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Montreal $20 dollar dances

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I am going to visit Montreal the weekend of 06/25. It's been a couple of years since I visited and I've heard about some of the clubs offering $20 dances for a more private experiences. I'm wondering if the premium is really worth it. What I like to do during the lap dances is really just touch. But I like to touch everywhere. And I've been able to do that in the past with some of the dancers at the regular price. I'm wondering if now, you have to pay more to touch more.


I'm heading out of town for a couple of days so it'll be a couple of days before I can respond to anyone but I wanted to put this out to get some of your thoughts in the mean time.

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This will be late (I just got posting privileges), but may be of interest to other readers.


I spent 4 days this past week in Montreal. The only club that still had curtains was Stock, and that was the only place where the dancer asked me up front for $20 (I asked: "is it still $10"; he replied: "now it's $20 and I close the curtain"; I said: "I just want the standard $10 curtain opened dance".) The dance was nothing special and there were limitations, but that could easily have been the dancer. That was the only dance I did there.


At Campus, I had several steamy almost-anything-goes dances with one dancer over a couple of days. Suddenly, during our last dance, he said "I told you that if you want to do that it will cost more". He had told me no such thing, and I found the experience very unpleasant.


With a second dancer at Campus, I had a much better experience. He was terrific – sensual, erotic, and affectionate at the same time. As things heated up, he let me know in a very pleasant way that certain liberties cost more. I declined, since what we already had going was just fine -- in fact, we joked about it as he was dancing. And what do you know, when we continued past the first song, those things were OK without any more talk of higher charges.


It's pretty clear that what's allowed is dependent on the individual dancer, how he feels about you and how you treat him, how careful he needs to be about being caught violating club policy, and how greedy he is (one Campus dancer told me he invariably offers more access for more money).

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Guest msclonly

Are there any really muscular or bodybuilders there now a days?


A few years ago, there were some really nice one, who really enjoyed a real deep tissue massage!



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"newatthis" thanks for your response. You are right on point based on my visit this past weekend. The experience you have is very much up to the dancer. I only had one dancer at Campus to offer me a $20 dollar dance and I refused. I did have a wonderful session with another dancer at Campus at the regular $10 rate. You can generally get a feel for those that are willing to go further. They will give not so subtle hints up front just to get you to buy dances.


To "msclonly"... you will have no problems finding plenty of muscle in Montreal. The absolute best place is Stock in the evenings. Campus has muscle boys in the evenings as well but Stock has a larger number of dancers and more variety. I like muscle as well and Stock is sure to please.

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I got to Montreal Monday, will be here for a week. I have had a similar experience to newatthis.


I first went to Stock Bar -- at about 8:30 pm or so -- and was semi-hustled by Tommy, who seems not to be the same Tommy whose pictures are on the web site. This Tommy is nicely muscled, not chiseled, and seems to shave to achieve the smooth body effect. He has no tattoos. Very pleasant, but told me that if I wanted him completely naked, it would be $20 for one song. Knowing nothing, I said yes. It was ok -- just ok. I went on to Campus where I found the boys less than thrilling, even in the eye candy dept.


I went back to Campus about 9:30 Tuesday night and boy, what a difference! Every one of the lads was a knockout, and they were all clear -- $10 for a dance, by the song, nude. With 5 I had two-dance ($20) encounters, and while each was a little different -- some went a little farther than others -- they were all wonderful. I then went to the Stock Bar, and it was not in the same league that night.

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Last night I ventured to the Far End of Ste. Catherine (at least as far as the gay part goes) and found the Adonis. Omigod. The skankiest boys I've ever seen. And the patrons made me look young. Made the audience on the worst night possible at the Gaiety look like the Paris Opera on the opening night of Pelleas and Melisande in 1904 - when Proust was there with tout le monde, the most glittering night in the history of..... You get the picture. The Adonis is a sinkhole, or at least it was last night.


