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Montreal Strip Clubs-Dress Code

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Guest zipperzone

>One guy in particular stood out, even from that distance. He

>was shirtless, in shorts and sandals, and making no effort to

>hurry out of the rain. He was simply walking along at a normal

>pace with no umbrella or raincoat, apparently unconcerned

>about that he was getting soaking wet.


That's a very sexy image!


>The rain soon stopped, so I showered, shaved, and changed

>shirts and went down to the nearby ATM machine for $200 CN. I

>made sure to return my ATM card to the small safe in my room

>before leaving for the village.


Don't take this the wrong way - I'm not trying to make fun of you - but it always amused me when an American in Canada refers to money as $200 CN. As if our ATMs would dispense American funds???


How would it sound if I said I had gone to NYC and used an ATM to withdraw $200 American?


Keep up the good work with your report. Can't wait to hear the dirt on the "spikey haired guy"

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RE: Montreal Strip Clubs-1st time experience


Your description of your first time in the clubs brought back memories of my first time. I arrived at Campus in the afternoon and hung out with a beer at the farthest possible table in the back, trying to be entirely inconspicuous -- at the same time, my eyes were popping out of my head at what I was seeing on the stage.


Within a few minutes, Philippe had come over and started a conversation. I didn't know what to do with this hunk gently caressing my arm and back while talking to me; when he asked if I was interested in a private dance, I told him this was my first time and wasn't ready yet.


Two minutes later I had moved to a table at the front to get a better look at the amazing Silvestre. He made a beeline for my table after his dances, but I still demurred.


It wasn't till a few hours later, when I fell seriously in lust with the first dancer I saw on the stage at Stock, that I ventured to the back.


Even though I've made several trips to Montreal since, I learn something new each time, both from my own experiences, and from what I read here.


Thanks! I'm looking forward to the next installments.

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Hoover, I'm enjoying your "Montreal Story" very much. It brings back many fond memories... and speaking of a fond memory, you wrote, "an extremely hot 18yo guy, with blond, very spiky hair and very sexy sneer"... If you're talking about ZACK, he's fantastic. I couldn't get enough of this Stock dancer and had some very memorable times with him. I'm looking forward to seeing him again on my next trip. Other Stock men who caught my attention were: Bradly, Manuel, Riccardo, Raphael, Danny, Sebastian, Shawn, Nick, and Jason.


Hoover, thanks again for sharing your journals, now, when are you joining me for that 1st G-experience. :9

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I liked the Omni Mont-Royal hotel very much (although the decor was traditional and I would have preferred a more contemporary setting :))


The room was comfortable, clean, and roomy (with a mini-bar and wireless internet access, neither of which I used), and it was one block away from a metro station (Peel Street), and from there only five stops and ten minutes away from the village.


I used Priceline to get my room, and my first bid of $85 for a 4-star hotel in downtown montreal was accepted.


I didn't use the free airport shuttle--it never occurred to me to ask about that (I don't travel very much!).


I also didn't see any mention of a free breakfast. I think I overheard some people talking about a coupon for a free meal at the breakfast buffet, but I'm not sure how they managed to get one. I paid $21.56 for each of my (all-you-can-eat) hotel breakfasts.


I would not hesitate to stay there again.



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Hi Cooper,


Zack wasn't the 18-year old I was talking about, but based on your description, I think I may try to look him up the next time I go to Montreal. :)


Well, this was my first real vacation in over five years! Unfortunately, I can only carry over 80 hours a year, and excess goes to a "sick bank".


After my most recent Montreal trip, I've decided to start taking more vacations, and I've already reserved one week in October, one week on November, and every Friday in December.


New York is on my list of destinations, as is Fort Lauderdale and Montreal (again). I'll let you know more once my plans are clear.


With any luck, I'll be going to Rio next year :)



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And now, finally, for the report of my third day of my first trip to Montreal since 1975.


The story picks up in the late afternoon as I left for the village.


Friday 23-Jul-2004


I caught the train to the Beaudry station and started walking along St. Catherine Street, looking for a new place to eat dinner in the village.


A few blocks from Campus, I spotted a small crowded Italian restaurant called La Strega du Village that looked interesting, so I went in and was immediately seated at a tiny table for two that had a perfect view of both the kitchen and the most of the people in the restaurant.


My waiter impressed me right away by bringing out a small Bruschetta appetizer that was quite tasty and very satisfying. For dinner, I had Veal Milanese with Rigatoni and a glass of house red wine that, combined, had me swooning by meal’s end. Before leaving, I introduced myself to the waiter, Christian, and promised to come back again before my trip ended.


My next stop was at Stock, which was almost empty when I arrived, giving me the opportunity to pick almost any seat in the club. Feeling brave, I avoided my usual hidey-hole by the pool table, and instead sat on the padded bench in the main area, next to some sort of video game console. It was comfortable, close to the bar, and provided an excellent view of the stage without being in the spotlight.


I sat at my table, and watched a number of guys dance, including Diego, Nick, Rico, Bradley, and others, and flirted with the waiter and the bartender.


