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Tired old queens at the Gaiety

Guest WOLF
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This is in responce to all the whinnning old faggots at the Gaiety. Give it up and get a life! Is there nothing better to talk about then "Bring back BEN VERSACE" ? Having been a dancer for over 25 years, I've seen it all, and there is nothing more annoying than listening to a bunch of fat old trolls whine and complain about guys who they could not even compare with. First, as a dancer we work for tips , and to have a miserable old man sit for hours in the same seat for hours and only give a dollar for a lap dance is an insult. If you' re going to occupy that seat you should at least be polite enough to give a descent tip. If you are not going to tip move out of that seat and give it to someone who will appreciate the performer. Maybe the dancers look bored because you people are BORING and CHEAP!!!!!! There is no place in this country to get a show as good as you can get at the Gaiety. Denise is one of the best people I've ever had the priveldge to know, and she works nonstop to bring the best dancers to NYC. and there is nothing more insulting to her than to hear your constant complaining about the performers of the week. None of you could write a descent reveiw, you are only bitter old men who are angry because the dancers see you all for what you are, CHEAP!!!!!!!!!! IF you go to a female strip club, it is rude to give a dollar for a tip, yet you all insult the guys by offering only a dollar and most of the time there is no tip at all. I get a lot of grief evertime I go to the Gaiety because I give good Tips, I'm not saying give what I give but come on, a dollar ? Give at least $5-10 per dancer, if you don't like that dancer on stage at the time, get up and give that seat to someone else who might want to tip that dancer. On a weekend it is a joke to watch all the old trolls and how they hold on to their seats. Guys you do not own that seat, if you get up to hang out in the lounge ,then allow some else to sit there, but you guys come in at 3 pm. and stay there for the duration. Guess what it must be like to be a dancer to come out on the stage and have to look down on the same old withered face, not only show after show, but hour after hour, day after day, and week after week, and year after year. Most of the time we as dancers don' t even know if some of you are even still alive!, ( maybe if you clapped once in awhile, we would know if you were still breathing ) I've been off the stage for 17 years now ,and yet the front row is still the same faces I saw when I danced back in the 70s and early 80s and you are still cheapskates who don't tip, only time things change is when one of the old trolls dies or has a face lift. ( this is to the cheap old queen who sits always in the front and has the nasty old dead possum on his head for hair, first try Hair club for Men!, Hey ,after all the money you save by not tipping you can afford a hairpiece better than Elton Johns! And secondlly, next time you give me "crap" for giving every dancer a tip at Finale time, I'll knock your walker down and you be complaining "Help, Ive fallen and Can't get up" I'll tip what I want and how much I want , and it's none of your business if I give a dancer $500! The dancers at the Gaiety are for the most part the best bodies you'll see any where an d they have every right to feel proud of their bodies. IT takes many hours of hard work to look like they do,and to have a fat old donut-eating, smelly old troll ,who has not changed or bought new clothes in 10 years, criticize how you look is just stupidity and sourgrapes. NEO is one of the nicest people I've ever had the honor to know. and to hear your stupid criticism of him every week is makin my blood boil. he has to put up with all the crap from people who do not tip and are rude, maybe if you treated this man with a little respect for his abilities yo'd get some respect back. But us dancers can see how fake you people are. Go to the gaeity and enjoy the show, it's the best male nude review in the world and for most of you it's the closest you'll get to having a hot guy, Stop complaining about no Ben Versace, YOU OLD TROLLS never tipped him when he was there and he too would complain just the same as I'm doing.

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>NEO is one of the nicest people

>I've ever had the honor to know. and to hear your stupid

>criticism of him every week is makin my blood boil. he has to

>put up with all the crap from people who do not tip and are

>rude, maybe if you treated this man with a little respect for

>his abilities yo'd get some respect back.




It is so obvious that LOVE SLAVE, DRAMA, ANTI BEN & RIP OFF Neo is writing this.

Helped by spell check and another person knowing English.

Better you go back to saying "big mac" and "Budweiser"


First post?


I'm sure the reaction to this board post is going to be good.

The only true part of this whole story is that he is an x dancer. Soon an X DJ hopefully.


Can't take the pressure Neo? You must insult the customers same way you rip them off?


Where is Tony T when you need him.

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I'm a new customer to the Gaiety, so I dont know all the history or the dancers, but as a business owner myself, if I had an employee like Neo I would HAVE to fire him. His attitude on the stage was terrible. I can understand if he's mad at the bad tippers in the front, but there are more people in the place and he chose to dance. As a friend of the owner, you would think he would treat her business with more respect. Sorry, no excuse for his bad performance.


