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Montreal Trip Report - long post (with some comments, observations and questions for veterans)

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Montreal Trip Report - long post

(with some comments, observations and questions for veterans)


I'd like to thank everyone here, especially KarlG, for their postings in the previous Montreal thread in this forum. I traveled there this weekend and I found all your remarks, ideas, hints and suggestions to be very helpful and right on the money. I live in Burlington, VT and have traveled to Montreal only once in all my years, and I didn't have that great an experience. Burlington is a very clean city and I guess I wasn't prepared for the level of street side seediness on Ste. Catherine. Anyway, the postings and suggestions here encouraged me to re-visit it. I drove up and stayed at the Gouverneur in one of the upper middle floor business rooms (their intermediate rate) for $150 Canadian per night (Sat./Sun) and found it quite acceptable. As advertised, the location was perfect and within easy walking distance of all the clubs. My only travel problem was with Canadian customs at the Vermont Border. After asking the usual questions, they pulled me over and told me to go inside. Once inside an officer asked me several more questions, including the hotel where I was staying and the reservation confirmation number! The officer disappeared for a while (obviously to do more background checking) and then they finally sent me on my merry way. This added at least twenty minutes to the drive. I am wondering if others have had similar border problems or did I just fall into a random audit? (I'm not an ax murderer).


The postings here about the Campus where right on the money. I went there during the Saturday afternoon shift and the boys where very friendly and attentive without being overly aggressive. The music also wasn't the constant boom-boom disco (which I hate). They actually played some soft songs more to my liking and tolerance and which I thought went well went well with some of the dances.


Question: I know its taboo to tip a dancer while performing on stage, but afterwards when he would come around to sit with me I would sometimes discretely slip him a 5 spot as a tip for a nice show, and to compensate him for spending some pleasant conversion time with me -- some of which led to private dances in the back depending on whether the I thought the initial chemistry was right. Maybe, I was misreading things, but most of the boys acted kind of strange when I did this (meaning they where either offended or surprised -- I don't know which). Is this a violation of standard etiquette or possibly management rules?


I asked one dancer for a hotel private and he agreed to do so for $200. After talking with him in the back some more he admitted he was straight. I asked for more details on his limits etc. and was not that comfortable with them or him so I told him I'd pass. I was just getting the wrong vibes. After that he seemed rather offended. He also insisted on a five-dollar tip after I refused his hotel offer. Guess my hunch was right.... For the rest of the afternoon he also seemed rather overly aggressive about trying to re-instate his offer (even though I had politely given him the message). He did have a wonderful body though... I propositioned some of the other dancers who were openly gay, but alas they did they did not do privates, or at least displayed a certain discomfort level with doing so. On Sunday afternoon there was one dancer (Lanny) who was very attentive and erotic. We tentatively agreed to meet for a hotel private after his shift. I went to dinner and returned just as he was on his way out. He seemed very tired and not really up to it. He asked me what I would pay so I offered $150. He declined, but never made a counter offer. But we did have a pleasant walk together down Ste. Catherine Street. I bought him some Sushi and we talked pleasantly for about 10-15 minutes -- very attentive and pleasant fellow.


The posting here about the 9:00 pm the shift changes at Campus is also right on. I found the boys to be much more aggressive about hustling. During, the afternoon you can still kick back, relax and sort of drink it all in. Harder to do that after the 9:00 p.m. shift.


I went and had some dinner and then dragged my sorry butt down to Adonis for a pleasant remainder of the evening. I enjoyed the atmosphere: low key songs and accompanying shows. I met a wonderful dancer named Curtis who was refreshing low key. Dressed in all whites (which looked wonderful in the UV lighting and contrasted erotically with his tan skin), he spontaneously appeared at my table. I suffer from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and by this time I was starting to slip into one of my episodes. Curtis is a naturally empathetic person who seemed to sense that I was hurting in some way. We talked (unsolicited) for about twenty minutes. The conversation was genuine and pleasant. He then took me in the back for a dance. At that point I was only into soft cuddling and intimacy, which he picked up on right away. He gave me three wonderful dances full of warmth, hugging, petting and gentle conversation. Admittedly, this style is not everyone's cup of tea, but it was just what I needed then. Curtis seems to take the time to get to know and genuinely emphasize with a client's needs. I think he's missed his calling; he could make ten times what he does now as a quality escort (he probably would also make a great psychiatrist too, but I'm sure that would soon destroy his natural empathy).


