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Lurker´s adventures in Rio, 2010 version

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Lurker´s adventures in Rio, 2009 version


We (Txalphadog) and I arrived on Wednesday around 1:15 in the afternoon. The weather was beautiful... sunny and warm..We had transfers waiting for us at the airport (Thanks again, Gary from gaytravelbrazil) which took us to the Atlantico Copacabana. Upon checkin, we were informed by Pedro at the front desk that we were upgraded from the delux rooms we had booked into superior rooms. Not exactly sure what the difference between the two room types are, but these rooms seemed to have slightly larger sitting areas and slightly larger bedrooms than the smaller, basic rooms. But contrary to what I had heard elsewhere, the furnishing have not been upgraded..Still, comfortable surroundings to call home for a week. Only possible negative is that both our rooms have two twin beds pushed together.. So if we bring company back, we have to be careful about which crack we fall into.


First stop after getting in our rooms was the banco to get some currency, and then Big Bi for an acai...Then back for a nap.. We decided to make Meio Mundo our first stop of the evening..


It was Wednesday, so it wasnt very crowded. We made it there about 5:30 or so. There were probably 12-15 boys there and a similar number of customers. Several interesting boys but none that made us scream with desire..For any lovers of twinks with HUGE toys, there was one boy, Alessandro...He was probably about 5´6` or so, maybe 120 lbs, but he had to have had at least 9 fat inches between his legs.. He had longish hair, and seemed to really enjoy kissing, as we saw him with another client in the lounge area... A couple of other boys were interesting, but nothing spectacular, so we headed over to 117..


At 117, I noticed one boy who was in the changing/locker area when we entered..He was tall and lanky, very cute face and semi-shaved head..TXalpha and I went up stairs to the lounge area, got our Coke Zeros and settled into observation mode. Txalpha was the first to get a cabine, and I ended up shortly behind him, with Henrique, the boy I had seen down in the locker area. In the lounge area, he had been fairly romantic and interactive. Once we got in the cabine area, he was less interactive and more ´activo´ only.. He had a very nice pao, big and hard...nice smooth body....but he was a bit more rough and hard than I like. I prefer more namorado type. He asked if I wanted him to gozar, which i replied sure. It was around 9pm or so, so i figured he was going to be leaving soon anyway.. He did not make any mention of extra money... He had originally asked for R$70 and I told him I pay R$50 and if he was good, I would tip on top of that. So after all was said and done, I went to give him $70, and he tried to tell me I owed him $50 for `gozar`. I told him no, we had not mentioned more money..After a short exchange, I gave him $80 and called it a day...


Thursday, TXalpha and I took the bus to Corcovado and made the journey up to the Christ the Redeemer statue. It was beautiful up the mountain..The views are spectacular... One note for those are, like me, are out of shape, be prepared for quite a few flights of steps..


Thurs evening, we started out at 202, around the corner from our hotel. This sauna has been renovated since last year. Unfortunately, we did not find much to our liking there as for the boys. First of all, they seemed a little bigger guys, for the most part. Plus, they were definitely more aggressive than at 117 or Meio Mundo... We left after about 45 minutes and headed over to 117...


Once again, in the locker areas, I ran into Henrique..He came up to the lounge shortly after we did and became what TxAlpha and I refer to as Klingons...a past programma who thinks he owns you.. He attached himself to me for at least 30 minutes, hugging, cuddling, massaging, until I finally had to tell him not interested that nite.. Next, I recognized Chiago from last year. He was a boy who I had had a 3way with last year. He wasnt a boy that I was particularly attracted to, but he was the one that the boy I was attracted to had picked out for us last year.. He came over and chatted (with our language barriers) and he remembered me from last year (or so he said).. Long story short, he has a primo (cousin) who just started working at the saunas a month ago, who was really cute. His name (as best as I gathered) was Shawnus. All three of us ended up going to a cabine together for another 3way....Shawnus was a definite keeper.. shorter, great firm, smooth body, great butt..Chiago is a definite bottom. He had trouble staying hard unless he was on bottom of things.. Shawnus performed admirably as a top, but claimed to be versatile as well.


