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Montreal: Feb 5-10

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Well, I am in Montreal, one of my favorite cities. The trip to get here was a pain in the ass. Snow was everywhere and the trip from the airport to the hotel took me an hour due to traffic. Tonight, I will hit one or two of the hot night spots. Taboo, here I cum!

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Taboo on Thursday night was fun. There were several of the regular boys that keep things moving nicely. Pierre Luc, Francis, Joey (Dakota), Gislain, Pierre, Chris, and a few others.


There were also some new boys which I will try to remember the names for tonight but some really cute ones that are working.


I kept trying to find Tampa Yankee in the crowd but he kept disappearing for hours at a time. I do hope he was able to come up for breath before the night was over. At one point I was in the back room and thought I heard his voice. The new curtains are up so I couldn't recognize his face. But, when I was getting ready to leave, I heard a few moans that I was positively able to identify as him. So at least I know he was alive when I left. As the moans were not the type that left me worried about him, I headed back to my room with a few of the boys to meet me there later in the night.


I outstayed Firecat which is unusual for me. He kept us filled in on all the new boys that were working and has a good relationship with all the boys. There is one new kid that Firecat introduced us to that is really hot and has an adorable smile. Fire, help me out here, what was his name? You know my valium kicks in and my memory isn't what it use to be. :)


The management of Taboo is still top notch. The owner recognized and remembered all of us by name and made sure were felt comfortable there.


Marc Anthony, the boys asked about you and want to know exact dates when you will be in town. They all seem to be willing to work the entire weekend around your schedule. Why is that? :) Can you send me a few of your secrets?


It Tampa was able to find his way out of the back room last night and make it to his hotel room, we are going to meet for a quick bite at Chez Cora and meet Fire at Campus. I have a few appointments lined up throughout the day today with some boys I have been wanting to meet.


My goal for today: 3 eggs for breakfast, 3 strip clubs, 3 boys in my hotel room and 3 orgasms. Do I dream too high? Perhaps it is just the great Canadian spirit giving me hope. :) Or the great smoke they have at the park in front of my hotel room? :)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Oz who?!?!?!?!?!


I deny everything!!


... well most everything


... well some of everything


... well... what the fu...


How does one get red paint off the hand??



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After a great brunch at Chez Cora with Tampa Yankee and Firecat, we headed to Campus. Tampa had told me about a great guy he had a private dance with and I was keen to give him a try. He as quite fabulous.


Since my goal for today was three boys, I had one arranged for 6pm from the service Hot Boys. The boys name was Louis and I enjoyed him quite a bit. I have hired from them many times and have never been really disappointed. There are certain things that some of the boys don't do and I usually discuss that with them upfront and we find other ways to have fun. :)


Taboo was great tonight as we saw many dancers from last night and the addition of Damian was quite fabulous. His nickname with me is "SuperTwink" and I think that is quite appropriate.


Tampa Yankee, Firecat and myself were surrounded by at least 5 boys all night long. It was fabulous. What a great place Taboo is. The owner sent me over a few drinks on the house which always gets my attention. I was in the back room at one point for my umteenth private and he had the waiter bring a Malibu and Pineapple back for me as he said he was worried that I would get a heat stroke since I had been there so long. :)


Of course, Tampa got lost from us again for most of the night. I only saw him when I was back in the private room and then only when I walked by and saw a beaming smile from his face. :)


At 1am, I had another boy from Hot Boys, Rene, come over. I have seen him now on every visit I make to Montreal and he is adorable. I think he is perhaps the best boy for a hotel session I have found up here. Thanks Fire for the recomendation. :) BTW: I have his scheduled a few more times this weekend so anyone who is trying to get him, give up, he is booked. :)


As my goal was 3 boys today, I have my 3rd coming over at 4am after he gets out of the dance club. :) Wish me luck!


