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Montreal Strip Clubs-Dress Code

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It's almost time for my trip to Montreal, but I have one last concern:


What should I wear to the strip clubs?


Do the strippers prefer the customers to wear anything in particular? I like to wear jeans and t-shirts, but I've heard that jeans are a bad idea for lap dances. :)




p.s. What do you think about the idea of buying some new shirts when I get to Montreal?

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>What should I wear to the strip clubs?


Whatever you are comfortable in (and is legal, hehe)




>Do the strippers prefer the customers to wear anything in



The strippers like any clothing with big pockets, so you can hold lots of money and you can take it out easily.




>p.s. What do you think about the idea of buying some new

>shirts when I get to Montreal?


The exchange rate is not as good as it used to be, but it is still relatively cheaper to buy clothes in Montreal. But I have a feeling that you won't want to spend most of your time shopping... not for clothes anyway.


Have a great time.



:7 :7

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Hoover: Just check out all the clubs, and then settle on the one with the right boy type (personality and look) and ambience, and then you will be very happy.


I enjoy (as you know) the wide variety of twink... so I usually dabble a little in Campus or Adonis in the day, and then spend my nights at Taboo. But if you like the jock type, Stock is a must visit (I actually have found a few boys at Stock that I really like as well).


Too bad you aren't going during Pride. But if you enjoy the city a lot after your long absence, hopefully you will return. And some day we will be there at the same time!

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Dress in Montreal CAN be tricky (sorry about the play on words) but don't worry too much about what the DANCERS prefer. Dress so that YOU are comfortable---with the weather and with the settings. If the weather is very warm and humid outside, it might be very chilly inside---especially in Stock and Campus and L'Adonis---don't know about Taboo, so you might want to wear jeans or other long trousers rather than shorts--but I've seen all kinds of clothing on all kinds of customers!! (Very little leather in the strip bars, but some other bars specialise in that.)

The dancers may be "impressed" if you wear clothes that show you have taste and money---in other words labels, designers' clothes, etc. If you wear jeans, the conservative fit, as opposed to tight or very baggy would probably be best---gives you "room" to carry what you need and yet be prepared :)) Cargo trousers and/or shorts also allow you to have all kinds of pockets to put things in---money for tipping and buying drinks in one pocket---room cards/key in another, extra cash for that "special" dancer in another more secure pocket with a zip or button. Don't carry all your credit cards or other papers that many men stuff in their wallets. I usually take two wallets with me--one for carrying Canadian money, my room card, a telephone card and one form of US identification---an insurance card for example; then I leave the other wallet in the room or lock it up in the hotel safe if I'm carrying lots of US cash.

Since you are going in the summer you won't need any outerwear--jackets, parkas, etc.---they are a pain in the a-- anyway, except at Stock where there is a place to check such things. The less you carry in, the less you have to worry about leaving there or schlepping around in the bar and/or in the back room. If you head out later in the evening, a long-sleeved shirt might be more comfortable--it can get chilly on wind-swept Ste. Catherine's. If you wear long-sleeved rugby or pull-over type shirts, one or two might come in handy.

If you are "in-shape"-- dress to show off your physique on the streets---don't limit your appeal to just the strip bars.

Most of all have fun and take lots of underwear with you!!! If you get to the point where your underwear plays a role, make sure it's a pair you are PROUD of and want to be seen :))))

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"What should I wear to the strip clubs?"


I'd suggest you wear shorts, esp. for a lap dance. The dancer will have no problem moving his hand up your leg.


"p.s. What do you think about the idea of buying some new shirts when I get to Montreal?"


The US dollar is getting stronger, but I didn't find any good sales on clothing in Montreal.


Hoover, When there, ask the dancers if any good festivities are taking place. Last weekend, "Just 4 Laughs" (a street event) and the Fireworks competition (at 6 Flags) were most enjoyable. The dancers also know the best places to eat.


Enjoy your trip.

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This time of year, definitely shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Actually, WHENEVER I go to Montreal (Nov, Feb, Apr), I take short sleeved shirts to be comfortable in the bars in the evening. They tend to keep them quite warm for the dancers, who are dancing nude and walking around all night almost nude. But each of us has our own metabolism; if you tend to be chilly, wear warm clothes.


Bring some good sized plastic bags for laundry. Smoking is permitted in Canada. After a night in the bars, you and your clothes will be reeking of cigarette smoke. Unless you quickly bag them, your room, the rest of your clothes, and the entire inside of your luggage will smell of stale smoke.


