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Play nice, or get out of the sand box...

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It is, as we here know, a small world, and it should be noted that very little gets past people for long. With that being said, if you are the one discouraging clients from seeing other escorts (whether by directly saying negative comments about them, or by simply comparing yourself to them in a fashion that is unflattering to others and complimentary towards yourself), you should know that this is not a practice you are going to be able to conceal for very long. Indeed, it is already known (as the existance of this thread should indicate).


It is also not a very subtle strategy to undermine friends by rescheduling one's travels so that one's visits to a city repeatedly come the week before one's competition (especially if it is for the specific purpose of using up that community's available resources in short order before another's arrival). This is in particularly shoddy taste when you do this to someone who has been helpful to you in the past.


I think I have shown here that I am not afraid to say what is on my mind, especially if it concerns something that is truly detrimental to others. Perhaps I am too much of an idealist? Be that as it may: I am not the type to overlook it when someone is harming my friends. And I am not the one who will back down when I know I am right.


You know who you are. And so do I.


Be warned.

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Wow, I sure don't get this one. Think of escorting as a business. If I went to BurgerBelly to eat and didn't like it, I would discourage others from going there. Nothing wrong with that. If I were BurgerBelly's owner, and I found out that a competitor was getting an edge on me, such as a promotional event, I might try to undercut that with an event of my own. Nothing wrong with that either.

It's a competitive world. If you don't feel that you can handle people discouraging customers from patronizing your business, or can't compete in the marketplace, then maybe you should get a nine to five job.

Being threatened by an escort coming to the same city you are going to indicates that you don't feel you have something special to offer. If you are the better escort, it won't matter who else is in town.

The other part of the thread that bothers me is the cloaked identity of the person you seem to be trying to reach. Why not speak to him directly?

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discouraging clients from seeing other escorts

Not at all to deny that some escorts behave this way. But so what? Hard to fathom that significant numbers of clients would be weak-minded enough, or weak-libido'd enough, to swallow such advice.


using up that community's available resources in short order before another's arrival

The resources in question would seem to be (1) lust and (2) cash. The first is a renewable resource if ever one was. As for the second, clients will squander their last dollar (ask me!) satisfying the itch.

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Devon I think that what ever issues you are having with an escort you need to take up with that person first before vaguely airing it on the boards. Imo it comes across as you whining and trying to stir the shit. Venting is one thing, we all do it but this is almost low balling.




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Hard to fathom that significant numbers of clients would be weak-minded enough, or weak-libido'd enough, to swallow such advice.


I concur with Adam. When an escort I've hired spends our time together trash-mouthing one of his competitors, it creates more of a negative impression on the escort who is doing the backbiting than the other guy he's trashing. Speaking ill of someone behind his back can usually be attributed to insecurity, jealousy or envy and most clients will be wise enough to see through (and ignore) it.

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At some point we just have to disregard the competition, and focus on keeping our clients entertained. Not a single guy is going to 'suck the town dry' (no pun intended) in any city. If it seems like that has happened, chances are the real reason is that the city probably wasn't a good place to tour anyhow.


I can name 2 cities; 1 in the midwest and another in the south that I've been to this year and know for a fact is not a good place to work. The locals are frugal and those places don't just have 1 guy to compete with but dozens who are just as attractive and offer the same things as you! But, being an escort means having some understanding of men, and that every man is going to have a look and preference he goes for.


We tend to get so intimidated of competition that we can't even trust or rely on one another in this industry. Its bad enough to have all the timewasters and people who don't agree with escorting who like to make our jobs difficult as it is.


I doubt this post was aimed at me, but its just my .02

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No, Joey, this is not aimed at you AT ALL. I would like to think that any history between us has been settled. You are definitely not the person I am addressing.


Really, Devon, with an attitude like that I would happily join in to discourage people from hiring you.


You have the audacity to compare the people in this situation to the commodity of ground up meat, and then speak to me about attitudes? Perhaps if you had only one tenth the number of responses on this site (with ten times the value in those remaining), what you say might finally hold some trace of merit.


As it is, this is not about money, though it taints everything. This is not about competition, which sets a standard that I welcome. This is not about worrying about whether or not someone is going somewhere near ME, or whether or not they are saying something negative about ME. This is not about MY travels. This is not about MY clients or the lack of them. This is not about anything that anyone here has yet responded to. If you had taken the time to actually READ AND UNDERSTAND what I wrote, you would not have presumed that this has anything to do with MY escorting practice (which is going fine, with or without your non-influence, Lucky).



You do not know what this thread is about? Yes, you do, Lucky. I certainly hope you're lucky enough to have an actual connection to someone in real life off of these threads. I am speaking in defense of friendship and trust. I am intensely loyal: I do not tolerate abuse of my friends. Period. I am not speaking in outrage against anything anyone has done directly to ME. It matters little whether or not any of you agree with or approve of my passion. It is part of who I am.


It is true: Clients are smart enough to make up their own minds, regardless of gossip. This isn't about clients. This is about the attempt to hurt someone, futile though it may be. It isn't the potential effects that have bothered me, it's the motive underlying the attempt. I do not mention him by name, because I want to see if he can be man enough to admit on his own what he has done (or, if that is too much to ask, to see if he will at least stop doing what he has been doing).