Marc Anthony, I think I have Damian convinced to marry me. You might have to miss him on your next trip up here. Would that be upsetting to you? Or, would you come to the wedding? :)

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>Marc Anthony, I think I have Damian convinced to marry me.

>You might have to miss him on your next trip up here. Would

>that be upsetting to you? Or, would you come to the wedding?



Now, now... share some! You have 3 boys in one day (one of whom is Rene), and you want to marry Damien????

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Just time for a quickie...


Subjected myself to sensory load stress testing... controls and steam gauges still in good working order... lol


... an action packed 40 minutes at campus, then a three hour tryst with good friend, followed by a great Italian dinner and hours at Taboo with all the boys. Have decided to extend another day.}(

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Another day? Rumors have it that you have requested a permanent Visa. :)


OMG This boy from Hot Boys named Rene is the best! He is adorable, cute, sexy, and just simply fun to look at. For anyone who comes to Montreal and doesn't meet this guy, shame on you! :) But, then again, YEAH more for me. :)

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>OMG This boy from Hot Boys named Rene is the best! He is

>adorable, cute, sexy, and just simply fun to look at. For

>anyone who comes to Montreal and doesn't meet this guy, shame

>on you! :) But, then again, YEAH more for me. :)



I assume that this means your wedding to Damien is off (or at least postponed).


Good news for me!



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Well, lets see: Rene is masculine, well-defined body, sexy smile, nice personality, thick cock, versatile, fun to be with, genuine and perhaps one of the sexiest boys I have met in this arena. His only drawback is that he does not speak good English. I speak no French. But, that has not stopped me from hiring him over and over. I think he is around 20 years old. His body reminds me of a high school football player without all the bulky muscles. He has a few tatoos. He doesn't drink or do drugs. He has a good head on his shoulder and his cock. I love to watch him orgasm. :) How is that for a head's up? :)

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>So tell us more about this boy Rene... You guys are making me

>jealous since I still have to wait a couple of months until I

>have a chance to head up there. :-(


If you are a bel ami fan... he looks like Jason Paradis when he was young (in his early vids)... a dead ringer actually.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>Another day? Rumors have it that you have requested a

>permanent Visa. :)



Hmmmm... just last night, actually 4am this morning, one of the boys was asking why I dont have an apartment in Montreal? I had no good answer for him. :)


>OMG This boy from Hot Boys named Rene is the best!


Actually... better than that, and sweeter than honey. }(




IMO the cream of the new crop (how Freudian is that): Kevin and Ryan with Anthony on their heels.


Kevin: As I remarked to Oz -- he and I had taken over the far side of the back room (we had the room pretty much to ourselves) with Damian on my lap, and Kevin and Ghislain standing nude on each side of Oz -- "Kevin looks like an ancient Greek statue, but the first one I have seen that was really HUNG". LOL... REALLY!! He has a great face and classic greek ass and torso, and big, fat and uncut. Oh, and the smoothest skin. ... and affectionate.


Ryan: the best face, beautiful eyes and an ass to die for, hung very well. Another very affectionate boy. Nice white skin...


Anthony, bigger boy, hung to the floor, nice white skin friendly, inquisitive and better than average read for someone his age in this line of work. We had an interesting talk about rocket propulsion and mars rovers during our back room dance.Great attitude and also affectionate.


Thursday night started slow but turned out well, we had lots of fun with the boys -- the regulars and the new. Friday was strange (the full moon) smaller than usual crowd and the energy was a little weird but Fire, Oz and I had little time to notice as we were surrounded by boys all night the great regulars and the new boys. It doesn't take the new ones long to warm up. They see the regulars come to us and soon the new ones are surrounding us too. Saturday night was great, unexpectedly so as I had been told that Saturdays had been lackluster lately.


There is a third manager now, learning the ropes. His name is Patrick, a younger guy, nice and likeable. He also sent Oz and me complimentary drinks on occasion. Much like Claude the younger in style and appearance.


