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Montreal, August 2006: Star-Crossed Cell Phones

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I’ve got a lot preplanned on this trip; so much, in fact, that I’m worried I’ve allowed too little time for chance encounters. There’s unfinished business from earlier visits: seeing more of Alonzo, whose backroom talents I discovered when he moved from Taboo to Campus; rescheduling a “private” with PL that had to be cancelled at the last minute; and consummating, at long last, the elaborate foreplay with C stretching over 2 visits and 8 months. I have a Monday breakfast date with a local friend, and a tentative date with S, a favorite dancer.


The week before leaving I call S to fix a day but can only reach his voice mail. No response; no callbacks. An ominous sign.


Sunday. My flight arrives early; immigration and customs are quick and hassle-free (except for an irritating wait for checked baggage – no liquids or gels means I can’t travel with just a carry-on). My friend Oliver has arranged his trip to coincide with mine; we share a cab to our respective hotels. I try S again; still no answer. Worse: I can’t reach my local friend about tomorrow’s breakfast.


Oliver and I set off to Campus. There are only 3 dancers: Ben, Chris (still looking great), and Rick, a newcomer with a muscular swimmer’s build, a jarhead haircut, and a ready smile, who joins our stage-side table. No Alonzo. A glance at the bar and my heart goes pitter-pat – my first dancer crush, Pascal, now a busboy downstairs at Mado’s, flashes me a big smile. I hurry over. “Have you started dancing again?” “No, just visiting.” “Still with that new boyfriend?” “Just broke up.” “Sounds like you’re too picky.” “Or not picky enough!” Sensing a possible opening, I ask “can we have dinner sometime this week?” “No thanks.” Dejected, I return to our table and invite Rick for some private dances. He’s pretty good, but a little nervous, and I sense he’s holding back somewhat. I’m right – he has a boyfriend.


All the while, I keep trying my local friend and S; still no answer. I begin to worry that this trip is jinxed.


Hoping things will be more lively at Adonis, we set out down Ste. Catherine. Joey sits down to gossip: Cory is in jail somewhere in Alberta. We discover Mitchell, an Acadian from New Brunswick whom Oliver fancies, and Manuel, a Brazilian whose demeanor promises much more than he delivers (“if I let you do that I could get fired”).


Dinner at Saloon. The place is packed with great eye candy, but a DJ is spinning ear-splitting music; we eat quickly and head to Taboo. Eden joins us and introduces Hugo, a new cute blond dancer from Laval. Oliver, though he has accompanied me to Taboo somewhat halfheartedly, notes with pleasure that the dancers here really do dance. To my delight, sexy PL sits down with us. He’s as hot as ever in the back, and I suggest we reschedule our hotel tryst that was aborted in March. Smiling regretfully, he kisses me and replies “I’d love to, but I’m in a relationship and don’t do privates any more.” Another strikeout! And then another: Eden informs me that Alonzo is in Peru.


Monday. I’m feeling pretty low. Breakfast is off – my local friend has not returned my calls. S is still unreachable. Alonzo is in Peru, Pascal has turned me down, PL has stopped doing privates, and there’s little new talent. I’m saved from total despondency only by my afternoon appointment with world-class masseur Steve. Oliver, who keeps reassuring me that things will get better, will see him this evening.


Just after lunch, my phone rings. It’s my local friend. “I’m really sorry. I just got your message. Some twink had my cell phone all weekend.” The details are so improbable that the story must be true. We reschedule breakfast for Tuesday.


On the way to Campus, I run into [a href=http://m4m.m4m-forum.org/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=12946&mesg_id=12946&listing_type=search] ex-dancer lust-object D[/a], with whom I’ve had a [a href=http://m4m.m4m-forum.org/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=18&topic_id=13687&mesg_id=13687] convoluted relationship[/a] over the past year. The first words out of his mouth are “do you have my phone number?” I remind him I had told him (when we parted in March) that I wouldn’t be calling again. He insists I take his new number and suggests going for coffee. I’m late for my Campus rendezvous with Oliver, but I’m curious – D seems in much better shape than when I last saw him. He has regular work, has ended a difficult relationship with his girlfriend, and has moved to the Village. Against my better judgment, I invite him for dinner on Tuesday.


At Campus I introduce Oliver to luv2play; they have a lot in common and hit it off immediately. The club is much livelier than yesterday. Among the dancers: Nicolas, Jeff, Miguel, Mickael, and, doubling as a waiter, Damien, with a whole new schoolboy look – short brown hair and glasses – which I find very appealing.


I dine alone while Oliver goes off for his session with Steve. Halfway to Taboo, I fumble for my ringing phone – it’s S, MIA for the past 8 days. “I lost my cell phone last week. Just got a new one and found your message – I’m so sorry!” He’s busy with family on Tuesday; I’m busy on Wednesday; so Thursday is the day we’ll see his new apartment, repair to my hotel for some quality time, and have dinner. I ask if he’ll be working this week, and learn he’s calling from Taboo. Perfect, since I’m already on my way there. Although the place is pretty dead – only S, Johnny (BIG Johnny, as Oliver immediately takes to calling him), Daniel, and one other dancer – I’m in hog heaven. Oliver arrives while I’m doing an extended stint with S in the back, but easily finds “my” table, which Ghislaine has marked with the coveted “reservé” sign. I remind Oliver that I have Wednesday dinner plans with C, and suggest that he invite a cute boy to join us.


