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Poor Taste- or Just Desperate?

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I have never commented on the entire BN drama; however, from a potential client point of view - my perspective is that while he is very hot, his blog is a huge deterrent to my wanting to hire him. Freedom of speech is paramount and he should be able to do whatever he wants and write whatever he wants. But there are consequences to a potential client base.

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The blog is linked from Daddy's Review, thus making it something of an official blog for this site. Since I participate in most of this site's activities, I read the blog when the link comes up. It's something that would interest me- a classy escort blog on an escort site. Nonetheless, this particular blog keeps running into trouble, first plagiarism, then horrific bad taste. It's too bad it has no quality and no class as I would enjoy it if it did. One would hope that Daddy would find a blog more closely in keeping with the standards he has set, but I do know one thing- Daddy loves it when we all get in a tizzy, so that might explain it all.

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I would totally go with just desperate... I cant believe he would ever do such a thing!!!!Horrible, JUST HORRIBLE! I would have to say I'm shocked and just a little bit saddened by his actions.



(This entire thread paid for in-part by http://www.15minutesmore.com)


Wait ... I'm confused. The first half makes me think you've stopped seeing each other and then the latter is you plugging him ... or was it usually the other way around?

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Yeah, a bad choice, for sure.......


I have never met BN, but I have made several attmepts to over the years, but have never been able to seal the deal. I have always found him to be very funny and very classy and very aware of how the game is played here in Hooville. I have also enjoyed his blog and the eye candy, for sure.. While he has been the source of much controversy over the years and I know that there are two very distinct school of thought concerning him, I have always felt rather neutral about the man and have kind of admired that he has not allowed himself to be pulled into the fray.


That being said, I do think he missed the mark with his very insensitive comments about Natasha Richardson, by about a mile and a half and then some. I thought it was in very poor taste and was markedly beneath him. Does that make him desperate? Not really. I think he just misjudged his audience for once.


Back when Joan Rivers was funny and not all ETish, she used to tell a story about how one night, right after Karen Carpenter had died, she did a joke about it and the auidence just sat there in stunned silence....a couple of months later, she told the same joke and brought down the house. She said, "It was just too soon..." The loss was still to fresh, the wound too raw and that even in our very jaded society, somethings just aren't funny.


Now, I am not suggesting here, by any stretch of the imagination, that there will ever come a time, that Natasha Richardson's tragic death will be even remotely amusing..... I am not easily offended... being one of the most jaded and sarcastic people on the planet, and I am very sensitive these days about all things having to do with death and dying... and the randomness of it all.... and her death really bothered me. I wasn't really a fan of her's, either... I mean, it's not like Cher died (like that's even possible)... but the woman fell down on fucking bunny slope and died???? WTF? Just makes you want to lay your head down. This beautiful, talented wife and mother and daughter and sister is dead. Cannot imagine being able to deal with that kind of sudden loss. Losing anyone isn't ever easy and for me, the hardest part once you are really through it, is making yourself believe that it really happened to you at all..... that you are able to go on and function when you never thought for one single second that you could live in a world without them is just so fucking surreal to me...


Yo know, the very first movie star that I ever heard about was Natalie Wood. My Mother thought she was the prettiest girl ever... and as I was a very gay little boy, I was like, "Not as pretty as Barbie.." And then as I entered my movie star phase, I was like, "But what about Vivian Leigh? Marilyn Monroe? Elizabeth Taylor?(pre-Cleopatra!), Lana Turner?Bette Davis? Joan Crawford? Miss Beverly Michaels???" But Mom never wavered, so I actually watched "Splendor in the Grass" and the really trashy and terrific "This Property is Condemned".... written by Tennessee Williams on an off day... and I had to admit, she was very pretty, so I added her to my list. Years later, when she died, a couple of my friends actually came over to tell me about it. Didn't want me to hear it on the news, or something...like what was I going to do? Throw myself off a yacht?


Anyway, at long last, I guess, my point is I don't think that BN is mean, or callous, or heartless or has bad taste... but he did make an offensive and insensitive comment about a tragic situation. He misjudged.


You guys know what kind of wood doesn't float??? ........ Natalie.


See, it can happen to any of us.



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A thoughtful post OKie. I don't disagree that the Natasha Richardson remark might have been in bad taste. However, as I think you point out, there was no malice aforethought, merely a careless remark but made in public, so to speak. An attempt to be funny that laid an egg. My opinion is if you don't make a mistake periodically, you aren't trying very hard and likely will never be funny or whatever you aspire to be.


