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Cave canem in DC: Modus operandi furris

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Warning for DC boys: A time waster's method


Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame and plague on you... fool me thrice, and I tell everyone on Daddy about your bullshit...


If you are a companion in Washington, D.C. there is a particular time waster you need to know about who is cruising the ads right now. He almost undermined my entire trip by filling up my schedule and then not showing up to any of the bookings. He is clever, and it took three times for me to put together all the similarities of his scam, and now I will share them with you, so that you do not risk losing not only the opportunity to see clients, but also the money the trip costs to go to D.C. The three instances I am about to describe were spaced out over weeks, and did not happen in even/rapid succession.



Clue #1: Totally ordinary (and complete) name revealed in message/address

This person uses ordinary names. He changed it for each time he contacted me, obviously. The names he used are not obvious fakes like John Smith. They are just ordinary enough to seem real. Although these are not the names he used, they set an example: Brian Fannerty. Jimmy Copeland. Frank Westerman. They sound like real names... He was too sophisticated to go for over-the-top names like Rex Hammer, or some porno sounding crap like that.


Clue #2: Gmail server

All three of these "people" had username@gmail.com emails. Take particular note in D.C. if you get an email from a GMail account with a perfectly normal first and last name put together as a compound word or separated by a period. (e.g. brianfannerty@gmail.com or brian.fannerty@gmail.com) Although not unheard of, most people will contact you with an email that does NOT reveal their entire name. Most people prefer more discretion than that, until they become acquainted with you.


Clue #3: Extended appointments

All three jumped right into asking about multiple hour sessions. "I have a birthday I want to celebrate with an overnight;" "I just broke up with a boyfriend, and I want to go a little crazy;" and "I got a raise, and I had the extra money burning a hole in my pocket." Although I didn't ask for an explanation from these "people," I was offered overly plausible reasons for wanting long/overnight sessions on first meetings. All three ultimately went from 2-, 3-, or 4-hour sessions straight to overnights with no suggestion from me to do so.


Clue #4: Questionable photos (given without being asked)

All three attached photos within a few emails. I never ask for this. If someone wants to share his pics he may do so, but I never ask or insist on it. All three ended up attaching photos that I didn't think seemed authentic, but I wasn't going to question. However, the pics from the third "individual" were what finally made all of this click into place. (If you find yourself in this scenario in D.C., and you find yourself looking at a photo and thinking "Hm, I wouldn't have expected that" for any reason... well... there you have it.)


Clue #5: Dead email, phone number

For all three the GMail addy stopped working days before my trip or during it. For one of them the phone number had also been disconnected (yes, I'd spoken at length with one of the "individuals" on the phone, and since he was the "first" to contact me, but the "second" to disappear, I had zero reason to be suspicious about connecting the three together).



I ended up having a good trip to D.C., so I thwarted this; however, I did leave early when I started not feeling well. Despite this person's overly thorough efforts, I did just fine. Just sayin'... :cool:

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Guest greatness



Learn how to track IPs. You can set up your website or blog and install IP tracker. It would probably help you. There is always a pattern and it can be used to identify an individual as a finger print can. Some escorts learn how to do this from their fellow escorts so ask around. Some of them are really good. There are some computer geeks who help escorts out with similar problems from time to time. Some go too far but at least they don't do anything illegal with it, I think...


Warning for DC boys: A time waster's method[/size][/color]


Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame and plague on you... fool me thrice, and I tell everyone on Daddy about your bullshit...


If you are a companion in Washington, D.C. there is a particular time waster you need to know about who is cruising the ads right now. He almost undermined my entire trip by filling up my schedule and then not showing up to any of the bookings. He is clever, and it took three times for me to put together all the similarities of his scam, and now I will share them with you, so that you do not risk losing not only the opportunity to see clients, but also the money the trip costs to go to D.C. The three instances I am about to describe were spaced out over weeks, and did not happen in even/rapid succession.



Clue #1: Totally ordinary (and complete) name revealed in message/address

This person uses ordinary names. He changed it for each time he contacted me, obviously. The names he used are not obvious fakes like John Smith. They are just ordinary enough to seem real. Although these are not the names he used, they set an example: Brian Fannerty. Jimmy Copeland. Frank Westerman. They sound like real names... He was too sophisticated to go for over-the-top names like Rex Hammer, or some porno sounding crap like that.


Clue #2: Gmail server

All three of these "people" had username@gmail.com emails. Take particular note in D.C. if you get an email from a GMail account with a perfectly normal first and last name put together as a compound word or separated by a period. (e.g. brianfannerty@gmail.com or brian.fannerty@gmail.com) Although not unheard of, most people will contact you with an email that does NOT reveal their entire name. Most people prefer more discretion than that, until they become acquainted with you.


