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How many text messages or Emails do you consider within reason?

Guest RyanCade
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Guest RyanCade

I just had a guy get angry because I asked him to please call me instead of text. Thisis is after several hours of back and forth two and three word questions that called for two or three word answers, almost all of which were already answered in my ad.


I am not sure that this is an issue for everyone, though I would assume it's not just me. I feel like I could spend my entire life tied to my computer and cell phone answering inquiries, most of which go no where.


I noticed several other escorts say no texts and no emails, and I have wondered how that works out.


How much business is lost because a first time client or even a well seasoned client is shy or nervous?


How do clients feel about this restricted means of communicating?


Do they take it as having a bad attitude?


Is this even the reason the escorts stop taking them?


It's understandable that it may not cross the clients mind, how many clients all over the country and even the world are making inquiries and "interviewing" so to speak, each individual escort. Sometimes It's everything I can do to stay on top of my client correspondence.


Your thoughts and experience will be greatly appreciated... :confused:

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As a client, I prefer a phone call. Texting especially on the blackberry is very time consuming, A simple 10 minute conversation or shorter can get all the information transmitted and can give you a hint about the man you are going to meet. A deep sexy voice adds to my fevered anticipation.

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I don't like texting. as far as emails go. When I was doing massage I'd give the person 4 emails too book a session and to finalize that appointment on the phone. If not the conversation was over. Some like to waste time on emails with absolutely no interest in every booking. Also for your safety never take a client that has a problem with finalizing the session from a unblocked number. I personally didn't have a problem with emails as far as asking about appointment availability. As long as they knew they had to finalize by phone..

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For me since I have a day job and the hours that I am there (not off work till usually 1 or 2 am) texting and email are usually the best for me and much preferred. I'll do phone calls but most do not like receiving calls at 1 or 2 am. If I had a normal sched that by all means I'd prefer calls but right now in my life it's about the email and texting. Thank G-d for modern technology.




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I prefer the initial contact to be via email. I'll send a brief email that summarizes what I'm looking for, where I am located and what I look like. I'll generally ask a few short questions. The answers to those questions will let me know if I'm interested in going further or not.


Escorts who won't take email inquiries or who only respond several days later generally lose out on my business. I will very rarely contact someone by phone first but usually only if there are no other choices available.


My preference is not based on being shy. Instead, it's based on two issues:


(1) Escorts who don't take email often also refuse messages from blocked phones, which includes almost all hotel phones. That means that I need to call from my cell phone, with the number in the clear. I'm not going to carry a separate phone on the odd chance that I might want to call an escort. But I don't like handing out my number to escorts who I end up having no interest in meeting. I've had problems with escorts calling me, so I'm a bit reluctant in this regard.


(2) It's a lot easier to elicit information in an email than over the phone. A few simple questions in an email will tell me pretty much everything I want to know. On the other hand, a phone call very often turns into a sales call, where the escort immediately moves from providing information to trying to book the call. Email provides a simple, no-pressure way to screen escorts before contacting them.


I guess email is easier for me so I prefer it. Texting is my second choice. Forcing me to call from a phone with a visible phone number is about 99th down on my list of preferred ways to make an initial contact.



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Guest greatness



Sometimes you have to draw the line. It's always good to have a good attitude and kind to your potential client but it can also send out a wrong message if you allow them to push you around.


Some seasoned escorts are good at dealing with this issue but they can be frustrated too. Do not let your frustration, however, get to you. Try to figure out better ways to deal with the situation. You can look back your past experiences and decide when to draw the line. Remember you can't satisfy everyone.


I hope you succeed in your future endeavors!



I just had a guy get angry because I asked him to please call me instead of text. Thisis is after several hours of back and forth two and three word questions that called for two or three word answers, almost all of which were already answered in my ad.


I am not sure that this is an issue for everyone, though I would assume it's not just me. I feel like I could spend my entire life tied to my computer and cell phone answering inquiries, most of which go no where.


I noticed several other escorts say no texts and no emails, and I have wondered how that works out.


How much business is lost because a first time client or even a well seasoned client is shy or nervous?


How do clients feel about this restricted means of communicating?


Do they take it as having a bad attitude?


Is this even the reason the escorts stop taking them?


It's understandable that it may not cross the clients mind, how many clients all over the country and even the world are making inquiries and "interviewing" so to speak, each individual escort. Sometimes It's everything I can do to stay on top of my client correspondence.


Your thoughts and experience will be greatly appreciated... :confused:

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Email to start


I enjoy phone conversation, but I prefer initial contact by email because it allows me the opportunity to explain what I am looking for in black and white. The gentleman can then decide whether to pursue the inquiry or not. I am just not comfortable telling the gentleman what I am looking for sexually or necessarily discussing the rate over the phone. I completely respect the gentleman to quickly ascertain whether I am real or not so he is not wasting either of our time. I would hope to complete things within 3 emails and/or phone call.