It was Ladies' Night at the Stock Bar. I wandered in and out several times, and at 11:30 it was pretty full. The lads seemed to be putting on a pretty spirited display. Which goes to show where their hearts really are. I was depressed.


But NOT depressed at the Campus. Some of the same lads as the night before. I repeated private moments with most, and in some ways they were more intense. There were also some nice ones I hadn't met before. All bien muscle, as they say here. About 10 pm they opened up the back of the stage by moving the oval curtain away and things began to get wilder. It was wonderful. Two dances for $20 is what I and the ATM dispensing format have settled on, and really, truly, 5 or 6 guys for 10 minutes or so each of pretty thorough fondling, cuddling, whispering nasty nothings, is a lot for not much. The Campus has won my heart, though I will continue to try the Stock, simply because the stock there are so gorgeous -- but, I am afraid, Gaiety gorgeous.


I had discovered Smirnoff Ice and was knocking back number two when I realized that I would be uncontrollably joyful and generous if I had any more, and so out of prospective self-respect I retired to the Hyatt Regency (thank you, Priceline!), fighting my way through vast crowds of Jazz lovers at the Jazz Festival which, unknown to me, had made its headquarters my very hotel. I like jazz but in intimate settings. Somehow having it amplified so it can reach the New York State border across all Three Rivers defeats something intimate about the art form.


And so to bed (thank you, Samuel Pepys!).

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Continuing my strip club diary...


I took two nights off -- dinners with friends, long boozy evenings best ended with a good night's sleep.


Last night I made it to the Taboo -- did not realize how close it is to Metro Papineau. It was the best show so far. The lads are younger and slimmer than Stock or Campus. I like the more muscled types, and fortunately there were a few who had started to build their bodies -- not altogether the junior high school locker room effect! They are also a lot more fun. Their dancing is full of inventive movement and energetic flirting, with more than a little gymnastic use of the pole, some of it truly impressive (especially Vince!). I was latched onto by Marco, a really sweet kid from the Gaspe peninsula of Quebec. His English is on a par with my French. A fun kid. I was also impressed with Vince, Adam and Antony. Beautiful guys!


After a while I wandered out to get a slice of pizza, walked Ste. Catherine, and looked in on Stock and Campus. At Campus one of the dancers I had spent time with before hustled me pretty heavily, but I wanted to eat and told him I would be back. He said, in effect, that's what they all say. I left, got my pizza, and followed the crowd to the riverbank just beyond the bridge for the fireworks. A great, great show from 10 to 10:30. Half of Montreal must have been there, and a completely different crowd from what you would get in NYC -- families, older couples, no insolent young people shouting the N and F words (thank you, thank you, Bill Cosby!!), no hustle, no fear, just a great crowd of all kinds of people enjoying the fireworks in almost 1950's innocence.


I walked back to Taboo, the crowd had grown, the show was in full swing, and it was great. But the smoky air got worse and worse, and for the first time in a long time I started to get nauseous. Had a 2-song private with Vince -- lovely lad! -- and then had to leave. I was about to throw up. And all I had had to drink all night was Perrier water. Thank God for no smoking in NYC! I really, truly wanted more time but couldn't take the air. One side comment -- the booth and curtain arrangement in Taboo is terrible. NO privacy, some guy going around making sure nobody is fondling the wrong body parts, actually not a fun back room environment.


After hitting the night air and wretching a few times to get the nicotine etc. out, I felt better, and walked back to Stock and Campus. The walk was fun -- lots and lots of people on the street. Booths were still set up from the open air art fair this weekend. I had visited it during the day -- the usual range from mildly talented and interesting to out and out kitsch. Montreal has some truly great art galleries, and here was not the place to get that next great piece for the collection. Anyway.... Stock was full. I just don't feel comfortable there. So I headed down to Campus, with a full expectation of a repeat of my happy times of a few nights earlier. Climbed the stair, and as I entered, there was the guy who had ripped me earlier for saying I would be back. Well, I was back. And he started in on what I can only describe as the angry-wife routine -- you know, the one where you are coming in a little late and there she is, giving you what for with all she has. You said you would be back after getting something to eat, it's now after midnight, etc. etc. Well, he went beyond joking. After a few minutes of this -- we're still standing in the entrance, I can't easily get around him -- I say to him, "Who are you, my mother?" and I walk around him to the bar. If the bartender had offered me a drink, I probably would have stayed. But they are slow at the Campus, and so after a bit, I turned around, and was met by another, much more pleasant muscle lad. He tried to interest me, but I realized that I really did not want to be in the same room with all that negativity, and so I told him that one of the dancers had insulted me and left. Got back to the hotel, and so to bed.

