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Time for new Monitors?

Paul Revere
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OK, now this forum is getting absolutely ridiculous.


Who is running this forum, and who is it for?


Traditionally, this forum was a collection of postings from fans and visitors to various strip clubs, with opinions about dancers and sometimes comments on the quality of thier private sessions. It has been very imformative about who was performing and where and when. Although there was occaisional references to clubs in San Francisco and Toronto, it primarily focused on the Gaiety in New York, and Campus, Stock, Taboo and Adonis in Montreal; with an occaisional reference to Swinging Richards in Atlanta.


But in recent weeks it has been turned into the Denise Forum by, I am assuming, Cooper as the Moderator? What gives here?


A thread was removed about a dirty apartment used in NYC by Gaiety dancers, and now the picture of Neo has beem removed. Neither of these posts violated any of the traditional rules of this forum. The information about the apartment was helpful information, and the pictue of Neo was harmless. Every other dancer at the Gaiety whose picture is somewhere on the net finds its way to this forum, but for some reason Neo is exempt. This is complete bullshit!


I like Denise, and I generally (but not completely) like the way that she runs her business. But why is she suddenly the editor and monitor of this forum? I don't think it is Denise, because for years she has had a completely laissez-faire attitude to crap on the Internet. I beleive that the problem is a mis-guided monitor who has some twisted personal agenda.


I hope that Hooboy will step in and return control fo this forum to the long time users and contributors, It has been a useful exchange of information, but now something very strange is happening. There is nothing wrong with discussions of privare shows, and where they may happen, nor is there anything wrong with Internet pictures of dancers being posted (as long as real names are not used).


Hooby, can we have our forum back?



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I really don't think that a couple of threads means that there is anything wrong with the board, or that this Denise person is controlling it. If you look at the top 10 threads at this moment, they are all about strip clubs - The Gaiety, Stock, Taboo, Little Richards, etc. Except for 1, which is this one.

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PR: FYI, The 2 examples of moderator's interference that you cited aren't good enough to indicated that this Forum is being over-moderated or being infuluenced by non-members.


Example 1. The thread on the "apartment" was moved to the "Moderators Forum" for a discussion as to whether or not it should be deleted. HooBoy and all the moderators responded "yes" due to information that was provided to us by the author of that thread.


Example 2. Neo's picture. The policy around here has been and still is, that if an escort requests that his picture be removed, it will he honored. The person who posted that picture spent all day checking out the story behind those pictures and requested that it be removed only after finding out the true facts.


All this information has already been openly discussed, so, my question to PR is, what's your real reason for writing this thread?

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I dont think we need new Moderators either,

we need the RATS to stop running to the Gaiety with info they read and aggravating the employees.


If the RATS keep aggravating D and the rest this forum will become the weekly lineup and nothing more.......



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>PR: FYI, The 2 examples of moderator's interference that you

>cited aren't good enough to indicated that this Forum is being

>over-moderated or being infuluenced by non-members.


As the Moderator, this is exactly the response that I would expect from you. I am hoping to hear from other memebers on this thread. I at least give you credit for not deleting the thread, as I half expected.


>Example 1. The thread on the "apartment" was moved to the

>"Moderators Forum" for a discussion as to whether or not it

>should be deleted. HooBoy and all the moderators responded

>"yes" due to information that was provided to us by the author

>of that thread.


If there was sensitive information on the thread, maybe it should have been deleted, like if the exact address of the apartment was given. Otherwise the the discussion and the information was valuable to regular Gaiety patrons, so the discussion should have continued.


>Example 2. Neo's picture. The policy around here has been and

>still is, that if an escort requests that his picture be

>removed, it will he honored. The person who posted that

>picture spent all day checking out the story behind those

>pictures and requested that it be removed only after finding

>out the true facts.


Did Neo see his picture on the forum, and send an e-mail requesting its removal? I didn't think so. It's this childish running and telling and seeking approval of Denise and Neo that I find so annoying and immature. Any picture that is on the web is free to post in the forum. Posting Neo's picture was useful to some who may have recognized his face, but did not keep up with his dance aliases. If Neo sent an e-mail requesting the removal, then maybe OK. Otherwise, all of the photos of Gaiety dancers should be removed. Why is Neo getting such special treatment. Why are we, as the forum, asking for Neo's approval of what is posted. This smells of something, but I don't know exactly what. Let's grow up a little.


>All this information has already been openly discussed, so, my

>question to PR is, what's your real reason for writing this



Actually the reason that the apartment thread was deleted was never openly discussed. My real reason for posting is that I see that this forum IS becoming over moderated, and it is being done so to serve the personal needs of the moderator and one or two Gaiety patrons. It doesn't seem right or fair to the rest of the Gaiety patrons. I further object strongly to members printing out the forum and bringing it to Denise and Neo for comments and editorial control. This is a public forum. If Denise and Neo wnat to log on and comment, I think that would be great, but this running to check with them if posts, thread and pictures ar OK is really twisted.

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>I think PR is looking to create a problem where none exists.

