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Montreal Visit~~

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I just returned from a long weekend in Montreal, Thursday to Sunday, and thought I would post a few random thoughts:

Afternoon delights at Campus: Dropped in about 4:45PM and was warmly greeted by Antoine, barwaiter, who only works on Thursdays---he was a dancer years ago, now retired from that, but still an excellent "source" for what goes on at Campus. Not too many dancers on a weekday, but enough to keep your attention for a few minutes anyway. One regular visitor from NYC, I think, had a coterie of dancers---ranging frome three to six-- surrounding him and he kept one waiter busy supplying the table with drinks. I'm not good at remembering names of dancers I don't interact with, so I can't mention a lot of names, but most of the afternoon guys are youngish, rather twinkish and in my opinion a little too eager to "hustle" you into a private at your hotel--with two or three of them, the second or third question was: "Where are you staying?" Almost always a prelude to asking if you are interested in having a hotel visitor.

To keep busy and stay free of unwanted overtures, I played some games of pool with a former dancer and a couple of his friends---Jace, Jesse and Gabriel. Did do an active lap dance with one dancer, named Kaylin or Kaidan or something, but felt a little pressured by his questions and his concern for making a certain amount of money that night---strange set of comments I thought.

I usually do not go back to Campus after 9PM because I find the muscular guys more attractive at Stock, but did hang around Campus on Thursday to spend some time with Enzo, a Latino dancer that I enjoy talking with and who treats me well----it was fun catching up with him, and I went back for seconds on Friday night.

Stock on Thursday was very, very quiet, and only one bar was open---the bar with the shower behind it was closed. Dennis, waiter who used to be at Campus on weekends is now at Stock and it was good to seem him. Saw some dancers I have known for several years--Nick, Rafael, Roberto, Danny and a few others---but as I said, it was quiet and I left fairly early and made it an early night.

Friday was gorgeous in Montreal---sunny, breezy, low humidity, and with Ste. Catherine closed to vehicular traffic, it's a great place to wander around, eat outside----every restuarant and noodle shop and coffee shop has tables out on the sidewalk, enlarging their seating capacites. I loved it, but when I mentioned this to at least one dancer, he said he hated it because it cut down on parking space, made it hard for first timers to Montreal to see the names of the strip bars and discouraged those who like to drive down the avenue---so I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder---for walkers and as someone who enjoys the "eye candy" of the Montreal street scene it was great.

I wandered around Chinatown and had a wonderful meal at a small soup place whose name I cannot remember, and then walked to St. Laurent and took in a street festival, which seemed to strech for miles---again lots of eye candy, merchandise out on the street, just a neat afternoon.

Decided to give L'Adonis a shot late Friday afternoon, and even though there were only a few dancers, I had a great talk with Lou, the bar waiter and hit it off with a dancer named Karimu---really nice guy who kept me entertained and happy. Most of the dancers at |LAdonis are young and what I would call twinky---if you enjoy the Taboo/Tabu (sp??) dancers, then you would probably find one or two you'd like.

Made it to Campus for a "reunion" with Enzo and met a young dancer from Paris/Senegal who at first sight wasn't someone I was interested in, but proved to be extremely congenial and entertaining---he hasn't an ounce of body fat anywhere, with abs to die for, but not a "trained" body in the mode of the Stock dancers. Sorry I cannot recall the names of other dancers from Friday afternoon, Chris, a long-time dancer was there, Miguel, and a dozen others who made no impression on me.

Friday night at Stock was busier and both bars were open---but it didn't really pick up until after 12--about the time I was ready to call it a night after wandering around in the warm sun most of the day. Three dancers performed simutaneously a few times---one in front, two at either side behind the bars---I'm not sure I enjoyed that---hard to really see all of them, and tends to take away contact time with the audience, in my opinion---but hey, it gives more dancers an opportunity to perform. I think many of the regular dancers were on vacation, since last week was Diversity or Pride or something and they were either relaxing or recuperating from that.

There was one "scene" in Stock on Firday which was unusual---an audience member apparently tried to take some photos with his cell phone and when the waiter told him to stop, an argument ensued and he was "rushed" out forcibly by the security guy who mans the door---very impressive escorting out, by the way!!! Don't know what happened to him but everything was calm again within minutes.

Saturday afternoon and evening were basically a repeat of Friday with no new dancers that I can think of and nothing which stood out in my mind. There seem to be few out of towners in the strip bars this summer, which is not surprising, given the cost of gasoline, and the exchange rate of the dollar---on Thursday, the US dollar was worth $1.07 Canadian, but by Saturday had fallen to $1.02. Still this is better than it was last October on my last visit.