The other dancer's that night also seemed really in touch with people. There was a frail elderly gentlemen sitting at one table with friends (I think it was his birthday?). Anyway, several dancers, including Curtis, spent pleasant quality time with him and then one of them eventually gently led him in the back (he couldn't walk without assistance). That's quality service in my book.


Strangely, Sunday night at Adonis was almost the antithesis of Saturday night. I got there after dinner and just sat down and kicked back. The crowd was small (maybe twelve or so serious patrons) and I think about five or six dancers. For some reason the atmosphere was rather cliquish. Four of the dancers (between shows) were spending time with two groups. It was well over an hour before anyone offered me a dance, which would have made sense if it was crowded but there was only about a 2 to 1 ratio of patrons to dancers at this point. That didn't really bother me since I was perfectly content just to sit back, relax and watch the shows, but it didn't make sense to the investor sentiment in me. When the boy I really wanted to dance with finally made it around to taking me back, we had one dance (that started late) and then he said he had to leave immediately because it was his turn for him to do his stage show. He ran off before I could even pay him???? I felt I really didn't owe him for this song, but being the honest jack I am, I went back to my table and waited for him to finish his show. He came around and I paid him the $10 hoping he might make it up to me, but he promptly went back to join the clique he was with. More puzzlement than offense taken on my part, since I would have been a shoe in for another 2 or three dances at least, but he never gave me the chance. Talk about killing the golden goose (the investor sentiment in me again). It's not like I'm a totally ugly troll either (I've been told in objective/impartial settings that I'm quite attractive; which again I find puzzling since I've never been able to get a date to save my life.... but I digress). Anyway, it was kind of a confusing night (especially from the standpoint of the establishment financial priorities), but still enjoyable. The dancers were all gorgeous and just my type, even if I couldn't get a paid date. One of the other dancers finally left his clique and gave me some rather rushed and generic dances in the back. Still had a good time though watching everything.


Early Sunday afternoon I ordered out from the agency recommended here (Hot Boys/Agence Bel Homme 514-598-5354). They sent me a young boy (Luke) who was very professional, clean and attentive to my needs (which admittedly are quite vanilla and simple). The rate was a real bargain at $100 Can. plus I threw in a $20 tip. As some of the previous posts here have suggested, this is probably a better (and cheaper) alternative than trying to bring a dancer home. I called the agency later to compliment them on their service and to let them know Luke treated me well.


On Sunday evening after dinner I did something that I know is going to get me a scolding: I picked up a street hustler, or rather he picked me up. I had just exited from Le Club Sandwich (nice little place to eat) and was walking back to my hotel, minding my own business. My mind was thinking about something completely else right then; I really wasn't looking around or being obvious, or even paying much attention to my surroundings or being much aware. Out of nowhere appears this very attractive young man (who happened to be exactly my type) asking if I would like some company (for $40 of course). Now I HAVE done a little homework and studying, enough to know that this is not the best thing in the world to be doing. But he was a very straightforward, honest looking, clean-cut, boy-next-door type. It didn't help matters that he had beautiful (clear) eyes and beautiful dark silky blond hair under his winter cap. I was so stunned (as I said my mind was in another place at the time), I didn't know what to do. I told him point blank about my reservations about hiring a street boy. He answered all my questions directly and honestly. I play a lot of poker as an avocation so I have developed at least a rudimentary sense for reading people and situations on the fly. So I decided to go ahead gamble with this hand I was just dealt (admittedly a drawing hand at best but one with decent payoff potential) and took him back to my hotel. Fast forward: it turned out to be a wonderful time. And at no point during the encounter did I feel threatened or afraid for my person. I felt like offering more than the agreed upon sum if we could relax and just enjoy each others company for a while longer (he was pleasant to talk to), but I thought it over carefully and decided it was best to stick to the original plan and simply settle for a quickie.


