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Montreal Memorial day 2004

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I have some friends up there right now that are giving me reports-namely that the stock has really taken a dive(agressive hustlers-only $20 dances-shortened songs at night)too bad.

There are a lot of new cuties at the Campus right now.

Taboo,wellllll they could not see too much change in the talent.

VERY busy weekend.

I know some posters from this MC are up there right now-love to hear your reports.

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Well, sadly, I am not there. But I have gotten some reports from my so-called friends who keep writing and saying... "sorry you aren't here; it is so much fun." BLAH!


Anyway, apparently there is resurgence of talent at Adonis. One of my friends, who has never liked the place, says that there are now several (many?) cute boys there. Certainly worth spending some there anyway!


Got the same report regarding Campus... that it was fun this weekend. (I miss Phil)


And of course, Taboo is taboo.


Will I last until July????

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Now that you got my recent email, there is no way you will last until July 26.


Four new additions at Taboo and one of them is spectacular!!!!!!


Simon who danced there a couple of years ago


What a Body!!!!!!!

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Guest CTguy

Just got back from my Montreal weekend. How quickly time flies. It was nice meeting Firecat up at Taboo. He is a very popular guy there. I would have to agree with his assessment of Simon. Very HOT! He didn't even finish asking me if I wanted to have a lap dance with him and I was already going to the back room with him :p I remember Simon from a couple of years ago, his hair was shaved, this time he has a full head of hair and he looked adorable. His body is also a little more buff and cut and that butt is incredible. For those of you who have a Squirtz membership he does a video on the website. I also had a chance to meet Phil at Campus. What a sweetheart! and a pretty good pool player too! I have to disagree with the comment about Stock. It is basically dead there in the afternoon, I just walked in and walked out because there was nobody there, seems like campus gets all the afternoon business. However, on Friday night the place was packed! Standing room only and a fun crowd. Stock in the evening is the place to go if you like the buff muscle boys. Overall is was a very fun weekend and can't wait until July 4th }(

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Guest CTguy

I always found you have to be careful with the lap dances at Stock. You are correct the guys are very aggressive and I'm not surprised they are pushing the $20 dances. A friend of mine was there about a month ago, it was his first time and I think a lot of the dancers can tell its the first time, anyways my friend got about four songs of lap dances and the guy charged him $100!!! and it didn't sound like the dances were that great. As far as Adonis I went there several times over the weekend. I've heard a lot of mixed opinions about Adonis but I have always liked it there. I always stop there for an hour or two before I head to Taboo, and sometimes I never make it to Taboo }( Although I didn't really see any cute "new" guys there were many cute guys there. Two guys that gave great lap dances where Roberto (formerly used to dance at Taboo, really cut body and always wears a cap) and Louis, big brown eyes with several tatoos on his back.

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I learned a long time ago to avoid Montreal on long and holiday weekends. It's hunting season for dancers and there's too much competition.


As for aggressive dancers, one can always say "maybe later" or "no, thank you." As for $20 dances, "almost" anything goes once the curtains are closed and the customer should not be shy acting like a buyer.

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Guest Fisher

I'll be going up to Montreal the last week of June. Its been about a year since I was last there. I noticed that in the past few months both Stock & Campus updated their dancer's portfolios. Anybody have any info/comments on the following dancers?

STOCK : Billy, Isaak, Jonathon, Ben, Loick, Ricardo, & Marvin.


CAMPUS: Hugo & Pierre (Did Pierre use to dance at Taboo?)


Thanks in advance for your replys... by the way will anybody be there 6/23-28? :D

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>CAMPUS: Hugo & Pierre (Did Pierre use to dance at Taboo?)



Both used to dance at Taboo. Pierre now dances at Adonis. Hugo changes his work place monthly. Last time I went there he was at Campus, but a recent post by Lurker (that I think got lost in the meltdown) seems to indicate that he is now at TAboo.

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Guest Fisher

Thanks for the replies guys. I have a follow up:

Why was Billy refered to as "Billy the Kid"? Is it because


A) Youthfulness :7

B) Thugish "Young Guns" cockiness }(

c) "Danger Will Robinson Danger" - avoid him a rip-off x(


I also have a question on another dancer: about 1-1/2 years ago a dancer named Sammy danced at L'Adonis. He was about 22, had a goatee & a pencil-thin happy trail, dark hair/eyes, believed he danced primarily Saturdays, he looked like a younger/leaner/taller version of François/Frankie of Stock/Gaiety fame. In fact I asked him if he was François/Frankie's younger brother (he isn't). Does anybody know Sammy and if he is still dancing?


For that matter what about François/Frankie? I see that he is not on Stock's web site. Is he dancing at Stock (or any other club)?


Lastly any word on my all time favorite dancer Fredéric. He used to dance at L'Adonis & later Campus. He would also come to the Gaiety with Nicholas & Luc. I see Nicholas is dancing at Stock could Fredéric be there also?!? :p


Thanks again for the info ... counting down the days till I'm in Montreal. :+

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Hi Fisher


I saw cutie Frankie at The Stock on

New year's Eve and again in March, but

not in April. I think he's there only one

or twice and week, like Nicholas.

The Frederic that you are referring to....

does he go by other names, too? The one

that was once on the cover of

PlayGirl?? If that's the Frederic you mean...

he is living in LA, last I heard.