All in all I had a great time---wonderful food at LaStega and nice lunches at Piazzeta, and great opportunities to watch the world go by with a coffe or cool drink at Second Cup, or a number of other locales. I don't mean to sound like a Tourist shill---but if you haven't been to Montreal recently, give it a try. They are trying hard to keep the streets clean and free of problems---saw fewer homeless people this visit and didn't see the usual "pushers" and street walkers that I normally run into while walking late at night--especially in the side streets off St. Catherine.

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I always enjoy and look forward to these Montreal reports. Thanks for submitting yours. It would make it easier for me to read if there was more spacing between the paragraphs. My old eyes see lots of words and just don't respond as well as they used to.

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I spent the same weekend as Samai in Montreal and have almost identical

comments to make about it. Although I stayed until Tuesday and enjoyed the company of 'newatthis' on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday, the remainder of the visit. (I sure wish I'd known you were there...we were likely in Stock or Campus at the same time and would loved to have said 'hello'and had a drink :) )


Weather was spectacular throughout (with the small exception of a brief Sunday night shower which sent the cute young waiter at the restaurant 'Vallarta' on St. Catherine scurrying to raise the umbrella to keep us dry on the exterior terrace...we sure appreciated the effort :p ) Friday I spend most of the evening at Stock with Julien and Roberto, catching up with their lives and enjoying their backroom company as well. I usually also like to see Eddie but he seemed to keep so busy we only spoke briefly between his trips to the back with other folks :( It was that way the rest of the visit as well, so perhaps next time he'll make time for me...there was never a loss of beautiful men to 'chat' with at Stock. I did visit Taboo for a short time on Friday after Stock and did shots with Jerry and some of the guys. I did a few dances with Diego, Frank and a couple of others and left.


Since I stayed at the Sheraton Centre, I had a Saturday evening view of Celine Dion fans gathering at the Bell Centre for one of several concerts she was giving. I don't know how many thousands it was, but it was an impressive sea of humanity. I'd heard she'd given a free concert the previous day to which 250k showed. I also found interesting that while enormously popular (especially in her hometown) I also encountered many Celine-haters among the town-folk. A litany of Celine slams were espoused on my cab ride to Campus that night and I found the same opinion from many of the dancers I spoke with. Go figure.


Saturday I again spent some Julien and Roberto time but also tried a couple of newer guys, Michaud and Ned. Both are quite gorgeous (and quite straight) but I enjoyed the few songs I did with them in the back. I also enjoyed Saturday night at TOOLS where the dj spins house and house remixes of pop (accompanied by a sometimes utilized video screen on the dance floor.) The bartenders are always nice to chat with (as is Mario the DJ) and I usually spend a few hours there each visit. (It breaks up the strip club 'monotony' :)) I did go to Campus in the evening but saw not one familiar face and ended up staying a very short period of time.


Sunday I met 'newatthis' at Kilo on St. Catherine for lunch and again had the pleasure of the constant eye candy both inside and outdoors. I enjoy time spent with this friend for many reasons, but mainly two: 1) we can talk for hours and never run out of interesting topics or observations and 2) his proficiency in French is a huge help for me. (If I lived closer to him, I'd pimp out my husband to him for French lessons if he'd go for it ;-)


Campus on Sunday afternoon saw a few more faces I knew (Brandon, Roberto) and a new face, Charlie. All were fun to talk with and pretty good in the back as well. At newatthis' insistence, we stopped by Adonis that night and had a drink. I will never let him forget that he owes me for that as I was immediately besieged by a dancer (formerly from another club) who begins the backroom hard sell. It was quite slow but certainly a higher level of activity than previous visits. Many less long stretches with no dancers on stage. We left to spend the remainder of our evening at Taboo where Criss was dancing (not bartending) and where I really didn't need to know much else. I'm sure there were other dancers there Sunday night, but I don't recall since I spent the balance of the night downing sight-blinding shots (I begged them to stop at one point :)) and watching Criss alternate between shows and hot visits to the back.


On Monday, after breakfast at Chez Cora with 'new,' we walk around St. Catherine and decide to reconvene at Campus after our afternoon massage appointments. Since he is so much better at detail recall, I will leave Monday to his report (he tells them much better.) As always, I had a terrific time and will never tire of this city and its many pleasures. Hopefully, Samai, we'll cross paths there someday and compare notes in person.

