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Dear fellow escorts; come get it for free...

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Guest greatness

so nice


Your partner is lucky to be with you..


I guess it's different for me since I'm in a relationship, but I do not have uncompensated sessions with anyone unless its my significant other. I've gotten those emails before too and I politely decline.
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" I have all the networking outlets I need in this business to go back to when I need them."[/color]


And there it is there. You have been escorting for what a couple/ few months at least on this site,


Yet you have all the answers. about what is tacky and classless right and not right.


what is exactly the point of the post then.


To complain about having another escort call you up and seek some fun?


To proclaim your standards of work ethic?.


Get over yourself dude.



I really don't feel like arguing with you...I answered your email message in the lounge.


Actually, I've been in it now for well over a year now...I've only been on here for a few months though. I understand what you're saying, yes there is room to learn all the time, it doesn't end in a few months/years.


Now, if you want to allow random escorts to call your advertisement up and ask to swap; thats you. Me on the other hand, I know where to go if I want to do that. There's a time to work and a time to play.


hope I am not offending you just trying to be helpful



That is one of the fakest gestures of kindness I have ever recieved on here.

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Guest greatness

You do have a point


but you can be less negative about what happened. If I were you I would slept with him right away lol (I have to pay to see you guy, you know). Anyways, in a business environment, who can say what you did was wrong? However, being nice and friendly once in a while is good for you and your career too. Being an escort is a stressful job. Maybe he really wanted to get off. I am not saying what you did was wrong but sometimes a little bit of niceness can go a long way.




Yeah, when they work in same barbershop/salon or happen to know each other. My barber in Dallas is not going to go to my barber in Miami and say, "hey I run a barbershop too, can you give me a free cut?"


Like you said, its classless in every way imaginable. I have a business phone, its not for any reason but that. If he just wanted to network, he would have mentioned meeting to just chill instead. Even with that, I'd still be taking time out (possibly missing a client) to see this guy. So, you call business phone; you're asking for a service.


And how tacky is that, to screw another escort in the attempt to get networking tips off them...Some networking tactic

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My barber in Dallas is not going to go to my barber in Miami and say, "hey I run a barbershop too, can you give me a free cut?"


And how tacky is that, to screw another escort in the attempt to get networking tips off them...Some networking tactic


The analogy of the Barber works better if they both need a haircut. Then they might offer to trade.


Folk who work in bars, clubs and bath houses often extend a reciprocal or professional courtesy to each other, both local and out of town visitors.


I don't think it's tacky to "screw another escort" as part of networking. It is what many of us like doing and one of the best ways to exchange techniques.


Admittedly much of my escort networking has been in a "non-work" setting, such as clothed, in a cafe or having dinner. Yet imagine the barista inviting another barista to her cafe for an espresso and networking chat. The person initiating the get-together should probably offer his cafe, goods or to pay for yours. But the difference with a "screw" is that you both bear the same costs of money and time and potentially the same enjoyment.

I can understand your lack of interest in the offer, but it was sweet of him to not expect you to pay wasn't it?

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Best let people think your a fool then speak and prove them right!


Unless you have had some other conversation with 8inch Tool you have made a huge mistake.


If he sent you an email in private, then he was actually trying to help you. His writing comes across as very genuine unlike your own. You simply keep coming across as a JACKASS! And your post in the lounge really doesn't help your case much in my opinion. Your going to do and say what you want....but I feel you have really misinterpreted what he was trying to tell you.


As a client who hires from this site from time to time, I can assure you that I would think twice about hiring you just on how you treat others on here. Of course I know...you don't need my business....and that a good thing for us both!!!


Going back a month or so ago in another thread you couldn't believe that some Escorts could pull down well over 6 figures a year and commented then. Well....if you continue with the way you alienate potential clients, fellow escorts and just plain posters, you are absolutely correct, you will never see that kind financial reward.



Simply....my two cents. And I don't care what you do with it.