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Enjoyed reading your notes about the strip clubs, but sorry you ran into difficulties with some of the guys. Similar stuff has happened to me over the last years of visits to Montreal. Last November, I walked into Campus and a dancer who used to work at Stock recognized me and began the strong sales pitch almost immediately. I was with my partner and we hadn't even removed our coats when he started in. I'm not good at saying no to a pretty face (and honestly, his private dances are none too exciting) so we ended up saying hello to some old friends from previous visits and moved down the street to Stock without getting to see any of the shows. (And regarding Stock on St. Catherine: I know it was a dive, but I really preferred Stock bar when it was on St. Andre-much more intimate and the guys seemed friendlier at that venue.)


Still, a night in Montreal without some sweaty private dances to remember on the walk/ride back to the hotel seems like a shame. Hope you had a few more nights to change your experience around (and the 'persistent' dancer had a few days off.) Thanks for sharing your notes.

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Today I returned to the hotel after brunch with friends (the Queen Elizabeth Hotel brunch is simply Heaven ... and only $28 Canadian). The room was not yet made up, so I stretched out and had a brief napette, and then decided I would rather be out and about than waiting for the cleaning lady. So off to Taboo, only to discover it does not open until 7. Or actually, 1900.


Down Ste. Catherine again. By the time I leave I will have been up and down the stretch of SC between Metros Beaudry and Papineau so many times that I can probably dream in SC if not in French. A stop into Adonis, passing two sweet grandmother types camped by the door -- it is still art festival time -- which seems a little odd, and then in to look. Still the skank factor, but it was so dark I could hardly see the clients or the bar. Continued on down to Stock, where there is a suprisingly skinny guy dancing. Bad tatoos, hardly muscled at all. The day shift, I guess. Then to Campus, with a presentable lot, several of of whom I have met before and with one have a rapturous reunion in a little room I am beginning to think of as my office. Then a long chat with a fascinating guy from Birmingham with more than a passing interest in the place.


After several hours of pointless and perfectly happy conversation, tanked up with a least 4 Perriers, I start to wander back to the Taboo, stopping first at Stock. To my surprise there is a lad there who interests me mucho -- David, from Latvia. I watch his very hot dances and then we make for the back. Bigger booths with black leatherette curtains. It is carefully explained that $10 per dance lets me look, and for $20 I can touch. I decide to throw thrift to the winds, and we have a really thorough exploration, which leaves me completely happy with the transaction. So Stock is back on my list again.


I then make a brief detour into L'Aigle noir. I am not dressed for this experience, aging, overweight preppy that I am, but am gratified to be cruised by someone I am not attracted to. Instead of offering to pose for him for $10 per song (the songs seem MUCH longer in L'Aigle) I thank him -- peut etre un peu plus tard I lie -- and having discovered that in my heart of hearts I just don't have it in me to be one of the lads I like so much, even if I had the bod -- I continue on.


The Taboo is now open, with most of the boys from the night before and some new ones. I immediately find (or am found by??) Anthony, with the adorable large nipples closer than usual on the pecs, with nice definition all over and the smoothest, whitest skin..... We talk at a table for what seems a rather long time, no pressure for a dance, but I guess he's wiser than his 22 years might indicate, because of course we end up in the back, and despite the limitations of the place, bliss is shared. At least I am blissed. Then back into the room. My Birmingham friend is now at Taboo, and I meet another friend of his and we share learned observations about the boys. The hours pass and it seems time to march back down SC again. I do, stopping in at Stock -- the night shift has arrived. I push on to Campus.