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Just back from the aforementioned trip. I hope to have some time over the weekend to add to mtlover's report. But one of his remarks required immediate attention:


>(If I lived

>closer to him, I'd pimp out my husband to him for French

>lessons if he'd go for it ;-)


You're on! Can we do this by telecommuting? Is he on board? :9

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Montreal Visit: August 2008


Picking up where mtlover (a truly wonderful companion for these excursions) left off…


Monday. Campus. The room is divided by a barricade of balloons, one side for owner Gary's private birthday party; the other for the uninvited peons. Only customers headed for the private booths with a dancer are allowed through the barrier by the security guard. Julien and his girlfriend, I*, are supposed to meet us here to go to dinner, but there's no way we're staying under these conditions. We leave a phone message and take off for Vallarta to ogle the cute waiters and have a drink. (Other benefits: Vallarta's tropical bellinis and elevated outdoor platform which affords a great view of the street traffic.)


With no word from Julien, we move next door to Saloon for dinner and more waiter-ogling, snagging a table near the window (outdoor seating is full). We leave a new message with our changed location. Halfway through the meal, Julien and I* spot us from the street – he has no cell phone; the number we've been calling is his home; and it's only by chance that they've stumbled on us.


Since tonight is ladies' night at L'Adonis, we head there after dinner. At the door, I exchange a pleasant word or two with a nice-looking guy in his 40's, and he asks if he can join us. Recalling some lonely times of my own in Montreal, I answer "yes"; my friends, who haven't been following this conversation, look slightly puzzled when he sits down at our table. He's from Brittany and this is his first visit. He buys the first round of drinks as a thank-you.


We settle directly in front of the stage to watch the dancers perform for I* – some of them positively preen for her. And she is a great customer, smiling and whooping at each maneuver. There's an unexpected, pleasant surprise: the Monday night DJ is Jean-Sebastien, former Taboo heartthrob. (This is but one example of a career path in the strip clubs: Antwan, Samy, Damien, and Chris now wait and/or tend bar at Campus; Ariel is the Thursday night DJ at Taboo; Criss tends bar at Taboo and Ghislain waits tables; Steven is the Thursday afternoon DJ at Campus.)


When Julien and I* leave, we move on to Taboo. Last night, I had finally (after several trips) connected with Mateo, tall and graceful with a Modigliani-like face and aloof demeanor, and had discovered that his demeanor concealed a real back-room hottie –Taboo restrictions notwithstanding. I spot him as we enter, and, skipping all preliminaries, take him by the hand directly into the back.


Our Breton friend is clearly taken by Mateo, so while he's on stage, I explain private dances. His eyes light up and he asks where to find an ATM. He spooks mtlover by asking him to watch his backpack while he goes to the bank: "I have no idea what's in that backpack; he could be a terrorist for all we know."


Tuesday. Breakfast at Autour d'un Pain; then off to wander the Vieux Port quays in the glorious sunshine. Back to the hotel for a nap, followed by a leisurely session and dinner with a favorite escort. We finish around 8:30; he heads home and I stop at Campus, expecting things to be in full swing. Wrong! The stage is empty; there are 1 or 2 dancers and no customers. I do a quick walk-through to be sure I haven't missed anything, then take off for Adonis. (I learn the next day that there were over 20 dancers around 6 pm, but so few customers that most went home early.)


Adonis is certainly livelier than Campus. Kevin, with whom I've had some very hot times at Campus, hones in on me (mtlover's nemesis Ray just waves "hello"), and after a drink and a little conversation, invites me to the back. We do a couple of $10 dances with the curtain open and I consent to have the curtain closed for the 3rd. Things heat up, but I know from previous experience that the implied promise of further escalation is unreliable, so call a halt.


Big crowd of dancers at Taboo – 25 according to John, an engaging Concordia student and part-time dancer from Ukraine. It could be an ideal situation, since there aren't many customers, but the only dancers who appeal to me are John, Ricardo (of Algerian-Russian origin) and Andreas, a slim, dark-skinned Mexican with glasses who is heading out with Francis for Southern Decadence in New Orleans tomorrow (bad timing!). I spend almost the whole evening with John. He's easy-going and interesting, and good in the back. Other dancers tonight include Nathan, Francesco, Derek, Terry, Pierre-Luc, Fabio, Philippe, and Michael (cute, tall, straight boy).


Wednesday. Breakfast and the McCord museum in the morning; nap at the hotel; a visit to an escort/masseur in Rosemont around 3. I arrive at Campus a few minutes before Karl-G, fresh from checking in at his hotel. There are scads of dancers, many new to me, and quite a few customers – by far the best Campus afternoon yet. We're struck by a new 19-year old called Tommy, on the small side, with a beautiful body, close-cropped hair, and a boisterous personality. He's a little shy in conversation and doesn't stay long in one place, but Karl manages to reel him in for some dances and gives me a thumbs up when he returns from the back.


