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Gaiety question about private show

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This subject has been discussed here many times, but since you are new here:


Private shows generally happen in the dancer's hotel room nearby. I mostly take the dancers to my hotel room nearby, as I prefer home court advantage, and I can be assured of quality and cleanliness standards. Plus I can just jump into my own shower afterwards, and send them on their way.


Private shows used be standard at $200. Some guys ask for $250 to $300. It depends on their "star power", and/or how busy the week has been. Make sure that you know what you are paying before you get to the room. Some dancers are a-la-carte scam artists.


The private show can vary from "stand and pose" to full sex, and all variations in between. Make sure you know what you are getting before you go with them. Often they promise more than they deliver. Some are great guys and are great fun in a private, some are ripoffs. Try to talk with them a bit in the lounge to see if you feel comfortable with them.


Remember that they are on a time schedule and they will need to be back for thier next show. For $200- $300 you have the right to expect a full hour, but often you will be rushed, or they will be sharing a room with another dancer who will show up with a client in the middle of your session.


Read this forum. There is great information here. If a dancer is popular in the lounge and leaves quickly with a client after every show, they are probably very good, and in demand because of it. The good news is that they are good, the bad news is that they are hard to schedule.


I have been engaging Gaiety dancers for six or seven years, although I have cut down recently, and I don't get to NYC as often as I once did.


I have only been totally ripped off once, and I have had a handful of disappointing sessions. However overall, I have had great luck with Gaiety dancers over the years. Many of my favorites have since retired, but I have had great sessions, become a repeat client, and made some decent friends from my experience at the Gaiety. I could fill this forum with stories, and most of them are good ones.


Again, buyer beware. But if you are a smart shopper, it can be a fun hobby.

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>I have only been totally ripped off once, and I have had a

>handful of disappointing sessions. However overall, I have

>had great luck with Gaiety dancers over the years. Many of my

>favorites have since retired, but I have had great sessions,

>become a repeat client, and made some decent friends from my

>experience at the Gaiety. I could fill this forum with

>stories, and most of them are good ones.


>Again, buyer beware. But if you are a smart shopper, it can

>be a fun hobby.





I couldn't agree with you more! :o


Voice of experience, "BUYER BEWARE" }(

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>thanks alot and thanks paul revere for answering my question,

>i doubt i'll ever get a private. im too shy and would be so

>mad if i spent 200+ and it ended up sucking ;(




If you do your research, you will be OK. And besides isn't sucking the point of the private show? That would be a good thing.


Never mind.

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Guest JohnPela

Talk to Dancers in the Lounge


>thanks alot and thanks paul revere for answering my question,

>i doubt i'll ever get a private. im too shy and would be so

>mad if i spent 200+ and it ended up sucking ;(




I am very shy too, but you just need to talk to the guys in the lounge that turn you on and find the one that rings your chimes! It took me 5 years of going to the Gaiety 2-3 times a year before I talked to a dancer all the way about a private. So if i can do it (and believe me, I am extremely shy, then you can do it too). Just ask the right questions, maybe in 2 -3 different conversations with the dancer you are interested in. You'll find the right guy for the right private for you! good luck and enjoy!

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Hey there! I am relatively new at the Gaiety thing and the "private" thing, too, and I just had to tell you that there are other people out there (me!!) who were in practically the same boat as you, not so very long ago.


I went to the Gaiety for my first time in January this year (now I am an addict). I had heard that there was a lounge there, but I was too chicken to even GO IN IT because I knew that some of the dancers hang out in there!! Well, maybe on my fourth or fifth visit to the G, I saw an amazing boy dance (Hugo), and I couldn't resist anymore, so I finally made my way into the lounge that evening, not knowing ANYTHING about privates.


Well, it was quite a shocker when one of the dancers came up to me (I was just standing around watching everybody in the lounge in awe) without any invitation and asked if I wanted to do a private. Yes, I felt dumb when I had to ask him what that was, but I did it anyway. Then I proceeded, without any social grace, to ask, "isn't that illegal?" [i'm laughing about this now...] Well, needless to say, I didn't have a private with him because I was WAY too shy and intimidated. But he wasn't the guy for me at the moment, and as the other person who originally replied to you suggested, it's best to hang in there until you find a guy who makes you feel really comfortable...


