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Hotels / Club Taboo

Guest gaydj4u
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Guest gaydj4u

OK apparently this is the proper place to post my question about club taboo! I'm new to this website so forgive me LOL


Can anyone suggest a reasonable hotel/motel within walking distance from club taboo? I've never been to montreal before and im looking to book a place close to the club.


I booked the Days Inn on Carlton in Toronto for $99 canadian (which turned out to be $113 candian after their "GST" taxes which apparently arent included in Travelocity's price quote.)


I hope t ospend around $70 US per night in Montreal. I read "priceline.com" has good deals at 4-star hotels downtown montreal, and people are taking the subway to the gay village area.


Does the subway go to club taboo?


Do you think a dancer at club taboo would get offended if I asked to take him back to my hotel room for action (if he knows im "generous?)"


I clicked on club taboo's website and the dancers look pretty plain to me. The dancer's were a lot more boyish at club Happy Tapp in Windsor before it closed down. Hopefully taboo's website doesn't represent their ENTIRE selection of dancers.


I was really fond of a dancer named "Julian" who danced at club happy tapp in 2000, before moving to montreal. He was a total twink. Club Happy Tapp had twink boys that looked like jonathan taylor thomas. Young and Boyish. Yummy ;-)

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Some answers -- hope they are helpful.


Hotel location: The hotel you have booked is quite close to the gay Village. You should have no trouble walking from it to all the hot spots. Your nearest Metro stop is M. St. Laurent, one stop west from Beaudry and two from M. Papineau, which are roughly the west and east ends of the gay Village area. The Taboo is one short block north from M. Papineau on Maisonneuve. The Montreal Metro is wonderful. I would recommend that you buy the weekly pass if you are there for more than a few days. It is something like $18 (Canadian) and totally frees you up. The pass covers one week, from Mondays through Sundays, and you can buy one during the week for the remaining days. After hours, you can walk if your hotel is close or take a cab. There is usually a line of cabs on the corner of the street Taboo is on and Ste. Catherine, by M. Papineau, but whether they are there later than midnight, when the Metro begins to shut down, I don't know.


Hotel selection: Many people stay at the Hotel Gouverneur, which is even closer to the Village. I am not aware of a better hotel choice closer to Taboo. Most of the good hotels are closer to the downtown area, but almost all are accessible by Metro. As to finding a hotel, many people use Priceline and get better rates for better hotels. I was recently in Montreal and got US$75/night for the Hyatt Regency, and another person who posts here got a much better rate. A helpful resource for Priceline is BiddingForTravel.com, which will give you an information overload on what hotels have been successfully bid for, at what rates, and will advise you on bidding strategies. It was my first time with Priceline and I was happy with the result. They also have reviews of the hotels. Another helpful resource is TripAdvisor.com, which will give you many hotel reviews and links to the major online reservation engines like Expedia. These will give you some sense of pricing and availability, though availability seems to change by the search engine and by the moment, as hotels open up blocks of rooms.


Taboo: The best way to judge whether you will like the boys at Taboo is to go there and see. I myself am not greatly attracted to the younger look, but there are also dancers there who are a bit more developed. In general I find the dancers there friendlier and less self-involved than those at the other clubs. There are three other clubs. Campus and Stock have more muscular types. There is a wealth of comment on them all on this message board. Read the many threads here on Montreal to get an idea of what to expect.


I believe that once the boys are at the club, they are not encouraged to leave until the shift is over, around 2 or 3. They may be happy to contemplate some extracurricular activity after they are done, before they start the next day or on a day off. It doesn't hurt to ask. I would not assume that all are available on that basis, but none will be offended if you ask if you are lighthearted and prepared to get a flirtatious non as well as a yes. The Taboo doesn't open till 7 pm.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

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Lets try to consolidate this thread with the other one by gaydj4u under the same subject. :)

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