In the meantime, I've been courting our second find, Carlos (former Taboo dancer), a small, well-built Mexican with an infectious smile. He's dynamite in back. When it's my turn with Tommy, I request $10 dances. He's never heard of them! I show him the posted sign. He asks the DJ whether this is really true, reporting back that "touching isn't allowed" for $10 dances. I go with him anyway, and discover that he has a novel and enjoyable interpretation of the "no touching" rule.


Other dancers I recall from Wednesday: Mickaël, Brandon (I've posted [a href=http://mc.daddysreviews.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=17584&mesg_id=17584]elsewhere in this forum[/a] about his recent weight loss), Jimmy (formerly Derek), Roberto, Awaji (a Senegalese with a truly awesome body – not an ounce of body fat – whose backroom attentions I enjoyed on Sunday), Max, and Lance (formerly Mickey of Stock).


Lance works on my shoulders with those big, strong hands of his while we talk, and I ask if he does massage. Yes! He's in massage school, and is available to do an hour at my hotel tomorrow.


Karl and I dine at Food, then make our way to Taboo. There are plenty of dancers and customers. Raunchy Ariel (the tall redhead) is working tonight – how he gets away with his on-stage shenanigans baffles me, but he's fun to watch, and they sure bring him business. He's in the back almost the whole night, and a shower of bills rains down when he dances. He's also very good with clients, stopping for a moment to chat with those who've shown interest and assuring them he'll be back shortly. Others I remember: Terry, Tony, Jonathan (not the Jonathan with the long lashes, beautiful green eyes, and well-toned body I fell in love with last December), Nathan, Victor, Derek, Brian, Mathieu, and John (he sits with me again and remarks "it looks like tonight is butch guys' night").


I mention to Karl that the songs seem longer at both Campus and Taboo, and he relays a report from one dancer that they're now 5 minutes long.


Thursday. To my surprise, Lance is fresh and alert at 9 am, and agrees to show up, massage table in hand, at 2. Karl and I go to the Botanic Garden. He's an experienced guide, very knowledgeable about what we're seeing (I expect there will be some pictures in his report). I return just in time to meet Lance, who definitely knows what he's doing. He may well be open to something more erotic, but today my back and shoulders are really sore, and I'm not looking for anything more.


Campus a little before 5 is full of dancers and clients – although quite a few are rowdy locals who don't seem to give the dancers much business. Karl and I enjoy the shows and chat with various dancers who stop by our table. Eventually I do dances with Lance (he may be straight, but he gives better value than most of the gay dancers I know!) and with Dominic – despite his goofy smile, I have a feeling about him, and when I get him into the back, I find out that my intuition is correct.


We have dinner at DSens, then head for Taboo. Ariel is the DJ tonight. Things are slow – about 15 dancers, none of whom interest either of us, and very few clients. We proceed to Adonis without even finishing our drinks.


Here it's livelier. We spot Antoine, looking great. It takes longer to recognize [a href=http://mc.daddysreviews.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=17584&mesg_id=17584]kevin6669[/a], who's seated across the room with a client. Though I'm enjoying the show (these guys are dancing the way the Taboo dancers used to dance), there's only one dancer who pushes my buttons – cute and blond – and he disappears right after his dance. I feel a cold coming on and still have to pack for my early flight, so we call it a night.


Some final thoughts. Adonis is a work in progress, but it's definitely on the upswing. The dancers are better-looking than their ghastly pictures on the web site, and they put the kind of energy into their stage shows that used to be found at Taboo. Since it's a small club, it's not depressing when there are only a handful of customers.


Taboo has been a disappointment. There's very little creativity in the dancing any more, and the lack of clients gives it a sad kind of vibe. Despite the large number of dancers, the percentage that attracts me is small.


I spent a few hours on Sunday night at Stock with mtlover. The guys here are gorgeous, but I feel a chill coming off them – they seem unapproachable, and they make little effort to talk to customers. Julien, of course, is an exception (and not just because I know him; I've watched him work the room). I get an uncomfortable gay-for-pay feeling here. This has nothing to do with being straight per se; at Campus, straight guys like Brandon and Lance exude warmth and charm.


All in all, Campus (afternoons) is where I consistently have the most fun. There is a range of body types; most of the dancers are friendly and approachable; and they understand an implied "no I'm not interested in you right now." The occasional slow afternoon when there are very few dancers, or you feel like a bulls-eye as one of a handful of clients, are more than offset by the good days.

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