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communicating with your peeps

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I notice that escorts are generally not very communicative on their own time. I don't mean when I'm with an escort, but later, when I send an e-mail thanking them, or saying hello or something just mundane. I wonder, does it make you nervous (I'm asking you escorts) to communicate too much with clients? Even if you know them and they're good clients whom you like?

I sometimes get the feeling that it's really not cool to send an escort a message unless it's specifically about hiring them.

Even guys I've seen several times will often not respond if I just send an e-mail about something unrelated to hiring them.

Is this situation as awkward as it sometimes feels?

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Guest LeoWalker

You need to keep in mind a lot of different factors. Are you an hourly client or an overnight client? If you were an hourly client, did you spend more than one hour with them and hold actual discussion? If the session was basically really short and to the point...you can't expect much response.


In my experience, I once held very lengthy email conversations with someone for a few months...where every few days we were exchanging emails that were at least a page to a couple pages long. Don't do that with him any longer, but in a way I miss it. Was very nice to have a pen pal...but also took a lot of time. Email for me, back then, was much easier than picking up the phone.


That's the other major consideration: time. If they do another profession they may not have the time to respond. As silly as that sounds, between clients and having miscellaneous online accounts it could take me hours a day to respond to every email. I do this full time...but for someone who doesn't, the contact could seem just as overwhelming.


I usually don't mind the communication...but as this is my only profession, feel that I should also be getting something in return for my continued time. That could be as simple as building an ongoing repeat client relationship. Depends on each case.


With that in mind, it's generally not an unreasonable request to hold communication. If you're not receiving what you're looking for, you may want to shift the type of relationship that you have with your escort to get more of their attention...or simply consider a different provider.

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Some are lazy or unorganized but the "good" ones are very busy and have a lot of email to answer. Often the "email" time is on "days off". You wouldn't want an escort to stop in the middle of visiting you and start returning email, would you?


Best regards,


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I'm only speaking for myself and expressing my opinions on this matter and want to point out that each escort, client and experience are different. For me, I very much try to keep in contact with past and current clients whether I was hired for just an hour, multiple hours, overnights or weekends. In my eyes, the client has taken the time to select me among many to spend time with and enjoy the companionship that I provide. With that said, I make it a point to immediately send out a thank you email, text or phone call (whichever is preferred by the client and the most secure method of communication for them) to express my sincere gratitude. Beyond that, I also try to continue communication with my clients after appointments because I feel that's the right thing to do but also because I truly want to continue speaking with them if that is something that the client is open to. Though, some clients choose to not have communication unless they're booking an appointment and if that is the case, I will certainly comply but that is rare and far between.


I have a number of clients that will forward me joke emails and in return, I read each of them and thank them for the funny forward along with sending them joke emails as well, again, if that's something that they are open to. I have found since I have been doing this that the communication between myself and my clients is appreciated because (again, in my opinion) the relationship extends beyond just the appointment. I also actively keep up with my clients life events, trips they're going on, how things are at their jobs (if they choose to inform me of such details) as a number of clients have become great friends and respected people that I go to for advice.


I know that each escort has their own business model that they operate by and with that said, all of us choose different paths with our clients. Plus, one must consider the situation as well. I know that for myself when I'm with a client for a weekend and/or overnight, it's not always possible to return emails in the most timely manner but when I am able to communicate with them, I thank the client for their email, text or phone call while also informing them as to why it has taken me a little time to get back to them. With a little honesty, most clients are very receptive and appreciate the feedback all the while understanding that it's not always possible to return emails within a few hours.


Now, since I'm a technology freak, it has become very beneficial for me to have my email account linked up to my phone in which I can receive and send emails when I'm not attached to my laptop. When I'm doing things around town and I receive messages, having such accounts linked to my phone has made communication very easy for me and not limited to just my laptop and the internet connection that it provides.


I'll get off my soap box now. :)


I notice that escorts are generally not very communicative on their own time. I don't mean when I'm with an escort, but later, when I send an e-mail thanking them, or saying hello or something just mundane. I wonder, does it make you nervous (I'm asking you escorts) to communicate too much with clients? Even if you know them and they're good clients whom you like?

I sometimes get the feeling that it's really not cool to send an escort a message unless it's specifically about hiring them.

Even guys I've seen several times will often not respond if I just send an e-mail about something unrelated to hiring them.

Is this situation as awkward as it sometimes feels?

