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Where are these clients that actually post Reviews

Guest RyanCade
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Guest RyanCade

I have been an escort for a year and a half, I have yet to see a review posted on this or MER. This was brought to my attention by interested clients, who did not hire me because, I was an "unknown entity" I have no doubt that my clients are very happy & satisfied, my regular client base silently confirms this.. BUT Why don't they write reviews? Doesn't it seem inappropriate to ask for reviews? Any thought or advice would be greatly appreciated. Peace

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Ask for the Sale...


I have been an escort for a year and a half, I have yet to see a review posted on this or MER. This was brought to my attention by interested clients, who did not hire me because, I was an "unknown entity" I have no doubt that my clients are very happy & satisfied, my regular client base silently confirms this.. BUT Why don't they write reviews? Doesn't it seem inappropriate to ask for reviews? Any thought or advice would be greatly appreciated. Peace


Did you AFTR? The equivalent in Sales is: "Ask For The Sale" :)


I suspect that if you ask 10 of your clients, at least one will submit a review. That'll will probably get you another 10 clients, one of which will submit a review. Repeat as Necessary.


Also it won't hurt if your

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Guest greatness



I usually don't write reviews even though an escort is exceptional. I wrote several reviews for only one escort due to a personal reason. If an escort asks me to write one, I would be glad to. However, I tend to leave the details out because I want it to be something special. You don't broadcast your honeymoon on the internet, do you? I want to remember my encounter with an escort as something special that only two people know about.


I have been an escort for a year and a half, I have yet to see a review posted on this or MER. This was brought to my attention by interested clients, who did not hire me because, I was an "unknown entity" I have no doubt that my clients are very happy & satisfied, my regular client base silently confirms this.. BUT Why don't they write reviews? Doesn't it seem inappropriate to ask for reviews? Any thought or advice would be greatly appreciated. Peace
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Guest adnyuki

In posting reviews here, I am selective ver "who" I write about. Only one guy over the years solicited a review, and to be honest, he was not that great, and I only did it out of politeness.


Generally when I decide to write a review, I ALWAYS ask the permission of the escort first (if it is to be a positive one), out of respect for their privacy and their feelings. Many are not even familiar with this sight, and so they are not even sure what the recommenation or review is.


When it is a NEGATIVE review, I do it more as a service for those who read reviews of guys here and I want to warn them.:cool:

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Guest RyanCade

I just added links to a few review sites, including this one, to my automated e-mail response with a request for reviews.. Thanks for your input...

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Guest RyanCade

I can understand your point, as I would not really want the details broadcast either, for one reason, chemistry determines how my time is spent with my clients, and each one is an individual and require many different angles of approach. After reading a detailed review from an amazing client, ones expectations may supersede the actual experience. Anyway, just a bit off subject sorry.. But the positive impact good reviews have is reason enough to express your gratitude and appreciation for a good escort.. :-)

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Guest greatness

I know


I was disappointed a couple of times due to having extremely high expectations. I don't blame escorts. If there is no chemistry then it's hard for an escort to provide a desirable service for me. I love being bonded emotionally and mentally with my companion. I love going to dinner with one of the escorts I've met. He sang very briefly in the restaurant once. It was the best song I have ever heard!


I can understand your point, as I would not really want the details broadcast either, for one reason, chemistry determines how my time is spent with my clients, and each one is an individual and require many different angles of approach. After reading a detailed review from an amazing client, ones expectations may supersede the actual experience. Anyway, just a bit off subject sorry.. But the positive impact good reviews have is reason enough to express your gratitude and appreciation for a good escort.. :-)


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I posted a similar topic on MER a few months back, asking "why dont clients leave reviews".


Before I head out, I can say to not let the fact that many escorts on the forums having reviews make you want to start campaigning for reviews LOL. I only have 1 review and I been working for a year now (which isnt a long time, but...).


At one point I started to want more reviews, and for a couple months I would ask some clients who I knew had a very good time for a review. I wouldnt recommend it. Non of them wrote a review or visited the site I asked. Nor did they respond to the email I sent either. I dont blame them cause I dont like when stores ask me to write a survey or feedback, even if I buy from them all the time and think they are the best thing.


