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I thought today's show was terrific! Maybe the fact that I've been away and hadn't seen a G show in a while added to my excitement but I think everyone will enjoy this lineup. Great looking guys who all rose to the occassion and put on a good show.


1. DAMIAN: This guy just drips sex appeal. Some guys have "bedroom eyes" but Damian has bedroom everything. He has a smooth, medium, muscular build. He's especially alluring when he raises his arms above his head, throws his head back and does this "thing" with his hair. It's quite a move and quite a turn on.


2. EDUARDO: HOT! HOT! HOT! This Latin dancer with a muscular build does a first number that will get your blood boiling. He does it in a police uniform that breaks away to reveal a perfectly toned body. His intense looks occassionally give way to warm smile that let's you know he's in on the joke. I loved this guy!


3. DEREK: Dark, handsome, movie star looks with a muscular build, this guy is hyper-masculine. Just dripping with testoserone, he reminded of Jeffrey in some ways. He seemed serious to talk to in the Lounge but I bet you could get him to laugh if you tickeled him in the right spots. He's quite a hunk!


4. RICCARDO: He has the beautiful profile that would look perfect on an ancient Roman coin. Gorgeous dark smokey eyes you could get lost in. His body could have been Michaelangelo's model for the statue of "David" with his clean, defined lines. If you want a boy who is a living work of art, look no further.


5. ADRIANO: Looking every inch the Inca god, Adriano is the most muscular speciman of the group. Strikingly handsome, flawless silky skin, every inch is perfection.


6. MASON: Too cute for words, this dark haired beauty puts on a pleasing show. With a medium, muscular build that's very easy on the eyes. A sweetheart to talk to in the Lounge and I'm sure fun in other places also.


7. RYAN: Another dark haired beauty with a slim, defined build, Ryan has a famous body part that everyone seems to enjoy. The guy has BALLS!!!!

Whether he's crawling around on the stage or just posing, back to the audience, legs spread wide, he'll give you plenty to admire with those low hangers. Trust me, it's a sight to behold.


I had a great time at this show. I hope everyone else will too.

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Foxy, Welcome back and thanks for another accurate and refreshing look at the G-lineup.


If anyone has received their July issue of Playgirl, check out the centerfold. It's sexy looking G-dancer GQ who hails from the Windy City. He's currently dancing at Madrigals and was seen last weekend performing at Cocktails, along with fellow G-dancers SYLVANO aka Stephano, and BEN VERSACE.


As for this week's G-lineup. DEREK seems to be getting a lot of attention. I agree, there is a physical similarity to JEFFREY of Quebec City... EDUARDO is currently running an ad on NY Rentboy. His stage show is very impressive and his choice of wearing a Caribbean PD outfit was perfect... DAMIAN is extremely erotic looking. His every move is calling out to take me home... RICCARDO of Stock fame, is a bit leaner and tighter looking. Try not to lock eyes with this beauty for he's impossible to resist. Pictures of RICCARDO can be found on the Stock website... RYAN is making his 3rd appearance at the G. He's tall, good looking, and has a medium build. Yes, his #1 assets (and he knows it) are his very low hanging succulent balls. :9


For a lineup that's missing a featured dancer, it was a good show.

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Guest Fisher

Friday Night Lineup


The 6:15 Friday Lineup:








Riccardo - wearing large weave black mesh underware








Weekend add-ons:


Luis - compact latino with goatee & large balls (though not as large as Ryan's)


Vladimir - willowy with blond wavy hair; had "performance" problems with 2nd number


Eddie - tall, lean, older


Oliver - cute blond super twink


Ray "Gostaza" - big Brazilian Gaiety regular now sporting a last name


Thought I spotted Roman in the audiance (possibly on a date)


Favorites: Damian, Riccardo, Oliver, & Ray


Anyone have the 411 on Damian, Riccardo, & Oliver. I know Riccardo is from Stock, but what about the other two? Anyone have off stage experience with any of the three of them? Thanks in advance :7

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Guest Fisher

RE: Friday Night Lineup


While I don't have any personal experience with Ray, I would be shocked if he doesn't see people between sets. Since he is the last dancer- then the Grand Finale - he has about 2-1/2 hours between dances :7

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RE: Friday Night Lineup


>>Oliver - cute blond super twink


I am neither cute nor blond. And, whereas, in my youth I was probably what is now termed a "twink", I'm sure I wasn't "super".:+ Also, I don't dance at the G ... OMG what a nightmare!!!