Skiing seems to be a seriously dangerous sport, bunny slope or not. Didn't a Kennedy die in a similar circumstance and Sonny Bono, didn't he go the same way? Personally I prefer my cold sport to be making sure there is enough ice in my drink.


Best regards,


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Guest EuropTravl
there was no malice aforethought, merely a careless remark but made in public, so to speak.


I hate to drag this thread on further, wasn't there a promotional " a new 15 MM: now more tasteless than ever!" ? Oh, there was "malice aforethought" alright, - that's the only thing that makes that particular blog worth reading and keeps threads like this starting. It's sort of camp - so bad it's good.

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So, you don't think "more tasteless than ever" could be simply bad taste rather than malice aforethought? I hope you never serve on a jury which might be asked to consider the "facts" of the case. But, everyone has their own opinion and they are free to have it and express it because this is a free society, at least so far.


Best regards,


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I think you said it all in the first 4 words of your post. "Wait....I am confused".


Best regards,



::shakes head::


Last thing I'll say on this really but after all these years it wouldn't surprise me at this point if you were on his payroll as a personal spin doctor or his Ice Fire Wizard ;)


If you're neither then I suggest that this is definitely one of those situations where one should never get involved if they don't know they're right ;-)

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As Nicholas said himself, there are guys who will excuse even a Harlow Cuadra, a murderer, just because they think he is cute. The same goes here. Some guys will forgive an escort anything because they are excited sexually by the guy's appearance or skills. Escorts are their lives, and can do no wrong.

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... Some guys will forgive an escort anything because they are excited sexually by the guy's appearance or skills. You can see it happening right here in this thread. Escorts are their lives, and can do no wrong.


Interesting point, but then again, there are people who are just looking to find fault with an individual regardless of the many good things one has accomplished or contributed. I think this thread is a good example of how we can balance the good with the bad. Sometimes we seem to be spending more of our energy talking about one's faults rather than one's achievements. I think the offer of "forgiveness" is something we all need and should be willing to give regardless of whether one is an escort or not.



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Somehow I don't understand the posts on this thread. If you don't want to read BN's blog, then don't. However, instead, it seems to have been read by all those who have posted on this thread and have nothing but complaints.


Best regards,



Just to set the record straight, I haven't read that blog for well over a year.

I don't read it, nor did I read it this time either. I simply read the extraction that was placed in the thread by the OP.

And in case that wasn't direct enough,



Which is why my initial response may seem somewhat truncated. I don't have to wade in sh_t to smell it from a distance. My feelings on this man and his lack of character, integrity, honesty, and discretion , as well as good judgment, are WELL KNOWN and WELL FOUNDED.


My disagreements with the ownership here over the inclusion of THIS blog are also well known and, in my opinion, well founded.


KMEM, thank you for reading my response. You may now go back to shilling for BN.

With all due respect......

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I am not on anyone's payroll, except my own. I don't think you have it in you to refrain from commenting. It is obvious that we have here two escorts who are crossing swords except only one is posting mightily in his defense. Perhaps many of the readers and posters herein think this is amusing. But, as others here have commented, one's good looks or big dick seem to turn heads away from the truth.


Best regards,


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"I think the offer of "forgiveness" is something we all need and should be willing to give regardless of whether one is an escort or not."


This is of course one reason why Cooper is so respected as a moderator here. He is always quick to forgive, and, given how heated some of our discussions become, this is a well-needed attribute to have.


I, for example, am willing to forgive Harlow Cuadra for murdering a man, but that doesn't mean I am going to invite him out to dinner. But then, he already has dinner plans. Otherwise, you are known by the company you keep, so I will try to keep company with people who are kind, forgiving, and respectful of others. If that means dinner with Benjamin, well, then, pass the ketchup!

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Guest ncm2169

< since KMEM is really BN in disguise


I can assure you that KMEM is NOT BN in disguise.


Also, I am neither KMEM nor BN. :-)


And I am definitely not Lucky. ;-) ;-)

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Guest EuropTravl

One the one hand, talking about "zero class", then throwing out this gem:

"with his ability to bottom I'm sure he will end up HIV positive quickly in prison".

Does that belong on a gay message board as a slam? Speaking as one who is not Harlow, not a Harlow fan, not HIV positive, nor in prison, it's just a cruel remark for a gay board.

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I am not seeing where he wished the guy became HIV positive, but rather stated it as a likelihood. I met one guy in prison years ago (I was a visitor) who was in for gay bashing. He was cute, young, and probably confused about his identity. He later became HIV positive and ended up killing himself. It was very sad and I wouldn't have wished it on him even though he had almost clubbed a gay guy to death in a park. But the fact is that it happens. Prison is a very nasty place to be.

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