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Where are these clients that actually post Reviews

Guest RyanCade
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Guest TBinCHI


Escorts: By all means send a thank you note and if you are going to do it, do it well. Spend a few minutes trying to make it personal to the particular client and the experience you shared. It's off-putting to receive a generic boiler plate "Thank You" email that leaves you feeling like the escort sends the exact verbatim message to every client after every date.


I couldn't agree with you more, GoodFella. Such a note makes all the difference, especially if the client was looking for a boyfriend experience! Well said!

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If your concerned about the lack of reviews, just ask one of your clients whom you hit it off with; the worst he can do is say no.

Good luck.


Although you may be fine to be asked, which is great...I can't agree that everyone would be ok to be asked. In some cases it 'may' come off as self-serving, which doesn't do much justice.


At one point, around this time last year...I really wanted to have some reviews posted because I was being advised that it would boost my business. So I started asking for them. The last time I asked for 1 was when I hit it off very well with someone. He even booked me again the next day and we planned another for 2 weeks later.


I then sent a personal thankyou email and refered him here to Daddys site with a link to the form. Not only did he not write a review...he didn't respond to my email nor did he end up booking me on the date that we had arranged. After that I never asked for a review again! Maybe he wasn't comfortable about sharing the experience...


Not to knock anyone's way of going about asking for reviews as everyone is different, but asking for one can come off forward and do more harm than good. Its not just about saying "no", because people aren't going to be that upfront and say no.


As for reviews Ryan, think they just come over time. People who have loads of reviews have probably been around for awhile and traveled many places. I wouldn't fixate on making reviews the goal. I'd just put my best foot forward during every meet and when a review does come, then send a thankyou note LOL.

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don't ask


I agree with Joey Bryant. I've posted numerous reviews over the years as a client (under a different screen-name than I use for the Message Forum), but they were all unsolicited reviews. I think if an escort asked me to post a review, I probably would not do it, simply because having been asked might affect what I was going to say, and it shouldn't.


I think if an escort establishes a real presence in the Message Center that reflects a pleasant, service-oriented personality and links to his escort site adverts with pix, he will eventually attract clients who will post reviews. Many of the escorts I've hired over the years have been guys who attracted me through their Message Center personalities, and those have been some of the most enjoyable experiences.

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Writing reviews


If my experience is particularly bad (and I anticipate it would be for others, more than just a matter of lack of chemistry) or particularly good, I write a review unless the escort has already been reviewed numerous times and I have nothing new to report. If the escort has no reviews or very scant reviews, I always try to review here. I find others' reviews particularly helpful in hiring and just want to return the favor.

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Guest RyanCade
Not to knock anyone's way of going about asking for reviews as everyone is different, but asking for one can come off forward and do more harm than good. Its not just about saying "no", because people aren't going to be that upfront and say no.


Inherently, I share this view point, it just doesn't sit right ask for reviews. Further the fact that the review was asked for may put undue pressure possibly even feeling obligated, I could affect the tone of the review and dull or lack completely the jubilation that would likely be projected if the writing was of his own volition.


As for reviews Ryan, think they just come over time. People who have loads of reviews have probably been around for awhile and traveled many places. I wouldn't fixate on making reviews the goal. I'd just put my best foot forward during every meet and when a review does come, then send a thank you note LOL.


I posted this thread when I first registered on the forum, and at that time I had no reviews. I was, at that time somewhat determined to find a reviewer, hence my original post. This was after receiving calls from a few clients who didn't hire me because I had no reviews, one of them referring to me as an unknown entity. I had been working as an escort full time for a year and a half or so, and again felt it inappropriate to ask for reviews. Finally this last October I received review #1, but it did not have a Hallmark sticker, nor did it resemble a fan letter. A rough start to say the least. As a result I have learned and continue to learn from the posters on Daddy's forum. I now consider it a valuable asset, though I sometimes question my sanity when I choose to engage in more controversial threads. I have received unsolicited reviews since and have a positive outlook on my future as a result. There is a whole lot more to this world than I ever imagined. :rolleyes:

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Guest RyanCade
"There is a whole lot more to this world than I ever imagined."


