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Guest msclonly

With such a short list, there should be a Matinee admission price.

The movies are not worth anything for pulling in customers.



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DAMIAN was a great opener for the show. An exciting dancer wearing crazy black pants with these twirling straps makes him very fun to watch. He has a smooth medium build, a wonderful butt and nice fat dick. He also has the most beautiful blue eyes you could get lost in, so try to get close.

NICK (the dick) realy deserves his reputation for being one of the biggest hung dancers to appear on the Gaiety stage. You'd never expect such a young boyish looking guy with a medium build to be so blessed. When he licks the head of that appendage it makes you think he'd never be bored when he's "home alone". Check him out on http://www.dancernick.com

MASON always puts on a nice show. A goodlooking guy with dark hair and a medium muscular build. He was all smiles onstage. Maybe it was those red shoes that had him so amused. They made me smile or was it was it his big, um, personality.

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EGOmania at the G


It was hard to watch the show with the egomaniac who was throwing 50's at the dancers. I guess he wanted to take attention away from the dancers. Of course, most of the audience was gawking at this spectacle as it was hard to focus on anything else. While I have always been a big supporter of tipping, I feel that tipping this way is completely disrespectful to both the audience and the dancers. I like when the crowd is into the show, but this guy was yelling at the dancers. Made the entire evening pretty UNenjoyable for me.


Lineup was:

1. Damian

2. GQ

3. Nick

4. Adriano

5. Mason

6. Chris

7. Pino

8. Drakko (not sure of spelling, but HOT HOT HOT!!)

9. Neo

10. Vito/Tony Miceli

11. Michael (Brooklyn one)

12. Max

13. Johnny (2nd song only)


Jazz was there too, didn't get to dance, rescheduled for Labor Day.


Rumored for next week is TJ.

Rumored for the week after is porn star Rod Barry (YUM).

Rumored for week after (starting Labor Day) is Dave Angelo.

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I've been going to the Gaiety on and off for a long time. Most of the time it's just to enjoy the show. Sometimes I've done privates with some of the guys. But, unfortunately, in stereotypical fashion, I've found these to be too expensive, too short, and too little given. So, in general, for quite a while, it's been look but that's all.


Last Wednesday, August 18, was a bit different, and that's why I'm writing this report. Each performer was terrfic, and I found myself filled with desire for just about each of them. No, I still didn't go with any of them, but that's not the point here. That the show was outstanding is.


Here they are.


Damian. Started off slowly, but got into his perfomance with tons of energy. Caught my thumbs-up sign of approval and responded with a wink. Good interaction. One suggestion: Get rid of the cap.


GQ. A rather innovative first part. Even before he came on stage, the audience could hear dog-barking sounds from behind the curtain. GQ's set began with him coming on stage in camo pants with a young dude in a black boxer brief hanging on to his ankle like an insistent puppy. Later the same "puppy" came running out on to the stage from the wings and "bit" the dancer on the ass. Very amusing.

His second act sizzled with total sexuality.


Nick. Different from the typical Gaiety muscle dude. Not a twink by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe a swimmer or the less used category of collegiate frat boy. He used a quiet, low-key song for his performance. Nice and smooth except for an extremely enticing treasure trail stretcihng down from his navel to a tiny thumb-nail sized patch of hair on his pubes. He also has a long, thick cock. And, yes, from time to time, he does bend over a bit and actually licks it. Hot. Hot. Hot.


Adriano. Another dancer with off-stage effects. As his name was announced, cries of "Too cool" could be heard coming from the lounge.

Defintiely a different type of dancer. Yes, very well muscled, but maybe a little bit older. Not in a negative sense, since, again, he radiated a type of sexual energy that went way beyound the abilities in this area normally associated only with youth.

Adriano is tall with somewhat longish black hair, which, in his first part, he wore slicked back and tied in kind of a pony tail. In his second part, he let it all down and had some of it draped over the front of his face in a very sexy way.

Others seemed to appreciate what he offered. In the middle of his first part, what appeared to be a woman came from the sidelines and threw two twenty dollar bills on the stage.


Mason. Very pleasant eye candy to view. He looked like an impressive, tall gay sex god. It's understandable that the dancers can be very hard when they come out for the beginning of their second part and then soften up a bit as they concentrate on the movements of their dance. Not Mason. Extremely hard thorughout. Also very, very good, that he spoke to each of the stage-side tippers as he picked up their offerings. Nice interaction.


Chris. Starts out with a plain, dark blue tee shirt. Nice change of pace. Has a nice smile and a delcious tan bod. The top of his underwear or bathing suit was edged in orange, a great contrast with is tan. He moved slowly and sensually around the stage. Has a great face which simultaneously makes him look like the boy next door and some classic painting or statue. Yet another one that I could go with for a private.


This was a special Gaiety show for me. If anyone else saw it, I hope they appreciated it as well. If not, may you also find the one show that is special for you.

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Guest DickHo

This is not pertinent to this week's Gaiety posting but a few weeks back there was discussion about Ronnie and Roland LeCour. Well, I did the deed with Roland today and I asked him to clarify. He said:


His name is Ronald and his brother's is Ronnie--twisted mother!

When Ronald was first introduced at The Gaiety, the DJ said "Roland". He thought, what the hell and kept that name.


Ronnie lives in Florida doesn't do much, if any, dancing. Ronald/Roland is here for the next 3 weeks or so. He has an ad in rentboy.



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Guest DickHo

RE: EGOmania at the G


I always had a crush on Rod Barry. I was in San Diego earlier this year. His fee there is $400/hr. Couldn't bring myself to do it...I wonder how much he will charge in NYC?



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RE: EGOmania at the G


It was interesting reading your post on Friday about the excessive tipper. I caught the Wed. show and someone (probably the same guy, long hair, lots of jewelry) was doing the same thing. He certainly had a busy and financially giving week!


I think the only time I had seen this before was for Damian and Adriano the last time they were in and they certainly seemed appreciative (as well they should be). It didn't really take away from the show I thought but it certainly was a separate side show all by itself. Only the balancing of a $50 bill on Mason's hard dick during the second song seemed a bit much. But maybe I was just jealous. Of course, I didn't even think about having a private with Damian (a dancer on my list for the ideal Gaeity lineup) because I figured there was no way to compete with this.


I'll have to say it was a very solid lineup. Not much for lovers of twinks or hairy gods, but a good looking and energetic group. I'm tempted to go back tonight on Sunday but I'll probably just wait for another chance at Damian the next time around. Sounds like his private shows are exceptional.

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RE: EGOmania at the G


Now, I know who you are talking about (the

big tipper)...the guy with the longish hair,

tourquoise jewelry is an ex-Gaiety dancer

(going back some years) happens to be very good

friends with a few of the dancers there....

especially, Damian, Adriano, Mason, and a few others.

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