What does one call an old twink?:D



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RE: Friday Night Lineup


>>>Oliver - cute blond super twink


>I am neither cute nor blond. And, whereas, in my youth I

>was probably what is now termed a "twink", I'm sure I

>wasn't "super".:+ Also, I don't dance at the G ... OMG what

>a nightmare!!!


>What does one call an old twink?:D




An "oldie but goody" ? :-) :(

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RE: Oliver at the G


Read that the newest Falcon Exclusive is Tristan Adonis! (there are pictures of him, his brother, Dave Angelo, Tod Parker, Shane Rollins in the current Unzipped). Looking forward to Tristan's first video, which I believe is being released this fall. I miss the Adonis brothers, hope they return to the stage sometime soon.

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RE: Saturday Night at the G


Somewhat of a different lineup tonight as Derek/Eric ended his stay early. A few new faces and one very special treat were added.








Pino, making his G debut. http://www.remingtons.com/html/dancers.php?a=vp&id=95





Andre, an new addition, noted for his amazing flips and exciting stage show.


Ben Versace: brought the crowd to it's feet and emptied the lounge with one of his best performances ever. Not only is he a gifted/talented performer, but he showed off his tight muscular body in a very erotic way. It's dancers like Ben who bring the crowds back, and the patrons showed their appreciation by bestowing him with tips galore, (both numbers).


IMO, a much improved show over Fri. night.

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RE: TJ and GQ Playgirl layouts


>click here for GQ pics




As cliche as it sounds, I feel comfortable saying the photos really do neither TJ not GQ justice and that they really do look better in person.

Think I have gotten a better glimpse of their personalities in the handful of minutes I have spent with them in passing at the G than the photographer has shown after the hours it must have spent to get the shoot done.

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RE: Tristan Adonis


VDN, thanks for the visual and links on the Tristan interview... For those of us who have seen Tristan "perform" at the G, I'm sure we're all thinking the same thing. Hopefully, he can act... :-)

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weekend update


Thanks Cooper for your Saturday night update. Sorry to hear the Derek cut out early from the lineup. He's one of the best looking guys I've seen! Hope he'll be back. Glad to hear that Ben brought the crowd to its feet, or at least out of its slumber. He deserves to have his own dressing room backstage, make that an un-dressing room on second thought.

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Guest msclonly

Is Derrick or Derik, the same guy as Eric?


Derrick has the most symmetrical and perfectly proportioned muscular body, I have found in my Lifetime without being juiced and overbuilt and withOUT an once of fat! He is one lucky guy!

He has serious jobs at home, and last week was SLOW at the G. So it cost him money for Hotel and eating all meals out.

Anyway, I found him to be a great guy and sent him home with a Full Body Balancing and Alignment without the muscle tension and tenderness! :)

Met a guy in Montreal last year named Eric, who I swore was the same guy! Does anyone know for sure!


The other sleeper of the lineup was Adriano! He has a more mature and CLASSICAL perfectly proportioned and symmetical muscular build, that does not seem to be grown in the USA. Not a massive BBer, but has well developed muscles with wide shoulders tapering down to perfect abdominals and waist, small pelvis and well tapered thighs and legs. At 6 foot or a little more, he would standout as a most handsome masculine stud in any uptown setting. A real Latin Lover!

I Suggested he give up his oversized floppy sloppy worn levi jacket and pants, that made his exposed midsection and body appear smaller, for a black pair of slacks with a black short sleeve button shirt and combed hair with a smooth face. It made a world of difference and life changed for the better his remaining days at the G. He looked almost TOO good for the G.


Most of the guys felt the slim pickings and slow start early in the week. They claimed that Monday till Thursday was really dead. Made it very easy for me! :)

Denise should really lower the admission for the earlier shows with poor attendence. Or even give a coupon for an early show for $10 or $12 with your late show $20.00 admission. I would, since there were only about 6 people in the 'auditorium' for the Weds 6:15 PM show. :+



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RE: Is Derrick or Derik, the same guy as Eric?


I have to confer with you Msclonly, Derik / Eric was in my opinion the star of last week's lineup...for that matter, he's one stunning looking guy. Sorry it seems like it wasn't a stellar week for him. Hope it doesn't discourage him from returning to the Gaiety. I also wonder about the schedule of shows and whether incentives like you mentioned might work. Guess most of the G-goers have day jobs, so there's only so much you can do to fill the seats during the day, but it would certainly improve the atmosphere and morale of the dancers if they weren't dancing by themselves for a large portion of the week.


As for Adriano, I'm also in awe of his looks...very sexy, masculine and sultry Latin muscle man that he is! Anyone know if he's headed back to Argentina yet?

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