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Guest Wetnwildbear

Once Easter Passes . . .


there is no need to communicate with my Peeps -


They have all been given good homes in the bellies of confused children who want


to know why a guy who came back from the dead hangs out every spring with chocolate


bunnies and sugarglazed pastel colored marshamallow chickens.


R.I.P. - Rest in Peeps!

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Guest Musclestudoh

I couldn't agree more! Your reply embodies the integrity and qualities that, IMHO, is one of the reasons you are so well spoken of in these forums and in reviews.


Those qualities and traits are inherent to the escort based on their demeanor and aren't easily learned or faked for very long. You truly have to be a genuine and sincere person in your personal life as well as your professional life or you will become transparent quickly.


I too have clients that I continue to have correspondence with however, it is only after they have responded back to my email thanking them for the session or given me the impression that is acceptable. Each client is different.


I too, at times, have to inform clients that my delay was due to being busy. I spend from 2-5 hours everyday with correspondence. Many clients aren't aware of how much response an escort can receive and how much time goes into setting up potential meetings. My travel schedule is usually a month or so in advance. So I am constantly planning.


I treat each potential client with respect and the courtesy of a response....even if we aren't going to be compatible and therefore can't meet. I do this because, like Romann said, the client has taken the time to select me out of many possible candidates, so they deserve the respect of a response.

This also sets up a lasting relationship and comfort level for both the client and escort.


I could write more...... but I will keep it at my "two-cents" worth. Now I will get off of MY soap box! :D


I'm only speaking for myself and expressing my opinions on this matter and want to point out that each escort, client and experience are different. For me, I very much try to keep in contact with past and current clients whether I was hired for just an hour, multiple hours, overnights or weekends. In my eyes, the client has taken the time to select me among many to spend time with and enjoy the companionship that I provide. With that said, I make it a point to immediately send out a thank you email, text or phone call (whichever is preferred by the client and the most secure method of communication for them) to express my sincere gratitude. Beyond that, I also try to continue communication with my clients after appointments because I feel that's the right thing to do but also because I truly want to continue speaking with them if that is something that the client is open to. Though, some clients choose to not have communication unless they're booking an appointment and if that is the case, I will certainly comply but that is rare and far between.


I have a number of clients that will forward me joke emails and in return, I read each of them and thank them for the funny forward along with sending them joke emails as well, again, if that's something that they are open to. I have found since I have been doing this that the communication between myself and my clients is appreciated because (again, in my opinion) the relationship extends beyond just the appointment. I also actively keep up with my clients life events, trips they're going on, how things are at their jobs (if they choose to inform me of such details) as a number of clients have become great friends and respected people that I go to for advice.


I know that each escort has their own business model that they operate by and with that said, all of us choose different paths with our clients. Plus, one must consider the situation as well. I know that for myself when I'm with a client for a weekend and/or overnight, it's not always possible to return emails in the most timely manner but when I am able to communicate with them, I thank the client for their email, text or phone call while also informing them as to why it has taken me a little time to get back to them. With a little honesty, most clients are very receptive and appreciate the feedback all the while understanding that it's not always possible to return emails within a few hours.


Now, since I'm a technology freak, it has become very beneficial for me to have my email account linked up to my phone in which I can receive and send emails when I'm not attached to my laptop. When I'm doing things around town and I receive messages, having such accounts linked to my phone has made communication very easy for me and not limited to just my laptop and the internet connection that it provides.


I'll get off my soap box now. :)

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It is not surprising that two of the respondants to this thread are true to their word even before you meet. Both Sean and Romann try very hard to set up a dialogue with clients before they meet. They are both generous with there time beyond the norm.


I too have tried to continue communications with gentlemen after a meeting. I generally will only do so with those it has been a longer meeting several hours to overnight. I would say on average one in ten has the desire and organization to do so. I have learned to also respect the gentleman's time, I am more likely to check in a more monthly basis, rather than weekly and if I know he is traveling or extended stay with a client I will usually not communicate until he is home.


One thing I do find a bit annoying with some is that a few of them encourage me to communicate with them and when I do I will get a response 2-3 months later. That is actually worse than not responding at all. I can think of two guys in the past year who I have had multiple overnights with who say they like hearing from me and it can go months before they respond to an email and I have decided not invest any more time with them. I also find it annoying when an guy will tell you I am just heading out the door and will get back to you when I get home and then never hear from them again.


I think for most it is a reflex action to find a happy medium between friendship and attachment.