Question for all you veterans out there: I certainly know that picking up a street hustler is not exactly a safe thing to do. I was wondering if my favorable experience with doing this in Montreal was simply a statistical aberration, or is the Montreal street scene generally more favorable and safer than in other locations. I certainly don't plan on making this thing a habit, and I certainly was not going out of my way to explore it (it just fell in my lap), but I was wondering if others have had similar favorable (safe) experiences with the Montreal street trade.


Naive in Vermont

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Haven`t been to Montreal yet however on reading your post, it seems like those boys missed their perfect mark for the evening - a kind, generous gentlemen who was alone and would have enjoyed their company and willingly paid for it.

As for the street pickup. It`s over, it worked and you apparently had a great time with a beautiful boy who was possibly looking for the completion of his rent payment. There will no doubt, be message responses about what you did wrong/right etc but "it`s too late now"

You stepped `out of the box` and successfully got laid or vice versa and had a very nice experience. Don`t sweat what you might have done "correctly"?.

Says me, who keeps falling "out of the box".

:-) :-)

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Guest Gringo

If cupid has smiled on you, enjoy the moment. There is life beyond the rent-a-dick venues. There are part timers and amateurs who can show you a good time. Inherent risks with street bois are a given. But life is full of risks. We all make choices. Sometimes the aces, sometimes the deuces. :+

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Having sampled (ahem) more than a few of the boys available outside the Bourbon complex where you met your hottie, I can attest to the fact that some are indeed a real bargain. But the operative word is "caution" as many are druggies and absolutely worthless and a rip-off.


By exercising your "poker skills" you did the right thing in evaluating your pickup based on how he communicated with you and on his general appearance. The druggies tend to be scuffier and more anxious to agree to anything you suggest. I have found that 5 or 10 minutes conversation is a good idea to try to figure out how trustworthy these guys are. In the final analysis, you have to go with your "gut feeling" but it helps to make a little effort to avoid the rip-offs.


Also, it must be said that Montreal generally is a very safe environment and there are very few instances where violence occurs in this type of scene, unlike other North American cities where I would definitely not try to pick up street hustlers.

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>Thanks for the follow-up. I guess I got lucky and managed to

>stumble into a diamond in the rough.


I have picked up quite a bit of guys on the streets in Montreal. It is always fun and exciting. I have never had any major problems doing this. On one stay at the Bourbon Hotel, I think I averaged more street boys than dancers. It was fun.


I will agree that the guys that work up there tend to be more safe to take back to your room than in most cities I have been to. But, it may also just be the luck of the draw.

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This is just my experience, which is much less than the regular Montreal posters on this forum, as I have only been to Montreal 5 times. I have picked up many, many street boys in the Hotel Bourbon/Le Club Sandwich area, and have never had a problem. All were honest with me and performed admirably.


I have never, nor will I ever, pick up some dance boy from any of the clubs. IMO, they all want you to spend a hell of a lot of money for a private dance, where whoop de doo, you MAY get to touch their genitals.


I HATE Campus, as everytime I have been there, I have encountered only straight, steroid muscle boys who try to rip off the gay clientele. As I've stated here before, I will never forget the time one of those "gay for pay" fucks threatened to cut my throat for merely touching his cock, after spending $100+ for private dances. Fuck them, who the hell needs the attitude!


I found all the dancers at Adonis to be overly aggressive and demanding BIG BUCKS for a private hotel visit and many of them were not interested in going into the back for privates. And even if you told them you weren't interested in a tryst at your hotel for their over-inflated fees, they would get nasty if you didn't tip them at least $10 just for the "pleasure of their company" while they talked to you and pitched their hustle.


I haven't been to Stock or Taboo, but they are probably just as bad. Probably a lot of bucks for little if any bang.


IMO, give me the street boys in Montreal, as if you use caution, they deliver MUCH more for LESS money and hassle than the prima donna dance boys!