Even simpler, think about when you first started. Many of us did very well when we first hit the scene. We had no reviews, grainy photos...yet things seemed to come easily. although after awhile you begin to acquire regulars. I've also yet to have a client say to me, "so where are your reviews?" But I did have one say he read my review and it made him comfortable about hiring. (I also had a client confirm to another that I wasnt a cop, not sure why he thought I was LOL)


At this point, I dont ask for reviews nor do I care. If they offer to, great...if not then no need to ask during or after the booking. Also, I think posting on here is almost like a review in itself to atleast get familiar with others. If you look around, you will read about clients who've hired guys with excellent reviews and were disappointed, and clients who hired a guy with 0 reviews and had a great time.


Eventually, I think the reviews will come...or at the least someone will write something quick on the forum about the experience. I wouldnt press it, it can be frustrating when you ask for a review and they dont do it.


And I agree with greatness...keeping it between the 2 does feel nice

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Guest zipperzone
I just added links to a few review sites, including this one, to my automated e-mail response with a request for reviews.. Thanks for your input...


It could also be beneficial if you showed an address for your web page - I presume you have one. How else are we to know about your attributes?

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It's all about chemistry


I was disappointed a couple of times due to having extremely high expectations. I don't blame escorts. If there is no chemistry then it's hard for an escort to provide a desirable service for me. I love being bonded emotionally and mentally with my companion. I love going to dinner with one of the escorts I've met. He sang very briefly in the restaurant once. It was the best song I have ever heard!


I have to agree that it's all about chemistry, and it's difficult to write a fair review of a great escort with whom you have no chemistry or of a bad escort with whom you have great chemistry. (I've had both experiences.) All I really look for when reading reviews is whether the escort is professional (did he communicate well, was he timely, reliable, hygienic, etc.), if he performed in a manner consistent with established expectations and if he was attentive to the client's needs. Comments on particular skills ("he knows how to fuck" or "he's great at oral") just aren't that valuable to me because how do I know if what I like matches up with what the other client likes. Comments extolling the rapture of the session are entirely worthless to me or other readers (and may be counterproductive to the escort by setting expectations so unreasonably high), so it's always funny to read reviews that try to out-rapture the prior reviewers.


That being said, no escort ever has to sing for me. I'm tone deaf.

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Client Reviews


I've hired my fair share of escorts and written a good number of reviews (mostly positive but a few negative ones too). Frankly, most encounters don't reach a threshold where either a positive or negative review is warranted so I don't post (would be too boring I think). For those encounters, if asked I would politely decline and give my reasons so that it could be perhaps of some value to the escort on why, in my view, it didn't merit a review.


For those that are great experiences I will always ask the escort if they would like for me to post something and if they are open to it I would get some kind of idea as to how they felt about how much detail to give or not give.


I woul suggest to any escort interested in getting reviewed that they simply mention that if the client had a good time a review would be nice. Nothing wrong with asking for a review, mentioning it at the end of the encounter and then again in a followup email with a link to this site.


Btw, I speculate that maybe some clients whom an escort believed had a great time will not post either because they aren't aware of the review sites (easily fixed by making them aware), their lazy, the client actually didn't have as good a time as the escort thought or because if they haven't posted before here they will be required to give some contact information that may be an issue for the client if for whatever reason they just don't want to give out their phone number (required of first time reviewers).

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Guest RyanCade

Well said JackCali


JackCali, Thank you!! That was the point I was trying to convey. I don't think you could have simplified that anymore.. Thank you...

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Guest RyanCade

Thanks Wayout, Some very good points. I have an automated email response but never thought of a follow up email. I think I'll try that.. Peace

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Good topic and one that brought something to mind. Is it common or appropriate to ask the escort if you can post a review? I ask because I have submitted a couple, and never asked the escort before doing so. Just wondering if I am the owner of bad manners. If that is the case and I need to recant to a couple of great guys that rocked my world with my apologies and oversight, for failing to ask, not for the mind-blowing good times.