>As HooBoy requests "please be kind to each other". Cooper does

>an amazing and totally fair job moderating this forum and I

>think all would agree with that.


No, actually, the reason I have finally posted concerning this, is thatI DON'T AGREE that Copper has done a totally fair job as monitor. Please don't assume what other people believe!

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Once again, I'm of a like mind with Paul--at least about the two yanked items and the manner in which they were yanked. If Cooper truly feels that he is being unfairly treated in what we have to say, I respectly submit that he needs to do some soul-searching. And I say that in the sure belief that he is, and has been, well-intentioned in his handling of this whole Hooboy Junior High intrigue.


There's been far too much double-talk mixed in with 'things unspoken' in a forum that's supposed to be free, open and honest.


In both cases, knowing that the poster himself asked Coop to remove the allegedly offensive material is, of course, of great interest and some relevance. But, in fact, the request per se neither explains nor justifies the decision to honor it.


The true dynamics in play here are barely discernible in Cooper's shaky attempts to ward off charges of censorship and/or giving in to outside pressure. So let me try to shed some light on the subject.


What seems to have happened is that some self-aggrandizing busybody (who needn't be named here--especially to anyone carefully following the whole sorry misadventure) took it upon himself to do a bit of shuttle diplomacy between the Gaiety and this forum. Whatever the motivation, the result has been toxic. For having needlessly provoked one side, he then proceeded to intimidate the other--in both cases using half-truths, incomplete information and innuendo, while further muddying the waters with background info (about vengeful girlfriends, for instance) which, while titillating, has no proper bearing at all on Cooper's actions. And yet, when all is said and done, it was only on this busybody's say-so--and HIS insistence--that the yankings occurred. That the two dancers played some role in it, for whatever reasons of their own, doesn't alter the one all-important fact: it was the busybody, not the allegedly aggrieved parties, who called the shots from beginning to end and who deliberately manipulated all parties involved.


If Coop, as moderator, mishandled these manufactured 'crises,' the fault lies with his not having grasped this at once. (I suspect he figured it out a bit later, and is now showing an understandable reluctance to admit that he was had--not once, but twice.)


The busybody has been uncharacteristically quiet during the ensuing fall out--though hardly idle behind the scenes. I don't think anything is served by exacting admissions of guilt or apologies from him. I only hope he won't pile up any more BS on the malodorous little mound he has already created, and that he'll be more thoughtful about his participation in the board from this point on.


I've described the dancer involved in the first episode as 'a conniver from the get-go.' Taz and TT may feel a bit uncomfortable at seeing someone they're both plainly sweet on so bluntly reviled, but at least they haven't mounted any counter-attacks. (They probably suspect the truth anyway.) And, in this regard, I hope they're able to read the very interesting post about him and another dancer that was posted this morning on the Yahoo Gaiety site.


(If it didn't lay me open to charges of being a busybody myself, I'd love to encourage the writer on that report to let it be reposted here. Perhaps someone who knows him already will do that for us.)

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My feeling is that some changes need to be made here in the Strip Club Forum, but not because of Cooper. If anything, he deserves credit, not criticism, for building this forum and encouraging new members to participate.


I would discourage the use of the forum for personal vendettas and I would discourage members from doing an undercover cop's work for him by detailing how you use the Gaiety for prostitution. Reviews should be in the review section. That's my two cents.

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Lucky, there's no one here who wouldn't agree with you about what should be discouraged on this forum. But what on earth has that to do with what Paul has been talking about? Or with what I just posted?


Please don't tell me that TT's tortuous (and yes, tedious) attitude toward Neo is central to what went wrong here. Don't even tell me that something so confused and ineffectual rises to the level of a vendetta.


However insistent TT is in acting out his Neo obsession in public, it has very little to do with Cooper's decision to yank the thread. THAT was done because he, like VDN, he was snookered into it by a third party who was meddling where he shouldn't. (Ditto on the "Whatta dump!" thread; just substitute Taz for VDN.)


No one wants to seem ungrateful to Cooper for all he has done to brighten our lives as balletomanes! (His early-bird Monday report from the Gaiety is enough to win MY gratitude, believe me.) But a moderator is expected to show as much wisdom as he can bring to bear on his decisions. And part of that wisdom is shown (and enhanced) by his willingness to weigh carefully and respond honestly to any doubts about the rightness of his actions.


Knee-jerk cheerleading and mindless 'solidarity' only diminish the person they seek to bolster.

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This could be a stupid question but here goes,


If someone posts a message on other chat forums cant you delete the post yourself?

If thats the case why cant you delete YOUR OWN post on Hoo Boy's ?


I dont think Cooper should be responsible for removing someones post when the person who wrote it made the request to have it removed.......


Regarding the Yahoo post on Michael, I did read it.. I still am satisfied with him and his services, I dont feel like I have ever been Riped Off by him or cut short for time.... met with him several times last week (after the post drama) at the Marriot.....I also have plans to see him this week away from the Gaiety....