TXalpa and I got up fairly early this morning and headed over to sugarloaf this morning. It is time to go take a nap and get ready for tonites adventures.. stay tuned for more updates to cum.....

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"...attached himself to me at least 30 minutes..." In the initial posts, way back when and now in the archives, there is mention that if I guy spends some time with you (and he does not become a programma) a small token of appreciation, 5 or 10 reals is the norm.


I write this because it has not been relayed in a very long time!


Trilingual can qualify this if I am incorrect.

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thanks for the input.. but is that `the norm`if he attaches himself to you without your desire? It seems that I attract the `klingons`who want another go, even when I am ready to move on to `fresh meat`. I do not encourage them or do anything to make them think I am interested again..anyways.. since you do not carry currency on you at the saunas, do you just excuse yourself and go to your locker to get the money, or what?

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Ok.. next update...Lets start with Courijinhas. We went there for a late dinner both Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday, the restaurant itself was fairly crowded, but no working boys around. On Thursday, the restaurant was half full, but there were 4 boys across the street, and a couple of sauna boys dining with a `benefactor`. Plus when we left and were walking back to the Atlantico, I noticed a cute boy crossing the street kittycorner from the park from Corijinhas..eye contact was made, looks back after we passed, and he motioned as if to ask if i wanted him to follow.. I used my big head and kept walking..After all, hasnt Tomcal and others here warned us not to pick up boys from the streets???? Last nite (friday) we dined at Siguera Grill. Afterwards, we walked back to the hotel and passed by Courijinhas. It was a little early (around 10pm) and no boys to be seen.. But again, at the same traffic light, there were two cute boys who made it pretty clear that they were available for some company..But again, I was a good tourist and resisted the temptation...


Yesterday during the day, TxAlpha and I made the trip to Sugarloaf. It was a first time for both of us. It is definitely a sight that every tourist needs to experience. It was breathtakingly beautiful. If/when you do go, once you reach the top, be sure to take the steps down, away from the buildings and get into the rainforest area..It is simply amazing to walk around there and take in all the greenery as well as the views of the city..


A note about tours.. Both the corcovado and the sugarloaf were available as tours thru the hotel front desk. They were 4 hour tours that cost R$90 per person each. The bus would pick you up at the hotel, make a few other stops, then continue on. You would have an english speaking tourguide. We did the trips ourselves. For corcovado, it was a quick subway ride then a short bus ride. The train to the christ statue cost R$24 each person.. For the sugarloaf trip, you walk two blocks towards the beach to Copacabana street. then take one bus straight to the cablecars..The cable cars cost R$44 each person. So we were able to do both tours on our own for less than the cost of one tour as a group..So, it is possible to do the sites and still save your Reis for the boys...


Friday nite, we went to 117...Once again, in the locker rooms I ran into Henrique. We exchanged hellos and TXalpha and I went upstairs to the lounge. Just a few minutes later, Chiago (who has to be the head klingon) saw me and attached to me like a leech..He rambled on for what seemed like hours about everything under the sun..(Of course I understood maybe every 20th word or so)..Finally his primo showed up (I later discovered his name to actually be Charles) Chiago kept pressuring me to do another threeway. I told him I didnt want a threeway, that I wanted one on one..So then he started telling me to choose one.. I felt really ackward being asked to choose, even though there was only one I was interested in. I finally told him that I didnt want to have to choose one and make the other one sad and if he didnt stop pressuring me, I was going to get up and go walk around and go to the saunas downstairs. Chiago then (finally) said he wouldnt be upset if I chose Charles, so I made my choice known and we took off to a cabine. Charles had originally asked for R$80, I countered at $60, then he countered back with $70 to cover his entry fee..I agreed. We had a very good programma.He was much more interactive when it was just the two of us, and he definitely came across as more versatile this time. The only negative was that it was over a little too soon. He did come this time, without being asked and without asking for more money..I ended up giving him his $70 plus an additional $20 for gozar.. but told him not to tell Chiago about the bonus..


Not sure since TXalpha is still sleeping, but we are supposed to go to the beach today, and probably Meio Mundo tonite. We want to go eat at Marius ( a very nice restaurant we are told), but we have to figure out how to work it into our schedules)...


again.. more to cum.. and pictures when I get back home...