Tonight is audition night, but I will have to leave the coverage of that in the capable hands of Oz and Fire as I have a 10PM date at CLub Date with Pierre-Luc and Francis for you know what??? Karioke... lol. WE will repeat the disaster of last fall once again as Francis takes the stage to sing. ;( I'm sure we will be driven to drink!! :p


General comment: Campus is still the place for essentially unfettered action. If you can find your type and be careful he is not a rip off artist then a great time can be had. Fortunately, I know a few reliable guys that are my type and work the afternoon. And I try to audition a new one every trip. Last time it was James. This time I forgot his name... lol but I remember everything else! }( Big fun!! :D


Not sure I will have time to post tomorrow as I may be busy saying "hasta la vista" to a friend or two before I leave in the afternoon. ;)

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>Hmmmm... just last night, actually 4am this morning, one of

>the boys was asking why I dont have an apartment in Montreal?

>I had no good answer for him. :)


Yes, TY... why DON'T you have an apt in Montreal? And no fair asking the same question of me!






>IMO the cream of the new crop (how Freudian is that): Kevin

>and Ryan with Anthony on their heels.


Believe me, I heard you loud and clear.




>Kevin: As I remarked to Oz -- he and I had taken over the far

>side of the back room (we had the room pretty much to

>ourselves) with Damian on my lap, and Kevin and Ghislain

>standing nude on each side of Oz


Quite an image! Just the idea of having Damien on anyone's lap brings a smile to my face! hehe. BTW... how are the monitors at letting boys actually be on your lap?




>Ryan: the best face, beautiful eyes and an ass to die for,

>hung very well. Another very affectionate boy. Nice white



hmmmm....best face and ass to die for... do you think that I will like him??? hehe




>Anthony, bigger boy, hung to the floor, nice white skin

>friendly, inquisitive and better than average read for someone

>his age in this line of work. We had an interesting talk about

>rocket propulsion and mars rovers during our back room



TY... you are disappointing me. You were talking about aeronautics with a cute boy in your arms????




>Thursday night started slow but turned out well, we had lots

>of fun with the boys -- the regulars and the new. Friday was

>strange (the full moon) smaller than usual crowd and the

>energy was a little weird but Fire, Oz and I had little time

>to notice as we were surrounded by boys all night the great

>regulars and the new boys.


This does not surprise me at all!!!


I have

>a 10PM date at CLub Date with Pierre-Luc and Francis for you

>know what??? Karioke... lol. WE will repeat the disaster of

>last fall once again as Francis takes the stage to sing. ;(

>I'm sure we will be driven to drink!! :p


Oh GAWD! For anyone who has ever heard Francis sing... bring out the hard stuff!





>Not sure I will have time to post tomorrow as I may be busy

>saying "hasta la vista" to a friend or two before I leave in

>the afternoon. ;)



Meet you there in March, Tampa. And as you can guess... I can't wait!

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Saturday: After going to bed late the night before, I awoke to the knock of a sexy boy. He showed up at my place for a noon time afternoon activity.


We went to eat at our favorite restaurant for brunch, Chez Cora. As usual, I had too much food to eat but the company of Tampa Yankee and Firecat made the time pass fast. If you know Tampa, you will know his "smart ass" sense of humor is just as good in the early afternoon as it is late at night. :)


I had an appointment at 6:00 PM with a boy I had met at the bathhouse the night before. He was very cute and sexy. He wasn't quite what I expected in bed and made the appointment very quick.


Our gang had dinner at a nice Italian restaurant close to Taboo. Imagine that? Us picking a place near Taboo. :)


Taboo was loads of fun. I have two new boys that I am developing a good rapport with. Both are very sexy and Marc Anthony is going to eat them up when he comes here.


One of my favorite boys, Gislane, was in good form tonight. He really knows how to work a stage performance.