That works equally well for the world in general.


Very true, but I am just amazed at just how far off my misconceptions of this world were before becoming a part of it.

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Guest RyanCade

Time is needed


I expect you'll be leary of expanding on this, but I, for one, would be interested in learning what your misconceptions were.


I will respond, but I will first consider carefully my response, fierce misinterpretation does frequently occur here.. This may take a little time.

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A well told tale of your transition from a naive neophyte to an experienced escort would be wonderful but probably something you should avoid here. If you're honest you'll be dancing through a minefield and if you're not then it will come across as bland, boring and possibly phony. Save it for your memoirs unless you're a hell of a good writer.

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Ryan I would not post anything you are not comfortable sharing at this time. You are absolutely correct given this forum much like emails is not a conversation where tone and facial expression can do far more for interpetation than words we hear. Although I have read where some do not like smiley annotations, those do go a long way towards interpetation.


I think clients and escorts come here with many misconceptions. About a month ago I referred a gentleman to this web site when I mentioned his name was brought up here. He had absolutely no clue that there was anything like this. The same holds true for clients, I merely entered the words male escort into a web search 8 years ago and I came across Devin's (not the current Devin but the original from 8 years ago) blog which brought me to HooBoy which was the forerunner of this site. I was amazed. Worse after meeting a few escorts I thought I knew it all. WRONG!!


I would have my emotions played with, an unscrupulous escort nearly ruin my personal life, I open my mouth once to often like a know-it-all and have to apologize profusely to an escort for my indiscretions, all because I thought I was helping. I had an escort give me STD's and another at least call me to tell me afterwards he had an STD which I did not receive, thankfully. I have had an escort badger me, numerous times to write a review that I finally had balls to say no, I had an escort ask me not to write a positive review. I have had to cancel a couple of times on escorts with travel and one time caused signficant problems for the escort and again I have to apologize profusely. So basically I am saying we never stop learning but I have learned to minimize my mistakes. I have tried hard to be a better client. But in the end we all do make mistakes. I think sometimes as clients we have to remember that for working guy this is usually his paycheck and the working guy, clients can be like scared rabbits as none of wants to make the wrong hire and sometimes nerves get the better of us.


So Ryan take your time, you have made a good impression on the forum despite a rocky start a couple of months ago. Try to remain positive. But you are not always going to make the perfect post and I am sure there will be plenty of us to let you know it too, hopefully no more than a yappy little dog and a nip at the heel, annoying as hell but not a deep 6er.

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This was after receiving calls from a few clients who didn't hire me because I had no reviews, one of them referring to me as an unknown entity


Now to me thats just wrong, and I'd be annoyed if someone ever did that to me. I'd be like...why are you calling me then if you don't want to hire me for not having a review? Especially the one saying you're an unknown entity. Its like a slap in the face and sounds like a TW or even a competitor.

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Guest RyanCade
=Bart;638329]Ryan I would not post anything you are not comfortable sharing at this time. You are absolutely correct given this forum much like emails is not a conversation where tone and facial expression can do far more for interpetation than words we hear.

Although I have read where some do not like smiley annotations, those do go a long way towards interpetation.

I understand and for this reason I pay very close attention to the fine lines here in the forum. I see the potential for disaster and again I sometimes question my sanity and reasoning behind my strong desire to participate. My passion for my job had me toiling in my own head with so many questions and ideas i thought I would never have time to get all the answers, and still won't. But I started trying to understand these complex relationships in my second week of escorting. I started taking poles asking my clients questions in person long before my rocky start here on Daddy's forum. I was here to save my name and quickly realized I had found the limitless supply of information, ideas, opinions and most important years of wisdom and experience. I enjoy the discussions here and am aware of the unpredictable nature of the forum and have made the decision to continue participating, as I find the rewards are worth , dancing around landmines from time to time. I don't feel like I wouldn't want to say how I feel here, I just have to be very careful that in conveying my thoughts and feelings that they are not misunderstood, lacking the benefit of eye contact and body language does challenge me, and requires more effort, but again, to me it's worth the rewards.