An item I will hear from gentlemen is that they do like to hear a voice prior to confirming which is fine. Considering I rarely hire for anything less than 3 hours more than half they have to travel 90+ miles to see me I can appreciate the concern if I am real or not.


I will do texting although for me it takes forever and will not do initial contact that way ever. If a gentleman states they do not accept email than I do not contact them, EVER.


Ryan I think having a cut-off is appropriate I just would not list it in the ad. I believe ads should always remain positive. I even think there is a positive way of posting please do not ask about barebacking. I will not contact gentlemen who have a list of don'ts as the bulk of the ad. You are trying to basically sell yourself in a positve manner. Please continue to do so and play it by ear with prospective clients. Remaining positive and upbeat will generally win the day, but you will lose some too.

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I am not into texting in any situation, with two exceptions: quick informative messages ("traffic bad; running 10 minutes late"); and funny short exchanges with friends when email isn't handy. I have a clunky old phone and it takes forever to tap out anything longer.


I'm with BG on contacting escorts. First exchanges by email, which for me includes business details; followed by phone conversation, which is how I tell whether we're really compatible emotionally, intellectually, and sexually. There's usually no need to discuss any business on the phone, except possibly when trying to work out a suitable time.


If I'm scheduling more than a day or two in advance (typically with a visiting escort), the phone conversation will often lead to additional emails of a different nature, just because we've hit it off on the phone.

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Guest RyanCade

Thank you


I hate to carry on a conversation by texting- damn, just pick up the phone.


It takes sooo much longer and requires all of your attention... You can type short hand and be misunderstood and unclear, or you can write a book and just surrender your every waking moment to texting... I have a few friends I think they forgot how to talk.. call them no answer.. text and in less than 15 seconds, the incoming text chime Ding' :rolleyes:

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Email first for another reason!


I prefer an initial contact with a potentail escort to be via email. The main reason is that most of the time when you call an escort, you get their voicemail and I often can't take a return call, especially when I don't know when it will be coming back in. If I don't answer, the escort thinks I'm a flake and then isn't willing to have more contact. I'm not a shy guy but it is easier to say a little about what I'm looking for in an email rather than over the phone with a complete stranger. I usually am tyring to book an appoint several days in advance so I can wait for a reply. If the dates look to work out and there is a match up in "services" then I'll confirm everything via at least one phone call. I won't contact an escort who won't respond to emails. I agree that after a couple of emails you should be able to determine if the client is serious about booking an appointment. At that point, just politely ask him to get back to you when he has a date and time in mind. But don't eliminate emails, you'll lose potential clients.

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I prefer an email to start. Generally, I will discuss the date/time that interests me as well as verify rate, where I am staying and what I am interested in doing. If the escort agress with the email, I send one more email to set up a time for a phone call. The only time I have used text is if I am looking for a short notice meeting, and I see that the escort is actively looking on one of the sites (rentboy, men4rent, ect).

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I like txt messages as the most spur-of-moment way to hook up, and an easy alternative to phone calls (txting's slight dislocation in time enabling the vastly valuable capability of not having to be tied to each other in literal real-time).


Of course a final confirming phone call to touch each other humanly is greatly valuable.


But endless texts far in advance seem an abuse of the escort's time. Book it, experience it, evaluate it, decide whether or not to repeat and/or review. Then be done with it. Life is short.

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I like txt messages as the most spur-of-moment way to hook up, and an easy alternative to phone calls (txting's slight dislocation in time enabling the vastly valuable capability of not having to be tied to each other in literal real-time).


Of course a final confirming phone call to touch each other humanly is greatly valuable.


But endless texts far in advance seem an abuse of the escort's time. Book it, experience it, evaluate it, decide whether or not to repeat and/or review. Then be done with it. Life is short.



From my experience, unsolicited text messages from potential clients have been nothing but timewasters...for example I got 2 last night....1:30 and 4am...the 4am was written like the gentleman had a few cocktails beforehand.


Therefore, for a while now, I have made it a personal policy not to respond to unsolicited text messages...

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Guest RyanCade
I don't like texting. as far as emails go. When I was doing massage I'd give the person 4 emails too book a session and to finalize that appointment on the phone. If not the conversation was over. Some like to waste time on emails with absolutely no interest in every booking. Also for your safety never take a client that has a problem with finalizing the session from a unblocked number. I personally didn't have a problem with emails as far as asking about appointment availability. As long as they knew they had to finalize by phone..