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Joey you really need to step back and reevaluate your posts on this topic. Raul, David, the clients and myself are trying to help and lend advice. I've spent time with Raul and David and I trust any advice that they might give me and would do my best to follow what they might have to say. I've worked with and hung out with Raul and have hung out with David in SF and for a wee bit when he was in Seattle this last summer so I know that they are good people only trying their hardest to help you out. I've even met a few of the posters that have replied to this thread and would trust what they have to say as well. I honestly don't think any of us want to see you fail. But the way you coming across in your posts is very ungrateful and well rude. I'm not saying that you must do everything we say but to treat our suggestions the way you are isn't going to get you far with the clients here or when you really need some good business advice. If anything you are alienating yourself from the group and over all that is not going to help you in the long run. Iirc you did something similar over at MER and then came over here. So take a step back and think twice before speaking (posting) once.




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Joey, you need to take a long walk and rethink how you wish to present yourself to other posters. You consistently come across as a very angry young man and one who is not ready to listen to or even consider what others have to say. It is time for you to take a vacation from the board and pursure other avenues for advancing you professinal life.

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Joey - what you seem to be missing here is "attitude". You certainly have the right to turn down any offer that comes your way. And you have the right to give away, or not give away your "assets" any time you like. However, like others have said, your self-serving attitude comes across loud and clear. As a client, that is not the kind of escort I want to hire. Take the advice of a few of the posters here and temper your writing to attract clients, not chase them away. What you have displayed here has probably damaged you more than a few negative reviews could have done. Take David's and some of the other posters advice with some grace, whether you agree with it or not. With experience comes wisdom. Hopefully that will be true for you as well.

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Guest zipperzone

Some people are just too thick sculled to take advice. In their mind they are right and nothing anyone can say will make any difference. I think that is what we are seeing here. Personally, I think it is a sign of insecurity.

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Guest Wetnwildbear

He is so Good!


The analogy of the Barber works better if they both need a haircut. Then they might offer to trade.


I can understand your lack of interest in the offer, but it was sweet of him to not expect you to pay wasn't it?


Oh Raul - You have such delightful way of finding that perfect skew!


Can't wait to meet and be skewered by your . . .

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Joey has his own opinion on the matter and he decided to share in with the Board.

Are you going to criticize him for that and even suggest him to "take a vacation" and leave ...?


What's good for the goose is not always good for the gander.



Thankyou! Atleast Someone sees the light...


But you know what? It is what it is. Now you can see there are a couple other posters who felt the same way as me. Yet some people want to read what they want to read and take it to offense. They don't see the underlying issue and how it's TACKY for an escort to call up another escort who you don't know from a hole in the wall and ask to hookup.


And lest anyone here is thinking I would charge any and every escort to play with me is quite mistaken (which is why I think people have thrown stones here). I was not suggesting that if I meet a guy who's an escort, he has to pay me. No, thats not what I was saying. For crying out loud, I have met other working guys in the past, even dated one. It wasn't business at all. And guess what? Those guys never helped me get started with my business when the time came for when I decided I wanted to become an escort. Don't think I'm nieve because I've been around.


I was saying for a random service provider to contact me out the blue who I dont know from a hole in the wall, asking to hookup is tacky. Yes, I said it and I'm not taking it back. There's other ways to learn techniques and network other than that. There's other places to hookup too; adam4adam, bar and clubs, a party or whatever. It doesn't need to be from my advertisement.

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Guest LeoWalker

The last day or so has been pretty busy...so I feel I should apologize for not posting sooner.


I agree with Steven_Draker. He was simply expressing a frustration. The guy contacts him, he has no clue who the other escort is, so politely declines. Then he came here to vent. Not a big deal.


Whether his postings are frustrated or not, I have come to appreciate many of his postings because I believe he provides a good counter-weight in the community here...an opposing view that shows another side to many topics.


Personally, I've found that the escorts I have met have been accidental. We contact one another on a social networking site and then meet--often times not knowing about one another (or usually more I not knowing about them). A few months ago, I met a guy who accompanied me to Stonehenge...it wasn't until we were on our way that we both discovered we were both escorts. My taste in men will stand true irrelevant to if they're in the same profession or not. If I'm wanting to have sex to try to advance my "technique", then I could care less if they're an escort or just a really slutty guy or even a guy who's never had sex before--I'll stay true to my tastes and feelings.


In the times that I have desired to be with a particular escort and knew no other way to contact them than through their ad, I was fully prepared to pay their full fee.

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Guest greatness

so sexy


You are so cute!