Clue #3: Extended appointments

All three jumped right into asking about multiple hour sessions. "I have a birthday I want to celebrate with an overnight;" "I just broke up with a boyfriend, and I want to go a little crazy;" and "I got a raise, and I had the extra money burning a hole in my pocket." Although I didn't ask for an explanation from these "people," I was offered overly plausible reasons for wanting long/overnight sessions on first meetings. All three ultimately went from 2-, 3-, or 4-hour sessions straight to overnights with no suggestion from me to do so.


Clue #4: Questionable photos (given without being asked)

All three attached photos within a few emails. I never ask for this. If someone wants to share his pics he may do so, but I never ask or insist on it. All three ended up attaching photos that I didn't think seemed authentic, but I wasn't going to question. However, the pics from the third "individual" were what finally made all of this click into place. (If you find yourself in this scenario in D.C., and you find yourself looking at a photo and thinking "Hm, I wouldn't have expected that" for any reason... well... there you have it.)


Clue #5: Dead email, phone number

For all three the GMail addy stopped working days before my trip or during it. For one of them the phone number had also been disconnected (yes, I'd spoken at length with one of the "individuals" on the phone, and since he was the "first" to contact me, but the "second" to disappear, I had zero reason to be suspicious about connecting the three together).



I ended up having a good trip to D.C., so I thwarted this; however, I did leave early when I started not feeling well. Despite this person's overly thorough efforts, I did just fine. Just sayin'... :cool:

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"I have a birthday I want to celebrate with an overnight;" "I just broke up with a boyfriend, and I want to go a little crazy;" and "I got a raise, and I had the extra money burning a hole in my pocket."


All three attached photos within a few emails. I never ask for this.


Ugh, stuff like that is very irritating. Its happen in a couple of cities I've been to. People who like to fill up your schedule, sometimes late into the night, only to flake. In fact last week, for the first time I was sent on a blank mission to a hotel even when I checked everything. I always pack a bottle of head and shoulders and hatorade LOL.


The birthday one could have been legit, as many people do treat themselves during that time. The other 2 sounds too revealing. Especially the raise part, who'd want to put themselves out like that? I also raise a brow when someone sends an unsolicited photo of themselves, although I have had very few genuine clients to do so.


Sometimes its just hard to tell. The one you think its genuine can turn out flake, and the one you think might be a flake can be the one who books. I tend to take it as it comes. If they dont call by the time we agree on for a confirmation, I have to move on.

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Guest LeoWalker

Unfortunately there are often too many flakes to try to describe a method in picking them out. For me, dealing with overnights, if the person is serious, they've generally purchased tickets within 2-3 days of initial contact. So, someone who's really serious could seem like a flake...but at least they reveal themselves early in the planning process. I've gotten the pics quite a bit...they're always someone who's attractive...and a couple times I felt more attractive than myself; that's always a bit odd. So, I asked that guy for a deposit since he was scheduling a week in advance to my arrival in his city. Of course, that ended our discussion...though he's contacted me since then.


It's all sales. Have policies and stick to them; those who are serious will respect that. Sorry about your unfortunate occurrence with the person in DC.


I'm just going to hint at motive...I've come down to two specific reasons: a) they get off on the constant contact, b) they're bitter that they can't afford the service or are angry that they must pay for the service. I've had an experience with "b" in public...at least I can only conclude that the person was acting inappropriately, unprovoked and unrecognized, due to that; otherwise the experience was way too random.

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b) they're bitter that they can't afford the service or are angry that they must pay for the service.


They are probably feeling the above emotions because they are under the illusion that only unattractive or inept people are the only ones paying for it. And by them doing so, probably makes them feel just like 'one of them'. Its a common misconception but in reality people have different reasons for hiring, whether it be for discretion or to have something different.

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Devon Hunter on Time Wasting


It works both ways as a friend of mine recently complained to me about a traveling escort wasting his time. At first the guy said that he had the whole afternoon available, and not much later claimed to be fully booked.

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Guest LeoWalker

Either perceived or real, their feeling that they have to pay, makes them bitter. Under that scenario.


I've hired, now, finally, lol. It's a convenience...a luxury; not a necessity, for anyone.

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Not to imply that it was ever lacking, but my level of respect for escorts just rose. I read the list found in the link and was shocked at the number of a-holes out there. Obviously I live in an alternate universe where the rules of common decency still hold.

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To some it sounds good on the phone or on line but when it comes down to it they chicken out. I had a guy call me last year for a massage. He called on a monday for a friday booking. I told him str8 up what to expect. weds he calls again hinting around on the phone for more. Friday he calls about 5 miles from my place asking the same questions again. Again I told him all services were hand contact only. 2 miles from my place he calls and says I'm sorry Joe but I got a guy on the phone that can see me tonight that's willing to suck me off since that's not part of the your service I'm going with him. I said its all good mother fucker but you still owe me a 100 bucks. Last year I had a lawyer that came to me 4 times. At the time my brother was selling his home. This lawyer happened to end up being the closing attorney for the lady that bought my brothers home. this lawyer/client recognized the resemblance asked my brother if he was my brother then told my brother all about the massages he got from me including the fact he got a release..