Re: underwear. Interesting. I would take the opposite position - do without. As the practical hint above about shorts and groping indicates, to be practical, not wearing underwear to the clubs offers certain advantages. Perhaps if you have escorts over to your room, you may want to impress them with designer drawers, but I prefer to delight them with other attractions.:9

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Guest msclonly

I found a smart Hawaiin shirt and a little gold do wonders.

Of course, that includes a power shave and neat haircut.


What are the 1/2 and 1 hours rates for dancers?

There used to be a sign at the Campus, that siad 1/2 hr = $30.00

and 1 hour =$50.00. That was when each song was worth $6.

Now I would assume it is triple, but it should be only double, since the songs are shorter.


On the last trip, I got two of the shortest songs ever played there. My complaint to the guy did not phase him, so I saved money when he tried to entice me for more the next day!


:+ :+

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The bars may be kept warm in Apr, Jan, Feb, BUT in the summer months they are very cool and the air-conditioning is on full-blast--that was why I recommended trousers and at least one long-sleeved shirt.

No underwear? Hummmm, in this matter, I'll leave it to Hoover's own predilection---if you are comfortable letting 'em hang free, go for it.

Good suggestion about the plastic bags for your "dirty" clothes---if you stay at the Gouverneur there will be several you can take already in the room. If you buy an aerosol tin of Lysol or Clorox anti-bacteria spray and use that on your "smokey" clothes, it will also help.

Buying clothes----avoid the shops along Ste. Catherine and find your way downtown---maybe some other posters can help with specific stores, I can't remember, but there are some great ones near Peel and Ste. Catherine.

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Guest msclonly

Do you think the new Linen Sprays in various flavors will help?


I found hanging them up in the louvered door closet to air out, while the a/s intake keeps it out of he room.

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I use Lysol Disinfectant Spray---"crisp linen" variety--at home and away and find it effective, BUT I am not supersensitive to the smell of smoke. I use the spray on the bedspread, pillows, and other areas where I might inadvertently put some part of my naked body in a hotel room.

Some hotels don't have an air-conditioning vent that is available to hang clothing. Hanging them in an area where they can be sprayed easily and get the benefits of the "air" in the room might help if you want to wear the clothing more than once.

How in hell did "we" get to talking about smoke/smells/disinfectants when the thread originally asked about "dress code" in the strip bars!!!! :))))

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Marc, Samai, Cooper, Karl-G , and msclonly,


Thanks for all the great suggestions!


Thanks also for the warning about the smoke. I don’t like the smell of smoky clothes either (I usually shower whenever I get home from clubs), so I’m glad to have a few suggestions on how to deal with that as well as the dress code.


I’m not sure that I will be able to post here while I’m in Montreal, but if not, I’ll be sure to update everyone on my (short) trip as soon as I get back.


...Hoover (leaving in the morning for Montreal)

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What NOT to wear:Any clothing that you are really fond of or that is not easily laundered.

These guys oten rub themselves down with lotion or baby oil or use diaper wipes with moisturizing qualities.These stains can be tough to remove and sometimes will ruin clothing.Also,these are not the cleanest places so lighter color clothing will be soiled(not in a good way)when you leave-as well as smelling like smoke,sweat,and spilled liquor.

So leave the Versace shirts and Lucky jeans at home or in your room.

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I'm writing a detailed report of my trip for my diary, but before I publish anything here, I'm wondering how much I should say.


Is it improper to mention names or specific activities?


How much detail do people want to read?



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>Is it improper to mention names or specific activities?


If it will get the club in trouble, don't print gory detail. The clubs are great places, and several have had some problems with the law, so please don't make their situation worse by inviting scrutiny. That being said, there is still a lot of describing that can be done without compromising anyone.




>How much detail do people want to read?



Depends which people. Customers would love it if they knew which dancers like to do privates. But most dancers do not like it to be known that they do privates (the dancers make a clear distinction between escorting and dancing). Knowing that, I have always refrained from posting specific information about privates on this board... since the dancers feel the way they do, I respect that. I see nothing wrong with saying that you did have a private, what was done, and from which bar the dancer dances... but unless the dancer has mentioned that he likes advertising, I would assume in Montreal that he doesn't.

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Well, as I’ve already reported, I had a wonderful time in Montreal. I’ve been back in the US for only two days, and I’m already thinking about my next visit.