One thing that I do have to agree with Wolf on, is the dollar tip. I was kind of shocked to see all these guys holding seats in the front and then dropping one dollar a dancer. The dollar tip is a thing of the past guys....it went with the dollar cup of coffee, the dollar bus fare,the dollar soda.....gone.

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NEO! / Wolf (more than likely it is you)

I can analyze line for line comments you wrote that are dead giveaways to your identity.


Never underestimate the power of this board. Many people read this and respect the opinions of this board. This is the only place where the public can get information and express opinions about the G. There is no public website or any other avenue of info available about the G.


Just because you are seeing and feeling the effects ($$$$$) this board has on you, does not mean you can rip apart those devoted G patrons who express their opinions on it. This is your fault by your own bad actions and bad attitudes in the past and present. The G patrons must be protected from dancers like you or the G would suffer greatly. As you said, beautiful bodied hot dancers make the G. You already did great damage to the business by just being there. I do not understand why Denise does not realize this. (Love Slave or not)


"Bravo" for you to finally say something but it only adds another nail to you coffin as a public nude dancer and DJ.


Yes, I am one of those "old trolls" at age 38. :D


I agree with the last posted comment of "you should be fired"


I also agree that tipping should be moderate also. At least $5-$10-$20. Pay for a private if the tip is greater than that.


I don't have to say much more. Let the other G customers express their opinions on this subject.

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" "Bring back BEN VERSACE" ? Having

been a dancer for over 25 years, I've seen it all,"

Well hun-that mens that if you started at 18 you would be 43 years old now.That is wayyyyy over the age at which most guys have moved on to something else.

I think the Gaitey sounds just creepy-I will stick with Montreal.

The OP is right about corpses sitting in the good seats and not tipping-but he loses all credibility by his overly hostile rant.

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I don't think this thread was started by Neo, but by a tired old guy who thinks his heyday at the G can be prolonged by trying to make a big show about tipping the dancers. His ostentatious tipping attempts to make the show more about him than about the dancers.


He is right about the front row crowd, and about the cheap tippers.

And, from what I have heard, although not recently, the other dancers like Neo.


We do all owe Denise a level of gratitude for keeping this show going over all of these years. But even she cannot work miracles when the dance team is not on their game.


Finally, the reviewers are the greatest contributors here. The G dancers are lucky to have such fine and fair guys promoting them every week. But, even they cannot work miracles if the G dancers can't be bothered to actually dance!

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Obviously this is someone with issues or a grudge.


<<First, as a dancer we work for tips>>

Not at the Gaiety since I’ve been going. The boys make their money in privates not in the (what $10 total?) tips they get 5 times a day 7 days a week plus the few hundred they get for the week for dancing. In your day did they toss hundred dollar bills? Also, I have been to female strip clubs and they do get dollar tips. A Gaiety dancer who gets a bigger tip will be expecting to meet you later by the pinball machine.


<<If you are not going to tip move out of that seat and give it to someone who will appreciate the performer.>>

Absolutely! You do have a point that I have made and the other key posters here have made about the cheap queens who sit at the edge of the stage and never, ever tip --how rude, boys! I usually tip every dancer even the ones I don’t like unless they were personally horrible, disinterested or strung out. I have even chastised one guy sitting next to me who never bothered to tip. They other key posters have all complained about non-tippers or guys who leave their seats empty but blocked for hours or even fall asleep. Don’t blame the board members for this as they hate this too.


The majority of the posts here inform us of the week’s dancers, upcoming dancers, dancers’ contact info, what their stage show was like, did they live up to their hype, recommendations and warnings about dancers. While yes the reviews of the stage shows can get somewhat bitchy and yes I thought the Ben Versace/Neo thing was beaten into the ground, the dancers get a lot from good word of mouth. I have not yet seen Ben Versace nor Dominic nor Vito nor Gio onstage but based on the good press in the forum posts extolling them, I will, and I bet a lot of guys run to 46th Street to see them one way or another based on the forums.


Your attack on <<all the whinnning (sic) old faggots at the Gaiety>> if directed here was unfounded., angry and mean. You should channel your anger in a more positive direction.

