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Providing for the disabled

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So here it is another week in NYC flying home now.

I am exhausted but elated at the same time.

Its so rare that I get to have an opportunity to provide an encounter

with someone that has a physical disability.

I see a very wide range of clients and many of them leave behind great memories.

I cant help how I feel when I complete an appointment with someone

that cant see or hear or has some sort of injury that may cause them to be isolated from intimacy.

Its really a whole other level of encounter that really knocks me off my game sometimes and humbles me.

I really get to see a whole other side of this work.

I often wonder how other escorts feel when they leave an appointment

like this.

Part of me thinks its just my huge ego and

I should not think so highly of myself that i did anything special.

after all these people have the same needs as anyone else.

Yet I cant ignore the difference in the way I feel after the encounter.

It does feel somehow spiritual and uplifting.

So do many other regular appointments but there is something more there.

I guess the best way to explain it is the thought i had right after the appointment.


"This is exactly why what I am doing is good and the right thing to do"


I guess I am just really bored and ringing my own bell here a bit too much.

a 6 hour flight can do that to you thank god Virgin has wifi.

anyway if any other guys on here have encounters like this I would love to read about them.

xo David

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Iv had massage clients like that. I had a guy a few times that was totally deaf. 2 months ago I had 2 clients in one week that had disability's. the first guy had cerebral palsy the second had a colostomy bag. Sometimes I feel great for being the one that brought them some small relief. Sometimes I feel sad about their condition, But more than anything I get pissed off when they tell me other masseurs have turned them down as clients.. A massage is a service just like going to the doctor or to the dentist and their are only a few circumstances where a client should be turned away.

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Guest Wetnwildbear

Sex is Natural Sex is Fun


I agree nearly everyone needs and/or craves sex and physical contact


regardless of physical or mental disability.


Several of my most sensual-steamy-hot-mindblowing sexual experiences


have been with men who were totally deaf. I dont read lips or sign,


but we communicated well enuf to end up together nekkid, throbbing, sweat-soaked and





I do believe I'm getting the Vapors - just remembering those lovely men.

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Everyone needs and craves love. :)


I agree nearly everyone needs and/or craves sex and physical contact


regardless of physical or mental disability.


Several of my most sensual-steamy-hot-mindblowing sexual experiences


have been with men who were totally deaf. I dont read lips or sign,


but we communicated well enuf to end up together nekkid, throbbing, sweat-soaked and





I do believe I'm getting the Vapors - just remembering those lovely men.

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Ya... David, I was reading the comments and your entry. There was mention of guys being turned down by Escorts or body rub guys. Like... coming to the meeting place and then simply saying "No" and turning around and walking away because they had some judgements about age, looks, dress, any number of things. I've had people relate their experiences to me about those same incidents. I can't say what is and what is not right for anyone. In one respect I think it;s better then if the person stays tries to fake it and fails... just stays for the money or something. That's almost double humiliation.

When I first posted an ad for Escorting, I really went into it thinking that no one would really hire me anyways. I was really kind of shocked when I got an inquiry~

There's a whole lot of people out there, (Clients and Escorts whoever...), that are youngre then me, more musclular, more handsome, more funny, more smart... just MORE~ I have my strengths and beauties though and find that most everyone else does too. Maybe it;s their eyes, their smile, their sense of humor, the way they hug or kiss or touch or fuck or.... Just OR~! I git the whole media cultural "Marketable Beauty" concept~ It has it's place but is definately not the final say in an individuals capacity for being Beautiful of Intimate... Sexy, Loving, Hot~!I like the difference i people. It expands my knowledge and experience base. I grow from it and enjoy the uniqueness of people. I'd be bored to tears if everyone was the same. They are not though. Each individual and extraordinary intheir lives and I feel greatful that they are sharing some part of that with me. Did you ever watch the MIss America pageant or look at muscle mags or celebrity rags? After awhile I just start thinking to myself: "Yuck~ Send i the clones. Don;t bother they're here~ Zzzzzzzzzz"

I like teh variety and differences in people. I like the sharing whether it's being nasty or totally romantic. I am less interested in what things are supposed to be and more intersted in what is real. When people share the real part of themselves with me I feel Honored and privilaged. Great to have experiences that are REAL AND HOT!





http://www.daddysreviews.com/review.php?who=tyger_portland http://www.maleescortreview.com (Tygerscent in Portland, Oregon)

http://www.rentmen.com (AAAtygerscentXXX in Portland Oregon) http://www.men4rentnow.com (tygerscent in Portland, Oregon)


