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Montreal Hotels / Club Taboo?

Guest gaydj4u
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RE: Skinny Twinks


>I like my twinks to be skinny with very little muscle, and

>boyishly young lookin... like the pics i posted.


You will probably like Philippe, Marco, Yanick and Antoine (not the same as Anthony), among others.


>Taboo apparently has twinks to suit everyones taste!


Yes it does. }(


>I read a review from 2 years ago about a hot twink boy named

>"Nick" who worked at Taboo that apparently fits the

>description. I wonder if he still works their?


I don't think so. At least he wasn't in evidence last week or the week before. There has been a lot of turnover in dancers since Taboo was closed for a while and then reopened.

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RE: Taboo Neighborhood


>> Recent article on 365gay.com about a guy leaving Taboo. I've

>> never been to Taboo (hang mostly at Stock & Campus) but was

>> interested in visiting there next month. Is the neighborhood

>> questionable?


>I wouldn't call it "questionable", but it is pretty much at

>the extreme east end of the village, and a block away from Ste

>Catherine on the corner of Maisonneuve and Dorion. There isn't

>a lot of street lighting so it can be quite dark and there

>aren't many people around late at night.


Taboo is right across the street and about 150 feet up from Metro Papineau, a stop with major bus connections, including some all-night routes that operate when the Metro is closed. There are always at least some people around there and there is always a line of cabs along Rue Dorion, especially after the Metro closes. Because of that and the Metro station and the commercial stands in front of it, that block of Rue Dorion (from Maisonneuve to Ste. Catherine) is very well-lit at night, much better than many of the other streets which cross Ste. Catherine (and especially much better than the blocks on the other side of Ste. Catherine).


It is indeed the extreme east end of the Village, but going from there back towards the Village should not cause anyone concern. Going the other way (east) from Taboo there won't be anyone late at night and it is much darker. A little way in that direction there is a large empty lot, and part of it is directly under the bridge, which makes it even darker. That could potentially be a danger spot, but that's the kind of place where I'd be wary of a mugging, not a group of gay bashers. But there is no reason to be going that way anyway.


>>Is the neighborhood questionable?


No, the neighborhood is not questionable, at least not in my experience. I have been going to Taboo for years and typically leave between 1 and 3 am. I have never had the slightest hesitation or felt concerned about safety in any way even when I am alone walking from there back through the Village. The biggest problems have been avoiding stepping on the barf on Ste. Catherine on a summer weekend night and shaking off the hustlers who hang out in front of the Bourbon.


>Montreal is generally pretty safe (particularly when compared

>to similarly sized cities in the US), but I would still advise

>caution and being very much aware of one's surroundings when

>walking alone down dark side streets in the early hours of the



Montreal in general and the Village in particular are indeed very safe, and the atmosphere of US cities should not be projected onto Canadian cities. But in any environment, big cities as well as elsewhere, caution and awareness are in order.

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RE: Taboo Incident






I agree with bigguy, Cooper and Fisher. There's more to this story than meets the eye.


That area in general is not completely deserted even on a weekday night at 3am, and it is not dark. But the incident took place "shortly after midnight" on a Saturday night in the summer. That was "early," and the Metro was still operating at that hour. There is no way that there were not people all over the place at that time on a Saturday night. I was at Taboo that night, and when I left after 2am there were still many people out on the streets, and there was no sign of any groups like gay baiters.


>I was at Taboo the night this incident supposedly took place.


<Coop, I didn't see you, or I didn't know it was you.>


>The area was quite active as the fireworks competition was

>breaking up and the "Just 4 Laughs" street show had ended. It

>surprises me that this attack could have taken place at such a

>busy time without any mention of a witness or someone coming

>to his aid.


>Taboo is just off Rue Dorion where taxi cabs and buses lineup

>outside the Metro. It's a quiet area but not an isolated one.

>I did observe several members from this Gay Men's Chorus. I'm

>sure they are great singers, but their behavior was

>questionable. Many are what we might call "drama queens",

>bringing a lot of attention to themselves. Although there is

>no mention of what hotel he was staying at, many members of

>the Gay Men's Chorus were staying at the Hotel Gouverneur. If

>this be the case, this man would have to have had walked over

>1 mile in his injured condition.


>I'm sorry for him if this attack really took place, but as for

>me, a lot more questions need to be answered.


I'm with you on that.

I don't know what did happen, but I suspect that either

--the guy propositioned some guy who wanted to show his friends that he was not "a fag," or

--there were some other words and insults exchanged for some reason and the situation got out of hand, probably because the guy had had a fair amount to drink, or

--maybe the guy was going east up Maisonneuve or north up a dark side street away from Ste. Catherine for some reason, but that's unlikely, since he was going back to his hotel and there aren't any hotels in those directions. He would have had to be going back towards Ste. Catherine and west from there into the heart of the Village.


Note, too, that the article doesn't say where the attack took place. It just says that he had gone to Taboo and that the attack was "after leaving the bar." It may not have been in the immediate vicinity of Taboo; we are just assuming that.


Groups of toughs or gay baiters just don't hang out in the Village looking for jollies. I don't ever remember seeing any. Instead, there are many young hetero couples who come to the Village to go to the dance clubs and other venues. I suppose it's possible that there was a group of young guys looking for trouble left over from watching the fireworks (an open area at the extreme east end of the Village, about 2-3 blocks from Taboo, affords a good view and is a very popular spot for watching, so it draws a lot of people to that area who would not otherwise go there), but the fireworks ended about 10:45 and this was after midnight. And if that's what it was, it was essentially a unique occurrence. The Village, including the way to Taboo, is just not a dangerous place, in spite of what the article says.


Bottom line: don't be afraid to go to or from Taboo, at any hour.

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Guest CTguy

RE: Taboo Incident


Don't let this one incident stop anyone from visiting Montreal or going to Taboo. I've been to Montreal many times and have left Taboo at 3am many times }( and have never felt a concern for my safety. As has been mentioned there are always cabs lined up along the street and people around the Metro stop so it never feels totally deserted. Crime can happen anywhere even in the "safest" neighborhoods so don't let one incident change your mind about visiting. Just be aware of your surroundings and you should be ok.

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Guest gaydj4u

RE: Don't Wrap it...Can I Eat it Here?


I cant wait to spend a week in august with all the new dancers. I heard it is custom to french kiss with the dancer in the "private dance?"

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RE: Don't Wrap it...Can I Eat it Here?


Be careful. It depends on what you mean by "French kiss." Among French speakers in Quebec and in France, it is customary when you first meet a friend during the day or evening to lightly and quickly kiss both cheeks. This is sometimes called "French kissing." Open-mouthed "French kissing" is totally inappropriate.


When I go to Taboo, for example, when a dancer whom I know first sees me, he will come over to my table and kiss me on both cheeks or offer both his cheeks to be kissed. When a dancer I do not know comes over to my table to talk, he will shake hands. Trying to kiss someone you have not met before and do not know fairly well would be extremely inappropriate and offensive. In the back room, AFTER a lap dance, when you have come to know a dancer somewhat, it is quite common for a dancer, after he has put his pants back on and you have given him money, to kiss you quickly and lightly on both cheeks or offer his cheeks to be kissed. Any other kind of kissing in the back room is strictly prohibited and will lead to immediate eviction of you and the dancer and the dancers find offensive.

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