Tuesday. My luck has turned and this is a splendid day. A leisurely breakfast and stroll on the Plateau with my local friend; we catch up on the past 5 months. Oliver and I wander around Old Montreal, then spend a couple of hours people-watching from the open window at Kilo. I regret my dinner invitation to D, call and change to afternoon coffee instead. He’s to confirm at 3, but never does. (The next day he leaves a phone message, but by then I’m booked solid.)


Outside Campus (the new smoking laws make it possible to view the talent on the sidewalks before entering the clubs), Oliver makes an instant connection with dancer Jordan – too big for me, but just right for him. Inside I meet James, an adorable, saucy 19-year old with a raunchy edge and an infectious smile. James and Rick entertain us at our ringside table for a while; I take James for a test drive, which he passes with flying colors.


Dinner at Piccolo Diavolo, recommended by my local friend, not least because his stunning ex-boyfriend is a busboy there. He’s not working Tuesday night, but the food, including homemade fresh pasta, is excellent.


Although Oliver has settled into my Campus/Taboo routine, he’s impatient to check out Stock. Since Stock was essentially empty at 9:30 the previous night, I suggest we proceed to Taboo and wait to hit Stock after 11. Outside Taboo, Francis yells to me “Jean-Sebastien is here tonight!” A minute later, Peter greets me with exactly the same words. Am I so transparent?


Oliver and I take what’s become our usual table, and are soon surrounded by Peter, Francis, Ryan, and Sam (someone I’ve had my eye on for a while). For the price of a few drinks (well, more than a few for Sam, who mooches drinks for his friends), we have their company all evening. Francis and Oliver hit it off, which pleases me no end; I really like Francis. We’re having such a good time that thoughts of Stock fade away.


The only slightly sour note is Jean-Sebastien. Somehow I’m encircled by other dancers whenever he’s free. He no longer catches my eye and smiles while he dances. I could be wrong, but I’m too fond of him to let a possible misunderstanding fester, so when he comes off stage, I ask him to come outside where we can talk quietly. “It’s too cold out – let’s just go into the back room” – which now, close to 1 am, is empty. He pulls 2 chairs together and we talk softly. The next thing I know, he’s stretched out with his head in my lap, eyes closed, half-asleep. A sweet moment.


By now Taboo has emptied out – many dancers have left, there are only a few customers, and the DJ is playing longer songs. Peter gets up on stage and does a sizzling Latin routine lasting at least 10 minutes. Oliver gets the OK from Francis for dinner tomorrow, and we leave, exhilarated, around 2:15.


Wednesday. The one plan that hasn’t encountered obstacles. I meet C at metro Sherbrooke and we walk to the Ecomusée to see “The Gay Body”. I find the long, philosophical descriptions tedious, but the pictures sure are hot, a perfect prelude to our next activity, exploration of the double beds in my hotel. On the way, C proposes stopping for a drink. I give him a quizzical look, and he says “I get nervous when I’m with someone for the first time”. I confess I feel the same way. This somehow breaks the ice, and our hotel visit is a rousing success.


Not unexpectedly, we’re running late; I alert Oliver and Francis. We have a spectacular meal at Le Pistou, a restaurant on the Plateau suggested by C. Two and a half hours and two bottles of wine later, C leaves for his night job, and Francis, Oliver, and I forego a taxi in favor of a leisurely half-hour stroll to Taboo in the warm evening air. Lots of dancers (among them David, Victorio, Javen, Martin, Diego, Calvin, Alex, Daniel). I hear some gossip about dancer M, who “auditions” all the new Taboo dancers in bed.


We can’t do Stock tonight; it’s ladies’ night. I suggest stopping at Campus to alleviate Oliver’s craving for muscled guys. There are plenty of them. But it seems Oliver has been spoiled by 3 days of hanging out with the sociable boys at Taboo and afternoon Campus; these guys have too much attitude. From my point of view, Josh, Matt, and Zack are possibilities (although I’m later warned off Zack by someone I know), but I’m too satiated from the afternoon to pursue them.


Thursday. Late breakfast at a Village bakery – great pastry and coffee for half the price of my hotel. We check out the “Main Madness” street fair on St. Laurent, then it’s time to freshen up for my afternoon with S. As I’m about to leave for his new apartment, he calls to warn me off – “this isn’t a good time; my roommate decided to move in today”. Instead, he comes directly to my hotel. We’ve been acquainted for 15 months and are comfortable with each other; it’s our best session ever. Afterwards at dinner I’m pleased to hear that his project is well underway and that he will soon quit dancing.


