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No Justice for the 4th......

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Having just read Steven's latest post and David's post, I think we have a perfect example of the diference between taking the high or the low road.

One can only hope that this thread will pass on to eternity soon.


I hadn't planned to respond here after reading ALL responses very CAREFULLY But sf westcoaster's response ignited the urge to do so! Thanks, sfwc!!!


Please, please, please, FELLOWS, allow this "thread to pass into oblivion!"

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Po-dunk and line dancing !


David now wait a minute !! If you want to visit Po-Dunk and do some line dancing then you need to visit me !!!! I can line dance with the best of them !!! hehehhehehe:p Po-Dunk in the summer time is HOT !!!:eek: I liked your response as it was very nice and very personal !!:)

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WOW........ Pinocchio is mean !!!


I started this thread more as informative than accusatory... I have always talked about my experiences with escorts here.... it's the Deli... a place to discuss escorts... It was NEVER my intention to vilify Andrew Justice. NEVER. Can we now be clear about that, please? My alleged outburst of anger (or whatever that homely little gnome said) included such insults "as good as it gets" " one of the best ever" "pretty dick" "awesome ass" "gorgeous face"... so, as you can clearly see, I hate him. Quite on the contrary.......


The issue was very simple. I thought that he should have honored his original commitment. It's kind of like when Christopher/NYC cancelled on me.... he said yes, all good and then a week before he got here, not so much. He called and said that his bf (the same one that he had when he booked the appt) told him that he couldn't go.... so, it was true love or money? He opted for true love (and then called me a week later and wanted to rebook) and that is the same choice that Justice has made..... and in our emails since this complete clusterfuck of a thread, I have wished him the very best and I sincerely hope that he finds his true happiness. I just thought that this happiness could have waited 3 weeks??? Then we would have all been happy... but oh well, it was his call. He made it and I wish him the very best and if he ever dips that big dick back in the escorting pool.... I will see him again and again and again.... He and I and David and Jawja are all good.....


Now, to deal with the elf in the room.....


It's funny to me ( and I use that word as in ironic, not as in hilarious.... because if I wanted to be hilarious I would have thrown in "chill pill"... that must be a real knee slapper in Brussels... because you wear it the fuck out) that I used to get e-cards from you on my birthday... at Christmas.... and you were more than willing to accept all invitations (girls, I only made two.... one more than I should have.) to this hell hole that is Oklahoma and where we sit and gossip about other escorts because that is ALL we do here, right?? But you only really turned on me (and became the cunt that you are today) when the invitations stopped coming..... and I started inviting David.... and you thought that JT and I were plotting against you...... and I still have that hysterical hissy fit of an email to prove it..... should I share it??? I think it speaks volumes about it's author... you know maybe they should consider the source.....


Now, while I realize that English isn't your first language ( and what would that be ???? Pixie?) you do realize that words like "honesty" and "integrity" are words that probably should never be used by the IceFireWizard of lying, duplicitous lore... Well, apparently, you don't. So stupid. But then, again, you aren't very clever girl....


Other words you should probably avoid.... "obsessive".... would that be like in your pathological jealousy of all other escorts??? All guys that you think are better looking than you are (which, by the way, would be about all of them...) Especially David. You know, honestly, I used to wonder what JT's problem with you was and it used to annoy the Hell out of me the way that you couldn't say anything without him nailing you.... but turns out, JT had your number all along... And "addiction"... (cue... picture of refrigerator full of beer.... because it was SO goddamned funny the first time... I laughed so hard that I had to take a chill pill) Be honest for once, did I get drunk with you? Hell, no.... though, I wanted to after seeing your face, the GREAT, much reviewed, and at that time, years ago, much sought after, Steven Draker walk off the plane and seriously, my first thought was, "He must represent the Lollipop Guild. or the Lullaby League ..... or is he the Mayor of Munchkin town?.. Dammit, the reviews were right... his face IS elfin.. Nice ass..... make the best of it " One other word.. "unhealthy"... like what steroids are doing to your elfin face? Scary. Kathleen Turner used to say, "When you reach a certain age, you have to make a choice.... your ass or your face......" Clearly, the Swiss Miss has chosen his ass.... but it always was his best feature....


And really, rest easy... desperation is so unattractive..... you've still got a few good months left and as long as they don't see your face first, you're good.... keep showing that ass.... same stuff comes out of both ends, anyway, eventually.


And no worries, really, Greatness likes you ... good luck with that.... he compared you to a mean Russian woman.... pretty much sums it up for me.....


And rest assured that we don't talk about you.... you are such old news, sorry.... unless, you count the times when someone had .... um.. a problem.. you know, too many chili dogs on the plane... and they had to take a break and .. um ...refresh.... we do always say, in unison, when they are in the shower, "Take your time ... don't be a Draker!!!"


Seriously, you know how you are.... actual quote, "Well, some guys like it dirty..:"


I wasn't one of them.


You will never be the escort that David is ..... or that Andrew was and hopefully, will be again .... and I seriously feel sorry for all the guys out there that think that you are the best that they can pay for.....


Raise the bar guys!!!

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Intervene Please, Daddy!


I feel Okliehomo should be allowed the last word on this.


Escorts come and go. In this severe recession, there are many new young guys starting to escort. Few escorts do "retire" as psychotherapists acknowledge. The combination of sex on demand, ready tax-free cash and an instant social life is all too heady and often impossible to give up for a regular life of long working hours and moderate income.


I say this, knowing that in writing on the internet I am essentially speaking to myself. I do like the exchange of views on this site. I value the information gained here. But in contrast to other informative websites I use, such as Flyertalk, there does seem to be a certain mean-spiritedness here at times.