Portland: May 8th thru 12th

Chicago: May 17th thru June 2nd

Portland: June 3rd thru 16th

SF: June 17th thru 23rd

LA: June 23rd thru 28th

Portland: June 28th thru July 12ish

NYC: Last week in July

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We are all imperfect in our own way


Thanks David for bringing this up. I have had the priveledge of personally experiencing your gifts and also those of Tyger more than once so I know you two are consistent in how you relate to people. It appears the other commentators share your characteristics. You all have the same empathy and abilty to relate to individual people in the moment. You don't see people's flawes, you see their strengths. It doesn't matter whether the imperfection (off of the media's portrayal of perfection) is age, excessive weight, physical limitations like blindness, hearing imparement, missing limbs, or something else. You look past those things and find common areas of attraction that advances the intimacy of your encounter. I know I felt it immediately when we met. My insecurities about my own imperfections vanished when I saw desire in your eyes and I felt wanted. That's the gift. The fact that we had mind blowing sex as well as the intimacy is just the icing on the cake. Escorts who are in it solely for the money won't relate to this at all. Feel good that you can bring joy to people but don't think of those with the classic disabilities (hate that lable) as any different than those with the disabilities that you can't see on the surface. We are all imperfect and we are the same in more ways that we are different. Just treat everyone with respect and continue to find people's strengths and you won't go wrong. I know that as long as a client treats you with respect, you will deliver nothing less.

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Guest RianB

I've met some guys over the months who had slight disabilities or major operations but I didnt let it get between anything. And neither did they ;)


I think another consideration is language differences. When I lived in Miami I spoke to several potentials who didnt know hardly any English. I was able to communicate in email but not so much in conversation. Well I ended up meeting a client who barely knew English, and I barely understood Spanish...But somehow we ended up from point A to point B with no mis-understanding

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Guest maleescort

me too


Actually that just happened to me for the first time. This regular that I have had for years, a big guy pushing 70, just broke his arm and he hadn't had a shower in two weeks because he couldn't get the cast wet. I helped him put on this plastic guard on the cast and then I helped him shower. He was grateful. It was nice. It just took an additional 20 minutes on top of the hour he paid me for.

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What goes up . . .


I've a friend in his later 50's who for many years provided thai massage and perhaps more to a roster of senior citizens. Several years ago, he almost died from Gullian-Barre syndrome, spent several years hospitalized and got out significantly disabled. His fingers don't function and he needs a wheelchair to get around even in his home. But a few of his old clients (very few - it's true) have learned about his return and still come by to visit and when he does for them what he can, they pay him handsomely. He was uninsured and the cost of his medical care over that time was close to $1,000,000. Several of those guys were extraordinarily generous in helping him pay some of those costs.


So guys, when you face a client whose chemistry/disability deters you, just remember that it may be worth your while to treat him well. He may be the one who can and will help you out when your chips are down. After all, he's already picked you out as someone special.

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Guest Wetnwildbear

One Moment - One Missed Step


Thanks g56whiz for sharing the story.


I have had more than my share of broken bones/torn ligaments/discs, etc., fortunately all


temporary disabilities. Some of the workplace training that I present involves


disability awareness.



I always remind my students - that we are all just one distracted


moment behind the wheel, one missed-step on the way to the train, one moment in the


doctors' office, etc., away from being the next physically impaired person.



It was less than 20 years ago that Bush 1, signed the American's With Disabilites Act


(July 1990). Your story is a great reminder to all to be kind and caring, for in so many


ways we are all amazingly fragile creatures.

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David, I find your post and the responses here very heartening. Several years ago, a new member posted here because he was upset about the way he had been treated by a pair of well reviewed escorts; he was seriously disabled by severe birth defects. I was so appalled at some of the nasty comments that were made to him by posters here on the MB, who accused him of being a liar and a whiner, that I made an effort to contact him privately; he gave me access to his professional website, so I could see why most men would find him physically unappealing. However, he turned out to be a sweet, sincere man in a very difficult situation because of his dependence on others who were unaware of his sexual orientation and who would not have accepted it. He was devastated by the reaction he received here, where he had hoped for some support, and he said he couldn't face visiting the site anymore; he was also reluctant to hire again, even though he had no other sexual outlet. I wish he had encountered you instead of the escorts he chose (who still get good reviews).

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It's interesting to read Charlie's post right after Daddy's, because if you hear Charlie, Daddy does have to worry. Charlie says that escorts who are receiving good reviews right now are also turning a cold eye to the very kind of people that David writes about. It's clear that the job may be getting done by some, but more educating needs to be done as well.