No complaints on Michal from me... (YES FAVORITE)


Some others might not agree with my Michale opinion, but that my feeling......

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Hey Taz,


Just read the post too...The guy actually says Michael was cool, but was displeased with the other guy.



As for reviews of Gaiety dancers, should I just write a review and submit it to HooBoy, or should I post it here ?


I usually post it here, cause it is much more timely and gives guys a chance to hit up the escorts before they leave town.

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My Michael comment was regarding HED4's "CONNIVER" and Yahoo Post comment.


If you have any comments about (Michael) him by all means post them here....Its up to you....


I think I have found that the more times you see a dancer the better the relationship or experiance you have with him.


If you see a new dancer every week your bound to get burned, maybe thats why I dont have too many negitive comments about the G dancers.

If I find one I like I stick with him.....

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"Woop seems to be licking Neo's butt and D's cunt."


I give a "vindictive" 5 stars to Neo and nominate the bitch for Mr. G of 2004 :7


Both the GAIETY APT and NEOs Pic deleted from this board?





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RE: Time for nude Monitors?


"Knee-jerk cheerleading and mindless 'solidarity'"


That's me alright! :)


They couldn't pay me enough to take all of the flack that a moderator takes on this forum. Cooper is volunteering his time and has built this forum from scratch. It's not mindless to support him...just look at page after page of this forum and compare others contributions to his.

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RE: Time for nude Monitors?


I see now that I'd confused NYNovice with TT in referring to Taz's unshakeable devotion to Michael. Apologies to those involved--all of them innocents abroad in my world-weary view--and kinda hard to keep apart, to tell the truth!


But no apologies for branding the Brooklyn bad boy a conniver. (That's a relatively charitable description of him, by the way.) And since you Michael fans have taken comfort in your (predictably) guileless reading of the 'warning' post to the Yahoo group, I hope you're also checking out the follow-up exchanges. Be assured I look forward to your reaction to THEM, too.



Taz is a goner for sure, but you can still save yourself from the Gaiety strain of the Stockholm syndrome. Just choose a TRULY nice guy the next time--one who can smile and smile and NOT be a villain. Finally, it seems to me that your novitiate is rapidly drawing to a close by now. Have you thought about what your handle will be after you've taken those final vows? ('SisterSimplicia' is already taken, but 'SisterSimplicia2005' is still available.) ;)

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It's a long way between Louisiana and NY City, but how you guys can get so involved with a discussion about Gaiety dancers is beyond me. After all, they are simply people and have personalities. If you don't like them then turn away. I don't know Cooper or any of you, but just let it go. This forum should not be your life!


the Cajun

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Well said Kjun. I started reading the Gaiety reviews here when NYO was posting clean simple fun reviews, and always enjoyed them. When it turned into this forum, I continued reading. As time has gone on, it has just gotten so silly that I sometimes wonder if some of the guys ever stop to read what they've written and the message their communicating. I was sorry to see it become a consumer report for those guys actually so lacking that they'd actually publicly brag about the money they spent (wasted) for a few minutes in private with a guy they could already see naked anyway for 17 bucks. As time has gone on, the forum has descended even into sheer silliness, with so many people pushing silly agendas, and catfights breaking out all over the place. One just shakes one's head that there are people who take all this so seriously, and make the Gaiety such a focus of their lives. I love going to the Gaiety whenever in New York, but I deeply suspect, as Valley Dweller North (one of the few really sensible posters here in my readings)once suggested in a thread, that all this mindless prattle will eventually sink the Gaiety....


Oh Gawd, now I've become one of them, adding to the fray...

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While I'm sounding off, I'll add this two cents to Lucky's two cents: "I would discourage the use of the forum for personal vendettas and I would discourage members from doing an undercover cop's work for him by detailing how you use the Gaiety for prostitution. Reviews should be in the review section. That's my two cents."


I wholeheartedly agree. It has become sad and offensive to read post after post with the 'insider's view' that the Gaiety is really a brothel, and the minutely detailed accounts of interactions with dancers, good and bad. I've seen discussions in the past suggesting that the time has come to stop, and then Cooper makes a half-hearted attempt, but two or three weeks go by, and before you know it, everyone is back at it. There are some of us who wouldn't dream of paying three hundred dollars to have indifferent sex (or even enthusiastic sex) with someone who wouldn't otherwise be going to bed with us. (Note to self: Send $300.00 donations to 10 favorite charities this Christmas with the money saved by NOT hiring Gay for Pay, or hiring at all.) Major concept here: Some of us actually still go to the Gaiety to just to watch the show, and could care less about whether Tony Tender had a good time with Neo, or whatever. Some of us even still consider our sex lives private. As I said in my earlier post, I think that all this will eventually come to no good, and that the indiscreet prattle will only result in harm to Denise and the Gaiety. It may not always be a satisfactory place in everyway, and we all go there for different reasons, but remember, above all, that if it goes, there is nothing else like it likely to replace it. I hope this makes people think. I've never posted before tonight, but watching all the silliness float by lately has moved me to speak.

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