Well, it got worse for me before it got better. When my dreamboy Hugo asked me, later that night in the lounge, if I wanted to "hang out" with him, I didn't get the message and I thought he really just wanted to HANG OUT!! After a moment of discomfort (which felt like an eternity), Hugo helped me to realize what he was really asking about. I was still too chicken to say yes, even though I swear he was a GOD in my eyes. But after much contemplation, I came back two days later and found Hugo and the rest is history.


I've had a few other experiences since then, and one wasn't too enjoyable and the other was great. I agree with the "buyer beware" advice. I was a repeat customer for one guy, and the first time he was sweet and friendly and completly prepared, and then the next time things didn't go too well -- the first time, he had condoms and other supplies all ready to go in his hotel room, and so on the second visit I was expecting the same. Well, I didn't bring any condoms that time and he didn't have any either (I still don't know what's expected, if the client is expected to bring his own or if one can assume that the escort will have them, but like I said, I had been with this guy before and he had had PLENTY the first time, so I just assumed), and that really limited what he was willing to do with me. It was a bummer. So once you get into a discussion about a private with a dancer, definitely try to get as much information before you commit to anything. One more thing...even if you simply stand around in the lounge, some of the dancers are bound to come up to you and ask if you'd like to do a private. That has happened many times for me. But of course, if you wait around for it, your chances of getting the guy you really want are limited. Sorry for going on and on. Hope this helps.

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Hey there! I am relatively new at the Gaiety thing and the "private" thing, too, and I just had to tell you that there are other people out there (me!!) who were in practically the same boat as you, not so very long ago.


I went to the Gaiety for my first time in January this year (now I am an addict). I had heard that there was a lounge there, but I was too chicken to even GO IN IT because I knew that some of the dancers hang out in there!! Well, maybe on my fourth or fifth visit to the G, I saw an amazing boy dance (Hugo), and I couldn't resist anymore, so I finally made my way into the lounge that evening, not knowing ANYTHING about privates.


Well, it was quite a shocker when one of the dancers came up to me (I was just standing around watching everybody in the lounge in awe) without any invitation and asked if I wanted to do a private. Yes, I felt dumb when I had to ask him what that was, but I did it anyway. Then I proceeded, without any social grace, to ask, "isn't that illegal?" [i'm laughing about this now...] Well, needless to say, I didn't have a private with him because I was WAY too shy and intimidated. But he wasn't the guy for me at the moment, and as the other person who originally replied to you suggested, it's best to hang in there until you find a guy who makes you feel really comfortable...


Well, it got worse for me before it got better. When my dreamboy Hugo asked me, later that night in the lounge, if I wanted to "hang out" with him, I didn't get the message and I thought he really just wanted to HANG OUT!! After a moment of discomfort (which felt like an eternity), Hugo helped me to realize what he was really asking about. I was still too chicken to say yes, even though I swear he was a GOD in my eyes. But after much contemplation, I came back two days later and found Hugo and the rest is history.


I've had a few other experiences since then, and one wasn't too enjoyable and the other was great. I agree with the "buyer beware" advice. I was a repeat customer for one guy, and the first time he was sweet and friendly and completly prepared, and then the next time things didn't go too well -- the first time, he had condoms and other supplies all ready to go in his hotel room, and so on the second visit I was expecting the same. Well, I didn't bring any condoms that time and he didn't have any either (I still don't know what's expected, if the client is expected to bring his own or if one can assume that the escort will have them, but like I said, I had been with this guy before and he had had PLENTY the first time, so I just assumed), and that really limited what he was willing to do with me. It was a bummer. So once you get into a discussion about a private with a dancer, definitely try to get as much information before you commit to anything. One more thing...even if you simply stand around in the lounge, some of the dancers are bound to come up to you and ask if you'd like to do a private. That has happened many times for me. But of course, if you wait around for it, your chances of getting the guy you really want are limited. Sorry for going on and on. Hope this helps.

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IMHO, you're much more likely to have a great time if you scheule time with someone who isn't a Gaiety dancer, but rather an escort who's gotten great reviews on this site.


If you choose someone with great reviews, chances are you will have found someone who knows how to make you feel at ease and get past you shyness.


My personal experience with Gaiety dancers is you get an appetizer service for the price of an entree. By choosing from this site, you're more likely to have a full meal!

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IMHO, you're much more likely to have a great time if you scheule time with someone who isn't a Gaiety dancer, but rather an escort who's gotten great reviews on this site.