Anyone who has read my earlier posts here may recall that I’m very sexually inexperienced for my age (48), and quite a bit nervous in sexual situations, so this is probably going to be much less interesting that it would be otherwise.


Having said that, here is the breakdown of my trip, one day at a time. I’ve decided, based on feedback from a number of readers, that it would be prudent to omit certain details. So you won’t see names of anyone I connected with, only those of a few innocent bystanders.


Wednesday, 21-July-2004


I left Washington DC early Wednesday morning and arrived in Montreal at noon. There were only about ten people on the only plane arriving at that time, so passing through Canadian Customs couldn’t have been quicker or more painless.


The 20-minute cab ride to the downtown Omni Mont-Royal cost me $31CN


After checking in, I talked to the concierge and picked up a map of the metro system as well as an excellent map of the gay village. By the way, this map can be viewed (as a PDF file) online at:




I went up to my room and took a nap, then got cleaned up before heading out to catch the metro to the village.


I wore jeans, black tennis shoes, a white ribbed undershirt, and a plain white Lands End t-shirt. This was to be my uniform for practically the entire visit. I had missed bigguyinpasadena’s warning about wearing white, but I managed (unfortunately) to avoid getting hit with any nasty, obvious, stains.


The Peel Street metro station was hot and muggy, but there tons of cute guys everywhere, so I was perfectly willing to endure the heat without complaint.


I got off at the wrong metro stop and had to walk about ten blocks to Campus. It was surprisingly hot outside, so by the time I got to Campus, I was uncomfortably hot and sweaty. Fortunately, the club was very well air conditioned, and since it was still early, only about 6:30 p.m., the club was not at all crowded or smoky.


As soon as I walked into Campus, a number of the dancers noticed me and tried to catch my eye. I was so nervous that I tried to appear disinterested by walking up to the bar and ordering a drink without looking at anyone. That only worked for about five minutes, and soon the dancers starting coming up to me and introducing themselves. I was very polite and friendly to everyone. However, still nervous, I told each of them in turn to check back with me after I’d had a chance to relax.


Eventually, with a few drinks and some additional chemical assistance, I started to relax enough to actually talk to the guys and buy them drinks. I talked to at least five very hot guys, but I was still reluctant to take the next step and get my first private dance. Even so, the dancers were all very affectionate with me, and it was fun to be on the receiving end of the attention for a change.


As an aside, most guys in Washington DC seem just as eager to spit in my general direction than return a cordial smile. But, almost everyone I talked to in Montreal, even strangers passing on the street, seemed much friendlier than I’m used to seeing in DC.


Anyway, I eventually spotted a dancer playing pool who caught my eye, and I went up and introduced myself. It didn’t take long for me to decide that I would ask him for a private dance. However, I was still too nervous to suggest it, so I delayed by promising to come back after I’d had dinner (OK, now you now why my avatar is Courage the Cowardly Dog!)


The guy was scheduled to end his shift at 9 p.m., so I had less than an hour to eat and get back in time.


After a quick dinner at the nearby La Planète restaurant (excellent), I returned to Campus just in time for my private dance. The guy took me to a booth on the left side rear corner of the club, where we had complete privacy. He was as sweet and sexy as could be, and very affectionate, and he found my hot button almost instantly, but my nerves got the best of me, and I quit after four songs. I’m afraid he may have been a bit disappointed, but he was very charming, and had nothing but kind things to say about me afterward. I promised to come back and see him again.


I then left Campus and walked to Taboo.


As with Campus, I received lots of attention from the strippers when I walked in, but one guy in particular latched on to me very quickly after I arrived. He sat with me for over two hours as we chatted and I kept buying drinks for both of us. I told him that he didn’t need to sit with me if he wanted to do privates with other customers, but he insisted that he was more interested in talking to me.


Every time he left to go to the bathroom, some other guy would come up and chat with me for a moment. A couple of those guys were quite cute, and I considered having a private dance with them as well, but I would have felt too guilty about leaving the first guy alone after all the time he spent with me.


Eventually, my guy had to get up to perform his two dances. Afterwards, we went in the back for a private. He was in the middle of his second song when the security guard showed up and gave him hell for doing something that was apparently against the rules—sitting naked on the customer’s lap. I was a little embarrassed and quit again, after only four songs. I paid for the four dances and also left a $5 tip (not enough?)


I caught the metro back to the hotel and went to bed at 2 a.m. after taking a quick shower.


To be continued...



