contact..... It was a great session and, coincidence?? he gave me a huge compliment informing me of his recent visit to LA and said I reminded him of the escort he saw there who was also very easy to talk to and made him very comfortable. Rod Hagen I did give him information about the forum as well as the reviews explained how it all worked and we even looked up escorts in the next city he plans to visit. So hopefully we'll hear from him on the forum soon, he seemed excited... Where is Lucky This one is all yours (all in fun) Huggs :p

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your comments compelled me to share two stories that could handle a thread of their own but I feel are relevant here.

Ryan great post! It seems that you are on your way... and then some!


Two comments... The envelope thing... Should I have been doing the envelope thing all these years?


Also, I noticed the photo in your signature changed... I personally miss the touch of leather... but that's just me... was it something that I said??? :confused::) At any rate, you still take a purdy picture.

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I read the story and loved every minute of it. The only thing, as a client, that would worry me is if an escort blogged about me in a way that people could figure out who I was. I expect that an escort will not identify me, or my habits and tastes, to others. My privacy is important to me.


But lets be real, I always expect that escorts have much wilder and personally satisfying experiences with those they meet up with in their private lives, than they have with us who pay them (most of the time). I would love to have someone make me more wild and exciting .... the fact that I may not be as exciting to them would never be a reason for me to cancel. If an escort is willing to accept me as a client, then he probably knows I will be less exciting.


Ryan, for what it's worth, I have come to know you better as a result of this exchange, and I visited your sites, and if ever we found ourselves in the same part of the country at the same time, I would now really want to meet you. So, I say, let us know more about you - look at what it has done for me. Hope to meet you someday.

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Guest RyanCade



"Where is Lucky This one is all yours (all in fun) Huggs :p"


Lucky is glad for you, Ryan.



Lucky, if you don't mind me asking, What is your Zodiac sign?

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