I almost forgot. i was disappointed in one aspect of sugarloaf. I had been told that you could see monkeys on the top of the mountain, but no monkeys to be found.. The only wildlife was about a 6 inch lizard (no, not one in someone´s pants, a real reptile)

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thanks for the input.. but is that `the norm`if he attaches himself to you without your desire? It seems that I attract the `klingons`who want another go, even when I am ready to move on to `fresh meat`. I do not encourage them or do anything to make them think I am interested again..anyways.. since you do not carry currency on you at the saunas, do you just excuse yourself and go to your locker to get the money, or what?


I think axiom is mistaken. In the case of an uninvited "clingon" you would not be expected to give him money.


On the other hand, if you encouraged him to sit with you, you might offer to buy him a drink or something to eat, but certainly no money should be offered under these circumstances.

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last morning here.....


Once again, the trip is coming to an end much too quickly..

On separate days, we ended up going to both Ipanema and Copacabana beaches. (at this point, my days have run together somewhat, so I will just post recaps without specific days)..

We did go back to Meio Mundo again, arriving closer to 7 as recommended. The place was busier with boys and clients. I again saw Alessandro, the twink with the big boy.. I got his attention and ended up taking him to a cabine. He is definitely versatile, definitely enjoys kissing, and is someone I would recommend if he is your type..There were a couple of other guys there that I found interesting, but since Txalpha didnt find anyone to his liking, we decided to move on..

At 117, I ended up having programmas with Charles on a total of 3 nights. There were a few other boys there that piqued my curiousity, but none that `blew my socks off`,so I decided to stay with the sure thing that I knew I had a good chemistry with. I will say that each session with Charles was better than the previous one.


Yesterday (Monday), TxAlpha and I did a morning jeep tour of the rainforest. I would definitely recommend this for someone who hasnt experienced it before. The front desk set it up for us. The tour lasted about 3- 3 1/2 hours, and cost R$100 each. It was a great tour to the rainforest near Tijuaca. The only bad part was that we got stuck in traffic for an hour or so on the way back, along the beach of Sao Conrado...


We had planned on a big dinner at Marius last night, so hadn´t made any big sauna plans for the day..besides, 117 is closed on Mondays and TxAlpha isnt a big fan of Meio Mundo. Around 5 or so, we decided to go give Pointe202 another try since it is so close to the hotel..Good thing we did.. It was fairly busy when we arrived and the crowd grew to a very good size by 7pm..I ended up meeting Alex Junior,.. a very cute and sexy 19 year old. Very passionate, very romantic, and very versatile..All in all, I would rate him `best of the trip`.

(patience please, i have pics of all the boys that will be posted when i get home and can download from my camera).


We did make it to dinner at Marius. It is a very nice restaurant located on Ave Atlantico, in Leme.. You choose from meat or seafood, then sit back and wait for the parade of food to come by...It is pricey by most Rio standards (around R$100 per person for beef and R$150 for seafood), but if you want to splurge and have a great meal and experience, I would recommend it..It was our combined birthday dinner (my birthday was mid November and TXalpha´s is early December).


We are being picked up around 5pm for the airport..Not sure how late we will be able to keep our room since the hotel is completely sold out..so we dont have any plans for today.TxAlpha is still asleep (it is 9am here)..

That is it for now.. If i think of anything else to add, I might be back later before departure time..

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I think axiom is mistaken. In the case of an uninvited "clingon" you would not be expected to give him money.


On the other hand, if you encouraged him to sit with you, you might offer to buy him a drink or something to eat, but certainly no money should be offered under these circumstances.




mvan1, you are C O R R E C T! I erred. Give a small fee or a drink or small meal to your invited guy! -:)

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and a few more of the natural scenery









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Nice pictures, looks like weather was very good. Since my last trip there in May, the dollar has dropped a lot against the real. It was 2R to the dollar, now its around 1.7R to the dollar. I am considering going next month but it's less and less the bargain it was.

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These pics are stellar; your portfolio should be an outstanding one! I can identify with what these photos render to the participant as well as to others devotees of Brasil and its culture and men!

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