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i have only been to the gaiety once in the last four years but before that i was a regular for about a decade whenever i was in town which was often. i was amazed that over that time stretch, the very same people were "aging in place" in the very same seats. the original poster does have a point that those men need to give up their seats if they go to the lounge for any length of time. it was often sad to see a hard working dancer in front of those empty seats. they do need to make way for people who tip. about a decade ago, i actually remember a "fight" over a seat (mostly pushing, shoving and yelling).


when i was back earlier this year, if i wanted a private, i tipped a $20 and that got his attention and the dancer would make a bee-line to me in the lounge to set up an appointment; it was a good signal that i would treat him well. otherwise i tipped between $3 and $5 to show my appreciation for a job well done.


everyone here should thank denise for keeping the place open and working hard to get the dancers. she often puts up with no shows and has to scramble to get fill-ins. when the gaiety is gone, everyone here will complain and remember the "old days" with fondness. there will never be another place like it.

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I agree: Denise is underappreciated. While she is sometimes standoffish, most times I talk to her she is pleasant. Once, when a President Clinton motorcade kept us locked in the Gaiety, I had a fairly long conversation with her (and got to see the view from the doors to the right face the stage). Cool lady.

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Hello Lucky,


The mere thought of thinking of a reply to Wolf's rants made me exhausted so I took a shit instead.


However, your post/reply was right on the money and a great clarion of common sense through all of this noise of confusion. I also feel Arik's and NYO's dose of calm sanity helped as well.


Enough said. I am still tired from reading such blather.


VDN ....ZZZzzzzz

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Guest zipperzone

> One thing that I do have to agree with Wolf on, is the

>dollar tip. I was kind of shocked to see all these guys

>holding seats in the front and then dropping one dollar a

>dancer. The dollar tip is a thing of the past guys....it went

>with the dollar cup of coffee, the dollar bus fare,the dollar



I'd have to agree with this point. Americans are famous for over-tipping world wide. How come the cheapskates all end up in the 1st row of the Gaiety?

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I think some of you are being unfair here. While I frequently tip more (though not to the extent of a few), I think that putting down a dollar or two IS sufficient (in fact, that's what I've recommended when people had written to me). It's unfortunate that the setup of the Gaiety means that there are limited seats where tipping is easily accessible to the stage (other than the folks who get up out of their seats and approach the stage to donate to the cause). I think a tip in this particular venue is indicative of an entertaining performance or is an appreciation of the work these guys do to get in great shape. We all know that the guys who are performing are not there for tip money; yet, I am sure all of them like to be acknowledged, appreciated, enjoyed. I think it's unreasonable to think that someone who is getting only visual entertainment, without experiencing any touch should spend 5 x 7 (or 5 x 12) dollars just for a visual experience. I am in agreement with the comments about people who don't tip at all. I pay a lot of attention to both the performers and the patrons by the stage, watching their reaction to the guys. It annoys me (and I've ranted and raved in previous columns) that some guys monopolize seats all day/night, either not tipping at all or leaving their seats for extensive periods of time. This is not fair or appropriate behavior and both the dancers and other patrons who might be interested in approaching the stage suffer.

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Guest zipperzone

>It annoys me (and I've ranted and raved in previous columns)

>that some guys monopolize seats all day/night, either not

>tipping at all or leaving their seats for extensive periods of

>time. This is not fair or appropriate behavior and both the

>dancers and other patrons who might be interested in

>approaching the stage suffer.


I would think that if a person leaves his seat, it should be considered that he has abandonded it. If I was there and wanted to sit ring-side and an empty seat was being "held" by some guy's coat, I would just sit in the seat and put his coat on the floor or in the ailse. Bet he would get the message in a big hurry and if he wanted to tussle with me over it - so be it. He hasn't paid for a "reserved seat" and if he gets up, he should expect to loose it.


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>I would think that if a person leaves his seat, it should be

>considered that he has abandonded it. If I was there and

>wanted to sit ring-side and an empty seat was being "held" by

>some guy's coat, I would just sit in the seat and put his coat

>on the floor or in the ailse. Bet he would get the message in

>a big hurry and if he wanted to tussle with me over it - so be

>it. He hasn't paid for a "reserved seat" and if he gets up, he

>should expect to loose it.


Do you think this would be appropriate behavior at a movie theatre when someone leaves their seat to use the rest room or goes to get something to eat? Do you then take that "abandonded seat" and "put their coat on the floor"?

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Guest zipperzone

>Do you think this would be appropriate behavior at a movie

>theatre when someone leaves their seat to use the rest room or

>goes to get something to eat? Do you then take that

>"abandonded seat" and "put their coat on the floor"?


I see your point, but I think this is a bit different. If someone has to go for a pee, that usually takes a very short period of time. My understanding of what happens at the Gaiety is that some guys park their coat there and take off for a much longer period of time and hang out in the lounge.


I can't see how the price of admission guarantees you the right to reserve a seat for hours on end if you are not using it. Use it or loose it would seem to be fair here.