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One thing I do find a bit annoying with some is that a few of them encourage me to communicate with them and when I do I will get a response 2-3 months later. That is actually worse than not responding at all. I can think of two guys in the past year who I have had multiple overnights with who say they like hearing from me and it can go months before they respond to an email and I have decided not invest any more time with them. I also find it annoying when an guy will tell you I am just heading out the door and will get back to you when I get home and then never hear from them again.


This has happened to me three times in the past 10 years -- the escort called me "friend" and wanted me to keep in contact. The first time it happened it really threw me, was new to hiring and not sure how to respond -- especially because my "friend" had problems keeping our appointments straight, the majority of his e-mails were about what date we were meeting or when or where (I dumped him after the third session, even tho' he was great in bed).


More recently, an escort "friend" chastised me on several occasions for not keeping in contact -- and then replied to my e-mail about changes in my personal life with something like "thanks for the mail" and nothing else. This guy also had problems answering important e-mails like those about scheduling appointments. He got dumped also -- "real" friends answer my e-mail.


The third guy was great about e-mai replies -- and rotten in bed, couldn't deliver the goods -- he was a better e-mail "friend" than he was being an escort.


In each case, I found the "friend" business to be manipulative.


Bottom line: What do other professionals I pay a high fee to do? Hey, my dentist/lawyer/physician don't call me friend or expect me to keep in contact between visits -- and each of them know how to set up and keep appointments and deliver what they are paid for.


BTW, I have seen one escort once or twice a year for the past several years, and every several months he e-mails or calls me to chat and see how I'm doing -- genuinely friendly and really nice, long chats about personal stuff in our lives. I enjoy the relationship, partly because it really is interactive and reciprocal -- and he has never used the f word nor asked me to keep in contact.

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I have had a couple of escorts I have communicated with in the past consistently either via phone or email. One was a very young guy from San Antonio with whom I enjoyed the sex, but our communication was more about helping him out personally and emotionally. I didn't mind at the time. The second was Michael, from Ft. Meyers. Great guy in every sense, was consistently a gentleman in his communications, and always took care to remember details that reflected the past times we spent together and what was going on in our lives. Truly classy guy and friend.

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In each case, I found the "friend" business to be manipulative.


Funny about the timing on this thread. I had a new guy I found on CL that was hot and fun (and cheap, actually). We've hooked up a few times. Then I get a text that:


"My Jeep got towed and my wallet is in it. You're the only one I know I can call to help me"


Sounds fishy? That's what I thought. Scratched him off the list...if you're 33 and have to call a client for help, it's probably because you ran out of Meth and need to score fast. Too bad, he was hot.


Other than that - I'm open to occasional e-mails from escorts, but it would depend on the guy if it was more than that. I can't answer email from my regular friends!



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I never contact any of my massage clients outside of work. one of my marketing tactics is I don't keep any client info on file. they have to finalize the bookings from a unblocked number but once the sessions over and the leave i delete the number from my phone. If i'm with a client and they leave a message I only call them back if they have given me permission to do so. If I see a client out at dinner grocery store or any other public place I don't speak to them unless they approach me first.

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Guest Musclestudoh


In each case, I found the "friend" business to be manipulative.


BTW, I have seen one escort once or twice a year for the past several years, and every several months he e-mails or calls me to chat and see how I'm doing -- genuinely friendly and really nice, long chats about personal stuff in our lives. I enjoy the relationship, partly because it really is interactive and reciprocal -- and he has never used the f word nor asked me to keep in contact.

In my experience, the dynamic between an escort and client can vary dramatically. Always keeping in mind that I prefer to keep it professional but still have great communication. This helps to ensure that in the long run no boundaries are crossed that could jeopardize the relationship.

However you choose to define the relationship between an escort and client it should be understood that each person has a different comfort level. Because of the intimate nature of what goes on it can be easy to find those that you feel more comfortable with for whatever reason. In my personal life, I don't automatically assign that label to someone unless we have gotten to know each other and I find we have similar likes/interests and that have a special rapport. So it sounds like someone abused or misused the word "friend" but their actions soon showed their true colors.

I don't automatically assume every client wants to have that type of relationship and I don't necessarily proactively search for it either. Just like any relationship it has to cultivate over time from being a good acquaintance to whatever each persons comfort level is.

I have heard stories when the escort/client relationship became too friendly or involved and issues started to arise as there were too many emotions from one side or the other.