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Actually that just happened to me for the first time. This regular that I have had for years, a big guy pushing 70, just broke his arm and he hadn't had a shower in two weeks because he couldn't get the cast wet. I helped him put on this plastic guard on the cast and then I helped him shower. He was grateful. It was nice. It just took an additional 20 minutes on top of the hour he paid me for.




that is a very beautiful kindness. i'm sure he appreciated it very much. :)

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I am not an escort, but did any of you see the NBC Nightly News l;ast night. You know how they end each newcast in these economic downtimes with a story on something good that is happening? Well last night it was a story about how masseurs give free massages to people with cancer. The image of the black lady who had felt untouchable before the massage will stay in my mind for a long time. After, they showed hber looking at her glow in the mirror. You guys are doing the very same - and that really puts you in the highest of all categories, as far as this one ordinary guy is concerned!

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Iv given free therapeutic massages to those that are hiv positive b4 and some with cancer. Iv had a few that had horrible back problems maybe out of work for a few days but couldn't afford the price of a massage so i gave free therapeutic massages in those cases. however there are certain types of cancer were you can't give a massage.

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It's interesting to read Charlie's post right after Daddy's, because if you hear Charlie, Daddy does have to worry. Charlie says that escorts who are receiving good reviews right now are also turning a cold eye to the very kind of people that David writes about. It's clear that the job may be getting done by some, but more educating needs to be done as well.


Sorry but I'm going to have to disagree Lucky (:) what's new?). Working with the disabled can be very hard, if a person can handle it, then more power to them.


But I'm not going to knock someone if they can't handle it. Most of the time it's because they don't know how to interact. I had a mother that was heavily disfigured but of course as a child I didn't know that, she was simply my mother.


In my case, I tend to walk up to the person and ask them about it. Most of them have a short canned speech and are actually grateful to get it out the way. I'm a case in point, my psoriasis can be very disconcerting but the average person has no problem with it once I point out that it's a genetic condition.


Lucky, you've seen my hands and arms. Could you blame an escort for opting out? I can't and refuse to think ill of them if they do. However, for the escorts that are special enough to handle it, I'm forever grateful.


Medical problems are easy for me to handle because (usually) the impact doesn't hit me until after the problem is taken care off. So a little stink, a bit of excrement, or a touch of vomit is something that I can take care of easily with a simple invitation to the shower or a sponge bath as needed. BTW: Either can be a very sexy experience.


Some people (my business partner included) can't handle it, and in their case the best practice for them is to head the other direction before a "loss of dignity" occurs. In my case, I know that if a smelly mess rears it's ugly head, I'm the one that's going to handle it.

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Guest greatness

Thank you


Yes you are right David. You guys are doing something wonderful for the society and I appreciate every one of you. Have a great weekend guys!

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My heart belongs to Daddy.


Great points, Daddy, and very well said. Guys with the life experience and empathy to treat folks with kindness and affection, regardless of physical or emotional difficulties, are just that much more attractive in my eyes.


Conversely, I recall the guy that Charlie mentioned, and what a turn off it was to read some of the insensitive comments made to him.


A big dick may get me into the tent, but a big heart will keep me there.

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Daddy, I do understand that not all escorts can deal comfortably with disabilities. In the case I was referring to, however, the escorts took his money, but made it clear that they wanted as little physical interaction with him as possible, and ushered him out in much less time than he had paid for; I think they would have shown more integrity if they had just politely explained that they could not go through with the appointment. The client came here hoping for some sympathy from other clients, and for the most part he got dumped on. What heartened me about this thread was the positive responses by other posters, including yourself, to David's comments. I don't expect every escort to do exactly the same things that David is willing to do; I do expect them to be honest about what they won't do, and to be appropriately sensitive toward the client's feelings.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest redheaderic

My work is about connecting as humans


I used to help a friend in a wheelchair with some of her daily needs - including showering, using the bathroom, and getting to work on time. She and I don't live in the same place anymore, but I recently visited her in Canada. She introduced me to some friends, including a man who was also in a wheelchair and used a signboard to communicate through an aide. He was in his 30s and sex was about the only thing he wanted to talk about. That was a real shocker at the start of the conversation -- a big slap in the face to me about assuming that because he had a disability, he was a nonsexual person. Turns out that people with disabilities in Canada can get money to hire professionals as part of government assistance, which I think is amazing!

I've honestly had some of my hottest fun as a professional with a client with a disability.

For other professionals especially, there's an awesome list of articles and links here for starters:



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