The last day or so has been pretty busy...so I feel I should apologize for not posting sooner.


I agree with Steven_Draker. He was simply expressing a frustration. The guy contacts him, he has no clue who the other escort is, so politely declines. Then he came here to vent. Not a big deal.


Whether his postings are frustrated or not, I have come to appreciate many of his postings because I believe he provides a good counter-weight in the community here...an opposing view that shows another side to many topics.


Personally, I've found that the escorts I have met have been accidental. We contact one another on a social networking site and then meet--often times not knowing about one another (or usually more I not knowing about them). A few months ago, I met a guy who accompanied me to Stonehenge...it wasn't until we were on our way that we both discovered we were both escorts. My taste in men will stand true irrelevant to if they're in the same profession or not. If I'm wanting to have sex to try to advance my "technique", then I could care less if they're an escort or just a really slutty guy or even a guy who's never had sex before--I'll stay true to my tastes and feelings.


In the times that I have desired to be with a particular escort and knew no other way to contact them than through their ad, I was fully prepared to pay their full fee.

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Guest zipperzone


How can one take advice like "Get over yourself dude" with grace ...?


It would be difficult if not impossible.


Not really. All it would take is a little maturity and the willingness to participate in a little introspection. Sadly this was missing in this case.

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How can one take advice like "Get over yourself dude" with grace ...?


Not really. All it would take is a little maturity and the willingness to participate in a little introspection. Sadly this was missing in this case.



The problem with your answer is that the person who is the subject of this thread lacks maturity and introspection. True, he did participate but only with anger and name calling.

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Guest greatness



You guys are so cute! :)


I had a fellow escort contact me for a "freebie" the other night, but I wasn't in the mood, so I told Derek to leave me alone and go back to sleep. :p
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest RyanCade

I know I am weeks behind but I must comment


I had a 'client' contact me from rentboy the other day asking to hookup. Okay? Well thing was he was an escort as well with an ad online and the number matched up too.


Can you believe this guy wanted to have a session with me but "wasn't into paying for it". Being that he was also an escort, he wanted to 'swap'. I was like, "okay...you call my ad asking for a service but don't want to break bread? Where the hell do you come off?"


Some people, I tell you...


I am one of those guys that message other escorts. Sometimes it's the purpose of filling a position with a client, sometimes it's to offer my advice to a "newbie" or I think he's hot so I pretend to be networking... :) JK I have hooked up with several hot escorts in Atlanta and other cities and we didn't swap services we just had fun. I think escorts should be more friendly with each other and share their experiences and look out for one another. It is not uncommon for escorts to snub one another, why?, who knows.. We have a unique and unusual job to say the least. I can't sit with family and friends and start sharing my experiences as a male escort and expect anything but a very uncomfortable silence. BUT When I swap stories and experience with another escort, I can count on a fun filled, exciting, back and forth conversation that could go on and on for hours. It never fails that I learn something or hear something new to help me in my own work. Further I truly appreciate and value the company of a fellow escort No one can come close to understanding my life as an escort but another escort.. Being understood and sharing a common bond is PRICELESS... so thats my take..

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know I must be weeks behind but I must comment


Its never too late to comment LOL, I would also like to add something.


Looking at it from your perspective, I don't see exchanging messages with another wb as overstepping the boundaries. There's probably some who do.


The reason why I was annoyed at the guy who called me is not because of the request to hookup. What turned me off is the fact that, as I was on my way to visit him he calls and says, "just want to make sure you know I'm not going to pay you, because I'm not into that. You're cool with that right?" At that point I stopped the car and turned back around.


Even though I clearly knew it was just a hookup from the get go, just by saying that 1 sentence blew it. What that implied to me was, "hey, I want you to come over to the hotel I been working out of (as your competition) and take care of me, but Im not going to give you anything for it, cause your time and energy coming out here isn't worth it".


So even though there are other working guys out there who have good intentions, some are just looking out for themselves; like some people in other businesses. If thats the case, I have no qualms about seeking out or answering to someone who isn't.


Looking at it from another window, I can see the benefits of networking/hooking up with another escort. As much as its seemingly accepted, there's still guys (our age) who either don't accept it or wish they could do it. And by no means are they hookup candidates for me! So to meet another escort (or someone else) would be a better alternative.

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