If you choose someone with great reviews, chances are you will have found someone who knows how to make you feel at ease and get past you shyness.


My personal experience with Gaiety dancers is you get an appetizer service for the price of an entree. By choosing from this site, you're more likely to have a full meal!

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It's a commonly held belief that you will have a better time with an escort well reviewed on this site than with a Gaiety dancer. I don't think that's always true. I've had good and not so good experiences on both sides of the fence.


The benefit you have with the Gaiety is that you see the guy in the flesh as opposed to a photo on a web site.

If looks are important to you and I think they are with all of us, no photo is going to tell you the whole story. Also, most of us will want to spend a few minutes talking to an escort before hopping into bed. The meter is always running during this "getting to know you" period. True, you can talk to an escort over the phone without having to pay for that time but I always felt I communcated better in person than over the phone. Maybe that's just me. That's why I like talking to guys in the Lounge for that face-to-face time.


The fact that a Gaiety dancer is on a tight schedule sometimes makes for a rushed private. If you make it clear that you expect a full hour, that can usually be arranged but you have to be firm about it. It helps to go to the theater when there is a little more time in between shows. For instance the 3:30pm show is a good choice because the next one doesn't start till 6:00pm. Sometimes you can arrange to see a dancer before he starts the day but that means discussing it with him before hand and getting his phone number. This will take a little more effort on your part and it helps to have a flexible schedule. Work can be such an interference in one's social life.


There are no real guarantees either way that you will have a great time but it's very important to establish a rapport and be clear and honest in what you expect. If you come off as a nice decent guy and treat an escort or dancer in a friendly fashion chances are you'll have a good time.


The worst thing to do is to rush into it without a little converstaion ahead of time. We all stated out shy at first but with a little practice you get over it. Just don't go in with the pressure of feeling like you HAVE to hire someone.


Good luck and let us know what happens. We're so nosey here.

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It's a commonly held belief that you will have a better time with an escort well reviewed on this site than with a Gaiety dancer. I don't think that's always true. I've had good and not so good experiences on both sides of the fence.


The benefit you have with the Gaiety is that you see the guy in the flesh as opposed to a photo on a web site.

If looks are important to you and I think they are with all of us, no photo is going to tell you the whole story. Also, most of us will want to spend a few minutes talking to an escort before hopping into bed. The meter is always running during this "getting to know you" period. True, you can talk to an escort over the phone without having to pay for that time but I always felt I communcated better in person than over the phone. Maybe that's just me. That's why I like talking to guys in the Lounge for that face-to-face time.


The fact that a Gaiety dancer is on a tight schedule sometimes makes for a rushed private. If you make it clear that you expect a full hour, that can usually be arranged but you have to be firm about it. It helps to go to the theater when there is a little more time in between shows. For instance the 3:30pm show is a good choice because the next one doesn't start till 6:00pm. Sometimes you can arrange to see a dancer before he starts the day but that means discussing it with him before hand and getting his phone number. This will take a little more effort on your part and it helps to have a flexible schedule. Work can be such an interference in one's social life.


There are no real guarantees either way that you will have a great time but it's very important to establish a rapport and be clear and honest in what you expect. If you come off as a nice decent guy and treat an escort or dancer in a friendly fashion chances are you'll have a good time.


The worst thing to do is to rush into it without a little converstaion ahead of time. We all stated out shy at first but with a little practice you get over it. Just don't go in with the pressure of feeling like you HAVE to hire someone.


Good luck and let us know what happens. We're so nosey here.

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>The worst thing to do is to rush into it without a little

>converstaion ahead of time. We all stated out shy at first but

>with a little practice you get over it. Just don't go in with

>the pressure of feeling like you HAVE to hire someone.


>Good luck and let us know what happens. We're so nosey here.



foxy, you give good advice, and I really appreciate your sense of humor. I got a chuckle out of the "we're so nosey here" sentiment. Thanks for making me smile.

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>The worst thing to do is to rush into it without a little

>converstaion ahead of time. We all stated out shy at first but

>with a little practice you get over it. Just don't go in with

>the pressure of feeling like you HAVE to hire someone.


>Good luck and let us know what happens. We're so nosey here.



foxy, you give good advice, and I really appreciate your sense of humor. I got a chuckle out of the "we're so nosey here" sentiment. Thanks for making me smile.

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