Oliver has another session scheduled with Steve. I make a farewell visit to Campus before the 9 pm changeover; the only dancer worth mentioning is Helmuth. Taboo is filled with cute young guys, including ex-dancers and current dancers taking the night off. Only 8 dancers are working, but we still have a lot of fun. Hugo, who’s had an asterisk by his name since Eden introduced him on Sunday, joins the list of dancers who are scorching in the backroom. Unbelievable as it seems, Taboo dancers now hold down the top 4 slots for backroom interaction, despite the less-than-ideal room. I do some final dances with Jean-Sebastien, always a bittersweet moment, and we leave.


It’s now past midnight; we drop by Stock. But the post-9 pm cover charge puts me off and I leave Oliver by himself, while I go back to pack and wallow in depression about my imminent departure.

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Thanks for the great details.. I tried to send you a private response, but it seems your profile is disabled.. I was wondering if you could share with me, (a private response would be best) just how far your backroom dances were able to go at taboo. I too am a taboo fan and like everyone else, have found their backroom to be very limiting..the best dance I ever had was involving one of the latin brigade who actually did things to me...Most of the dancers in my past times there have not allowed any touching of their "good" parts, or at best just a grazing touch..Now at Campus days, I have had much more "luck", even completing oral on one dancer. I appreciate your time, and also can appreciate any discretion you might use, but if you feel like mentioning specific names, I wouldnt mind. hahahahhs

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RE: Taboo


Hi, Lurker –


Let me give a more nuanced analysis of the Taboo back room and dancers from my viewpoint.


The recent renovations have made things less exposed. There are translucent curtains separating the clients’ chairs, so those seated on the same side of the room can’t really observe each other. There is also a translucent curtain hanging across the entrance, which makes it impossible for the monitor to simply turn around and look in – he has to walk around the curtain, making it difficult to catch those indulging in proscribed activities unawares.


If the room is close to full, you can see what’s going on across from you and vice versa, should you be so inclined. Being so inclined, of course, is a sign that your dancer (or his) isn’t adequately engaging your attention and isn’t worth the money. One of the reasons I prefer weekdays is that the room is rarely so crowded for this to become an issue.


Each of the dancers I like has his own preferred location and his own way of monitoring the monitor. Some prefer being in one of the corners; other prefer directly opposite the door. One reached up and unscrewed the light bulb to lessen the illumination. I’ve found it’s fine to let them choose where to sit; they know what they’re doing.


On my last 2 visits, the monitor’s scrutiny was less intense than in the past. He did not show up during every song, and his look around was no more than 5 seconds, if that. One could speculate that the recent court decision about private sex clubs has made management less nervous about law enforcement.


It is certainly true that the Taboo setup makes it very difficult to sustain proscribed activities over several songs without brief interruptions (unlike, say, Campus, where there is more privacy and the monitoring is much more casual). But while I don’t want to get specific in a public forum, you’d be safe in assuming that the general kinds of things that are possible at Campus are just as possible nowadays at Taboo.


In the interests of full disclosure, I should also say that my approach to back room dances has changed considerably since my early visits to Montreal. At first, reflecting my inexperience, it was all about how much the dancer let me do (or would do to me) in the back room. I chose mostly on instant lust. For those purposes, Taboo was less than ideal.


With time, I’ve discovered that instant lust tends to fade rapidly for me if I don’t also like the person I’m with. I rarely go to the back with a dancer I haven’t talked with for some time, and I do private dances to check if the emotional connection is accompanied by a sexual one. I’m not interested in carrying things as far as possible in a semi-public space; that’s better done in my hotel room, and the backroom dance is more in the nature of an audition. To put it crudely, you can tell if someone is going to be a good fuck without fucking them. (Note: specific sex act used for illustrative purposes only. :-) )


Everything depends on the specific dancer and the chemistry between the two of you (as it does in all the clubs). I’m sure you, as I, have had a lackluster time with dancers who were highly recommended, and have had complaints from friends that someone you thought highly of was not worth the trouble.


What’s wonderful about Montreal is that there are clubs and dancers to fit all tastes. I’m very grateful to Marc Anthony and Firecat, who convinced me to persevere at Taboo despite my early disappointments, and I returned the favor by doing the same for Mtllover and Oliver. So I try to stay open even to places that have disappointed me – for example, I’m still eagerly reading about Stock – because I know that tastes change and clubs change.


I’ve re-enabled my profile.


PS Are you the person who rented a place in the Village for 5 days last summer?

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Wonderfully descriptive (as usual) and gives the flavor of our visit. He has been very kind to me in his expurgated version of my experiences. I think he reads me better than I do myself! Thank you, “newatthis” (again, a misnomer) for all your kindness. It “made” my third visit! :D

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Hey Newatthis,


I love your trip reports ... although they do make

me quite envious x(


Sorry I wasn't able to make up to Montreal this

August ... sounds like you had a great time! I'm

sorry for not only not seeing you again, but also

for not seeing Jean-Sebastian }( again.


I'm gonna try to make it up to Montreal in the middle

of December (hope I can find my longjohns)Maybe I'll

see you then ... hopefully I'll also see Jean-Sebastian :9




Fisher ;)

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