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Montreal: Campus

Guest YFSC

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Guest YFSC


1111 Ste-Catherine East (between Amherst and Wolfe)







Hours: 3PM to 3AM, 7 days/week. On long weekends Campus opens at Noon.


Refreshments: Full bar, no food.


Admission: No cover, no minimum, but you are expected to buy at least one drink. You can nurse it as long as you like. No coat check. No Ladies' nights.


Facilities: Campus is arranged like an amphitheater, with a realtively large stage down in front and levels of tables and bar stools rising towards the back. The bar is towards the back, with a counter and bar stools on the same level in front and a counter and bar stools behind it on the level above. The main backroom area is on the side to the left, and there is also a small backroom area at the very back, behind the uppermost level. There is another bar with more tables and seats on the side to the right; it is usually closed and curtained off in the afternoon but is usually open in the evening. Campus gives the impression of being large, probably because of the sloping amphitheater arrangement, but in fact it is not, and the stage occupies a relatively large fraction of the space, especially when the bar at the side is curtained off.


Shows: More or less continuous dancing until about 2:30AM. Dancers do a first number (also "fast dance") with some clothes, taking off some but not all, and a second number (also "slow dance") starting with much less attire and eventually getting totally nude.


Dancers: There are two shifts, 3PM-9PM ("afternoon") and 9PM-3AM ("evening"). There are almost always at least 10 dancers around, more in the peak hours of the evening, as many as 20 or more on weekends in the evening. The afternoon dancers are more on the lighter side, including now a few twinks or near-twinks; the evening dancers tend to be heavier types, beefier and more muscled. But afternoon dancers may also appear in the evening on other days and evening dancers may appear in the afternoon. In age they appear to be 20's and up.


Private Dances: Private dances ("contact dances") are available in the backroom area, for $10/song (Canadian). There is a large backroom area at the side and a small one in the back. "Contact" officially means that you can touch the dancers anywhere except in the genital area or the butt. Some of the dancers may be available for off-premises private shows after they finish their shifts. After a private dance in the back is a good time to ask.


Tipping: On-stage tipping is usually not done in Montreal. The dancers will not refuse it, but it might be better to express your appreciation after they have come off stage and are working the room, or after a private dance in the backroom.


Accessibility: Campus can be a problem for those with limited mobility. It is on the second floor (the only Montreal strip bar which is not on the ground floor). It *does* have an elevator which can take you up there, but upstairs there are 2 steps to go up from where the elevator lets you out. Also, once inside there are several steps again going down to the stage area. The bar and a few tables are accessible from the level 2 steps up from the elevator and there is a view of the stage from there, but the stage area and the backroom areas are not.


Other Facilities: Campus has an ATM (a private one, not from a bank) and video games/lottery on premises, all at the back.

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Guest Lefty

Very nice and thorough review. One question. As a regular patron of the Campus, Sunday has always been Ladies Night (since it's inception). I haven't been there since last fall. Have things changed?

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Guest YFSC

>Very nice and thorough review. One question. As a regular

>patron of the Campus, Sunday has always been Ladies Night

>(since it's inception). I haven't been there since last fall.

> Have things changed?


Oops! Probably not. Probably my mistake. I guess I haven't been there on a Sunday and I didn't notice a sign about it anywhere. If they have been doing that all along they probably still are. Maybe someone in Montreal can clarify.

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I have nothing against ladies, but when it comes to Ladies Night, I would give it a pass. The only time I went to Campus on such a night, there was a cover charge ($5 I believe) which I paid, only to find that the dancers were so distracted by the women that I felt lost in the shuffle. That NEVER happens when it is men only, and I get all the attention I can handle (and then some!). So unless you want to try and compete with a group that, let's face it, attracts a lot of the "gay for pay" dancers, spend your evening at another bar (thankfully the bars have different ladies nights).

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Guest Aquario

I agree with you, Luv2play. On Sunday night, ost of the dancers pay almost all their attention to women. It's a good night to go if you don't want to be harassed.


The cover charge is actually $3.

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>the dancers were so distracted by

>the women that I felt lost in the shuffle. That NEVER

>happens when it is men only,


This has been my experience with Ladies' Nights, too, at other Montreal clubs as well as clubs in other places.

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  • 4 months later...

I was there this weekend and it was ladies night on Sunday. It almost seemed like all of the strippers had their girlfriends there. I don't mind strippers being straight but if they are hanging all over women during their off time, it makes it less fun. :-(


Fortunately, I was there two other nights and enjoyed those more.


There still is a cover (3$ CAD)

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  • 3 years later...
  • 3 years later...



  1. Price of songs is $20.
  2. There are two ATM machines inside Campus.
  3. Big, beefy dancers can work daytime, but the opposite does not hold true. A daytime twink can't work after 9PM.
  4. The curtained section is opened Thu-Sun after 9PM
  5. Sunday after 9PM is Ladies Night. Only night that Campus has a cover fee, $5.

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