Rico came over after his show and sat down near me and started doodling with a magic marker on a big spiral-bound notebook. I was polite and tried to find something complimentary to say about them, but most of the works didn’t interest me, and I declined his offer to sell me one or more of his works.


At 8 p.m., I started to leave for Campus when I spotted the guy with the big dog walking around in the outer bar facing the street. I stopped for a moment and talked to the owner and found out that the dog was a Great Dane. Although, I didn’t ask, the guy told me it was OK to pet the dog, which I did, but I washed my hands as soon as got to Campus. I didn’t think the dancers wouldn’t appreciate finding dog hair in their underwear.


Once at Campus, I barely had my first drink in hand when I was approached by a stripper named Brendan who asked me if I wanted a dance. On a whim, I agreed, and he led me to the not-so-private section of the club behind the DJ booth. Brendan was very cute, but we didn’t click, and I ended the dance after four songs.


Back in the club, I started talking to a heavy-set black guy wearing lots of jewelry, who turned out to be very friendly, very talkative, and a bit campy (I wondered if he might have been a drag queen). I sat with him for a while and finished another drink as he dished three dancers who came out in turn for their show.


Meanwhile, I kept my eye open for my favorite Campus dancer (from Wednesday night). Unfortunately, he was occupied with other customers all the way up to the end of his 9 p.m. shift. I did catch his eye once as he looked out over the top of a cubicle partition, and he smiled at me, but I didn’t see him again after that.


I returned to Stock at 10 p.m. The club was very crowded by then and my original seat near the video games was taken, so after ordering a drink from Vince, I found a seat behind a low wall near the pool table. I sat back there and watched the dancers and nursed two drinks.


At one point, one of the dancers, Nick, walked by after coming down off the stage, and I stopped him to compliment him on his dance, handing him $5 as a tip. He just thanked me and walked off.


Eventually, SG, the spiky-haired guy from last night showed up. When he saw me looking in his direction, he was all smiles and just as charming as could be. We chatted for a minute and he asked me if I want to play pool. I told him that I would be too nervous to play, but the truth was that I was too embarrassed to admit I didn’t really know how to play pool.


After teasing me about it for a bit, he found another guy, another dancer, I think, to play pool with him, and I watched the two of them play four games.


After his game, SG came back up and sat with me and we drank and chatted about cars. He was so charming at one point, that I just reached and started rubbing the hair on back of his neck. I was a bit embarrassed, but he didn’t seem at all upset.


Unlike last night, SG was wearing a baseball cap tonight. When I asked him about it, he took it off to show me that he had not put on any hair gel before coming to the club—I guess he was having a bad hair day. I asked about the hat, and he told me that it was a gift from another dancer at the club.


By the time SG finished his drink, I was definitely ready for a dance, so we headed back to one of the walled cubicles in the back. He called out to somebody (security, DJ?) as we walked in to let them know that we were going back. I didn’t know if that was standard operating procedure for the club, but I felt a bit weird about it and wondered if SG thought I was a threat.


Back in the booth, SG started to close the curtain, but I told him that I preferred that we started with $10 dances and he reluctantly agreed. Keep in mind that I was extremely happy to be back in the booth with the guy, I suppose I was still needlessly concerned about being ripped off. I had never actually asked and still didn’t really know what was and was not permitted, so to be safe and to avoid finding myself unexpectedly in the $20-a-song territory, I kept my hands to my side.


SG did one song with the curtain open, and then surprised me by asking if he could close the curtain. He said he wouldn’t charge me extra for it, but that he just wasn’t comfortable with other people looking in on us. It seemed like odd request for a dancer, but he seemed sincere, so I agreed.


At the start of the second song, and now with the curtain closed, I felt an even stronger urge to touch him, but I managed to keep my hands to myself. Even when he stripped completely naked and turned around to present himself to me, I was still able to keep my hands, rather unsteadily, planted by my side.


However, in the middle of the second song, he did something that completely overcame the last shred of my resistance: he sat down across my legs, put his arms around me, and asked me if I liked affection. I thought I was going to faint. It must have been pathetic really, but after that, I just couldn’t stop myself from giving him a big hug and cuddling with him for the next two songs.


I could have stayed in the booth with him for the rest of the evening. Fortunately, I came to my senses, or chickened out as the case may be, and ended the dance after just four songs. I paid him $60 (for two $10 dances and two $20 dances). When he left the booth, he didn’t look back at me. I was afraid that he was mad.


As I started to leave the club, Daniel walked up and asked me for a dance, but I politely brushed him off; I was afraid to ruin my buzz from SG’s dance.


I then returned to Campus and sat with the friendly “drag queen” and had a couple more drinks and watched the crowd.


I had just decided to leave the club when a big muscular stripper walked up and introduced himself and convinced me to go in the back with him. The guy was friendly enough, but too big for my taste, and I didn’t care much for the razor stubble on his abs. All during our dance I kept thinking I should have spent more time with SG at Stock.


I left Campus just in time to catch the last metro back to my hotel.


I went to bed at 2 a.m. after taking a quick shower and finishing Deception Point by Dan Brown.


Tomorrow is my last full day in Montreal.



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