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VaHawk, your experiences with dancers and street hustlers ring true, although I would say there are exceptions to both cases. Meaning some dancers are quite nice people who give quality services for the money they earn. Similarly, there are street hustlers who are complete rip-offs, even if what they charge is much less than the dancers. For those of us who maintain residences in Montreal, another problem with the street hustlers is that once they know where you live, they tend to make unannounced visits when they are low in funds. I have even had some ring my doorbell at one in the morning when I was fast asleep! We call them "night crawlers" :o

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Did you really skip Stock Bar?

Its quite possibly the hottest stripper bar in the world!


I have seen patrons tip dancers on stage in Montreal - they seem to like getting US $1 bills. But I've never seen a dancer get tipped for standing around with a customer - they were probably quite shocked by this. When the dancers visit with the crowd they are marketing private dances in the back. So tipping there doesn't make a lot of sense.

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> My only travel problem was with Canadian customs at

>the Vermont Border. After asking the usual questions, they

>pulled me over and told me to go inside. Once inside an

>officer asked me several more questions, including the hotel

>where I was staying and the reservation confirmation number!

>The officer disappeared for a while (obviously to do more

>background checking) and then they finally sent me on my merry

>way. This added at least twenty minutes to the drive. I am

>wondering if others have had similar border problems or did I

>just fall into a random audit? (I'm not an ax murderer).


Many of my trips have been by car and I have made that particular border crossing as well as a few others several times. Somewhat more than half the time I am asked where I am going to stay along with the usual questions about how long and why I am going to Canada. If you dont want to say or truly don't yet have a reservation you can just say that you will find a place when you get there, and that doesn't seem to cause any problems. Once out of many trips I was told to pull over and go inside as you were. There was nothing different about that trip than any other. I was asked some more detailed questions, and then was sent off as you were. I suspect that it is a normal procedure for Canadian customs and immigration to look a little more carefully at randomly selected unsuspicious cases every now and then (alongside the suspicious ones, of course), just as it is with the US officials and almost certainly those of every other country. On some other trips they have waved me through asking only where I was going and without even taking the passport that I was proffering through the window.


Coming back across the border to the US, though, has always involved quite a few questions: where I was, why, how long, what I was bringing back, etc., and twice I was asked to open the trunk. And that was before 9/11 and "Homeland Security."


You might also have been a little more likely to get stopped because you have Vermont plates, since it is the border state. There are a lot of people who go back and forth frequently and have friends/relatives on "the other side," and there is even a substantial number of people who live on one side of the border and work on the other. Prices are generally cheaper on most things in the US because of higher Canadian taxes (prescription drugs being a notable exception, of course), and so Canadian customs is always on the lookout for people, both Canadians and Americans, who are bringing goods in for themselves or their friends/relatives.


>Question: I know its taboo to tip a dancer while performing on



Not exactly taboo, but it's not very common. It's considered a little gauche and it's not done by the locals. It marks you as an American, and it has come to be thought of as not in good taste. However, years ago the locals used to do it, too, at least some of them. But when the government got rid of $1 and $2 bills in favor of $1 and $2 coins the practice stopped, since most people were not as free about giving out $5 tips as $1 or $2, and it also tended to look a little too ostentatious at $5/tip. And $5 was more then than it is now, as well.


>but afterwards when he would come around to sit with me

>I would sometimes discretely slip him a 5 spot as a tip for a

>nice show, and to compensate him for spending some pleasant

>conversion time with me -- some of which led to private dances

>in the back depending on whether the I thought the initial

>chemistry was right. Maybe, I was misreading things, but most

>of the boys acted kind of strange when I did this (meaning

>they where either offended or surprised -- I don't know

>which). Is this a violation of standard etiquette or possibly

>management rules?


Neither a violation of etiquette nor of management rules, as far as I know. Certainly the boys are allowed to accept money from customers. (Why else would they be there... LOL) I suspect they were just surprised, rather than offended, since not too many people do that, either. But as far as I know that's not considered gauche, as long as it is discreet, as you say it was. The dancers come around to try to interest you in a private dance, for which they expect to get paid, but they aren't expecting you to give them money at that point. You didn't specify, but if you gave it to them while saying something like "I really enjoyed your dancing" it should have seemed understandable to them. On the other hand, if you weren't saying anything at that moment or were talking about something else they might have been a little confused.