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I don't see how you could ever be wrong giving a public thank you, which is the least a good review is. If you found them in a public venue, how could they not like good advertising? As for revealing what transpired, that is largely up to you and how you feel; after all, most likely, if they did it for you, they will do it for others.


Best regards,


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unrequested reviews


This is something I've wondered about as well. I've posted many reviews (using a different screen name from the one I use to post in the message center), and most of the time it was without asking the escort if he wanted a review. What I discovered was that if I made any comment in a review that could be construed as anything less than highly complimentary, the escort would write some nasty comeback. Which tended to put me off writing reviews that were not either exuberantly enthusiastic or strongly negative. I figured writing the negative ones was a consumer protection duty, and writing the very positive ones was a way to help the escort with his business. And, like a prior poster on this thread, if a session was just kind of blah, not really the escort's fault but just no chemistry on the occasion, I would not write anything. ("Nothing to write home about, Ma.... so no review.")


But I wonder, could it be that some escorts don't want a good review because then they'll be flooded with phone calls, only a small percentage of which will turn into real business?

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...if a session was just kind of blah, not really the escort's fault but just no chemistry on the occasion, I would not write anything. ...

I can conceive of ways in which a review of a blah encounter could still be valuable. Information about an escort's communication skills, professionalism, looks (in relation to his pictures, for example) might be useful. And if you can put your finger on what made the session blah for you, that also might help others figure out whether to hire him.


This isn't quite the same thing, but I'm reminded of one of the first reviews I did. The escort was someone I did not plan to hire again and I was honest about that. The reasons had to do with physical type, which wasn't completely apparent from his ads. Nonetheless, he scored high in many other respects, and I knew there were clients out there for whom he would be just right.

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Guest zipperzone



It could also be beneficial if you showed an address for your web page - I presume you have one. How else are we to know about your attributes?


As you have had two days to reply, and didn't, are we to assume you have no web site? If not - isn't that unusual? How do you get your clients?

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I have written multiple reviews for this site and MER and have never been asked by an escort to write one. I would NOT be offended, in the least, if I were asked. I would always be pleasant and agree. Then if I didn't feel the encounter warranted a review I would simply forget I had agreed to write one.


Now as to the content of reviews. When I read a review, I want to know EXACTLY what the escort I am considering hiring WILL and WILL NOT. I HATE reviews in which the reviewer refuses to discuss detail because he wants to keep what happened private. If the reviewer wants to keep private what happened then I don't understand why the hell he is attempting to write a review. What's the f--king point?????

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Guest greatness



It is basically in a review what an escort will do or not. When I read a review even without specific details I pretty much get what an escort will do or not. You can write a review without being too graphic and deliver your message.






I have written multiple reviews for this site and MER and have never been asked by an escort to write one. I would NOT be offended, in the least, if I were asked. I would always be pleasant and agree. Then if I didn't feel the encounter warranted a review I would simply forget I had agreed to write one.


Now as to the content of reviews. When I read a review, I want to know EXACTLY what the escort I am considering hiring WILL and WILL NOT. I HATE reviews in which the reviewer refuses to discuss detail because he wants to keep what happened private. If the reviewer wants to keep private what happened then I don't understand why the hell he is attempting to write a review. What's the f--king point?????

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It is basically in a review what an escort will do or not. When I read a review even without specific details I pretty much get what an escort will do or not. You can write a review without being too graphic and deliver your message.


I agree that one doesn't have to go into graphic (or pornographic) detail about one's encounter with an escort... but how useful is the review of a restaurant when a reviewer doesn't tell you what s/he ordered or even what was on the menu but insists they had a great time anyway?? And, IMO, there are far too many escort reviews that fall into this kind of category...



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I went into a restaurant. The service from the attractive smiling waitstaff was professional, courteous and prompt. My every need was anticipated and fulfilled. The atmosphere was sublime, the menu creative, the execution superb. Every sense was stimulated. I can tell you that I have never had a better meal and I will be returning again and again. So if you like well prepared, flavorful and colorful cuisine presented with an expertise rarely found, dine here. There is something on the menu for everyone.

Wanna go?

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