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Your understanding is correct.


There is a cadre of Gaiety jerks who have total disregard

for other patrons and dancers. I have been going to the Gaiety

for nearly ten years, and it is quite common (at least at the Friday

6:15 show)for them to stake out a seat stageside, see one or two

dancers,and then go into the lounge (leaving their coat/bag on the

seat)for the next ten dancers and then come rushing out for the

finale. The same jerks do this week after week.


I have seen people take these jerks' seat. If the person taking the

seat is older or frail-looking, the jerks can be quite nasty; however,

if the person taking the seat is hulky, the jerks don't say anything

and just sulk in the aisle.


Another thing that these jerks do is wait until a dancer is on stage

to get back into their seats. Typically at the Gaiety there is 6 to 7

minutes of dancers on stage - then there are approx 3-1/2 minutes of

empty stage while the dancer is in the back getting naked &

hard (hopefully). This would be when anyone with manners would leave

their seat or get back into their seat. Not the Gaiety jerks they will wait until

a dancer is on stage and then they will climb over you, stand in front of their seats

scratching their butts, blocking the view of the dancers.


I must admit that I do leave my seat unattended at times.

I have lower back problems and have to get up quite frequently

to stretch. However, I always take an aisle seat, and try to get

up when no one is on stage.


- Fisher

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RE: cadre of Gaiety jerks??


"There is a cadre of Gaiety jerks who have total disregard for other patrons and dancers. I have been going to the

Gaiety for nearly ten years, and it is quite common (at least at the

Friday 6:15 show)for them to stake out a seat stageside, see one or

two dancers,and then go into the lounge (leaving their coat/bag on the seat) for the next ten dancers and then come rushing out for the finale. The same jerks do this week after week."


FISHER: a "cadre of Gaiety jerks"???, give me a break, this isn't true at all. If one or two patrons are guilt of leaving their seats for a period of time then ok, but not to the extent you mention.


A bit of advice for you and others who see the old-time patrons as an easy target of criticism: claim your "special seat", sit back, enjoy the show, have some FUN, hoot if it so moves you, tip if you like the dancer, stretch your back when needed, and stop worring about what others do. The show is on the stage, not in the audience and the price of admission is still the same for everyone.


Finally, it's these so called "Gaiety jerks", who have been going to the Gaiety way longer than you, that have been keeping the doors open. Thanks to their continual support we still have a place to see the hottest dancers on Broadway. The theatre can exist without certain dancers, but it can not exist without the support of it's regular patrons.

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RE: cadre of Gaiety jerks??


"Finally, it's these so called "Gaiety jerks", who have been going to the Gaiety way longer than you, that have been keeping the doors open. Thanks to their continual support we still have a place to see the hottest dancers on Broadway. The theatre can exist without certain dancers, but it can not exist without the support of it's regular patrons. "




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RE: cadre of Gaiety jerks??




Sorry, but I stand by what I said.


“FISHER: a "cadre of Gaiety jerks"???,

give me a break, this isn't true at all.

If one or two patrons are guilt of leaving

their seats for a period of time then ok,

but not to the extent you mention.”


I can think of a about ten regulars who

consistently leave coats/bags on seats for

significant periods of time. To me that is

a cadre; furthermore, their lack of consideration

to other patrons and the dancers that these

individuals show makes them jerks.


“A bit of advice for you and others who see the

old-time patrons as an easy target of criticism ...”

“Finally, it's these so called "Gaiety jerks", who

have been going to the Gaiety way longer than you,

that have been keeping the doors open. Thanks to their

continual support we still have a place to see the hottest

dancers on Broadway. The theatre can exist without certain

dancers, but it can not exist without the support of it's

regular patrons.”


I don’t know if I am considered an “old-time patron”,

but I’ve been going to the Gaiety on a regular basis

for nearly a decade. My support/patronage has given

Denise several thousand dollars over the past decade

(not to mention the amounts given to various dancers).

I agree that the Gaiety can not exist without the support

of its regular patrons ... but I do think it can exist if

about ten regular patrons stopped coming to the Gaiety.


I do want to state that most of the old-time patrons do

not fall into the cadre of Gaiety jerks category. They are

considerate individuals and are there to enjoy the show.


- Fisher

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RE: cadre of Gaiety jerks??


I guess I missed the point of this whole thread too x(


I thought it was about bad behavior(and not the good

kind of bad) at the Gaiety ;(


Thats okay, next time I'm at the Gaiety lets all hold

hands and sing Kum-bay-yah ... except when a dancer bends

over when we'll hoot and holler in memory/honor of Ira :p


- Fisher

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