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In the latest messages about the Gaiety, a few mentioned the lack of people at Stella's. From talking to the dancers, many of them are no longer going because of the rotten treatment they receive, and many other promoters are offering them better gigs, better pay and, most importantly, respect. Sure, a few in the business are drugged out losers, but the majority are simply trying to make ends meet. There's this big nasty manager with a limp and a moustache and a baseball cap so you don't know he's bald that runs around the bar and makes everyone's life--both dancers and patrons--miserable. He's even yelled at me and to this day I don't know what I did. I told him to go fuck himself and told the manager what an asswipe he was and that he was driving away her customers. I wish he would spend more time running around the bathroom floors with a mop...or his tongue!


I'm suprised the NYPD is giving Gail any trouble; she's usually out front with her sunglasses on at midnight with her head way far up their ass, commenting on customers in attendance. I used to go to Stella's a lot but my time and limited money spent there has been greatly reduced; I don't have that much "pin money" to be shoving down someone's g-string and I'd rather spend time with happier dancers and nicer staff.


One example of Stella's bullshit: they've recently acquired two new sofas in the downstairs area. A customer was chatting--no touching--with a dancer when Quasimoto came along and told the dancer that the sofa was not for him and if he didn't move along he'd be fired. Come on, what's that about! There used to be a great manager there named Robert but he left to manage a restaurant on the east side. Too bad, he knew the business AND understood that the dancers, even those who may not be rocket scientists but deserve common decency.


Since it's been a while, I'm going to Stella's tonight to see just what is going on. I'll report back.


By the way, for those of you who spend lots and lots of time at the Gaiety...is there some sort of discount for high volume attendance? I simply can't afford to go AND tip (I've been there twice and both times sat in the front and both times saw big white muscle men with huge schlongs). And when you're at the Gaiety, just how much do you tip the dancers by leaving the money on the lip of the stage?


Sorry to hear about the drag queen no-show at La Fleurs, but drag time is never real time and that's why I only go to La Fleurs on Monday nights, when MEN are the entertainment.


I think I've bitched enough...for now.


Love, Regina :7

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Regina, How did your night at Stella's go? find anything out?... I was there last night, still no "boyz" and very few patrons. I'm hearing many different stories as to why the "boyz" are no more, but seeing the NYPD standing nextdoor at the China Club does send a "get lost" message. Btw, the 11:30pm "go-go" show is still a go... Regina, what happend to LaFleur's? I went there last night only to find the place CLOSED! The gates were down, the lights were off, and the police were across the street. What's going on?


As for your question about how much to tip at the G. If you're sitting stageside it is expected that you'll tip, usually $1-2 is enough, but if you like the dancer why not splurge.:p

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I was at Stella's about 4 times this past week. Not one time when I went in there were there any boys wandering around. It was a ghost of times past and a bit sad and disappointing to me. I kept going back to find out if it was just the night I was going on but after 4 attempts, I figured all the boys were on vacation. I will try again in March. :)

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Guest Tomcal_

Three of the Latin guys from Stella's are in L.A. working at Numbers this week, when we had the Hooville dinner meeting on Thursday they said they had just gotten in town and where staying 3 weeks, one of them has been a regular at Stella's for the past 3 years, named Carlos, big muscle guy from Costa Rica.

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Guest Tomcal_

Three of the Latin guys from Stella's are in L.A. working at Numbers this week, when we had the Hooville dinner meeting on Thursday they said they had just gotten in town and where staying 3 weeks, one of them has been a regular at Stella's for the past 3 years, named Carlos, big muscle guy from Costa Rica.

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>Three of the Latin guys from Stella's are in L.A. working at

>Numbers this week, when we had the Hooville dinner meeting on

>Thursday they said they had just gotten in town and where

>staying 3 weeks, one of them has been a regular at Stella's

>for the past 3 years, named Carlos, big muscle guy from Costa




Head West Young Man !!

Is it possible that they`re all staying with Tomcal ??

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RE: Searching for the Stella Boyz


I am determined to find out where the Boyz from Stella's have gone. I started my search back at Stella's and found no hustlers working the beat. However, the midnight go-go show was going on as scheduled... Next, I tried "The Web" a gay bar on 58th between Park/Madison. Lots of Asian boyz, even one locked up in a cage dancing, but no Stella's boyz... I then went to O.W. on 58th between 2nd/3rd. Saturday night's entertainment was "go-go" dancing. Nice looking guys who take tips down their thongs, along with hot topless bartenders, but no hustlers from Stella's... Finally, I broke my promise of never returning to the Townhouse bar again, but I needed to see if the boyz were there. The place was packed with distinguished looking gentlemen in suits and a few hustlers, (ratio 50 patrons to 1 hustler), but didn't see the good ole boyz from 47th St... I'm now heading to Chelsea to check out a few downtown bars/clubs.... I'm not giving up on my mission. :-)


I was talking with a few patrons at Stella's and no one seems to know why LaFleur's closed. It had it's official opening back on 12/31/03... There's a rumor going around at Stella's that the boyz will be back in 3 weeks. I'll keep you posted.