I also require a phone conversation before meeting and have lost a few clients as a result. How did the four email limit work out? How did you approach that with your client? I try to answer every inquiry which can be extremely exhausting and begins to consume the time I otherwise b e tending to my personal needs-to maintain my health, a necessity if I'm to be of service to anyone. If the truth be told, I wouldn't stop accepting texts and e mails, Not only is it impractical, but The majority of my clients are married, have families, or not open about their desire to enjoy the company or other men. The ability to communicate with me and not have to speak aloud their secret desires, risking discovery and exposure, is a required and priceless service to these guys. That's where my sense of obligation to accept it and continue responding, come in.. Thanks Guys for all of your contributions. I think i have narrowed it down to the one and two word time consuming text messages that have little if any productivity and usually end up just that a waste of time. Hmmmm

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The 4 email guy had asked the same question over and over I got tired and told him if he wanted a session to call that the 4th email he sent would be the last. lol 5 minutes later he called and booked for that same day. I lost a few clients over the years that didn't want to give out their number. Normally guys that would say Joe i cant give you my number I'm married and have too be discrete. My response would be I'm sorry but a number is required to get an appointment.

My situation was I booked all of my massages at my home and if a person is so distrusting to not give me their number then why should I trust this person in my home? people req a unblocked phone number mostly for safety reasons. if someone hurts you in someway it will make the ability for the cops to find them easier. When I first started giving massage a few other masseurs advised me too never promise a hand release in a email, because that's putting it in writing and can be used in court.

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I'm almost split in 2 when it comes to text messaging. I'm annoyed by them as much as I love their convenience.


In a perfect scenario, I would prefer initial text messages in most situations. Sometimes I'm driving or in the middle of something that has nothing to do with work. But since people (in personal and work) have come to abuse texts, I still end up telling them to call me.


Text messages are different than emails. Text messages are faster, and usually more 'on the spot' than emails. But what they have in common is they are a means to an end. The end being, the date. I don't use text to chat back and forth about how my day went, or how I'm enjoying the town. Then it starts taking up my time. Not cool.


I won't say what my cutoff is for text and emails (which are different). but if I know; that they know, that they have recieved all the info they need ...I ask when I can expect to hear from them and then I set the phone down, or walk away from the computer. Period. That way we don't waste our time.

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I prefer contacting an escort via e-mail. I feel very awkward phoning up someone I've never met and trying to set-up a sexual encounter. E-mail is just more comfortable for me. I also don't like the idea of unblocking my phone number for an initial call. Once I've had a positive e-mail response, then I gladly provide a phone number. But, for an initial contact, it ain't going to happen.


And, there are some of us that can't text. Work requires that my personal cell phone have no camera, text, or internet capabilities. So, my cell phone is just a basic phone with no bells or whistles. (You wouldn't believe how difficult it has been to find a good phone that does NOT have a camera. And, I had to argue with my provider to get the proper documentation for work that I don't have text enabled.)


There's not a lot of escorts in my area so I usually hire while I traveling. I always try to book in advance of my travel and typically set-up an appointment in 2 e-mails. I then confirm with another e-mail or phone call the day of the appointment so the escort knows I've arrived and settled in the hotel.

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Guest greatness

welcome back


I am so glad to see you back! I wish you a merry christmas!



I'm almost split in 2 when it comes to text messaging. I'm annoyed by them as much as I love their convenience.


In a perfect scenario, I would prefer initial text messages in most situations. Sometimes I'm driving or in the middle of something that has nothing to do with work. But since people (in personal and work) have come to abuse texts, I still end up telling them to call me.


Text messages are different than emails. Text messages are faster, and usually more 'on the spot' than emails. But what they have in common is they are a means to an end. The end being, the date. I don't use text to chat back and forth about how my day went, or how I'm enjoying the town. Then it starts taking up my time. Not cool.


I won't say what my cutoff is for text and emails (which are different). but if I know; that they know, that they have recieved all the info they need ...I ask when I can expect to hear from them and then I set the phone down, or walk away from the computer. Period. That way we don't waste our time.

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When I first started contacting escorts, all I had was a phone number from a print ad, because email, texting, and cell phones had not yet been invented. I hated it, because often one got an answering machine, and one never knew when or if the escort would call back. Sometimes I would call three or four numbers, then sit by the phone waiting all day for responses; if the escort I was least interested in called back first, I had to decide whether to confirm something with him, in case the others never responded, and if they called after I had made other arrangements, I had to decide what to do about them.


Now I always make the first contact with email, because I can wait until I see what response(s) I get before deciding my next move. I won't call until we have confirmed that the escort is available when I want him, and interested in what I want to do; the phone call is simply the final confirmation, and further calls are necessary only if something needs to be changed.

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Guest pasadenatop

From the clients standpoint


I am a bit shy, and like the initial contact to be by e-mail, and I try to be rather clear what I am looking for, but do keep it short. I then gauge the response as to whether I will contact by phone. some tell me they do not offer what I like, which is great, and we both save a lot of time. What I hope for is a pleasant response, agreeing to my "wish list" and asking me to call or inquire further. I hate getting the response "Call me". I never do.

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