The person to whom this is directed is, by now, aware of it. His response is the only one sought.


Oh, and Greg: I don't give false hugs. Embrace me honestly, or not at all.

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Well, I am glad that you confirmed my opinion of you. I don't know why an escort would come on here and alienate people. There is simply no reason for you to make enemies here. It seems contradictory to the goal of your business, but no one ever said that every escort is a good businessman...or even a nice guy.

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Guest zipperzone

Devon" The more you prattle on the less sense you are making. You could do yourself a huge favor by simply letting this thread die and hope that present and future clients forget about it.


No matter what you say, it comes across very clearly that it is all about your concerns re competition. It's a competitive world out there and those that can't handle that fact should consider switching occupations.

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As it is, this is not about money, though it taints everything.


Since you bring it up: What do you mean, that money taints everything?


My feeling is that contractual sex is one of the more honest, and honorable, transactions that two (or more!) people can have.


Yours is a curious, not to say conflicted, judgment to hear from a sex worker him/herself. Elaboration of your views would be welcome.

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Since you bring it up: What do you mean, that money taints everything?



Specific to this situation: The person in question is seeking to use financial situations specifically to undermine someone else. I don't think greed is the issue here. It's meanness. This isn't an issue of competition, it's an issue of backstabbing. I should clarify that money itself isn't the actual taint here, it's the way it is being manipulated to cause harm.


What seems to be overlooked in this discussion is that (contrary to what many may presume or suppose) some of us escorts are actual friends, and we encourage/help/respect/trust each other. So what some of the people here want to dismiss as petty competition strategies actually cuts closer to home than what is being acknowledged.


This is the part of the site where you learn about us: Do not tell me what it is to be an escort. I don't care how long you have hired, if you have never been one, then it isn't your place to tell me how to feel about this situation. Here is what you should know about this scenario: People you trust who use information to hurt you are not competing with you. They are attacking you.


If this were a simple issue of competition it would have zero importance. But how would you feel if someone you had kept in confidence had suddenly decided to start using information against you? Not simply to "compete." But to harm. To dismiss my feelings in this regard says more about other people than it does about me.

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Not sure what crawled up a** and died but Dude, I have to agree with Lucky on this one. Also...you cant vent on here as you please just understand that there may be ramifications of your venting especially when people can't figure out what the hell you are talking about. I would think again before I start chastising people on here for giving their thoughts and opinions, especially since this arena is part of the audience that you are trying to subscribe business from.....Not too bright!



Just my 2 cents worth.

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Oh, and Greg: I don't give false hugs. Embrace me honestly, or not at all.


Unlike maybe some people here folk know where they stand with me good or bad and I am never false in my dealing with people. I was trying to be nice but if you want to be a drama queen be my guess. I can tell you right now it wont get you far in any work you do, be it escorting or other wise.




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I am sure you had some decent intentions in posting this to protect and/or defend your friend, but clearly things have gotten out of hand and it appears you are doing more harm than good because you are being drawn into a situation where you are becoming the focus of negative comments. I respectfully submit that this is an example of poor communication because of the way you went about posting this (not very clear and certainly obtuse) which has led to a total breakdown of what might have been a worthwhile post. I am sure that is not what you intended and would prefer to avoid. Let it drop and move on.

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Well said!


I am sure you had some decent intentions in posting this to protect and/or defend your friend, but clearly things have gotten out of hand and it appears you are doing more harm than good because you are being drawn into a situation where you are becoming the focus of negative comments. I respectfully submit that this is an example of poor communication because of the way you went about posting this (not very clear and certainly obtuse) which has led to a total breakdown of what might have been a worthwhile post. I am sure that is not what you intended and would prefer to avoid. Let it drop and move on.

The longer this thread becomes, the more damage it does to its creator.

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Day two of "Devon-Gate"


As I reread this again.....it comes to mind that a short summary of this scandal could help those who can't figure out what is going on. As I see it........


Apparently one our escorts is very upset because another escort is better at deep throating in a specific geographic area and said escort, gets there before he does and offers a lower rate to get the business. HHHHmmmmm......Lookout Nixon, this could top those tapes any day.


Furthermore more, in trying to decipher the cryptic messages several on the board have been tongue lashed....and not the kind anyone cares to take here. While others have tried eloquently and not so eloquently to tell the Escort to drop this and shut the f*** up, because he is going to hurt his business if he doesn't.


Basically folks that's the best summary I could come up with ......now for day two!


Just my dollars worth.....

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Guest LeoWalker

Touring to the city at the same time or prior with the intention of taking the business is called "cock-blocking". It's an understood concept in many escort circles. If two escorts that are friends offer a similar look and desirability/offering, they generally politely avoid touring the same location near the same time. I've been cock-blocked by escorts who I've helped get into the business (as I took them on tour with me) and by other escorts randomly without intention (so no hard feelings).


For someone to intentionally do this, and it not be random, that takes enough planning to show a malicious action. That would go beyond the realm of healthy competition in my opinion--relative to touring escorting.


I do not know Devon, I've never met him. Just wanted to clarify that cock-blocking is an identified concept in escorting. As well, after not having been on these forums for 3 weeks (so the forum told me when I logged in), I find this thread incredibly ironic after I've just finished reading another one where he is VERY highly spoken of. :eek:

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