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WOW Hoover-you sure are a quick study!

And so far you have not mentioned doing anything against any rules-so you can name names in these instances if you want-most of the boys use psuedonyms in the clubs they work in-so you will not get them in legal trouble.If you use "stage names"it will help those of us with some experience in the clubs picture your experiences better.

I do belive we have a new member of the I love Montreal club in the works!

Can't wait for your next post-thanks for sharing.

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My Montreal story picks up on Thursday afternoon, after I've spent all day eating, (window) shopping, and visiting museums.


Thursday 22-Jul-2004


After a 90-minute nap, I got up and discovered that a heavy thunderstorm was underway. I entertained myself briefly by opening the curtains in my room and watching the pedestrians, nine floors below, rushing through the rain.


One guy in particular stood out, even from that distance. He was shirtless, in shorts and sandals, and making no effort to hurry out of the rain. He was simply walking along at a normal pace with no umbrella or raincoat, apparently unconcerned about that he was getting soaking wet.


The rain soon stopped, so I showered, shaved, and changed shirts and went down to the nearby ATM machine for $200 CN. I made sure to return my ATM card to the small safe in my room before leaving for the village.


I walked to the Peel Street metro station and took the metro to the Beaudry station this time, only a few blocks to the Campus strip club.


I decided to eat dinner first tonight, so I walked to the nearby Saloon restaurant and had a beer, burger, and fries. The food was very good, and my tattooed waiter was quite hot. I stayed after dinner and drank a martini just for an excuse to flirt a little with him before leaving for the strip clubs.


My first stop after dinner was Stock. Only a few doors down from Campus, Stock seems much roomier and has a nicer décor than Campus.

I was hit on immediately by three guys, but managed to put everyone off for a few minutes while I ordered my first drink from the bar and found a spot to watch the dancers.


Eventually, I met and talked to a number of the guys, including Vince the waiter, a dancer named Daniel, and an extremely hot 18-year guy with blond, gelled, spiky hair and a very sexy sneer. The bartender was also very hunky, but I didn’t get his name.


While talking to one of the dancers, I noticed a guy walking around in the bar with a huge short-haired, harlequin-coated, dog that must have weighed as much as I did. I was tempted to talk to the guy about the dog, but he and the dog left the bar too quickly and I didn’t get a chance to meet them.


Meanwhile, after one drink (bought from Vince), and after watching a few of the dancers on stage, I decided to leave Stock and walk over to Campus to look for the guy I met last night. Campus was much more crowded (and much more smoky) than before, and since my guy wasn’t there and none of the other guys interested me, I went back to Stock.


I bought another drink from Vince and went off to the area near the pool table to watch the dancers from behind a low wall. The spiky-haired guy came by and I was ready to ask him for a dance, when he reminded me that if I wanted to touch him that it would cost me $20 a song. I didn’t say anything, but this bothered me so much that I said goodbye and left the bar soon afterward. I could certainly afford the money, but since I was unsure if he was trying to scam me or not, I decided not to risk it.


Disappointed, I caught the train back to the hotel and prepared for bed.


After such a short time in the bars, I didn’t smell very smoky, so I skipped my usual post-bar shower, and just read for an hour before falling asleep feeling very depressed about my night out.


It didn’t occur to me that I would be seeing the spiky-haired guy again, and my mood would soon change for the better.



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Enjoying your Montreal tale. Others on this board have mentioned that Stock dancers are the only ones who raise the rates, applying some sort of no touch rule at $10 per song. I thought the $20 was for a closed curtain private only. You could touch (the legal parts) for $10 but you'd have less privacy. (Frankly, I could care less who is watching...I'm usually lost in the interaction with the dancer to care about the privacy aspect.) I like Stock bar better than Campus as far as atmosphere but this higher than average rate keeps me from spending an entire evening there, unlike the days of St. Andre St. when you could easily keep yourself (and the boys) busy all evening without hopping clubs. Looking forward to how the spiky-haired one turned your day/night around. Thanks for sharing.

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Yes, I'm enjoying Hoover's tale, too. How pleasant (and helpful) to read the diary of a guy who has just experienced Montreal for the very first time in much the same way many of us here would/have/will. Eager for adventure, but thoughtful and at times uncertain. . .


Some of the other reports found here can be terribly itimidating. I mean all that Liz Smith/Michael Musto bavardage. After all, relatively few of us could aspire to such glamorous heights. . .


OK, Hoover--party on!

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