Campus is a surprise. An obligatory $3 entry charge, which gets a ticket for a drawing, the prize of which is either a free dance (how enthusiastic will the dancer be to be the prize, I wonder?) or some champagne. Inside the room, the late night lads are there, including Mother McCree, who now studiously avoids me. Several of my recent acquaintances pay their regards. But the surprise is that about half the crowd is ladies. I'm not sure it is formally Ladies Night, but it might as well be, and it really makes a difference. For one thing, the stripping is different -- more strutting in front of the women, less ass and cock on display. Restrained in a sort of curious way. Also, although I don't think of myself as gynophobic, it sort of shrivels the libido to consider marching back to the "office" with a lad in tow while all around there are women doing whatever they do at strip clubs -- which seems in fact mostly to be talking to each other and generally avoiding direct eye contact except when the lad in question more or less forces himself on them. Anyway, after an hour or so of introspection and sociological observation, I decide that the better part is to go. A brief visit to the Stock again -- some lovely lads, but I am not in the mood. Back to the hotel, and so to bed (or almost, as I am writing this just before hitting the pillow).


I am glad at least one person is enjoying reading this. I am enjoying writing it!

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Glad your possessive dancer got the message and left you alone finally. And I have to agree with you..Sunday nights at Campus are ruined by the ladies. The straight boys seem to want nothing to do with the paying folks and it is awkward to try to pull a dancer away from the gals to do a private.

Stock guys(in particular) really push the $20 dollars dances(for obvious reasons) but I noticed upon leaving the private dance area last visit, patrons were still touching the dancers with the curtains open, which I have to assume were metered out at $10 per dance. I had just paid $20 per dance for virtually the same treatment, albeit behind a curtain. Does everyone find these rate disparities at most of the Montreal strip clubs or just at Stock? I'm heading up at the end of August for the film festival and will most likely spend the days in the dark of the cinemas and nights in a dark of the clubs with a platform shoved between my legs and a gyrating cutie on my lap. Can't wait. Hope the rest of your trip goes well. :-)

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Today (Monday) was my last full day in Montreal. It was rainy and generally everything I would be interested to see in the museum and art gallery world is closed, so I stay in my room and read, play with the computer, read, sleep, read.... It is what a vacation should be, at least for me.


After enduring Crossfire on CNN I venture forth, first to Campus, which seems dull, and then to Stock. The new friend met at Taboo is at the outer bar and cheerfully waves at me, so I come on in, and a long and interesting conversation develops. He is an American happily transplanted to Montreal and loves it. He loves the stripper lads too, and knows a great deal about the scene. I am fascinated, and the hours quickly pass. In time the outer bar is closed and we are all gently herded into Stock (trying to keep my metaphors correctly associated here). My friend rates the lads present, as well as those represented by the pictures on the wall: nice, nasty, avoid him, really nice, etc. I learn that the one whose eyes have been put out (in his picture, that is) was spirited away to the home of the owner and is presumed to be living a life of indescribable luxury which the efforts of those left behind support. Some resentment is apparent in the choice of graffitic mutilation.


I am introduced to Marc, whose smile lights up the room and whose apparent innocence and charm win my heart instantly. He dances well, better than most of the others. His body is to die for. Before I expire I must taste of the fruits of his tree... anyway we head to the back. The dances here are now firmly pegged at $20/song if one wants to touch with the curtain closed, which I do, and so we have a mini-marathon. He has limits, but not many, and anyway he is twice as adorable in private as in public. My lights are lit, my buttons are pushed, and four songs later we part, with irrational semi-offers on my part to make him mine forever. He is sweet enough either to pretend not to understand or simply to smile his adorable smile as we make our graceful re-entry.