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Read entire thread and haven't been to Stella's this week except at happy hour and noticed it more than usually quiet, but just figured it was the week...I mean, rent isn't due, right? But was at Rawhide Friday and bumped into a hot hustler who I used to occasionally see at Stellas. He said he has recently gotten married (?!?) and was using the excuse to the wife that he was painting apartments in the evening to get out and make some extra $$. Anyway, he told me that there have been several police hits at Stella's and that they got 7 boys in 2 nights with police lures. Many of these kids are illegal aliens and have little recourse so they are running scared. I suspected that something like this might occur when Cathy started renovating the downstairs and putting in couches and new lighting. With the success of China Club next door getting the tourist crowd I wonder if she is hoping for a gay equivalent. (Good Luck!) Anyway my "informant" told me that he has been told by "management" (with whom he is apparantly friendly) that he was welcome to be there, but not to hustle. Well, he doesn't go there to drink! Perhaps Cathy is trying to bring in an new crowd and is getting rid of the old crowd along the way. I planned on going tonight...(I don't figure a lot of the boys there as Sex in the City fans,) and will see if I can get anything out of the bartenders. Also, while I was chatting with my pal, his cell went off and he says, "It's my boys from Stella's...I got to go meet them and discuss things." And he was off. If I see him again, I will ask what that was all about.

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Guest Tomcal_

Information I got today from a P.R. friend of mine in Miami(who works at stellas' when he is in NYC) confirmed what skynyc posted. He said they are asking the guys to show their passports and that "Kathy" doesn't want hustlers in the bar anymore and that she is trying to "change" the type of bar it is!

Maybe it's time for a group of us to get together and invest in a new bar in NYC ;-) }( where these guys will feel welcome, because I seriously doubt Stella's will make it as a gay bar without the boys there.

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With the new apartment building directly across the street from Stella's, is it any surprise that the police are checking on the guys that congregate on the corner, hustling and dealing drugs. Or the low class hustlers that frequent Stella's hustling clients without performance. The staff there has been nasty and rude to customers for years, but only recently has started to be tough on the rip-off hustlers that frequent the place.


I will be happier when the bouncer and bartenders at Stella's are unemployed. :-)

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Although I too would like to see some of those foul mouthed people at Stella's to be sent sailing, I would NOT like to see the place closed. Considering this is New York City...the Big Apple...I find it embarrassing that Rudy Giuliani disposed of our right to view hard dick (and let's not even discuss the lack of glory holes)...after all, the city is embracing with open arms and open wallets new STRAIGHT strip clubs, and don't tell me they're under the same scrutiny as the gay strip clubs. No, I don't want to see Stella's close, but at the same time it might be nice for a few of those crabby people (Cathy and Bruce to name two) to pull their heads out of their asses and remember who's putting food into their mouths and money into their purses!



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I heard that the China Club wants Cathy's space to expand their club and will do whatever it takes to get her out. So, she's paranoid and acting as such, though word is that this is temporary. At any rate, no one is happy. The customers are disappearing. She's not making any money in liquor sales, the bartenders are not making any tips, the cocktail waiters look forlorn, and the poor dancers are lucky if they take home $10. Only crabby Bruce seems unaffected.


Just another New York real estate story.

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Lucky, This certainly is bad news and if it's a permanent closing, this place is truly going to be missed. For several years, Stella's has been the best hustler bar in NYC. It was a great place to hang after a G show and there was always plenty of eye-candy to go around.

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RE: SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!!!!!!!


ARE YOU SERIOUS? I cannot believe this bar is closed! Something must have happened but God only knows what. I'm trying to call as I write this (Friday at 6:51pm EST) and the phone just rings and rings...truly a sad day. No other place like it! If anyone hears anything...LET US KNOW!



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RE: SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!!!!!!!


I didn't notice it myself, but I was told that the China Club was also shuttered last night...

And, the Jack Rose restaurant on the corner went under. Big changes seem to be in store for this neighborhood.

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RE: SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!!!!!!!


The China Club was not closed last night (Saturday) but Stella's still was. I ran into a few dancers on the street who showed up to work and found the bar closed. No one had called them in advance, preventing them from obtaining work elsewhere. Working for Stella's seems to be like getting fucked without getting kissed!

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Dearest OneFinger,


>A posting on another website indicates that Stella's is

>closed for renovations. Apparently it ain't dead but is under

>doctor's care. :7


I sure hope what you say is true. Your news is great to hear. Now, I hope the renovations will make the place better and badder than it ever was.




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>A posting on another website indicates that Stella's is

>closed for renovations. Apparently it ain't dead but is under

>doctor's care. :7


Sheesh, if that's what it is, you'd think they would be bright enough to post a sign saying "Closed for renovations." They could lose a lot more customers by making them think the place is gone. I hope you're right.

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I am hard pressed to believe the bar is under renovations. If there were the case you would think they would have called those dancers scheduled to appear, allowing them to take other engagement! I've heard that Cathy (Kathy?) went to Florida but no one knows why.


Doesn't sound good to me, but as I've said, the bar is not run by rocket scientists!

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