Bottom line: What do other professionals I pay a high fee to do? Hey, my dentist/lawyer/physician don't call me friend or expect me to keep in contact between visits -- and each of them know how to set up and keep appointments and deliver what they are paid for.


To be fair the context of those relationships compared to an escort/client relationship can be very different. They are also not seeing you on that intimate level.

True professional escorts, like any professional, follow-through, communicate effectively and should know how to handle themselves accordingly and appropriately.

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Josh I so know your story. I was new to hiring 5 years ago and hired a "great" guy while in Chicago. We really hit off and we would have nice long conversations once a week then after about the seond time we met we were talking and he told me a story about how he had bad outing and a guy took his wallet I am almost got an idea he was fishing for money but I let pass. Then a month later he got a little bolder telling me a sad story about his mother in the old country and I turned off the ear, let him whine and hung up. Each time we talked after that it was a different sad story and I could not take it anymore. We met one more time after that and it got very tiresome so time to wind this up and move on. I also realized I was being cajoled into always meeting at a bath house rather than hotel room because he liked hooking up with guys at the bath house after I left.

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I have heard stories when the escort/client relationship became too friendly or involved and issues started to arise as there were too many emotions from one side or the other.


AMEN! Have had this experience with more than one escort, and found it very confusing (I prefer to keep boundaries). I learned the boundary lesson years ago when I first started my business -- I was friendly and informal with my employees, and one day one of them said to me, "Do you want to be my friend or my employer?".


In some cases, the intimacy that builds over several sessions with an escort can make ir harder to keep the boundaries outside the session, for both the escort and the client.


True professional escorts, like any professional, follow-through, communicate effectively and should know how to handle themselves accordingly and appropriately.


Thanks, Sean, for the thoughtful postings -- and also thanks to Romann for his earlier equally thoughtful postings -- you both come across as professional and at the same time as caring and involved with your clients in a great way that works for you. I suspect that the two of you are the exception in terms of the quality of your communication.

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Guest RianB

Im with Jose on this one..


I dont initiate contact with clients. I have different reasons for that, but when I first, first started I used to think escorting was just like any other business I've worked in and that 'following up' with clients was considered 'friendly and good manner'. NOT! They are more than welcome to contact me whenever though.


What I dont like is when 1st time clients take this piss and contact me through email or online constantly without the intention on making a 2nd booking. Then thats when I have to let them know Im not up for an on-going chit chat.


Although I dont keep numbers, there are a select few clients numbers that I do keep but only because we're on a different level than someone I've met once or twice (and they're single!). I know that if Im arriving in town in a few weeks I can call them and let them know. Its up to them to suggest meeting.


As far as clients as friends, I cant make that connection. For the moment, the chemistry is there, and he's having the time of his life, but afterwards we go our separate ways. I've had good clients that I've partied with, and done all types of things together say, "call me next time you're in town" but its a whole different story and tone when I do. It's like whatever happened to call you next time I'm down? I also know that if I ever fell up on a rough time (like now!) they won't be there to take the slack nor would I expect them to, as a friend would. Of course when they do request me, Im always up to make time for them...

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I notice that escorts are generally not very communicative on their own time. I don't mean when I'm with an escort, but later, when I send an e-mail thanking them, or saying hello or something just mundane. I wonder, does it make you nervous (I'm asking you escorts) to communicate too much with clients? Even if you know them and they're good clients whom you like?

I sometimes get the feeling that it's really not cool to send an escort a message unless it's specifically about hiring them.

Even guys I've seen several times will often not respond if I just send an e-mail about something unrelated to hiring them.

Is this situation as awkward as it sometimes feels?


I tihnk the key words here are "Their own time". Honestly... there is not much of that. I have to schedule my own time in and that is generally about every other month or so... sometimes less.

There is a natural tendency for Clients and Escots to communicate more prior to meeting. When the meeting is over. There is another Client who wants equal attention and if he does not receive that. He's gone~

I also have ongoing Clients with whom I write with constancy. Some of these letters are pages long. We talk about surgeries, deaths in the Family, suicide, all kinds of support things that require a longer letter. Then there is air time, flying, driving from city to city or interstate.

I have a Blackberry now that I can get my emails and respond to them but, I have to keep it all short. it;s cumbersome to write long letters on the Blackberry. It;s also not easy for my to search saved email files. I basically have access to current ones only. Some places have crappy email AND cell reception... Palm Springs, Mountainous areas, Coastal areas...