>I asked one dancer for a hotel private and he agreed to do so

>for $200. After talking with him in the back some more he

>admitted he was straight. I asked for more details on his

>limits etc. and was not that comfortable with them or him so I

>told him I'd pass. I was just getting the wrong vibes. After

>that he seemed rather offended. He also insisted on a

>five-dollar tip after I refused his hotel offer.


You did the right thing. That's exactly how you should proceed. It's your money and your party and you have to feel comfortable about it. He was probably pissed since he thought he had lined up a job. You asked him and then changed your mind. But insisting on a tip and specifying the amount is off the wall.


>Guess my hunch was right.... For the rest of the afternoon he also

>seemed rather overly aggressive about trying to re-instate his

>offer (even though I had politely given him the message).


Maybe the rent or his credit card or some other big payment was due. But it had to do with him, not you.


>Question for all you veterans out there: I certainly know that

>picking up a street hustler is not exactly a safe thing to do.

>I was wondering if my favorable experience with doing this in

>Montreal was simply a statistical aberration, or is the

>Montreal street scene generally more favorable and safer than

>in other locations.


I haven't been a big patron of the street scene, so this is just a general feeling, but my impression is that it is somewhat "more favorable and safer" in Montreal. Which is not to say that there aren't problems and dangers, but it seems less so than in many other places.

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BTW, I too wonder why you went only to Campus and Adonis, and missed Stock and Taboo. You should at least check them out on your next trip. I am assuming that won't be too far off, since it sounds like you had a pretty good time, and you live only 1-1.5 hours away by car(!!). You can even go just for the evening! (I'm jealous!)

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Thanks YFSC for your follow-ups. Ironically, my passage through US Customs on my return was fairly routine. They did stop me to do a quick cursory vehicle walk- around/search/questions, but it looked like they were doing that to everyone. Next time I think I will take the bus from Vermont. The bus station in Montreal (Station Central I guess it's called) is right across the street from the Gouverneur, and I neglected to mention that the Gouverneur charges $16.50 per day for parking (and my non- retractable radio antenna scrapes the overhead pipes and beams). Two days worth of parking should just about pay for the bus I think.

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>BTW, I too wonder why you went only to Campus and Adonis, and

>missed Stock and Taboo. You should at least check them out on

>your next trip. I am assuming that won't be too far off,

>since it sounds like you had a pretty good time, and you

>live only 1-1.5 hours away by car(!!). You can even go

>just for the evening! (I'm jealous!)


Thanks. I checked them out briefly but didn't stay at either very long. I will give them a second try next trip. I drive like an old lady and get very nervous in traffic, so next time I think it's the bus for me. (With the stop at customs it took 2 + 30) :-)

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Was in Montreal over the weekend and stayed at the Hyatt (formerly Wyndham Hotel). The trek to Campus, Stock and Taboo wasn't all that bad. Campus Friday night was crowded but I managed to get ahold of Mickey who was very, very generous in the back. I checked out the new Taboo and saw a lot of regulars, including Pierre who used to be at Campus days. The dancers seem to be even more daring this time in the back. One guy is real stand out; I can't remember his name but he's not a twink and has a nice face, body and equipment.


Campus Saturday (before 9 pm) was slow. Bad for dancers, good for customers. For those of you who finds Roberto attractive, you just have to approach and talk to him. Luckily I speak Spanish so we were able to converse. His Spanish is ok (better than mine) since he said he came with his mother to Canada when he was five; his father is still in Cuba. He was very generous in the back. As this was my first encounter with him, I didn't ask about meeting off the premises; besides, he was going to a party that evening.


All in all a great and productve weekend in Montreal.

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Speaking of Campus, I was wondering if anyone has seen Ryan there recently? He danced at the Gaeity a couple months back and is

a really great looking guy, about 6'4", tossled light brown hair,

great face and a huge set of low hanging balls. Seemed to have made a great first impression with the guys in New York...Tell him to get his cute self down here soon!

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