I do therefore wonder why Daddy has not closed this thread. I cannot see that its continuance is helpful to anyone.

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Guest TNT Ted

More Thoughts for Okie


I just thought that this happiness could have waited 3 weeks??? Then we would have all been happy.


Well, not really, since he had made a commitment to me for September. Perhaps not as elaborate as your fourth-fest, but a commitment nonetheless. (And to clarify – it was for several days and there was money exchanged up front – which he no longer owes to me). So, for all of us to be happy, should he have waited 3 more months before making his call? I don’t think so. He made the call when he felt it was right for him, which as everyone agrees, was not on the way to the airport to see you, but three weeks prior. Ample time, IMO, to re-arrange the place cards for your party --- which you apparently have already done.


Truthfully, Okie, what disturbs me most about your posts is your unstated, but obvious wish that he return to escorting. Your remark about eating pussy vs. getting rimmed, along with your suggestion that the unused ticket might eventually get him back to OKC, pretty much confirms that. And yes, I can read between his lines that there’s a bit of uncertainty in his decision, but I think he’s made it clear that porn and escorting are not his first lifestyle choices, and that most likely his happiness will come from leading a more “normal” life. So, if you truly want him to find his happiness, are you ready to give up the thought of seeing him again?


There is probably no one out there that will miss him more than I (and I’ve spent many indescribably beautiful hours with him), however I hope he never returns. But that’s only because I don’t think he really wants to. In fact, even if he should come back, I’m not sure it could be the same for me. As much as I’d want to continue to experience what has been an unforgettable relationship, I’m not sure I could erase from my mind the thought it isn’t what he really wants to do.



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So much for taking the high road, Okliehomo's attack on Steven Draker was one of the meanest things I have ever seen here. You can attack a person's ideas, but to go after his looks is uncalled for,


Frankly, Okliehomo, you sound like a rejected schoolgirl. How dare Billy not go to the dance with me! He promised!

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it was bound to happen sooner or later


So much for taking the high road, Okliehomo's attack on Steven Draker was one of the meanest things I have ever seen here. You can attack a person's ideas, but to go after his looks is uncalled for,


Frankly, Okliehomo, you sound like a rejected schoolgirl. How dare Billy not go to the dance with me! He promised!


I am not one for attacking people. I dont like it even if I want to do it, I dont like it.

However Lucky after months and months of of attacks by Draker on escorts, posters, clients, volunteers and a holier than thou attitude or take a chill pill / pictures of a filthy man at a computer smoking/ refrigeraters full of beer. attack after attack it was bound to hurt someones feelings.

Draker brought this on himself he does not attack other peoples ideas he attacks their character their business their integrity and lobs swipes at every turn and it has been noted many many times in various threads.

so its really no surprise to me that someone has taken a swipe at him

he has stepped on the toes of his fellows for so long and comes to the USA to earn a living and then turns his nose up at the people here as if we are dirt and he is a gift to us.

so spare me the meanest thing you have ever heard

have you read some of his posts

I believe he has nothing good to say about me and have read private messages and emails sent to various posters and clients spewing very sorted lies in an attempt to prevent them from hiring me.

some very damaging accusations about me.

too bad he lacks the balls to send them from his own profile or email address

but because I cant prove that they are really from him and because i would never ever want to tarnish his "stellar" reputation

I keep my mouth shut as much as possible.

but the writing and insinations are identical and go hand in hand with his posts on the MC and dates align with his attacks so i cant prove it i dont have to i dont want to I dont care. i dont have to care.

his antics on this board are nothing short of troll behavior at best

with a little bit of glenda the good witch posting in between.

and just to add a little more fuel to the fire

his behavior on the at a charity event this year earned him the nick name princess high maintenance by hard working volunteers that he for 7 long days made crazy.

it was despicable and ridicules to behave as if he was owed something. while everyone else was busting their asses to make the week a success

and have fun he was busy making demands of an already strecthed crew

so if you cant walk the walk dont talk the talk

this, reffering to his wonderful analogy of "good karma begets good karma"

PUUUULLLLEEESSEE i would not want to be next to him in a thunder storm

I am sick of this thread through and through I am growing more and more sick of this board.

I think if you actually read the posts you would see that AJ is very much loved and everything is cool with OKIE and the issues hardly a school girl acting out

its Draker who has never met AJ never been to the rodeo that has to chime in everytime Okie makes a post calling him a drunk and unhealthy etc etc etc bllah blah fucking blah Draker is the obessed one and the school girl acting out. I have been there and watched it with my own eyes.

as an escort i cant condon the quip about his looks but I remember clearly Draker attacking escorts about their looks on many many occasians and if you like I can pull up the 470 or so posts he has made in refference to looks age and appearance honesty integrity business sense etc etc etc

so if someone makes their bed then for crying out loud dont crawl into it with them.

let it die its so lame now Draker will survive and benefit from this free press

and come out shining like a new penny he seems to manage "without" grace nor dignity everytime so it must be working for him.:rolleyes:

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I feel Okliehomo should be allowed the last word on this.




I do therefore wonder why Daddy has not closed this thread. I cannot see that its continuance is helpful to anyone.



Amen! Amen! Amen! Hallelujah! I do so much agree with you, MscleLovr and my other cyber associate who alluded to the same thing!! -:)

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OK Guys...


People with hangovers, take two large glasses of water and two aspirin, then go back to bed.


People without hangovers, please don't kick the people with hangovers; they're in enough pain already. (You are however allowed to laugh at them quietly)


P.S. Locking the thread 'cause I'm tired of the drama!

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