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Guest Fisher

Frederic of Montreal/Gaiety Fame


Hi GRoca,


Thanks for the reply.


I don't think that is the Frederic I'm talking about. The Frederic I'm looking for is a low keyed-type of guy. Never seen any photos of him in print. Don't know if he used any other stage names. At the Gaiety in NYC (where I first meet him) he was always Frederic. He last danced there in Spring 2002. He was also dancing at Campus at that time(don't remember if he used a different name there). He also would accompany Luc, Nicholas & others down to the south Florida strip clubs in the winter. He would be about 23/24 years old now, he was about Nicholas's size although less bulkier(could have been Nicholas's brother or cousin), he had brown hair, the sexiest hazel/green bedroom eyes I've ever seen, a happy trail, and a juicy bubble butt that he loved to display. He was studing business at the time ... hopefully he found a good job and is doing well. However, if he still is performing, I would love to hook up with him. Does anyone else remember this Frederic from Montreal who danced at the Gaiety from about 2000-2004? Any idea where/what he is doing?


Thanks - Fisher

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RE: Frederic of Montreal/Gaiety Fame


Hi Fisher


OK. That is a different Frederic. The

Frederic I know is about 6', about 200 lbs.

with spiky brown hair and highlights, and

very talkative. I would have definitely

remember someone who has such eyes, as you

had described! Sorry, don't have any info on


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RE: Frederic of Montreal/Gaiety Fame


I remember Frederic quite well, one of my favorites as well. I have fond memories of him. I am pretty sure he no longer dances; he was never very happy about performing. As stated, he used to travel/room with Luc and sometimes Nicholas, both of whom were/are his friends.

I remember one time talking to him after his stage at the Gaiety. I commented that it wasn't as good a performance as he usually gave. He told me he didn't like what he was wearing, made me laugh.

What a really nice kid, I miss him A LOT!

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Well I have some friends up in Montreal who are just raving about the quality of the new boys there. I guess once summer hits Montreal, boys from other parts of Canada flock there, and the talent pool increases.


I went there in March and April (it was a long winter) and it was fun, but new talent wasn't plentiful. Went at the wrong time. Now I have to wait until Pride in July to see it.


Next year, I think I will plan trips in June and July (and maybe August, lol).

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Marc Anthony,please ask your friends for a trip report.

The reasons you stated are among the reasons I chose to go a little later this year than is my custom.Also not having to put up with lots of crowds (well St.Jean Babtiste day-but I am looking forward to that-already have my blue and white outfit!)

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I was there last weekend too and had sensational dances with Pierre at Adonis on Friday AND Saturday.

I didn't notice anything substantially different in the prices or attitudes at Stock but a couple of may favorites (Michael in particular) were not around.

Also my all time favorite Yan from Campus is no longer there - the other guys say he went to Stock but Sylvain at Stock didn't know who I was talking about when I asked...

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>Also my all time favorite Yan from Campus is no longer there -

>the other guys say he went to Stock but Sylvain at Stock

>didn't know who I was talking about when I asked...


Yan actually stays in email contact with my friend/escort/favoriteboy Travis of Dallas. He decided to stop dancing (for now anyway) about a month ago. Just said he had other things he needed and wanted to do.

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All of you Taboo fans will be happy to know they are back on the web at http://www.taboomontreal.com


I returned yesterday from my week in Montreal.I don't have a lot of time to post right now, but I will say I enjoyed the city and the sights, but found the strip club scene to be rather less than fulfilling.


I spent parts of several evenings at Taboo. Some one needs to teach those boys how to flirt with the customers. Most of them spend their time either playing pool or hanging out with each other or a couple of regulars. I like to sit back and observe the goings on, but it's also nice to at least be approached with a hello. I had maybe 5 or 6 guys total say anything at all to me in the times I was there. I also observed many customers arrive, watch the show for a bit and leave without being approached at all by anyone. I don't know how some of those guys make any money at all.


My first night there (saturday 5/29) there were 25 dancers on duty and about the same number the second night. The other times I visited were quieter. I did chat a bit with Jack who is a very sweet black guy from Bermuda. I also chatted a bit with Rafael who seems a bit older than most of the guys there, but he's got a great body and twinkly eyes.


I agree that Alan is gorgeous. I think my favorite performer was Mathieu, an extremely handsome blond guy with a good stage show. He seemed to be very popular and quite busy.


I did pop in to Campus once and was not particularly impressed except for an adorable little latin guy who must have been in Cirque du Soleil with his acrobatics.


And I popped in to Adonis for a quick drink Friday evening. There were definitely a couple of cute dancers there, but I was tired and needed to go home and pack so I didn't stay long.


I hope all of you also get a chance to see all of the other things Montreal has to offer when you are there. There's lots of history and some pretty good shopping too. :-) I definitely plan to go back and see the things I didn't get a chance to see this time around.

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>>Yan actually stays in email contact with my

>>friend/escort/favoriteboy Travis of Dallas.


>Travis Wade?

>I'd love to get back in touch with that beauty!


LOL... no, sorry... not Travis Wade. Travis who used to be in Boulder and now is in Dallas (I think escorts and is reviewed here under either just Travis or Travis Eton).


This Travis is one of my favorite escorts, and have taken him several times to Montreal so he has become friends with many dancers. ANd though I think Travis Wade is quite a hot man, he is not a twink and would ruin my reputation! LOLOL (j/k)

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