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Nervous I understand. Second guessing yourself I get. Breaking an appointment without adequate prior notice requires a real emergency, and at the least an apology. We aren't talking a 10 minute fuck in an alley here. The escorts I've met have been impecable in appearance and cleanliness. That takes some effort.

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yup setting things up right takes time. most escorts shower, douch, clean up very well b4 their bookings. when I booked massages I had too do a set up. I sterilized the table b4 and after each client. laying out soaps and towels for those that wish to shower, Id put the cream for the session in disposable containers prep the towel steamer. no shows Don't think about the work that goes into doing things right. If a no show is the last appointment for that day its money lost that you can't quickly get someone else in.

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Strange Behaviour


Learn how to track IPs. You can set up your website or blog and install IP tracker. It would probably help you. There is always a pattern and it can be used to identify an individual as a finger print can. Some escorts learn how to do this from their fellow escorts so ask around. Some of them are really good. There are some computer geeks who help escorts out with similar problems from time to time. Some go too far but at least they don't do anything illegal with it, I think...


This is an excellent suggestion and one which I'm going to look into.


They are probably feeling the above emotions because they are under the illusion that only unattractive or inept people are the only ones paying for it. And by them doing so, probably makes them feel just like 'one of them'. Its a common misconception but in reality people have different reasons for hiring, whether it be for discretion or to have something different.


I agree that some clients have needless negative self-image and mixed feelings about hiring escorts. I would even go so far as to hypothesize that some of the clients who post in this forum may be expressing that negativity, which must mostly be repressed in their face-to-face encounters with escorts, when they criticize the escorts who dare to post here, and who make such an easy target.


you could list what happen with all his contact info on this page



What a great resource! Thankyou for posting it.


this lawyer/client recognized the resemblance asked my brother if he was my brother then told my brother all about the massages he got from me including the fact he got a release..


What an appalling breach of discretion from a lawyer. Anything and everything can and will happen in this business:


I was once unavoidably detained on the subway making me late for an incall. My client, in his 60s, went to my building management to complain about my absence...


I had a young client in a 5 star hotel in London which cost over £400/night refuse to pay me anything after the session because he felt he was too good-looking to pay. It took all of my patience not to escalate that one, and to eventually walk away from the situation with nothing but Experience.


I had a client who was an occasional visitor for years with no problems. Then one day, after an incall which seemed to go fine, he gave me half my fee and said he'd have to go to the ATM to get the rest. Of course, I trusted him to do this. He never returned and never answered his phone to me again.


I had an outcall to an apartment which went fine. But at the end, the client rifled through his pockets and said he didn't have as much money as he thought and would have to go to another apartment to borrow some from a friend. He left me in this apartment. Time passed and I realized he'd done a runner, but was not about to leave the apartment unpaid. After 1/2 hour, I called my bf to come over & join me for backup, which he did. Sometime after that, the police showed-up, saying they'd had a report that there was an intruder in the apt. I was open and honest with them about exactly what had happened, and as there was no sign of forced entry or theft, they took our details and let us go. Clearly, the client had expected me to leave, and phoned the police when I didn't.


While these are some of the more extreme examples from the course of my career, this gives some idea of the strange behaviour that escorts have to deal with. Patience and restraint are definitely attributes which will help make a successful escort. I do fully take on board that all of this sort of nonsense must be considered part and parcel of a job for which we're (usually) well compensated.

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Of course, I trusted him to do this. Patience and restraint are definitely attributes which will help make a successful escort. I do fully take on board that all of this nonsense must be considered part and parcel of a job for which we're well compensated.


Trust is important in a 'traditional relationship', however what we do isnt, no matter how many times one has met with each other. I dont think the word trust should overshadow common sense, but you'd be surprised how many people believe it should. All that walking out to ATM's, and walking out the house without paying is taking advantage of trust.


For example with me, if I forget something in my car. If that happens, I would never get up and leave the room/house alone, it'd probably make me look suspicious, like I'd run off with the money or think the client was not my 'type'. So I wouldn't do it. I'd invite the client to come along with me simply because. Its the same way I'd feel if someone pulled some ATM crap with me...or something similar like "leaving their phone in the car". All of that just creates too much suspicion and tension. Better to be upfront and not B.S.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What to do?


What's a girl supposed to do when they are all up in your face?


Open your PURSE, pull out Chanel. REALITY CHECK it's MACE!!!


You know what is crazy about guys making appointments and not keeping them? I actually feel as though I got shafted on a real date. It's ok to cancel ahead of time, but not calling or leaving someone hanging out somewhere, no text, no call, no email....Heartbreaking besides the disrespect. Seriously, if you change your mind, or lose the nerve....just communicate. Otherwise you will ALWAYS be and asshole.



Why can't you give me.....the RESPECT that I deserve.


Why can't you treat me, like any STRANGER on the street...


(wait for it)


Because, I am NOT, one of your Faaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!

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