I would have my emotions played with, an unscrupulous escort nearly ruin my personal life, I open my mouth once to often like a know-it-all and have to apologize profusely to an escort for my indiscretions, all because I thought I was helping.
This open statement speaks volumes with respect to your character and growth. Doesn't sound like it was always fun, but it seems you were able to learn from and ultimately make improvements. I am just beginning bound to make mistakes and get myself into, not so pleasant situations as well. I hope I can be as lucky as you and weather the storms. and be here to talk about it years down the road.



I had an escort give me STD's and another at least call me to tell me afterwards he had an STD which I did not receive, thankfully. I have had an escort badger me, numerous times to write a review that I finally had balls to say no, I had an escort ask me not to write a positive review.
There are issues on both sides, all legitimate and equally frustrating. Part of what I like about the forum is that for the most part everyone seems to take into consideration the other side of reasoning and a certain amount of leeway is granted on both sides



I have had to cancel a couple of times on escorts with travel and one time caused signficant problems for the escort and again I have to apologize profusely. So basically I am saying we never stop learning but I have learned to minimize my mistakes. I have tried hard to be a better client. But in the end we all do make mistakes. I think sometimes as clients we have to remember that for working guy this is usually his paycheck and the working guy, clients can be like scared rabbits as none of wants to make the wrong hire and sometimes nerves get the better of us


So Ryan take your time, you have made a good impression on the forum despite a rocky start a couple of months ago. Try to remain positive. But you are not always going to make the perfect post and I am sure there will be plenty of us to let you know it too, hopefully no more than a yappy little dog and a nip at the heel, annoying as hell but not a deep 6er.

Thanks for your words of wisdom, they are welcome and well received. I will indeed proceed with caution, and do my best not to run in front of buses, but can't promise not to play in traffic all together. I will keep a positive attitude though... :D
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Guest TBinCHI

I am one of those guys that enjoys an escort's participation on this board. All the posters are right, however, that you have to be careful with what you say. I think I've mentioned before about an escort who posted about his irritation about being approached by men over 40 when he was on his own time. That was just plain stupid and a good example not to follow.


However, I enjoy learning about how an escort thinks. For me, as I do not hire just for a sexual experience, it helps to know if I will have anything in common. In several instances (Juan Vancouver and Rick & Derek) my desire to hire them was greatly enhanced by what they were posting here.


So, my suggestion is to speak your mind in a polite and engaging fashion. I've always believed that it is fine to disagree with anybody (and I've disagreed with plenty) as long as you do so in a polite and respectful manner. That way clients have more to go on in making their decisions.

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Ryan, Glad your here




To be honest, your posts have always intrigued me, you don't just lightly touch on topics but actually engage in the forum. I appreciate that and I do realize that as an escort that sometime paints a target on you. I can only say as I did before, I hope that it gains you more clientele than you lose.


I know others say you had a rocky start, I wasn't here so I have no idea. However, I find your presence here on the forum a very positive one, polite, but thoughtful and thought provoking. So keep up tiptoeing through the forum mindfield, I appreciate it and remember to tell us when your making a trip North;)

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Guest RyanCade


To be honest, your posts have always intrigued me, you don't just lightly touch on topics but actually engage in the forum. I appreciate that and I do realize that as an escort that sometime paints a target on you. I can only say as I did before, I hope that it gains you more clientele than you lose.


I know others say you had a rocky start, I wasn't here so I have no idea. However, I find your presence here on the forum a very positive one, polite, but thoughtful and thought provoking. So keep up tiptoeing through the forum mindfield, I appreciate it and remember to tell us when your making a trip North;)


Very Kind words, That means a lot. I am receiving many different reactions most of them positive. all useful in some way though. Thank You. :)

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