I have been moving away from extensive cell phone contact with Clients mainly because of time zone challenges. It's difficult betwen east and west coast with the three hours difference. Lot's of post meeting talk guys like to talk a good twenty minutes or more. So, even six calls is conservative two hours. Then there are regular confirmation calls. You start to add up the email and cell time and you find yourself at one or the other most of the day unless you are working and then you generally can't be on either~

So, I like teh conversations, cell or email but, I also have to temper how much time I can spend doing either and then also prioritize who and when.

The guy who is diabetic and finds he has to have his foot amputated or the guy who finds out he has cancer definately takes priority over the guy who wants to share a few laughs and talk about the day~

There have been guys that actually will tell me that they expect me to call a few times per week and write to them. That generally does not end up too good since that's an unrealistic timeline for me to keep given the travel and working.

It's hardest for guys who are retired or have a set typical schedule and want to chat. My hours of operation are 24/7. You'll find that my writing/posting/updating times are generally when either I am home and not working or late at night from 11pm on. It's quiet and I am free to write more then. So, I get to bed around 5am or so and get up at 9am. That way I can catch some of the east coast guys to chat but, mainly on weekends because during the week they tend to be working or with their families or partners.

I'm not saying: "Oh poor me~" I'm just saying that the time considerations for communication can be challenging. I enjoy the communications a great deal. there's just limitations and factors involved.

I think guys that are just starting to Escort and don't have more then one career have easier times writing and calling. Once you start traveling a lot, communication time becomes a luxury.

Some guys, (Escorts), just send fast texts but, not all Clients are "Okay" with that. They are sharing their personal lives with you and that is AMAZING and wonderful but, you have to sometimes draw the line as tactfully and politely as possible and communicate that the letters have to be shorter simply to provide for others and maintain business. That can be awkward~ You don;t want to be mean or discompassionate but you have to set a limit.

I'm also multi careered. I'm phasing out the porn part but, it comes in handy still. It took a lot of time to maintain the public presence you need to stay popular and hireable/marketable. The studio networking and eventing/fund raising took lots of time.

The photograph is different and I am still getting used to the time demands there for gallery shows and performance arts shows. It's a learning process.





http://www.daddysreviews.com/review.php?who=tyger_portland http://www.maleescortreview.com (Tygerscent in Portland, Oregon)

http://www.rentmen.com (AAAtygerscentXXX in Portland Oregon) http://www.men4rentnow.com (tygerscent in Portland, Oregon)


Portland: May 8th thru 12th

Chicago: May 17th thru June 2nd

Portland: June 3rd thru 16th

SF: June 17th thru 23rd

LA: June 23rd thru 28th

Portland: June 28th thru July 12ish

NYC: Last week in July

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Thank you for the response and the compliments - very much appreciated and taken to heart.


As for the soap box, we can share it! ;)


I couldn't agree more! Your reply embodies the integrity and qualities that, IMHO, is one of the reasons you are so well spoken of in these forums and in reviews.


Those qualities and traits are inherent to the escort based on their demeanor and aren't easily learned or faked for very long. You truly have to be a genuine and sincere person in your personal life as well as your professional life or you will become transparent quickly.


I too have clients that I continue to have correspondence with however, it is only after they have responded back to my email thanking them for the session or given me the impression that is acceptable. Each client is different.


I too, at times, have to inform clients that my delay was due to being busy. I spend from 2-5 hours everyday with correspondence. Many clients aren't aware of how much response an escort can receive and how much time goes into setting up potential meetings. My travel schedule is usually a month or so in advance. So I am constantly planning.


I treat each potential client with respect and the courtesy of a response....even if we aren't going to be compatible and therefore can't meet. I do this because, like Romann said, the client has taken the time to select me out of many possible candidates, so they deserve the respect of a response.

This also sets up a lasting relationship and comfort level for both the client and escort.


I could write more...... but I will keep it at my "two-cents" worth. Now I will get off of MY soap box! :D

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...and I jumped out of the shower to get this thought down before something else pushes that thought to the back of my always racing and endlessly working mind. :) Can I borrow that soap box again!? Just for a quick minute and then I need to get back into the shower before I free and electrocute myself on the laptop.


Each escort has their own style, methodology and processes in which they conduct themselves on a personal level both in person and "digitally". With that said, some of my most fruitful, honest, impactful and successful relationships both personal and professional have been with clients. I'm speaking only for myself (need to put that disclaimer out there) when I say that a true escort will communicate with their clients before, during but also after the appointment date and time have concluded. The communication between escort and client for me is very important as it gives me insight into the other person's life (assuming they choose and trust me enough to make such declarations about their life) and their daily happenings. While maintaining communication with all clients would and is a very difficult and time consuming effort, not all clients want to have such communication which should be respected. For myself, it doesn't take long to get a good idea about the client but that comes from communication before the actual encounter whether that be on the phone and/or email/text.