I had to leave early from Taboo as I had a meeting at midnight with a young man who is new to escorting. I was more than a bit apprehensive about the meeting but I am glad I went through with it. He was fantastic. I know from the videos I have seen of him that he was hot in bed with other boys but had no idea at all if he would be able to perform for me as well. I was very pleasantly surprised. He was very fun and sexy and I had a great time with him. Often times, trying something new is fun for both guys. :) I told Marc Anthony that this boy was hit cup of tea and that I wasn't sure he would be able to handle him. Well, Marc, after tonight, let me just say that I have no doubt in my mind that you will be able to tame this wild stallion. As I respect the boy's privacy, I will not give his name here. But, if anyone wants info on seeing him in Montreal, I will ask him for his permission to give to others. He is fun and sexy and one of the most intelligent and talkative young men I have been with.


As always, Montreal is great fun on Saturday night. Taboo was fun, the boys were hot, the atmosphere was fabulous, my hotel room was busy, I had marvelous food and great company. I see why Marc Anthony is intent on making this his second home. :)

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>Taboo was loads of fun. I have two new boys that I am

>developing a good rapport with. Both are very sexy and Marc

>Anthony is going to eat them up when he comes here.



I think this is a conspiracy to drive me crazy. You guys keep telling me how much I am going to love these guys knowing full well that I am already bursting at the seams waiting for my turn to be there!


Well, Marc, after tonight, let

>me just say that I have no doubt in my mind that you will be

>able to tame this wild stallion.


I certainly will relish the opportunity to try!





>As always, Montreal is great fun on Saturday night. Taboo was

>fun, the boys were hot, the atmosphere was fabulous, my hotel

>room was busy, I had marvelous food and great company. I see

>why Marc Anthony is intent on making this his second home.




Ok... let's look at this in an objective light.


# of days spent in Montreal in the last 365 days:


Marc Anthony: 20

Totally Oz: 35

Tampa Yankee: 40

Firecat: 300


LOL... who is the one making this a second home????




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Guest Tampa Yankee

Sunday Night


Taboo on Sunday night was much better than I anticipated as I had heard that Sundays were dead right now. Word must have gotten out that there was a new crowd in town... lol. Decent crowd for a Sunday with a smaller line up of dancers but two of the three new hotties: Ryan and Anthony were there; and some regulars: Ghislaine, Jordan (super hottie), Damien... and of course Totally Oz.


It was audition night and I wanted to be there early to check out the new guys, however I was better than an hour late from an early evening appointment. :) Nevertheless, I got to see two new hotties audition, unfortunately I dont recall the names but I remember everything else. :) One, a cute nicely hung uncut twink and the other a 20 yo hot atheletic bod black guy. I wanted to test drive both in the back but only had time for one and the black guy was avialable. Nice guy, great lean muscular body -- plays basketball, soccer and football (cornerback) -- great legs, abs, chest, back and ass. It was great seeing Jordan again and another back room dance with hottie Ryan before I had to leave to meet Pierre-Luc and Francis at Club Date for a fun night of Karioke... lol.


It was a fun and interesting night at Club Date. I got to see again Jean-Rene the former bartender at Taboo that worked at Clubdate during the Taboo closing and chose to stay on after taboo reopened. Between someone that turned out to be female (not clear at first glance... lol) working very hard to pick me up including buying us a round of drinks (doubles at that), and a French Canadian singer dedicating a song to me... well, to the guy smoking the cigar (classy cuban mind you) stinking up the joint... lol and then the, how shall I say... the unique singing style of Francis and also two great tunes by Pierre- Luc, the night zoomed by.


Oz was supposed to join us at Club date for a while but curiously enough, he was MIA as he is prone to be around 11:00 to midnight... the word prone was innocently chosen mind you. :p Rumor has it that Oz slinked out of town in the early AM, monday morning -- not sure he could walk :) -- and Firecat went back on the respirator :+ so I coudn't tempt him out for a nice brunch. Recognizing that the party was over, I turned out the lights and left town.

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