New friend and I continue to drink for a while. I try to attract the attention of Manuel, whose creamy white muscles are charging my engine again, but he is fixated on a young Asian who, I imagine, is presumed to be a trust fund child from Hong Kong. Our time has not yet come, Manuel and me. Anthony from Taboo -- he of the milk white skin and interesting nipples from the night before -- enters, perhaps with a friend, and has a drink. He doesn't seem to drink well. It must be his night out. I hate reality when it intrudes on my fantasies and modifies them. Friend and I walk up SC to Taboo, to find not much going on. The incomparable Adam is so busy that Friend dubs him a cash magnet. Vince is dancing again, just as well as before. He seems to be in a zone of his own when he dances. I love watching him.


The midnight Metro-closing hour approaches, and Friend and I leave, I to the Metro, he to a cab to his apartment in the Village, lucky fellow. Tomorrow I return to NYC, but I am already plotting my return. There is a plentiful supply of opera, ballet and orchestra brochures outside the theatre box office in the Place des Arts underpass to the Centre Desjardins on the way to the Hyatt. I see that they are planning to do Handel's Agrippina as well as Turandot, Ariadne auf Naxos, Don Pasquale and Carmen next season. Reason enough to hope for the future.

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Dear Friend,

thank you so much for sharing your vacation to montreal.

Makes me want to go back, haven't been there in years.

Most of all, reading your journal made me feel like I had

actually been there with a very sophisticated, interesting






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Guest msclonly

Ladies nite at the Stock on Wednesday 6/30 was crowded and busy.

It was the best nite for choice beef and from there it was downhill the rest of the week until Sunday the 4th with very few of the hot Stuff from earlier in the week.

Agree that there is too much emphasis made of the bonuses of the $20.00 presentation. It seems there is little difference between those and the $10. deal.

A friend requested a couple at $20.00, but the guy didn't stop at that. Then insisted on $100.00 and said, that he could hurt my friend! Another guy didn't know his own strength and got a little TOO rough with me, and was able to confirm this with another friend, who had the same experience. So be careful and get to know the guys before getting involved! Just a word of caution for the wise.



The Campus had a better collection of dancers all week and into Sunday the 4th, which was Ladies nite with a $3.00 cover. There were even real competition grade BBers working every nite. There are only the $10.00 rates and the doors have been removed. It makes for simpler bookkeeping, that way.

One of my favorites was kept busy for a continuous 1 and 1/2 hours by one small Japanese guy, who was later seen at the Stock. Apparently, he wasn't tired out and still looking for more excitement or companionship. I assume the entertainer had to do all the work!

I asked the dancer what the rate was for 30 minutes, but got no figure to work with other then he was paid a lot of $$, and was very exhausted, so he left in a hurry with a smile on his face!



:+ :+

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You'd think threatening patrons with physical harm would be a practice frowned upon by management. It's a shame they will patrol for inappropriate touching but verbal threats go unchecked. I guess if they (the dancers) can get away with it, they will. I often find it a challenge (if I've had too many) to keep accurate count of songs when it goes beyond 4 or 5 but fortunately haven't come across the dancer who seems to pad the count (too much.) A friend of mine gives the dancer the money upfront and leaves it to the dancer to know when to end it. I haven't done this, but he told me the dancers usually give him an extra song or two with this pay in advance method. There really shouldn't be sticker shock when a private dance is done. I guess I'll be spending most my evenings at Campus and the $10 dances. I hate haggling over lap dances. ;)

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Guest msclonly

Ladies Nite $3 Cover, but no prizes!


Just realized, that there were no Cover ticket drawings or prizes awarded all nite Sunday for Ladies nite! So the Door man was VERY VERY WRONG about value received for the $3 cover.


But also did not see any 'ladies' have lap dances. They just stayed glued to the edge of the stage and stared at the guys performing for them. Women have a reputation for being poor tippers, in spite of getting drunk! So a lot of the GQQD guys don't like to dance on Sunday. Other guys think of it as their 9pm-3am job and show up every day.





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