It also depends on who your client base is and what segment you are marketing yourself too. Another complexity that I think is forgotten. As I mentioned before, not all clients want the added communication beyond the actual appointment and time that is spent with them.


Most importantly, all this and so much more can't be faked. You're either an escort or you're not. You either enjoy what you do, or you don't. An escorts true feelings will be rendered through reviews by clients so if an escort can fake it and hide that fact from some, there are those who will spot it instantly.


OH GOSH! I feel like I'm grandstanding ON this shared soap box - AGAIN! It's all yours again. We might need to upgrade that thing with as much mileage you and I are putting on it. :)


Back to my shower...!


I couldn't agree more! Your reply embodies the integrity and qualities that, IMHO, is one of the reasons you are so well spoken of in these forums and in reviews.


Those qualities and traits are inherent to the escort based on their demeanor and aren't easily learned or faked for very long. You truly have to be a genuine and sincere person in your personal life as well as your professional life or you will become transparent quickly.


I too have clients that I continue to have correspondence with however, it is only after they have responded back to my email thanking them for the session or given me the impression that is acceptable. Each client is different.


I too, at times, have to inform clients that my delay was due to being busy. I spend from 2-5 hours everyday with correspondence. Many clients aren't aware of how much response an escort can receive and how much time goes into setting up potential meetings. My travel schedule is usually a month or so in advance. So I am constantly planning.


I treat each potential client with respect and the courtesy of a response....even if we aren't going to be compatible and therefore can't meet. I do this because, like Romann said, the client has taken the time to select me out of many possible candidates, so they deserve the respect of a response.

This also sets up a lasting relationship and comfort level for both the client and escort.


I could write more...... but I will keep it at my "two-cents" worth. Now I will get off of MY soap box! :D

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Guest Musclestudoh

We can definitely share the soap box but we might need to grab on to each other to keep from falling off! :D Once again, Romann is demonstrating that an escort can be so much more than a cute face and a hot body! (Yes there are other important things too!!!) Whatever the relationship, adaptability is the key and knowing the boundaries is important. Truly successful people create lasting relationships and impressions that go way beyond the initial encounter. That is what this service is all about and why I enjoy what I do so much. Whether it is the one time fantasy that a client has been waiting for all of their life or an ongoing relationship that gets better every time we meet. It is extremely rewarding knowing that I have affected someone to the point that I bring them contentment and happiness, even for a brief time. Exceeding someones expectations is the hallmark I try to achieve every time I see someone.


Romann, next time bring a towel....you got the box soaked. ;)

...and I jumped out of the shower to get this thought down before something else pushes that thought to the back of my always racing and endlessly working mind. :) Can I borrow that soap box again!? Just for a quick minute and then I need to get back into the shower before I free and electrocute myself on the laptop.


Each escort has their own style, methodology and processes in which they conduct themselves on a personal level both in person and "digitally". With that said, some of my most fruitful, honest, impactful and successful relationships both personal and professional have been with clients. I'm speaking only for myself (need to put that disclaimer out there) when I say that a true escort will communicate with their clients before, during but also after the appointment date and time have concluded. The communication between escort and client for me is very important as it gives me insight into the other person's life (assuming they choose and trust me enough to make such declarations about their life) and their daily happenings. While maintaining communication with all clients would and is a very difficult and time consuming effort, not all clients want to have such communication which should be respected. For myself, it doesn't take long to get a good idea about the client but that comes from communication before the actual encounter whether that be on the phone and/or email/text.


It also depends on who your client base is and what segment you are marketing yourself too. Another complexity that I think is forgotten. As I mentioned before, not all clients want the added communication beyond the actual appointment and time that is spent with them.


Most importantly, all this and so much more can't be faked. You're either an escort or you're not. You either enjoy what you do, or you don't. An escorts true feelings will be rendered through reviews by clients so if an escort can fake it and hide that fact from some, there are those who will spot it instantly.


OH GOSH! I feel like I'm grandstanding ON this shared soap box - AGAIN! It's all yours again. We might need to upgrade that thing with as much mileage you and I are putting on it. :)


Back to my shower...!

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